88 resultados para brood viability


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Actualmente verifica-se que a complexidade dos sistemas informáticos tem vindo a aumentar, fazendo parte das nossas ferramentas diárias de trabalho a utilização de sistemas informáticos e a utilização de serviços online. Neste âmbito, a internet obtém um papel de destaque junto das universidades, ao permitir que alunos e professores possam interagir mais facilmente. A internet e a educação baseada na Web vêm oferecer acesso remoto a qualquer informação independentemente da localização ou da hora. Como consequência, qualquer pessoa com uma ligação à internet, ao poder adquirir informações sobre um determinado tema junto dos maiores peritos, obtém vantagens significativas. Os laboratórios remotos são uma solução muito valorizada no que toca a interligar tecnologia e recursos humanos em ambientes que podem estar afastados no tempo ou no espaço. A criação deste tipo de laboratórios e a sua utilidade real só é possível porque as tecnologias de comunicação emergentes têm contribuído de uma forma muito relevante para melhorar a sua disponibilização à distância. A necessidade de criação de laboratórios remotos torna-se imprescindível para pesquisas relacionadas com engenharia que envolvam a utilização de recursos escassos ou de grandes dimensões. Apoiado neste conceito, desenvolveu-se um laboratório remoto para os alunos de engenharia que precisam de testar circuitos digitais numa carta de desenvolvimento de hardware configurável, permitindo a utilização deste recurso de uma forma mais eficiente. O trabalho consistiu na criação de um laboratório remoto de baixo custo, com base em linguagens de programação open source, sendo utilizado como unidade de processamento um router da ASUS com o firmware OpenWrt. Este firmware é uma distribuição Linux para sistemas embutidos. Este laboratório remoto permite o teste dos circuitos digitais numa carta de desenvolvimento de hardware configurável em tempo real, utilizando a interface JTAG. O laboratório desenvolvido tem a particularidade de ter como unidade de processamento um router. A utilização do router como servidor é uma solução muito pouco usual na implementação de laboratórios remotos. Este router, quando comparado com um computador normal, apresenta uma capacidade de processamento e memória muito inferior, embora os testes efectuados provassem que apresenta um desempenho muito adequado às expectativas.


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A necessidade de diminuir os consumos de energia, não só por questões financeiras mas também por questões ambientais, faz com que sejam feitos esforços no sentido da implementação de energias renováveis bem como da melhoria e expansão das soluções técnicas já conhecidas. Uma das maiores fontes de energia renovável, senão mesmo a maior, é a energia solar que, no futuro, terá uma contribuição muito significativa, quer na satisfação dos consumos energéticos, quer na racionalização da sua utilização, isto é, na melhoria da eficiência do consumo. O presente trabalho focou-se na procura de um sistema solar térmico para o pré-aquecimento da água quente a ser utilizada numa fábrica de curtumes, a empresa Curtumes Aveneda, Lda. Em simultâneo, desenvolveram-se e optimizaram-se processos de produtos específicos que o mercado exige actualmente, visando uma economia de recursos (matérias-primas, água e energia), objectivando sempre a sua viabilidade económica. No que respeita à procura do sistema solar térmico, inicialmente foram realizados levantamentos relativos ao consumo de água, quente e fria, na respectiva empresa. Esta avaliação focou-se em todos os sectores consumidores intensivos de água, tais como a ribeira, curtume e a tinturaria, excluindo o sector de acabamento uma vez que o consumo aqui é insignificante relativamente aos sectores citados anteriormente. Com base no levantamento efectuado foi dimensionado um sistema solar térmico para o pré aquecimento da água quente que conduz a uma economia anual de 107.808,3 kWh de energia térmica, representativa de 29% do consumo anual de energia térmica de aquecimento de água. Foi efectuada análise económica deste investimento que mostrou um índice de rentabilidade superior à unidade e um tempo de retorno do investimento de 9 anos. Desenvolveu-se com sucesso um produto de couro a partir de wet-blue, designado por crispado, produto normalmente produzido a partir da pele em tripa e muito difícil de obter a partir de wet-blue. Este produto caracteriza-se pela sua forma granular irregular e firme da pele. O processo desenvolvido foi ainda optimizado no sentido da redução do consumo de água e de energia. Tendo em conta a necessidade da empresa também se tentou melhorar as características do couro wet-white, muito solicitado actualmente, com resultados positivos no que respeita à temperatura de contracção do couro e às propriedades físico-mecânicas mas sem se atingir o principal objectivo que seria tornar a cor mais clara e mais pura. Foram desta forma dados contributos importantes para a empresa que, assim, dimensionou um sistema mais económico para o aquecimento de água que vai adoptar e ficou com um processo disponível para produzir um produto até então não conseguido.


