32 resultados para Evolução molecular
Em pouco mais de três décadas (1980-2013) registaram-se, em Portugal continental, cerca de 745 mil ignições e uma área ardida que ronda 3,7 milhões de hectares. Todavia, quando se analisa a distribuição espacial dos incêndios verifica-se que há distritos especialmente suscetíveis à sua deflagração e outros mais favoráveis à propagação das chamas. A dicotomia Norte/Centro vs Sul de Portugal, tanto no número de ignições como na área ardida, é igualmente bem conhecida. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se analisar a distribuição espacial e detetar tendências de evolução temporal, no período de 1980-2013, tanto na densidade de ignições, como na percentagem de áreas ardidas a nível regional, e, ainda, definir o grau de similaridade existente entre os distritos que compõem Portugal continental, no que se refere à incidência de incêndios florestais. Os resultados referentes à densidade de ignições são perentórios quanto ao seu acréscimo pois, em todas as unidades territoriais, a correlação – baseada quer no coeficiente de Pearson quer no coeficiente de Spearman, de acordo com a análise - revela-se estatisticamente significativa. No que se refere às percentagens de superfície média incinerada, os resultados são mais díspares. Com tendências positivas (p-value <0,05) sobressaem todos os distritos da região Norte, enquanto os de Beja e Évora manifestam a mesma tendência, apenas se aplicado o coeficiente de Spearman. Com tendência inversa, isto é, de decréscimo, apenas se destaca Coimbra. Nos restantes distritos as tendências observadas não revelam significado estatístico.
João Vinagre, Vasco Pinto and Ricardo Celestino contributed equally to the manuscript.
Background Gastric cancer remains a serious health concern worldwide. Patients would greatly benefit from the discovery of new biomarkers that predict outcome more accurately and allow better treatment and follow-up decisions. Here, we used a retrospective, observational study to assess the expression and prognostic value of the transcription factors SOX2 and CDX2 in gastric cancer. Methods SOX2, CDX2, MUC5AC and MUC2 expression were assessed in 201 gastric tumors by immunohistochemistry. SOX2 and CDX2 expression were crossed with clinicopathological and follow-up data to determine their impact on tumor behavior and outcome. Moreover, SOX2 locus copy number status was assessed by FISH (N = 21) and Copy Number Variation Assay (N = 62). Results SOX2 was expressed in 52% of the gastric tumors and was significantly associated with male gender, T stage and N stage. Moreover, SOX2 expression predicted poorer patient survival, and the combination with CDX2 defined two molecular phenotypes, SOX2+CDX2- versus SOX2-CDX2+, that predict the worst and the best long-term patients’ outcome. These profiles combined with clinicopathological parameters stratify the prognosis of patients with intestinal and expanding tumors and in those without signs of venous invasion. Finally, SOX2 locus copy number gains were found in 93% of the samples reaching the amplification threshold in 14% and significantly associating with protein expression. Conclusions We showed, for the first time, that SOX2 combined with CDX2 expression profile in gastric cancer segregate patients into different prognostic groups, complementing the clinicopathological information. We further demonstrate a molecular mechanism for SOX2 expression in a subset of gastric cancer cases.
Drug development represents a highly complex, inefficient and costly process. Over the past decade, the widespread use of nuclear imaging, owing to its functional and molecular nature, has proven to be a determinant in improving the efficiency in selecting the candidate drugs that should either be abandoned or moved forward into clinical trials. This helps not only with the development of safer and effective drugs but also with the shortening of time-to-market. The modern concept and future trends concerning molecular imaging will assumedly be hybrid or multimodality imaging, including combinations between high sensitivity and functional (molecular) modalities with high spatial resolution and morphological techniques.
O principal objectivo desta dissertação foi avaliar a evolução hidrogeoquímica das águas minerais de Entre‐os‐Rios, para uma melhor compreensão do modelo hidrogeológico conceptual deste sistema hidromineral. Desta forma, foram coligidos diversos dados hidroquímicos, quer das nascentes clássicas (Torre, Curveira, Ardias, Arcos Esquerda e Arcos Direita), quer do furo Barbeitos. Foram compiladas e analisadas oitenta análises hidroquímicas no período 1938‐2012, incluindo características organolépticas (cheiro, cor e turbidez), diversas propriedades físico-químicas (temperatura, pH, condutividade eléctrica, sulfuração, etc), os principais catiões e aniões (bicarbonato, fluoreto, sódio, lítio, etc) e os elementos vestigiários (chumbo, tungsténio, boro, etc). Além disso, foram integrados os dados históricos disponíveis de finais do século XIX e inícios do século XX. Foram igualmente reunidos e discutidos alguns dados isotópicos (oxigénio‐18, deutério e trítio). O recurso hidromineral de Entre‐os‐Rios está condicionado pela litologia e pelas condições tectónicas. As análises químicas revelaram que as águas minerais de Entre‐os‐Rios apresentam uma estabilidade química nos últimos 100 anos. Estas águas são orto‐ a hipertermais, fracamente mineralizadas, de reacção alcalina, sulfídricas, bicarbonatadas sódicas, carbonatadas e muito fluoretadas. Estas características são claramente distintas das águas normais da região. As águas de Entre‐os‐Rios são muito semelhantes às águas minerais de S. Vicente e, em diversos parâmetros, bastante diferentes das águas minerais das Caldas da Saúde. Os dados isotópicos permitiram concluir que as águas de Entre‐os‐Rios têm uma origem meteórica, com um tempo de residência longo no sistema aquífero, e que são, muito provavelmente, submodernas, com uma recarga anterior a 1952. Na região de Entre‐os‐Rios coexistem três sistemas aquíferos, um sistema granítico superficial, livre e um sistema livre a semi‐confinado, ambos com circulação de águas normais, e um sistema aquífero granítico, profundo, confinado, com circulação de água mineral.
