149 resultados para real-time scheduling algorithm


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Os sistemas de tempo real modernos geram, cada vez mais, cargas computacionais pesadas e dinâmicas, começando-se a tornar pouco expectável que sejam implementados em sistemas uniprocessador. Na verdade, a mudança de sistemas com um único processador para sistemas multi- processador pode ser vista, tanto no domínio geral, como no de sistemas embebidos, como uma forma eficiente, em termos energéticos, de melhorar a performance das aplicações. Simultaneamente, a proliferação das plataformas multi-processador transformaram a programação paralela num tópico de elevado interesse, levando o paralelismo dinâmico a ganhar rapidamente popularidade como um modelo de programação. A ideia, por detrás deste modelo, é encorajar os programadores a exporem todas as oportunidades de paralelismo através da simples indicação de potenciais regiões paralelas dentro das aplicações. Todas estas anotações são encaradas pelo sistema unicamente como sugestões, podendo estas serem ignoradas e substituídas, por construtores sequenciais equivalentes, pela própria linguagem. Assim, o modo como a computação é na realidade subdividida, e mapeada nos vários processadores, é da responsabilidade do compilador e do sistema computacional subjacente. Ao retirar este fardo do programador, a complexidade da programação é consideravelmente reduzida, o que normalmente se traduz num aumento de produtividade. Todavia, se o mecanismo de escalonamento subjacente não for simples e rápido, de modo a manter o overhead geral em níveis reduzidos, os benefícios da geração de um paralelismo com uma granularidade tão fina serão meramente hipotéticos. Nesta perspetiva de escalonamento, os algoritmos que empregam uma política de workstealing são cada vez mais populares, com uma eficiência comprovada em termos de tempo, espaço e necessidades de comunicação. Contudo, estes algoritmos não contemplam restrições temporais, nem outra qualquer forma de atribuição de prioridades às tarefas, o que impossibilita que sejam diretamente aplicados a sistemas de tempo real. Além disso, são tradicionalmente implementados no runtime da linguagem, criando assim um sistema de escalonamento com dois níveis, onde a previsibilidade, essencial a um sistema de tempo real, não pode ser assegurada. Nesta tese, é descrita a forma como a abordagem de work-stealing pode ser resenhada para cumprir os requisitos de tempo real, mantendo, ao mesmo tempo, os seus princípios fundamentais que tão bons resultados têm demonstrado. Muito resumidamente, a única fila de gestão de processos convencional (deque) é substituída por uma fila de deques, ordenada de forma crescente por prioridade das tarefas. De seguida, aplicamos por cima o conhecido algoritmo de escalonamento dinâmico G-EDF, misturamos as regras de ambos, e assim nasce a nossa proposta: o algoritmo de escalonamento RTWS. Tirando partido da modularidade oferecida pelo escalonador do Linux, o RTWS é adicionado como uma nova classe de escalonamento, de forma a avaliar na prática se o algoritmo proposto é viável, ou seja, se garante a eficiência e escalonabilidade desejadas. Modificar o núcleo do Linux é uma tarefa complicada, devido à complexidade das suas funções internas e às fortes interdependências entre os vários subsistemas. Não obstante, um dos objetivos desta tese era ter a certeza que o RTWS é mais do que um conceito interessante. Assim, uma parte significativa deste documento é dedicada à discussão sobre a implementação do RTWS e à exposição de situações problemáticas, muitas delas não consideradas em teoria, como é o caso do desfasamento entre vários mecanismo de sincronização. Os resultados experimentais mostram que o RTWS, em comparação com outro trabalho prático de escalonamento dinâmico de tarefas com restrições temporais, reduz significativamente o overhead de escalonamento através de um controlo de migrações, e mudanças de contexto, eficiente e escalável (pelo menos até 8 CPUs), ao mesmo tempo que alcança um bom balanceamento dinâmico da carga do sistema, até mesmo de uma forma não custosa. Contudo, durante a avaliação realizada foi detetada uma falha na implementação do RTWS, pela forma como facilmente desiste de roubar trabalho, o que origina períodos de inatividade, no CPU em questão, quando a utilização geral do sistema é baixa. Embora o trabalho realizado se tenha focado em manter o custo de escalonamento baixo e em alcançar boa localidade dos dados, a escalonabilidade do sistema nunca foi negligenciada. Na verdade, o algoritmo de escalonamento proposto provou ser bastante robusto, não falhando qualquer meta temporal nas experiências realizadas. Portanto, podemos afirmar que alguma inversão de prioridades, causada pela sub-política de roubo BAS, não compromete os objetivos de escalonabilidade, e até ajuda a reduzir a contenção nas estruturas de dados. Mesmo assim, o RTWS também suporta uma sub-política de roubo determinística: PAS. A avaliação experimental, porém, não ajudou a ter uma noção clara do impacto de uma e de outra. No entanto, de uma maneira geral, podemos concluir que o RTWS é uma solução promissora para um escalonamento eficiente de tarefas paralelas com restrições temporais.


