44 resultados para DIUC, Investigación, Informe, Proyectos, 2012, 2013
To select each node by devices and by contexts in urban computing, users have to put their plan information and their requests into a computing environment (ex. PDA, Smart Devices, Laptops, etc.) in advance and they will try to keep the optimized states between users and the computing environment. However, because of bad contexts, users may get the wrong decision, so, one of the users’ demands may be requesting the good server which has higher security. To take this issue, we define the structure of Dynamic State Information (DSI) which takes a process about security including the relevant factors in sending/receiving contexts, which select the best during user movement with server quality and security states from DSI. Finally, whenever some information changes, users and devices get the notices including security factors, then an automatic reaction can be possible; therefore all users can safely use all devices in urban computing.
This paper proposes a simulated annealing (SA) approach to address energy resources management from the point of view of a virtual power player (VPP) operating in a smart grid. Distributed generation, demand response, and gridable vehicles are intelligently managed on a multiperiod basis according to V2G user´s profiles and requirements. Apart from using the aggregated resources, the VPP can also purchase additional energy from a set of external suppliers. The paper includes a case study for a 33 bus distribution network with 66 generators, 32 loads, and 1000 gridable vehicles. The results of the SA approach are compared with a methodology based on mixed-integer nonlinear programming. A variation of this method, using ac load flow, is also used and the results are compared with the SA solution using network simulation. The proposed SA approach proved to be able to obtain good solutions in low execution times, providing VPPs with suitable decision support for the management of a large number of distributed resources.
Distributed Energy Resources (DER) scheduling in smart grids presents a new challenge to system operators. The increase of new resources, such as storage systems and demand response programs, results in additional computational efforts for optimization problems. On the other hand, since natural resources, such as wind and sun, can only be precisely forecasted with small anticipation, short-term scheduling is especially relevant requiring a very good performance on large dimension problems. Traditional techniques such as Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) do not cope well with large scale problems. This type of problems can be appropriately addressed by metaheuristics approaches. This paper proposes a new methodology called Signaled Particle Swarm Optimization (SiPSO) to address the energy resources management problem in the scope of smart grids, with intensive use of DER. The proposed methodology’s performance is illustrated by a case study with 99 distributed generators, 208 loads, and 27 storage units. The results are compared with those obtained in other methodologies, namely MINLP, Genetic Algorithm, original Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Evolutionary PSO, and New PSO. SiPSO performance is superior to the other tested PSO variants, demonstrating its adequacy to solve large dimension problems which require a decision in a short period of time.
Energy resource scheduling becomes increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle use is envisaged. The present paper proposes a methodology for dayahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and of gridable vehicles, usually referred as Vehicle- o-Grid (V2G). This method considers that the energy resources are managed by a Virtual Power Player (VPP) which established contracts with V2G owners. It takes into account these contracts, the user´s requirements subjected to the VPP, and several discharge price steps. Full AC power flow calculation included in the model allows taking into account network constraints. The influence of the successive day requirements on the day-ahead optimal solution is discussed and considered in the proposed model. A case study with a 33 bus distribution network and V2G is used to illustrate the good performance of the proposed method.
Distribution systems are the first volunteers experiencing the benefits of smart grids. The smart grid concept impacts the internal legislation and standards in grid-connected and isolated distribution systems. Demand side management, the main feature of smart grids, acquires clear meaning in low voltage distribution systems. In these networks, various coordination procedures are required between domestic, commercial and industrial consumers, producers and the system operator. Obviously, the technical basis for bidirectional communication is the prerequisite of developing such a coordination procedure. The main coordination is required when the operator tries to dispatch the producers according to their own preferences without neglecting its inherent responsibility. Maintenance decisions are first determined by generating companies, and then the operator has to check and probably modify them for final approval. In this paper the generation scheduling from the viewpoint of a distribution system operator (DSO) is formulated. The traditional task of the DSO is securing network reliability and quality. The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed by applying it to a 6-bus and 9-bus distribution system.
This paper proposes a new methodology to reduce the probability of occurring states that cause load curtailment, while minimizing the involved costs to achieve that reduction. The methodology is supported by a hybrid method based on Fuzzy Set and Monte Carlo Simulation to catch both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters of transmission power system. The novelty of this research work consists in proposing two fundamentals approaches: 1) a global steady approach which deals with building the model of a faulted transmission power system aiming at minimizing the unavailability corresponding to each faulted component in transmission power system. This, results in the minimal global cost investment for the faulted components in a system states sample of the transmission network; 2) a dynamic iterative approach that checks individually the investment’s effect on the transmission network. A case study using the Reliability Test System (RTS) 1996 IEEE 24 Buses is presented to illustrate in detail the application of the proposed methodology.
The large increase of distributed energy resources, including distributed generation, storage systems and demand response, especially in distribution networks, makes the management of the available resources a more complex and crucial process. With wind based generation gaining relevance, in terms of the generation mix, the fact that wind forecasting accuracy rapidly drops with the increase of the forecast anticipation time requires to undertake short-term and very short-term re-scheduling so the final implemented solution enables the lowest possible operation costs. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource scheduling in smart grids, considering day ahead, hour ahead and five minutes ahead scheduling. The short-term scheduling, undertaken five minutes ahead, takes advantage of the high accuracy of the very-short term wind forecasting providing the user with more efficient scheduling solutions. The proposed method uses a Genetic Algorithm based approach for optimization that is able to cope with the hard execution time constraint of short-term scheduling. Realistic power system simulation, based on PSCAD , is used to validate the obtained solutions. The paper includes a case study with a 33 bus distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources implemented in PSCAD .