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Abstract This work reports the analysis of the efficiency and time of soil remediation using vapour extraction as well as provides comparison of results using both, prepared and real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to analyse the efficiency and time of remediation according to the water and natural organic matter content of the soil; and (ii) to assess if a previous study, performed using prepared soils, could help to preview the process viability in real conditions. For sandy soils with negligible clay content, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that (i) the increase of soil water content and mainly of natural organic matter content influenced negatively the remediation process, making it less efficient, more time consuming, and consequently more expensive; and (ii) a previous study using prepared soils of similar characteristics has proven helpful for previewing the process viability in real conditions.


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The characteristic topographical features (crystallite dimensions, surface morphology and roughness) of bioceramics may influence the adsorption of proteins relevant to bone regeneration. This work aims at analyzing the influence of two distinct nanophased hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics, HA725 and HA1000 on fibronectin (FN) and osteonectin (ON) adsorption and MC3T3-E1 osteoblast adhesion and morphology. Both substrates were obtained using the same hydroxyapatite nanocrystals aggregates and applying the sintering temperatures of 725ºC and 1000ºC, respectively. The two proteins used in this work, FN as an adhesive glycoprotein and ON as a counter-adhesive protein, are known to be involved in the early stages of osteogenesis (cell adhesion, mobility and proliferation). The properties of the nanoHA substrates had an important role in the adsorption behavior of the two studied proteins and clearly affected the MC3T3- E1 morphology, distribution and metabolic activity. HA1000 surfaces presenting slightly larger grain size, higher root-mean-square roughness (Rq), lower surface area and porosity, allowed for higher amounts of both proteins adsorbed. These substrates also revealed increased number of exposed FN cell-binding domains as well as higher affinity for osteonectin. Regarding the osteoblast adhesion results, improved viability and cell number were found for HA1000 surfaces as compared to HA725 ones, independently of the presence or type of adsorbed protein. Therefore the osteoblast adhesion and metabolic activity seemed to be more sensitive to surfaces morphology and roughness than to the type of adsorbed proteins.


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The oceans remain a major source of natural compounds with potential in pharmacology. In particular, during the last few decades, marine cyanobacteria have been in focus as producers of interesting bioactive compounds, especially for the treatment of cancer. In this study, the anticancer potential of extracts from twenty eight marine cyanobacteria strains, belonging to the underexplored picoplanktonic genera, Cyanobium, Synechocystis and Synechococcus, and the filamentous genera, Nodosilinea, Leptolyngbya, Pseudanabaena and Romeria, were assessed in eight human tumor cell lines. First, a crude extract was obtained by dichloromethane:methanol extraction, and from it, three fractions were separated in a Si column chromatography. The crude extract and fractions were tested in eight human cancer cell lines for cell viability/toxicity, accessed with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactic dehydrogenase release (LDH) assays. Eight point nine percent of the strains revealed strong cytotoxicity; 17.8% showed moderate cytotoxicity, and 14.3% assays showed low toxicity. The results obtained revealed that the studied genera of marine cyanobacteria are a promising source of novel compounds with potential anticancer activity and highlight the interest in also exploring the smaller filamentous and picoplanktonic genera of cyanobacteria.


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A navegação e a interpretação do meio envolvente por veículos autónomos em ambientes não estruturados continua a ser um grande desafio na actualidade. Sebastian Thrun, descreve em [Thr02], que o problema do mapeamento em sistemas robóticos é o da aquisição de um modelo espacial do meio envolvente do robô. Neste contexto, a integração de sistemas sensoriais em plataformas robóticas, que permitam a construção de mapas do mundo que as rodeia é de extrema importância. A informação recolhida desses dados pode ser interpretada, tendo aplicabilidade em tarefas de localização, navegação e manipulação de objectos. Até à bem pouco tempo, a generalidade dos sistemas robóticos que realizavam tarefas de mapeamento ou Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), utilizavam dispositivos do tipo laser rangefinders e câmaras stereo. Estes equipamentos, para além de serem dispendiosos, fornecem apenas informação bidimensional, recolhidas através de cortes transversais 2D, no caso dos rangefinders. O paradigma deste tipo de tecnologia mudou consideravelmente, com o lançamento no mercado de câmaras RGB-D, como a desenvolvida pela PrimeSense TM e o subsequente lançamento da Kinect, pela Microsoft R para a Xbox 360 no final de 2010. A qualidade do sensor de profundidade, dada a natureza de baixo custo e a sua capacidade de aquisição de dados em tempo real, é incontornável, fazendo com que o sensor se tornasse instantaneamente popular entre pesquisadores e entusiastas. Este avanço tecnológico deu origem a várias ferramentas de desenvolvimento e interacção humana com este tipo de sensor, como por exemplo a Point Cloud Library [RC11] (PCL). Esta ferramenta tem como objectivo fornecer suporte para todos os blocos de construção comuns que uma aplicação 3D necessita, dando especial ênfase ao processamento de nuvens de pontos de n dimensões adquiridas a partir de câmaras RGB-D, bem como scanners laser, câmaras Time-of-Flight ou câmaras stereo. Neste contexto, é realizada nesta dissertação, a avaliação e comparação de alguns dos módulos e métodos constituintes da biblioteca PCL, para a resolução de problemas inerentes à construção e interpretação de mapas, em ambientes indoor não estruturados, utilizando os dados provenientes da Kinect. A partir desta avaliação, é proposta uma arquitectura de sistema que sistematiza o registo de nuvens de pontos, correspondentes a vistas parciais do mundo, num modelo global consistente. Os resultados da avaliação realizada à biblioteca PCL atestam a sua viabilidade, para a resolução dos problemas propostos. Prova da sua viabilidade, são os resultados práticos obtidos, da implementação da arquitectura de sistema proposta, que apresenta resultados de desempenho interessantes, como também boas perspectivas de integração deste tipo de conceitos e tecnologia em plataformas robóticas desenvolvidas no âmbito de projectos do Laboratório de Sistemas Autónomos (LSA).