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The mainline Linux Kernel is not designed forhard real-time systems; it only fits the requirements of soft realtimesystems. In recent years, a kernel developer communityhas been working on the PREEMPT-RT patch. This patch(that aims to get a fully preemptible kernel) adds some realtimecapabilities to the Linux kernel. However, in terms ofscheduling policies, the real-time scheduling class of Linux islimited to the First-In-First-Out (SCHED_FIFO) and Round-Robin (SCHED_RR) scheduling policies. These scheduling policiesare however quite limited in terms of realtime performance.Therefore, in this paper, we report one importantcontribution for adding more advanced real-time capabilitiesto the Linux Kernel. Specifically, we describe modificationsto the (PREEMPT-RT patched) Linux kernel to supportreal-time slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms. Ourpreliminary evaluation shows that our implementation exhibitsa real-time performance that is superior to the schedulingpolicies provided by the current version of PREMPT-RT. Thisis a significant add-on to a widely adopted operating system.


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6th Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS 2015), Lund, Sweden.


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23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France. Best Paper Award Nominee


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The advent of multicore systems has renewed the interest of research community on real-time scheduling on multiprocessor systems. Real-time scheduling theory for uniprocessors is considered a mature research field, but real-time scheduling theory for multiprocessors is an emerging research field. Being part of this research community I have decided to implement the Sporadic Multiprocessor Linux Scheduler that implements a new real-time scheduling algorithm, which was designed to schedule real-time sporadic tasks on multiprocessor systems. This technical reports describes the implementation of the SMLS.


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We present a 12*(1+|R|/(4m))-speed algorithm for scheduling constrained-deadline sporadic real-time tasks on a multiprocessor comprising m processors where a task may request one of |R| sequentially-reusable shared resources.


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A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms, inter alia to enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a very large overhead of device transitions. Technology enhancements have allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% when compared to the techniques proposed in the state-of-the-art.


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In this paper we discuss challenges and design principles of an implementation of slot-based tasksplitting algorithms into the Linux 2.6.34 version. We show that this kernel version is provided with the required features for implementing such scheduling algorithms. We show that the real behavior of the scheduling algorithm is very close to the theoretical. We run and discuss experiments on 4-core and 24-core machines.


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An ever increasing need for extra functionality in a single embedded system demands for extra Input/Output (I/O) devices, which are usually connected externally and are expensive in terms of energy consumption. To reduce their energy consumption, these devices are equipped with power saving mechanisms. While I/O device scheduling for real-time (RT) systems with such power saving features has been studied in the past, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. Technology enhancements in the semiconductor industry have allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition and energy overheads. The decrease in overhead of sleep transitions has opened new opportunities to further reduce the device energy consumption. In this research effort, we propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real-time systems that wakes up a device on demand and reduces its active time while ensuring system schedulability. This intra-task device scheduling algorithm is extended for devices with multiple sleep states to further minimise the overall device energy consumption of the system. The proposed algorithms have less complexity when compared to the conservative inter-task device scheduling algorithms. The system model used relaxes some of the assumptions commonly made in the state-of-the-art that restrict their practical relevance. Apart from the aforementioned advantages, the proposed algorithms are shown to demonstrate the substantial energy savings.