Biomimetics has paved the way toward new materials and technologies inspired in Nature. Biomolecules and their supramolecular organization have today a leading role in biomimetics, benefiting from the recent advances in nanotechnology. The production of biomimetic materials may be however a difficult task, because Nature does it very well. The use of several building blocks assembled in bottom-up arrangement is without doubt at the core of this process. Such building blocks include different molecules or molecular arrangements, of synthetic or natural origin, such as amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, carbon allotropes, dendrimers, or organosilanes, among others. The most common approaches to produce synthetic biomimetic materials are reported herein, with special emphasis to building blocks and their supramolecular arrangement.
Myoglobin (Mb) is among the cardiac biomarkers playing a major role in urgent diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Its monitoring in point-of-care is therefore fundamental. Pursuing this goal, a novel biomimetic ionophore for the potentiometric transduction of Mb is presented. It was synthesized by surface molecular imprinting (SMI) with the purpose of developing highly efficient sensor layers for near-stereochemical recognition of Mb. The template (Mb) was imprinted on a silane surface that was covalently attached to silica beads by means of self-assembled monolayers. First the silica was modified with an external layer of aldehyde groups. Then, Mb was attached by reaction with its amine groups (on the external surface) and subsequent formation of imine bonds. The vacant places surrounding Mb were filled by polymerization of the silane monomers 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) and propyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS). Finally, the template was removed by imine cleavage after treatment with oxalic acid. The results materials were finely dispersed in plasticized PVC selective membranes and used as ionophores in potentiometric transduction. The best analytical features were found in HEPES buffer of pH 4. Under this condition, the limits of detection were of 1.3 × 10−6 mol/L for a linear response after 8.0 × 10−7 mol/L with an anionic slope of −65.9 mV/decade. The imprinting effect was tested by preparing non-imprinted (NI) particles and employing these materials as ionophores. The resulting membranes showed no ability to detect Mb. Good selectivity was observed towards creatinine, sacarose, fructose, galactose, sodium glutamate, and alanine. The analytical application was conducted successfully and showed accurate and precise results.
6th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting
III Jornadas de Electroquímica e Inovação (Electroquímica e Nanomateriais), na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 16 a 17 de Setembro de 2013
Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting 2013, na Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom, 15 a 17 de Agosto de 2013
Trabalho de natureza profissional para a atribuição do Título de Especialista do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, na área de Línguas e Cuturas - Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, defendido a 11-11-2015.
Background Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent complication of diabetes, and oxidative stress is an important feature of diabetic ED. Oxidative stress-induced damage plays a pivotal role in the development of tissue alterations. However, the deleterious effects of oxidative stress in the corpus cavernosum with the progression of diabetes remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate systemic and penile oxidative stress status in the early and late stages of diabetes. Methods Male Wistar streptozotocin-diabetic rats (and age-matched controls) were examined 2 (early) and 8 weeks (late) after the induction of diabetes. Systemic oxidative stress was evaluated by urinary H2O2 and the ratio of circulating reduced/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG). Penile oxidative status was assessed by H2O2 production and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) formation. Cavernosal endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) was analyzed by quantitative immunohistochemistry. Dual immunofluorescence was also performed for 3-NT and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and eNOS–α-SMA. Results There was a significant increase in urinary H2O2 levels in both diabetic groups. The plasma GSH/GSSG ratio was significantly augmented in late diabetes. In cavernosal tissue, H2O2 production was significantly increased in late diabetes. Reactivity for 3-NT was located predominantly in cavernosal smooth muscle (SM) and was significantly reduced in late diabetes. Quantitative immunohistochemistry revealed a significant decrease in eNOS levels in cavernosal SM and endothelium in late diabetes. Conclusions The findings indicate that the noxious effects of oxidative stress are more prominent in late diabetes. Increased penile protein oxidative modifications and decreased eNOS expression may be responsible for structural and/or functional deregulation, contributing to the progression of diabetes-associated ED.