26 resultados para civil military cooperation


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Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Ramo de Gestão das Construções


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Solicitadoria


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Neste relatório de estágio, procurei redigir tudo aquilo que vivi no decorrer do período do estágio profissional. Assim, inicialmente fiz um enquadramento da entidade que me acolheu, bem como uma breve descrição do contrato no qual estive especificamente inserido. Foi efetuada uma descrição detalhada dos conceitos de manutenção preventiva e correctiva adaptadas ao contrato em questão e de acordo com um plano de manutenção específico dedicado à vertente da construção civil. Neste sentido, foram detalhadas as várias tipologias de infraestruturas fixas a manter, nomeadamente as grandes áreas dos edifícios, obras de arte, túneis ou muros de suporte e contenções, descrevendo os procedimentos de manutenção preventiva e corretiva associados a cada tipologia de infraestrutura. São apresentados vários gráficos demonstrativos das ações de manutenção preventiva e corretiva por infraestrutura tipo, bem como alguns exemplos de intervenções de caracter corretivo efetuadas no decorrer do período do estágio profissional. Por fim, é apresentada uma conclusão daquilo que foi um período de aprendizagem importantíssimo no início da minha vida profissional ligada à área da construção civil.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança


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Multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the benefits gained from multiple interfaces come at an expense—that being higher energy consumption in an era where mobile devices need to be energy compliant. One promising solution is the usage of short-range cooperative communication as an overlay for infrastructure-based networks taking advantage of its context information. However, the node discovery mechanism, which is pivotal to the bearer establishment process, still represents a major burden in terms of the total energy budget. In this paper, we propose a technology agnostic approach towards enhancing the MAC energy ratings by presenting a context-aware node discovery (CANDi) algorithm, which provides a priori knowledge towards the node discovery mechanism by allowing it to search nodes in the near vicinity at the ‘right time and at the right place’. We describe the different beacons required for establishing the cooperation, as well as the context information required, including battery level, modes, location and so on. CANDi uses the long-range network (WiMAX and WiFi) to distribute the context information about cooperative clusters (Ultra-wideband-based) in the vicinity. The searching nodes can use this context in locating the cooperative clusters/nodes, which facilitates the establishing of short-range connections. Analytical and simulation results are obtained, and the energy saving gains are further demonstrated in the laboratory using a customised testbed. CANDi saves up to 50% energy during the node discovery process, while the demonstrative testbed shows up to 75% savings in the total energy budget, thus validating the algorithm, as well as providing viable evidence to support the usage of short-range cooperative communications for energy savings.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança


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4th International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2015), Luton, United Kingdom.


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This paper analyzes the performance of two cooperative robot manipulators. In order to capture the working performancewe formulated several performance indices that measure the manipulability, the effort reduction and the equilibrium between the two robots. In this perspective the proposed indices we determined the optimal values for the system parameters. Furthermore, it is studied the implementation of fractional-order algorithms in the position/force control of two cooperative robotic manipulators holding an object.


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This paper describes the TURTLE project that aim to develop sub-systems with the capability of deep-sea long-term presence. Our motivation is to produce new robotic ascend and descend energy efficient technologies to be incorporated in robotic vehicles used by civil and military stakeholders for underwater operations. TURTLE contribute to the sustainable presence and operations in the sea bottom. Long term presence on sea bottom, increased awareness and operation capabilities in underwater sea and in particular on benthic deeps can only be achieved through the use of advanced technologies, leading to automation of operation, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency of human activity.


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The electricity market restructuring, and its worldwide evolution into regional and even continental scales, along with the increasing necessity for an adequate integration of renewable energy sources, is resulting in a rising complexity in power systems operation. Several power system simulators have been developed in recent years with the purpose of helping operators, regulators, and involved players to understand and deal with this complex and constantly changing environment. The main contribution of this paper is given by the integration of several electricity market and power system models, respecting to the reality of different countries. This integration is done through the development of an upper ontology which integrates the essential concepts necessary to interpret all the available information. The continuous development of Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets platform provides the means for the exemplification of the usefulness of this ontology. A case study using the proposed multi-agent platform is presented, considering a scenario based on real data that simulates the European Electricity Market environment, and comparing its performance using different market mechanisms. The main goal is to demonstrate the advantages that the integration of various market models and simulation platforms have for the study of the electricity markets’ evolution.