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Recent embedded processor architectures containing multiple heterogeneous cores and non-coherent caches renewed attention to the use of Software Transactional Memory (STM) as a building block for developing parallel applications. STM promises to ease concurrent and parallel software development, but relies on the possibility of abort conflicting transactions to maintain data consistency, which in turns affects the execution time of tasks carrying transactions. Because of this fact the timing behaviour of the task set may not be predictable, thus it is crucial to limit the execution time overheads resulting from aborts. In this paper we formalise a FIFO-based algorithm to order the sequence of commits of concurrent transactions. Then, we propose and evaluate two non-preemptive and one SRP-based fully-preemptive scheduling strategies, in order to avoid transaction starvation.


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The use of distributed energy resources, based on natural intermittent power sources, like wind generation, in power systems imposes the development of new adequate operation management and control methodologies. A short-term Energy Resource Management (ERM) methodology performed in two phases is proposed in this paper. The first one addresses the day-ahead ERM scheduling and the second one deals with the five-minute ahead ERM scheduling. The ERM scheduling is a complex optimization problem due to the high quantity of variables and constraints. In this paper the main goal is to minimize the operation costs from the point of view of a virtual power player that manages the network and the existing resources. The optimization problem is solved by a deterministic mixedinteger non-linear programming approach. A case study considering a distribution network with 33 bus, 66 distributed generation, 32 loads with demand response contracts and 7 storage units and 1000 electric vehicles has been implemented in a simulator developed in the field of the presented work, in order to validate the proposed short-term ERM methodology considering the dynamic power system behavior.


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A dynamic scheduler that supports the coexistence of guaranteed and non-guaranteed bandwidth servers is proposed. Overloads are handled by an efficient reclaiming of residual capacities originated by early completions as well as by allowing reserved capacity stealing of non-guaranteed bandwidth servers. The proposed dynamic budget accounting mechanism ensures that at a particular time the currently executing server is using a residual capacity, its own capacity or is stealing some reserved capacity, eliminating the need of additional server states or unbounded queues. The server to which the budget accounting is going to be performed is dynamically determined at the time instant when a capacity is needed. This paper describes and evaluates the proposed scheduling algorithm, showing that it can efficiently reduce the mean tardiness of periodic jobs. The achieved results become even more significant when tasks’ computation times have a large variance.


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In this paper we address the P-NET Medium Access Control (MAC) ability to schedule traffic according to its real-time requirements, in order to support real-time distributed applications. We provide a schedulability analysis based on the P-NET standard, and propose mechanisms to overcome priority inversion problems resulting from the use of FIFO outgoing buffers


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Dynamic parallel scheduling using work-stealing has gained popularity in academia and industry for its good performance, ease of implementation and theoretical bounds on space and time. Cores treat their own double-ended queues (deques) as a stack, pushing and popping threads from the bottom, but treat the deque of another randomly selected busy core as a queue, stealing threads only from the top, whenever they are idle. However, this standard approach cannot be directly applied to real-time systems, where the importance of parallelising tasks is increasing due to the limitations of multiprocessor scheduling theory regarding parallelism. Using one deque per core is obviously a source of priority inversion since high priority tasks may eventually be enqueued after lower priority tasks, possibly leading to deadline misses as in this case the lower priority tasks are the candidates when a stealing operation occurs. Our proposal is to replace the single non-priority deque of work-stealing with ordered per-processor priority deques of ready threads. The scheduling algorithm starts with a single deque per-core, but unlike traditional work-stealing, the total number of deques in the system may now exceed the number of processors. Instead of stealing randomly, cores steal from the highest priority deque.


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A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms to inter alia enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a huge overhead of device transition. The technology enhancement has allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring the system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% in the best case when compared to the state-of-the-art.