44 resultados para mobile malware
Handoff processes, the events where mobile nodes select the best access point available to transfer data, have been well studied in cellular and WiFi networks. However, wireless sensor networks (WSN) pose a new set of challenges due to their simple low-power radio transceivers and constrained resources. This paper proposes smart-HOP, a handoff mechanism tailored for mobile WSN applications. This work provides two important contributions. First, it demonstrates the intrinsic relationship between handoffs and the transitional region. The evaluation shows that handoffs perform the best when operating in the transitional region, as opposed to operating in the more reliable connected region. Second, the results reveal that a proper fine tuning of the parameters, in the transitional region, can reduce handoff delays by two orders of magnitude, from seconds to tens of milliseconds.
Mobile applications are becoming increasingly more complex and making heavier demands on local system resources. Moreover, mobile systems are nowadays more open, allowing users to add more and more applications, including third-party developed ones. In this perspective, it is increasingly expected that users will want to execute in their devices applications which supersede currently available resources. It is therefore important to provide frameworks which allow applications to benefit from resources available on other nodes, capable of migrating some or all of its services to other nodes, depending on the user needs. These requirements are even more stringent when users want to execute Quality of Service (QoS) aware applications, such as voice or video. The required resources to guarantee the QoS levels demanded by an application can vary with time, and consequently, applications should be able to reconfigure themselves. This paper proposes a QoS-aware service-based framework able to support distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system.
In this paper we propose a framework for the support of mobile application with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as voice or video, capable of supporting distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system.
Modelling the fundamental performance limits of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is of paramount importance to understand the behaviour of WSN under worst case conditions and to make the appropriate design choices. In that direction, this paper contributes with a methodology for modelling cluster tree WSNs with a mobile sink. We propose closed form recurrent expressions for computing the worst case end to end delays, buffering and bandwidth requirements across any source-destination path in the cluster tree assuming error free channel. We show how to apply our theoretical results to the specific case of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee WSNs. Finally, we demonstrate the validity and analyze the accuracy of our methodology through a comprehensive experimental study, therefore validating the theoretical results through experimentation.
Dynamical systems theory is used as a theoretical language and tool to design a distributed control architecture for teams of mobile robots, that must transport a large object and simultaneously avoid collisions with (either static or dynamic) obstacles. Here we demonstrate in simulations and implementations in real robots that it is possible to simplify the architectures presented in previous work and to extend the approach to teams of n robots. The robots have no prior knowledge of the environment. The motion of each robot is controlled by a time series of asymptotical stable states. The attractor dynamics permits the integration of information from various sources in a graded manner. As a result, the robots show a strikingly smooth an stable team behaviour.
Dynamical systems theory is used here as a theoretical language and tool to design a distributed control architecture for a team of two mobile robots that must transport a long object and simultaneously avoid obstacles. In this approach the level of modeling is at the level of behaviors. A “dynamics” of behavior is defined over a state space of behavioral variables (heading direction and path velocity). The environment is also modeled in these terms by representing task constraints as attractors (i.e. asymptotically stable states) or reppelers (i.e. unstable states) of behavioral dynamics. For each robot attractors and repellers are combined into a vector field that governs the behavior. The resulting dynamical systems that generate the behavior of the robots may be nonlinear. By design the systems are tuned so that the behavioral variables are always very close to one attractor. Thus the behavior of each robot is controled by a time series of asymptotically stable states. Computer simulations support the validity of our dynamic model architectures.
In this paper the authors intend to demonstrate the utilization of remote experimentation (RE) using mobile computational devices in the Science areas of the elementary school, with the purpose to develop practices that will help in the assimilation process of the subjects taught in classroom seeking to interlink them with the daily students? activities. Allying mobility with RE we intend to minimize the space-temporal barrier giving more availability and speed in the information access. The implemented architecture utilizes technologies and freely distributed softwares with open code resources besides remote experiments developed in the Laboratory of Remote Experimentation (RExLab) of Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in Brazil, through the physical computation platform of the ?open hardware of construction of our own. The utilization of open code computational tools and the integration of hardware to the 3D virtual worlds, accessible through mobile devices, give to the project an innovative face with a high potential for reproducibility and reusability.
Within the pedagogical community, Serious Games have arisen as a viable alternative to traditional course-based learning materials. Until now, they have been based strictly on software solutions. Meanwhile, research into Remote Laboratories has shown that they are a viable, low-cost solution for experimentation in an engineering context, providing uninterrupted access, low-maintenance requirements, and a heightened sense of reality when compared to simulations. This paper will propose a solution where both approaches are combined to deliver a Remote Laboratory-based Serious Game for use in engineering and school education. The platform for this system is the WebLab-Deusto Framework, already well-tested within the remote laboratory context, and based on open standards. The laboratory allows users to control a mobile robot in a labyrinth environment and take part in an interactive game where they must locate and correctly answer several questions, the subject of which can be adapted to educators' needs. It also integrates the Google Blockly graphical programming language, allowing students to learn basic programming and logic principles without needing to understand complex syntax.
