28 resultados para Food diet
Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism, involving, in most cases, a deficient activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Neonatal diagnosis and a prompt special diet (low phenylalanine and natural-protein restricted diets) are essential to the treatment. The lack of data concerning phenylalanine contents of processed foodstuffs is an additional limitation for an already very restrictive diet. Our goals were to quantify protein (Kjeldahl method) and amino acid (18) content (HPLC/fluorescence) in 16 dishes specifically conceived for phenylketonuric patients, and compare the most relevant results with those of several international food composition databases. As might be expected, all the meals contained low protein levels (0.67–3.15 g/100 g) with the highest ones occurring in boiled rice and potatoes. These foods also contained the highest amounts of phenylalanine (158.51 and 62.65 mg/100 g, respectively). In contrast to the other amino acids, it was possible to predict phenylalanine content based on protein alone. Slight deviations were observed when comparing results with the different food composition databases.
The mineral content (phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu)) of eight ready-to-eat baby leaf vegetables was determined. The samples were subjected to microwave-assisted digestion and the minerals were quantified by High-Resolution Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) with flame and electrothermal atomisation. The methods were optimised and validated producing low LOQs, good repeatability and linearity, and recoveries, ranging from 91% to 110% for the minerals analysed. Phosphorous was determined by a standard colorimetric method. The accuracy of the method was checked by analysing a certified reference material; results were in agreement with the quantified value. The samples had a high content of potassium and calcium, but the principal mineral was iron. The mineral content was stable during storage and baby leaf vegetables could represent a good source of minerals in a balanced diet. A linear discriminant analysis was performed to compare the mineral profile obtained and showed, as expected, that the mineral content was similar between samples from the same family. The Linear Discriminant Analysis was able to discriminate different samples based on their mineral profile.
Nutritional management is essential for Phenylketonuria (PKU) treatment, consisting in a semi-synthetic and low phenylalanine (Phe) diet, which includes strictly controlled amounts of low protein natural foods (essentially fruits and vegetables) supplemented with Phe-free protein substitutes and dietetic low-protein products. PKU diet has to be carefully planned, providing the best ingredient combinations, so that patients can achieve good metabolic control and an adequate nutritional status. Hereupon, it is mandatory to know the detailed composition of natural and/or cooked foodstuffs prepared specifically for these patients. We intended to evaluate sixteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU patients, regarding the nutritional composition, Phe and tyrosine (Tyr) contents, fatty acids profile, and vitamins E and B12 amounts. The nutritional composition of the cooked samples was 15.5–92.0 g/100 g, for moisture; 0.7–3.2 g/100 g, for protein; 0.1–25.0 g/100 g, for total fat; and 5.0–62.0 g/100 g, for total carbohydrates. Fatty acids profile and vitamin E amount reflected the type of fat used. All samples were poor in vitamin B12 (0.3–0.8 μg/100 g). Boiled rice presented the highest Phe content: 50.3 mg/g of protein. These data allow a more accurate calculation of the diet portions to be ingested by the patients according to their individual tolerance.
The proper disposal of the several types of wastes produced in industrial activities increases production costs. As a consequence, it is common to develop strategies to reuse these wastes in the same process and in different processes or to transform them for use in other processes. This work combines the needs for new synthesis methods of nanomaterials and the reduction of production cost using wastes from citrine juice (orange, lime, lemon and mandarin) to produce a new added value product, green zero-valent iron nanoparticles that can be used in several applications, including environmental remediation. The results indicate that extracts of the tested fruit wastes (peel, albedo and pulp fractions) can be used to produce zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVIs). This shows that these wastes can be an added value product. The resulting nZVIs had sizes ranging from 3 up to 300 nm and distinct reactivities (pulp > peel > albedo extracts). All the studied nanoparticles did not present a significant agglomeration/settling tendency when compared to similar nanoparticles, which indicates that they remain in suspension and retain their reactivity.
Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.