Electricity Markets are not only a new reality but an evolving one as the involved players and rules change at a relatively high rate. Multi-agent simulation combined with Artificial Intelligence techniques may result in sophisticated tools very helpful under this context. Some simulation tools have already been developed, some of them very interesting. However, at the present state it is important to go a step forward in Electricity Markets simulators as this is crucial for facing changes in Power Systems. This paper explains the context and needs of electricity market simulation, describing the most important characteristics of available simulators. We present our work concerning MASCEM simulator, presenting its features as well as the improvements being made to accomplish the change and challenging reality of Electricity Markets.
A multilevel negotiation mechanism for operating smart grids and negotiating in electricity markets considers the advantages of virtual power player management.
The paper introduces an approach to solve the problem of generating a sequence of jobs that minimizes the total weighted tardiness for a set of jobs to be processed in a single machine. An Ant Colony System based algorithm is validated with benchmark problems available in the OR library. The obtained results were compared with the best available results and were found to be nearer to the optimal. The obtained computational results allowed concluding on their efficiency and effectiveness.
The scheduling problem is considered in complexity theory as a NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Meta-heuristics proved to be very useful in the resolution of this class of problems. However, these techniques require parameter tuning which is a very hard task to perform. A Case-based Reasoning module is proposed in order to solve the parameter tuning problem in a Multi-Agent Scheduling System. A computational study is performed in order to evaluate the proposed CBR module performance.
Este artigo descreve um estudo levado a cabo no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ISCAP-IPP), no curso de Licenciatura de Contabilidade e Administração nas unidades curriculares de Projeto de Simulação Empresarial (PSE) I e II, no ano letivo de 2012/2013. Este estudo tem como base um inquérito efetuado a 60 alunos em PSE I e a 60 alunos de PSE II. O inquérito tenta aferir a perceção dos alunos para questões sobre competências gerais e específicas, consideradas importantes para os gestores e contabilistas no presente. Os resultados transmitem que os alunos reconhecem que a frequência das unidades curriculares permite o reforço e melhoria das competências adquiridas ao longo do curso. Estas conclusões corroboram os de Adler e Milne (1997) que nos dizem que os alunos concordam que a aprendizagem orientada para a ação ajuda na melhoria das suas competências e conhecimentos.
Este estudo desenvolveu-se no âmbito do Consórcio “Maior Empregabilidade” criado em 2013 e constituído pela Fórum Estudante e por treze instituições de ensino superior: Universidade do Algarve, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade do Minho, Universidade Portucalense, Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, Instituto de Arte, Design e Empresa - Universitário, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal e Instituto Politécnico de Tomar. Amostras e instrumentos do estudo quantitativo A abordagem quantitativa do estudo “Preparados para trabalhar?” incluiu a administração de questionários junto de diplomados e empregadores. Para a análise dos resultados foram considerados 6444 diplomados (62% do sexo feminino), com uma média etária de 29 anos (desvio padrão de ± 7 anos), que concluíram a licenciatura (67%) ou o mestrado (33%) entre 2007-2008 e 2012-2013, numa das treze instituições de ensino superior participantes no estudo (distribuídas de norte a sul de Portugal); e 781 empregadores (54% do sexo feminino) na sua maioria com idades entre os 31 e os 45 anos (58%), maioritariamente distribuídos a nível nacional.
Este estudo pretende aferir a relevância das reservas na estrutura financeira da cooperativa e compará-las com a relevância das reservas numa sociedade comercial, de idêntica estrutura financeira. Para o efeito, depois de uma reflexão sobre o tratamento jurídico e contabilístico das reservas nas cooperativas, procede-se a um estudo empírico, tendo por referência a Cooperativa dos Pedreiros. Tendo em conta um conjunto de vertentes construídas a partir do enquadramento jurídico e contabilístico – constituição e utilização das reservas, as suas finalidades (quer durante a vida das cooperativas quer no momento da dissolução e liquidação do seu património), as funções das reservas, e o seu enquadramento contabilístico, – realizou-se uma entrevista em profundidade e procedeu-se à análise dos Estatutos da Cooperativa dos Pedreiros, com vista a analisar tais vertentes na atividade desenvolvida pela mesma e refletida nos relatórios de contas dos anos 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 e 2014. Os resultados do estudo confirmam que as reservas nas cooperativas têm um regime jurídico diferente face ao das sociedades comerciais, nomeadamente quanto ao destino da reserva legal, que nas cooperativas se circunscreve à cobertura de perdas, bem como a sua irrepartibilidade entre os cooperadores. Tal diferença é, igualmente, visível quando se estabeleceu o paralelismo entre o regime das reservas na cooperativa e na sociedade comercial. Constata-se que as reservas apresentam maior importância na estrutura financeira da cooperativa do que na sociedade comercial. Por fim, refira-se que o caráter pioneiro deste estudo empírico poderá contribuir para uma futura alteração ao normativo jurídico português aplicável às cooperativas quanto a aspetos particulares do seu regime, destacando-se a importância da contínua dotação das reservas irrepartíveis, nomeadamente da reserva legal.