19 resultados para Sewage -- Purification -- Phosphate removal
The excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers in agriculture has generated a decrease in groundwater and surface water quality in many regions of the EU, constituting a hazard for human health and the environment. Besides, on-site sewage disposal is an important source of groundwater contamination in urban and peri-urban areas. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to contamination is an important tool to fulfil the demands of EU Directives. The purpose of this study is to assess the groundwater vulnerability to contamination related mainly to agricultural activities in a peri-urban area (Vila do Conde, NW Portugal). The hydrogeological framework is characterised mainly by fissured granitic basement and sedimentary cover. Water samples were collected and analysed for temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, chloride, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite. An evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to contamination was applied (GOD-S, Pesticide DRASTIC-Fm, SINTACS and SI) and the potential nitrate contamination risk was assessed, both on a hydrogeological GIS-based mapping. A principal component analysis was performed to characterised patterns of relationship among groundwater contamination, vulnerability, and the hydrogeological setting assessed. Levels of nitrate above legislation limits were detected in 75 % of the samples analysed. Alluvia units showed the highest nitrate concentrations and also the highest vulnerability and risk. Nitrate contamination is a serious problem affecting groundwater, particularly shallow aquifers, especially due to agriculture activities, livestock and cesspools. GIS-based cartography provided an accurate way to improve knowledge on water circulation models and global functioning of local aquifer systems. Finally, this study highlights the adequacy of an integrated approach, combining hydrogeochemical data, vulnerability assessments and multivariate analysis, to understand groundwater processes in peri-urban areas.
It is unquestionable that an effective decision concerning the usage of a certain environmental clean-up technology should be conveniently supported. Significant amount of scientific work focussing on the reduction of nitrate concentration in drinking water by both metallic iron and nanomaterials and their usage in permeable reactive barriers has been worldwide published over the last two decades. This work aims to present in a systematic review of the most relevant research done on the removal of nitrate from groundwater using nanosized iron based permeable reactive barriers. The research was based on scientific papers published between 2004 and June 2014. It was performed using 16 combinations of keywords in 34 databases, according to PRISMA statement guidelines. Independent reviewers validated the selection criteria. From the 4161 records filtered, 45 met the selection criteria and were selected to be included in this review. This study's outcomes show that the permeable reactive barriers are, indeed, a suitable technology for denitrification and with good performance record but the long-term impact of the use of nanosized zero valent iron in this remediation process, in both on the environment and on the human health, is far to be conveniently known. As a consequence, further work is required on this matter, so that nanosized iron based permeable reactive barriers for the removal of nitrate from drinking water can be genuinely considered an eco-efficient technology.
In this work, kriging with covariates is used to model and map the spatial distribution of salinity measurements gathered by an autonomous underwater vehicle in a sea outfall monitoring campaign aiming to distinguish the effluent plume from the receiving waters and characterize its spatial variability in the vicinity of the discharge. Four different geostatistical linear models for salinity were assumed, where the distance to diffuser, the west-east positioning, and the south-north positioning were used as covariates. Sample variograms were fitted by the Mat`ern models using weighted least squares and maximum likelihood estimation methods as a way to detect eventual discrepancies. Typically, the maximum likelihood method estimated very low ranges which have limited the kriging process. So, at least for these data sets, weighted least squares showed to be the most appropriate estimation method for variogram fitting. The kriged maps show clearly the spatial variation of salinity, and it is possible to identify the effluent plume in the area studied. The results obtained show some guidelines for sewage monitoring if a geostatistical analysis of the data is in mind. It is important to treat properly the existence of anomalous values and to adopt a sampling strategy that includes transects parallel and perpendicular to the effluent dispersion.
O tratamento das águas residuais domésticas surge com o intuito de degradar os poluentes presentes, para que as águas residuais tratadas não prejudiquem o ambiente nem a saúde pública. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a conceção e o dimensionamento de uma Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) na freguesia de Canelas com a finalidade de substituir a já existente e permitir a ampliação da área da rede de saneamento da freguesia. Foram considerados dois tipos de ETAR’s, compacta e convencional, para tratar águas residuais domésticas de aproxidamente 2000 habitantes, com um caudal médio de 400 m3/dia e um caudal de ponta de 1136,7 m3/dia. Das duas opções optou-se pela convencional uma vez que acarreta um menor investimento, no valor de 187 232 €, e se considera também mais adequada às características do efluente a tratar. O tratamento escolhido inclui inicialmente uma gradagem, com uma grade constituída por sete barras com um espaçamento de 20 mm entre elas, seguida de um tamisador rotativo com uma abertura de malha de 3 mm. Depois do tamisador, optou-se por um sistema de desarenação/desengorduramento com um volume do tanque de 3,95 m3 e um fluxo de ar de 17,9 m3/h. Na fase seguinte considerou-se um tratamento biológico por lamas ativadas em regime de arejamento prolongado num tanque de arejamento de volume igual a 245,8 m3 com um arejador submerso, seguindo-se um decantador secundário de volume 33,3 m3. Por último, escolheu-se um sistema de desinfeção por ultravioleta e, a montante do mesmo, um filtro rápido para eliminar pequenas partículas que o efluente ainda possa conter. Para a desinfeção foram consideradas duas secções com cinco módulos de duas lâmpadas cada, ou seja, vinte lâmpadas ultravioleta. Dos resíduos produzidos pelo tratamento da água residual, os gradados e as areias serão encaminhados para aterro, enquanto que as lamas serão enviadas para a ETAR das Termas de S.Vicente, para que sofram o tratamento adequado e sejam encaminhadas para o destinal final adequado (aplicação em solos agrícolas, compostagem ou em alternativa para aterro). No caso da ETAR covencional foi ainda avaliada a possível reutilização de um decantador da ETAR de Milhundos uma vez que esta se encontrava em fase de desativação. Desta avaliação, concluiu-se que não seria economicamente viável o seu reaproveitamento. Mestrado em Engenharia Química – Tecnologias de Proteção Ambiental Para além disso realizou-se também um levantamento dos principais problemas que ocorrem na maioria das ETAR’s e foram apresentadas as respetivas sugestões de resolução. A realização de um inquérito permititu concluir que os odores são o problema que mais causa incómodo à população.