Epidemiologic studies have reported an inverse association between dairy product consumption and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults, but this relation is relatively unexplored in adolescents. We hypothesized that a higher dairy product intake is associated with lower cardiometabolic risk factor clustering in adolescents. To test this hypothesis, a cross-sectional study was conducted with 494 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years from the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. We measured fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, body fat, and cardiorespiratory fitness. We also calculated homeostatic model assessment and total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. For each one of these variables, a z score was computed using age and sex. A cardiometabolic risk score (CMRS) was constructed by summing up the z scores of all individual risk factors. High risk was considered to exist when an individual had at least 1 SD from this score. Diet was evaluated using a food frequency questionnaire, and the intake of total dairy (included milk, yogurt, and cheese), milk, yogurt, and cheese was categorized as low (equal to or below the median of the total sample) or “appropriate” (above the median of the total sample).The association between dairy product intake and CMRS was evaluated using separate logistic regression, and the results were adjusted for confounders. Adolescents with high milk intake had lower CMRS, compared with those with low intake (10.6% vs 18.1%, P = .018). Adolescents with appropriate milk intake were less likely to have high CMRS than those with low milk intake (odds ratio, 0.531; 95% confidence interval, 0.302-0.931). No association was found between CMRS and total dairy, yogurt, and cheese intake. Only milk intake seems to be inversely related to CMRS in adolescents.
Advanced glycation end-products are Maillard reaction products that are found in thermal processed food. This compounds are often referred as unhealthy for human diet, namely because of their capacity to form amino-acid dimers. There is a broad range of answers to get about how these products are formed, how they interact with the organism and how these reactions can be inhibited to prevent the referred effects. Some compounds from garlic are thought to be able to inhibit these reactions. This study using spectrophotometric, High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, helps to understand better not only not only the effect of some compounds obtained from garlic, diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS) and diallyl trisulfide (DATS), on these AGEs production reaction, but also helped to understand better the reaction itself.
Os radicais livres formam-se naturalmente nos organismos vivos, pois a sua produção/geração está interligada com o processo de produção de energia (respiração), processos inflamatórios (fagocitose), regulação do crescimento celular, sinalização intercelular e síntese de substâncias biológicas relevantes. Estes também podem ser introduzidos por vias exógenas (poluição, radiação, tabaco, alimentação, etc). Os radicais livres têm capacidade de reagir com o material nucleico (ADN e ARN), proteínas e substâncias oxidáveis, causando danos oxidativos responsáveis pelo envelhecimento e originar doenças degenerativas, tais como, o cancro, arteriosclerose, artrite reumatoide, entre outras. De forma a combater os efeitos pejorativos provocados pelos radicais, os organismos vivos desenvolveram complexos sistemas de defesa antioxidante. Estes sistemas são constituídos por antioxidantes endógenos, produzidos pelos seres vivos, tais como enzimas ou por antioxidantes exógenos obtidos por via da alimentação (por exemplo o ácido ascórbico). Neste sentido, um antioxidante tem capacidade de eliminar ou reduzir a propagação da cadeia de geração de radicais livres. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um biossensor enzimático para a quantificação da capacidade antioxidante total de matrizes alimentares. A construção deste biossensor consistiu na eletroimobilização da adenina no elétrodo de pasta de carbono (EPC) ou na adsorção física da dA20 na superfície do EPC. O dano oxidativo foi induzido pelo radical hidroxilo gerado pela reação de Fenton. Nesta dissertação, foi estudada a capacidade de alguns antioxidantes em eliminar o efeito pejorativo dos radicais livres e combater a integridade das bases de adenina ou do dA20.Os antioxidantes estudados foram o ácido ascórbico e alguns ácidos fenólicos como o ácido hidroxibenzoico (ácido gálico) e ácidos hidroxicinâmicos (ácido cafeico e ácido cumárico). Estes antioxidantes têm a capacidade de neutralizar o radical hidroxilo e proteger a adenina/dA20 imobilizado na superfície do EPC. O comportamento da Lacase foi estudado na presença do ácido gálico e do ácido ascórbico. Os estudos eletroquímicos foram realizados através da voltametria de onda quadrada (VOQ), sendo que a interação entre a adenina/ou o dA20 imobilizada na superfície do EPC e os radicais livres na ausência e presença de antioxidantes foi avaliada por meio de mudanças no pico anódico produzido pela oxidação da adenina /dA20. Os resultados demonstraram que estes biossensores permitem a avaliação da capacidade antioxidante total em águas aromatizadas.