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The interest in zero-valent iron nanoparticles has been increasing significantly since the development of a green production method in which extracts from natural products or wastes are used. However, this field of application is yet poorly studied and lacks knowledge that allows the full understanding of the production and application processes. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the viability of the utilization of several tree leaves to produce extracts which are capable of reducing iron(III) in aqueous solution to form nZVIs. The quality of the extracts was evaluated concerning their antioxidant capacity. The results show that: i) dried leaves produce extracts with higher antioxidant capacities than non-dried leaves, ii) the most favorable extraction conditions (temperature, contact time, and volume:mass ratio) were identified for each leaf, iii) with the aim of developing a green, but also low-cost,method waterwas chosen as solvent, iv) the extracts can be classified in three categories according to their antioxidant capacity (expressed as Fe(II) concentration): >40 mmol L−1; 20–40 mmol L−1; and 2–10 mmol L−1; with oak, pomegranate and green tea leaves producing the richest extracts, and v) TEManalysis proves that nZVIs (d=10–20 nm) can be produced using the tree leaf extracts.


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Gallinaceous feathers are an abundant solid waste from the poultry processing industries, which poses disposal problems. A kinetic study dealing with the adsorption process of wool reactive dye, Yellow Lanasol 4G (CI Reactive Yellow 39), on gallinaceous (Gallus gallus, Cobb 500) feathers was carried out. The main research goals of this work were to evaluate the viability of using this waste as adsorbent and to study the kinetics of the adsorption process, using a synthetic effluent. The characterization of feathers was performed by scanning electron microscopy, mercury porosimetry and B.E.T. method. The study of several factors (stirring, particles size, initial dye concentration and temperature) showed their influence over the adsorption process. An adapted version of the Schumckler and Goldstein´s unreacted core model fitted the experimental data. The best fit was obtained when the rate-limiting step was the diffusion through the reacted layer, which was expected considering the size of the dyestuff molecules. The comparison with the granular activated carbon (GAC) Sutcliffe GAC 10-30 indicate that in spite of the high adsorption capacities shown by feathers the GAC presented higher values, the values obtained were respectively 150 and 219 mg g-1, for an initial concentration of 500 mg L-1. The results obtained might open future perspectives both to the valorization of feathers and to the economical treatment of textile wastewaters.


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Bone is constantly being molded and shaped by the action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. A proper equilibrium between both cell types metabolic activities is required to ensure an adequate skeletal tissue structure, and it involves resorption of old bone and formation of new bone tissue. It is reported that treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can elicit alterations in skeletal structure, in particular in bone mineral density. Nevertheless, the knowledge regarding the effects of AEDs on bone cells are still scarce. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of five different AEDs on human osteoclastic, osteoblastic and co-cultured cells. Osteoclastic cell cultures were established from precursor cells isolated from human peripheral blood and were characterized for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, number of TRAP+ multinucleated cells, presence of cells with actin rings and expressing vitronectin and calcitonin receptors and apoptosis rate. Also, the involvement of several signaling pathways on the cellular response was addressed. Osteoblastic cell cultures were obtained from femur heads of patients (25-45 years old) undergoing orthopaedic surgery procedures and were then studied for cellular proliferation/viability, ALP activity, histochemical staining of ALP and apoptosis rate. Also the expression of osteoblast-related genes and the involvement of some osteoblastogenesis-related signalling pathways on cellular response were addressed. For co-cultured cells, osteoblastic cells were firstly seeded and cultured. After that, PBMC were added to the osteoblastic cells and co-cultures were evaluated using the same osteoclast and osteoblast parameters mentioned above for the corresponding isolated cell. Cell-cultures were maintained in the absence (control) or in the presence of different AEDs (carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate and valproic acid). All the tested drugs were able to affect osteoclastic and osteoblastic cells development, although with different profiles on their osteoclastogenic and osteoblastogenic modulation properties. Globally, the tendency was to inhibit the process. Furthermore, the signaling pathways involved in the process also seemed to be differently affected by the AEDs, suggesting that the different drugs may affect osteoclastogenesis and/or osteoblastogenesis through different mechanisms. In conclusion, the present study showed that the different AEDs had the ability to directly and indirectly modulate bone cells differentiation, shedding new light towards a better understanding of how these drugs can affect bone tissue.


