154 resultados para Process optimization
This paper presents an optimization approach for the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). The JSSP is a difficult problem in combinatorial optimization for which extensive investigation has been devoted to the development of efficient algorithms. The proposed approach is based on a genetic algorithm technique. The scheduling rules such as SPT and MWKR are integrated into the process of genetic evolution. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedules are constructed using a priority rule in which the priorities and delay times of the operations are defined by the genetic algorithm. Schedules are constructed using a procedure that generates parameterized active schedules. After a schedule is obtained a local search heuristic is applied to improve the solution. The approach is tested on a set of standard instances taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This study addresses to the optimization of pultrusion manufacturing process from the energy-consumption point of view. The die heating system of external platen heaters commonly used in the pultrusion machines is one of the components that contribute the most to the high consumption of energy of pultrusion process. Hence, instead of the conventional multi-planar heaters, a new internal die heating system that leads to minor heat losses is proposed. The effect of the number and relative position of the embedded heaters along the die is also analysed towards the setting up of the optimum arrangement that minimizes both the energy rate and consumption. Simulation and optimization processes were greatly supported by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and calibrated with basis on the temperature profile computed through thermography imaging techniques. The main outputs of this study allow to conclude that the use of embedded cylindrical resistances instead of external planar heaters leads to drastic reductions of both the power consumption and the warm-up periods of the die heating system. For the analysed die tool and process, savings on energy consumption up to 60% and warm-up period stages less than an half hour were attained with the new internal heating system. The improvements achieved allow reducing the power requirements on pultrusion process, and thus minimize industrial costs and contribute to a more sustainable pultrusion manufacturing industry.
This paper presents a modified Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) methodology to solve the problem of energy resources management with high penetration of distributed generation and Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G). The objective of the day-ahead scheduling problem in this work is to minimize operation costs, namely energy costs, regarding the management of these resources in the smart grid context. The modifications applied to the PSO aimed to improve its adequacy to solve the mentioned problem. The proposed Application Specific Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (ASMPSO) includes an intelligent mechanism to adjust velocity limits during the search process, as well as self-parameterization of PSO parameters making it more user-independent. It presents better robustness and convergence characteristics compared with the tested PSO variants as well as better constraint handling. This enables its use for addressing real world large-scale problems in much shorter times than the deterministic methods, providing system operators with adequate decision support and achieving efficient resource scheduling, even when a significant number of alternative scenarios should be considered. The paper includes two realistic case studies with different penetration of gridable vehicles (1000 and 2000). The proposed methodology is about 2600 times faster than Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) reference technique, reducing the time required from 25 h to 36 s for the scenario with 2000 vehicles, with about one percent of difference in the objective function cost value.
The aim of the project was to improve an existing testing machine that is produced by the company EVOLEO Technologies. New conceptions of each part have been invented in order to produce an innovative unit that combines optimal segments from the old construction with the new, improved ones. The machine is meant to be testing different kind of devices that use specific elements like: buttons, knobs, monitors. The main purpose is to create various concepts of components that could be changed in order to lower the cost, weight or to simplify the operating process. Figure 1. shows the already existing discussed device.
Communities of Practice are places which provide a sound basis for organizational learning, enabling knowledge creation and acquisition thus improving organizational performance, leveraging innovation and consequently increasing competitively. Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoP‟s) can perform a central role in promoting communication and collaboration between members who are dispersed in both time and space. The ongoing case study, described here, aims to identify both the motivations and the constraints that members of an organization experience when taking part in the knowledge creating processes of the VCoP‟s to which they belong. Based on a literature review, we have identified several factors that influence such processes; they will be used to analyse the results of interviews carried out with the leaders of VCoP‟s in four multinationals. As future work, a questionnaire will be developed and administered to the other members of these VCoP‟s
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Mestre Agostinho Sousa Pinto
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientado por: Doutora Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias
In recent years, power systems have experienced many changes in their paradigm. The introduction of new players in the management of distributed generation leads to the decentralization of control and decision-making, so that each player is able to play in the market environment. In the new context, it will be very relevant that aggregator players allow midsize, small and micro players to act in a competitive environment. In order to achieve their objectives, virtual power players and single players are required to optimize their energy resource management process. To achieve this, it is essential to have financial resources capable of providing access to appropriate decision support tools. As small players have difficulties in having access to such tools, it is necessary that these players can benefit from alternative methodologies to support their decisions. This paper presents a methodology, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and intended to support smaller players. In this case the present methodology uses a training set that is created using energy resource scheduling solutions obtained using a mixed-integer linear programming (MIP) approach as the reference optimization methodology. The trained network is used to obtain locational marginal prices in a distribution network. The main goal of the paper is to verify the accuracy of the ANN based approach. Moreover, the use of a single ANN is compared with the use of two or more ANN to forecast the locational marginal price.