A gold nanoparticle-coated screen-printed carbon electrode was used as the transducer in the development of an electrochemical immunosensor for Ara h 1 (a major peanut allergen) detection in food samples. Gold nanoparticles (average diameter=32 nm) were electrochemically generated on the surface of screen-printed carbon electrodes. Two monoclonal antibodies were used in a sandwich-type immunoassay and the antibody–antigen interaction was electrochemically detected through stripping analysis of enzymatically (using alkaline phosphatase) deposited silver. The total time of the optimized immunoassay was 3 h 50 min. The developed immunosensor allowed the quantification of Ara h 1 between 12.6 and 2000 ng/ml, with a limit of detection of 3.8 ng/ml, and provided precise (RSD <8.7%) and accurate (recovery >96.6%) results. The immunosensor was successfully applied to the analysis of complex food matrices (cookies and chocolate), being able to detect Ara h 1 in samples containing 0.1% of peanut.
Consumers nowadays are playing an active role in their health-care. A special case is the increasing number of women, who are reluctant to use exogenous hormone therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and are looking for complementary therapies. However, food supplements are not clearly regulated in Europe. The EFSA has only recently begun to address the issues of botanical safety and purity regulation, leading to a variability of content, standardization, dosage, and purity of available products. In this study, isoflavones (puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, glycitein, genistein, formononetin, prunetin, and biochanin A) from food supplements (n = 15) for menopausal symptoms relief are evaluated and compared with the labelled information. Only four supplements complied with the recommendations made by the EC on the tolerable thresholds. The intestinal bioavailability of these compounds was investigated using Caco-2 cells. The apparent permeability coefficients of the selected isoflavonoids across the Caco-2 cells were affected by the isoflavone concentration and product matrix.
A novel electrochemical sensor for ochratoxin A (OTA) detection was fabricated through the modification of a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP). The MWCNTs dramatically promoted the sensitivity of the developed sensor, while polypyrrole (PPy) imprinted with OTA served as the selective recognition element. The imprinted PPy film was prepared by electropolymerization of pyrrole in the presence of OTA as a template molecule via cyclic voltammetry (CV). The electrochemical oxidation of OTA at the developed sensor was investigated by CV and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The developed MIP/MWCNT/GCE sensor showed a linear relationship, when using DPV, between peak current intensity and OTA concentration in the range between 0.050 and 1.0 μM, with limits of detection (LOD) and quantification of 0.0041 μM (1.7 μg/L) and 0.014 μM (5.7 μg/L) respectively. With the developed sensor precise results were obtained; relative standard deviations of 4.2% and 7.5% in the evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility, respectively. The MIP/MWCNT/GCE sensor is simple to fabricate and easy to use and was successfully applied to the determination of OTA in spiked beer and wine samples, with recoveries between 84 and 104%, without the need of a sample pre-treatment step.
Background Over the years, food industry wastes have been the focus of a growing interest due to their content in high added-value compounds. A good example are the olive oil by-products (OOBP), which retain a great amount of phenolic compounds during olive oil production. Their structure and biological properties justify their potential use as antioxidants in other food products. The efficient recovery of phenolic compounds has been extensively studied and optimized in order to maximize their reintroduction in the food chain and contribute to a higher valorization and better management of wastes from olive oil industry. Scope and approach This paper reviews the most representative phenolic compounds described in OOBP and their biological properties. New extraction procedures to efficiently recover these compounds and the most advanced chromatographic techniques that have been used for a better understanding of the phenolic profile of these complex matrices are also referred. Finally, this paper reports the main applications of OOBP, with emphasis on their phenolic content as natural antioxidants for food applications. Key findings and conclusions Besides their antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds from OOBP have also shown antimicrobial and antitumoral properties. Their application as food antioxidants requires new extraction techniques, including the use of non-toxic solvents and, in a pilot scale, the use of filters and adsorbent resins. The inclusion of phenolic compounds from OOBP in some food matrices have improved not only their antioxidant capacity but also their sensory attributes.
Microbiota is a set of microorganisms resident in gut ecosystem that reacts to psychological stressful stimuli, and is involved in depressed or anxious status in both animals and human being. Interestingly, a series of studies have shown the effects of physical exercise on gut microbiota dynamics, suggesting that gut microbiota regulation might act as one mediator for the effects of exercise on the brain. Recent studies found that gut microbiota dynamics are also regulated by metabolism changes, such as through physical exercise or diet change. Interestingly, physical exercise modulates different population of gut bacteria in compared to food restriction or rich diet, and alleviates gut syndromes to toxin intake. Gut microbiota could as well contribute to the beneficial effects of exercise on cognition and emotion, either directly through serotonin signaling or indirectly by modulating metabolism and exercise performance.