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Supported by U. Porto/Santander Totta (IJUP) (PP-IJUP2011-320)


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Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most incident malignancies worldwide. Although efficient therapy is available for early-stage PCa, treatment of advanced disease is mainly ineffective and remains a clinical challenge. microRNA (miRNA) dysregulation is associated with PCa development and progression. In fact, several studies have reported a widespread downregulation of miRNAs in PCa, which highlights the importance of studying compounds capable of restoring the global miRNA expression. The main aim of this study was to define the usefulness of enoxacin as an anti-tumoral agent in PCa, due to its ability to induce miRNA biogenesis in a TRBP-mediated manner. Using a panel of five PCa cell lines, we observed that all of them were wild type for the TARBP2 gene and expressed TRBP protein. Furthermore, primary prostate carcinomas displayed normal levels of TRBP protein. Remarkably, enoxacin was able to decrease cell viability, induce apoptosis, cause cell cycle arrest, and inhibit the invasiveness of cell lines. Enoxacin was also effective in restoring the global expression of miRNAs. This study is the first to show that PCa cells are highly responsive to the anti-tumoral effects of enoxacin. Therefore, enoxacin constitutes a promising therapeutic agent for PCa.


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Background: Current therapeutic strategies for advanced prostate cancer (PCa) are largely ineffective. Because aberrant DNA methylation associated with inappropriate gene-silencing is a common feature of PCa, DNA methylation inhibitors might constitute an alternative therapy. In this study we aimed to evaluate the anti-cancer properties of RG108, a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT), in PCa cell lines. Methods: The anti-tumoral impact of RG108 in LNCaP, 22Rv1, DU145 and PC-3 cell lines was assessed through standard cell viability, apoptosis and cell cycle assays. Likewise, DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global levels of DNA methylation were evaluated in the same cell lines. The effectiveness of DNA demethylation was further assessed through the determination of promoter methylation and transcript levels of GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2, by quantitative methylation-specific PCR and RT-PCR, respectively. Results: RG108 led to a significant dose and time dependent growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in LNCaP, 22Rv1 and DU145. LNCaP and 22Rv1 also displayed decreased DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global DNA methylation. Interestingly, chronic treatment with RG108 significantly decreased GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2 promoter hypermethylation levels, although mRNA re-expression was only attained GSTP1 and APC. Conclusions: RG108 is an effective tumor growth suppressor in most PCa cell lines tested. This effect is likely mediated by reversion of aberrant DNA methylation affecting cancer related-genes epigenetically silenced in PCa. However, additional mechanism might underlie the anti-tumor effects of RG108. In vivo studies are now mandatory to confirm these promising results and evaluate the potential of this compound for PCa therapy.


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Deregulated expression of histone deacetylases (HDACs) has been implicated in tumorigenesis. Herein, we investigated class I HDACs expression in bladder urothelial cell carcinoma (BUCC), its prognostic value and biological significance. Significantly increased transcript levels of all HDACs were found in BUCC compared to 20 normal mucosas, and these were higher in lower grade and stage tumors. Increased HDAC3 levels were associated with improved patient survival. SiRNA experiments showed decrease cell viability and motility, and increased apoptosis. We concluded that class I HDACs play an important role in bladder carcinogenesis through deregulation of proliferation, migration and apoptosis, constituting putative therapeutic targets


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua


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A QoS adaptation to dynamically changing system conditions that takes into consideration the user’s constraints on the stability of service provisioning is presented. The goal is to allow the system to make QoS adaptation decisions in response to fluctuations in task traffic flow, under the control of the user. We pay special attention to the case where monitoring the stability period and resource load variation of Service Level Agreements for different types of services is used to dynamically adapt future stability periods, according to a feedback control scheme. System’s adaptation behaviour can be configured according to a desired confidence level on future resource usage. The viability of the proposed approach is validated by preliminary experiments.