This paper presents a methodology that aims to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point of the electrical distribution system by identifying new investments in distribution components. The methodology is based on statistical failure and repair data of the distribution power system components and it uses fuzzy-probabilistic modelling for system component outage parameters. Fuzzy membership functions of system component outage parameters are obtained by statistical records. A mixed integer non-linear optimization technique is developed to identify adequate investments in distribution networks components that allow increasing the availability level for any customer in the distribution system at minimum cost for the system operator. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a real distribution network.
This paper addresses the problem of energy resources management using modern metaheuristics approaches, namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), New Particle Swarm Optimization (NPSO) and Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO). The addressed problem in this research paper is intended for aggregators’ use operating in a smart grid context, dealing with Distributed Generation (DG), and gridable vehicles intelligently managed on a multi-period basis according to its users’ profiles and requirements. The aggregator can also purchase additional energy from external suppliers. The paper includes a case study considering a 30 kV distribution network with one substation, 180 buses and 90 load points. The distribution network in the case study considers intense penetration of DG, including 116 units from several technologies, and one external supplier. A scenario of 6000 EVs for the given network is simulated during 24 periods, corresponding to one day. The results of the application of the PSO approaches to this case study are discussed deep in the paper.
Scheduling is a critical function that is present throughout many industries and applications. A great need exists for developing scheduling approaches that can be applied to a number of different scheduling problems with significant impact on performance of business organizations. A challenge is emerging in the design of scheduling support systems for manufacturing environments where dynamic adaptation and optimization become increasingly important. In this paper, we describe a Self-Optimizing Mechanism for Scheduling System through Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques (NIT).
The operation of power systems in a Smart Grid (SG) context brings new opportunities to consumers as active players, in order to fully reach the SG advantages. In this context, concepts as smart homes or smart buildings are promising approaches to perform the optimization of the consumption, while reducing the electricity costs. This paper proposes an intelligent methodology to support the consumption optimization of an industrial consumer, which has a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility. A SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system developed by the authors is used to support the implementation of the proposed methodology. An optimization algorithm implemented in the system in order to perform the determination of the optimal consumption and CHP levels in each instant, according to the Demand Response (DR) opportunities. The paper includes a case study with several scenarios of consumption and heat demand in the context of a DR event which specifies a maximum demand level for the consumer.
This paper proposes a particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach to support electricity producers for multiperiod optimal contract allocation. The producer risk preference is stated by a utility function (U) expressing the tradeoff between the expectation and variance of the return. Variance estimation and expected return are based on a forecasted scenario interval determined by a price range forecasting model developed by the authors. A certain confidence level is associated to each forecasted scenario interval. The proposed model makes use of contracts with physical (spot and forward) and financial (options) settlement. PSO performance was evaluated by comparing it with a genetic algorithm-based approach. This model can be used by producers in deregulated electricity markets but can easily be adapted to load serving entities and retailers. Moreover, it can easily be adapted to the use of other type of contracts.
Distributed Energy Resources (DER) scheduling in smart grids presents a new challenge to system operators. The increase of new resources, such as storage systems and demand response programs, results in additional computational efforts for optimization problems. On the other hand, since natural resources, such as wind and sun, can only be precisely forecasted with small anticipation, short-term scheduling is especially relevant requiring a very good performance on large dimension problems. Traditional techniques such as Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) do not cope well with large scale problems. This type of problems can be appropriately addressed by metaheuristics approaches. This paper proposes a new methodology called Signaled Particle Swarm Optimization (SiPSO) to address the energy resources management problem in the scope of smart grids, with intensive use of DER. The proposed methodology’s performance is illustrated by a case study with 99 distributed generators, 208 loads, and 27 storage units. The results are compared with those obtained in other methodologies, namely MINLP, Genetic Algorithm, original Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Evolutionary PSO, and New PSO. SiPSO performance is superior to the other tested PSO variants, demonstrating its adequacy to solve large dimension problems which require a decision in a short period of time.
The large increase of distributed energy resources, including distributed generation, storage systems and demand response, especially in distribution networks, makes the management of the available resources a more complex and crucial process. With wind based generation gaining relevance, in terms of the generation mix, the fact that wind forecasting accuracy rapidly drops with the increase of the forecast anticipation time requires to undertake short-term and very short-term re-scheduling so the final implemented solution enables the lowest possible operation costs. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource scheduling in smart grids, considering day ahead, hour ahead and five minutes ahead scheduling. The short-term scheduling, undertaken five minutes ahead, takes advantage of the high accuracy of the very-short term wind forecasting providing the user with more efficient scheduling solutions. The proposed method uses a Genetic Algorithm based approach for optimization that is able to cope with the hard execution time constraint of short-term scheduling. Realistic power system simulation, based on PSCAD , is used to validate the obtained solutions. The paper includes a case study with a 33 bus distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources implemented in PSCAD .