This paper describes how to extend the access to remote experiments from mobile devices, aiming to better engage digital native students who expect a more interactive and ubiquitous access mode. The extension is based on features of HTML5 and the jQuery Mobile framework, which allow accessing the experiments from different operating systems via the browser or native applications. As a result, users have a richer interaction mode with the experiments, which includes access from simple hand-held devices such as smartphones and PDAs. Extending the access to remote experiments, from simple devices, enables its use in other educational stages, such as high schools, where teachers struggle to engage students in STEM learning. By enabling students to use their everyday "technological companions", e.g. cellular phones, to access remote experiments, we seek to increase the educational value of this technology-enhanced learning resource.
In this article the authors describe the application development RExMobile and the importance of remote experimentation via mobile devices, especially smartphones simple, beyond the space provided for this application in education. The article deals the creation, software and hardware that provide an interactive and dynamic way to attract more students to use these experiments remote, serving as support to teachers to science teaching from its initial series. The ease and availability of smartphones, even these students of basic education, permits the reach of new users and in different places. Thus, the practice of remote experimentation in mobile devices enables new spaces for access and interaction. Are used for developing software free or low cost, HTML5 and jQuery Mobile framework, that enable the creation of pages compatible with different mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, some Symbian, among others. Also are demonstrated patterns layouts that allow greater accessibility.
Concepts like E-learning and M-learning are changing the traditional learning place. No longer restricted to well-defined physical places, education on Automation and other Engineering areas is entering the so-called ubiquitous learning place, where even the more practical knowledge (acquired at lab classes) is now moving into, due to emergent concepts such as Remote Experimentation or Mobile Experimentation. While Remote Experimentation is traditionally regarded as the remote access to real-world experiments through a simple web browser running on a PC connected to the Internet, Mobile Experimentation may be seen as the access to those same (or others) experiments, through mobile devices, used in M-learning contexts. These two distinct client types (PCs versus mobile devices) pose specific requirements for the remote lab infrastructure, namely the ability to tune the experiment interface according to the characteristics (e.g. display size) of the accessing device. This paper addresses those requirements, namely by proposing a new architecture for the remote lab infrastructure able to accommodate both Remote and Mobile Experimentation scenarios.
As the variety of mobile devices connected to the Internet growts there is a correponding increase in the need to deliver content tailored to their heterogeneous characteristics. At the same time, we watch to the increase of e-learning in universities through the adoption of electronic platforms and standards. Not surprisingly, the concept of mLearning (Mobile Learning) appeared in recent years decreasing the limitation of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices. However, this large number and variety of Web-enabled devices poses several challenges for Web content creators who want to automatic get the delivery context and adapt the content to the client mobile devices. In this paper we analyze several approaches to defining delivery context and present an architecture for deliver uniform mLearning content to mobile devices denominated eduMCA - Educational Mobile Content Adaptation. With the eduMCA system the Web authors will not need to create specialized pages for each kind of device, since the content is automatically transformed to adapt to any mobile device capabilities from WAP to XHTML MP-compliant devices.
Com o envelhecimento da população, as preocupações com a garantia do seu bem-estar aumentam criando a necessidade de desenvolver ferramentas que permitam monitorizar em permanência este sector da população. A utilização de smartphones pelos mais velhos pode ser crucial no seu bem-estar e na sua autonomia contribuindo para a recolha de informação importante já que estes estão muitas vezes equipados com sensores que podem dar indicações preciosas ao cuidador sobre o estado atual do paciente. Os sensores podem fornecer dados sobre a atividade física do paciente, bem como detetar quedas ou calcular a sua posição, com a ajuda do acelerómetro, do giroscópio e do sensor de campo magnético. No entanto, funcionalidades como essas requerem, obrigatoriamente, uma frequência de amostragem mínima por parte dos sensores que permita a implementação de algoritmos, que determinarão esses parâmetros da forma mais exata possível. Dado que nem sempre os pacientes se fazem acompanhar do seu smartphone quando estão na sua residência, a criação de ambientes de AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) com recurso a dispositivos externos que podem ser “vestidos” pelos pacientes pode também ser uma solução adequada. Estes contêm normalmente os mesmos sensores que os smartphones e comunicam com estes através de tecnologias sem fios, como é o caso do Bluetooth Low Energy. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a possibilidade de alteração da frequência dos sensores em diferentes sistemas operativos, tendo sido efectuadas modificações nas instalações por defeito de alguns sistemas operativos abertos. Com o objectivo de permitir a criação de uma solução de AAL com recurso a um dispositivo externo implementaram-se serviços e perfis num dispositivo externo, o SensorTag.
In recent years, mobile learning has emerged as an educational approach to decrease the limitation of learning location and adapt the teaching-learning process to all type of students. However, the large number and variety of Web-enabled devices poses challenges for Web content creators who want to automatic get the delivery context and adapt the content to mobile devices. In this paper we study several approaches to adapt the learning content to mobile phones. We present an architecture for deliver uniform m-Learning content to students in a higher School. The system development is organized in two phases: firstly enabling the educational content to mobile devices and then adapting it to all the heterogeneous mobile platforms. With this approach, Web authors will not need to create specialized pages for each kind of device, since the content is automatically transformed to adapt to any mobile device capabilities from WAP to XHTML MP-compliant devices.