27 resultados para Epoxy resins.
Drilling of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates is usually carried out using standard drills. However, it is necessary to adapt the processes and/or tooling as the risk of delamination, or other damages, is high. These problems can affect mechanical properties of produced parts, therefore, lower reliability. In this paper, four different drills – three commercial and a special step (prototype) – are compared in terms of thrust force during drilling and delamination. In order to evaluate damage, enhanced radiography is applied. The resulting images were then computational processed using a previously developed image processing and analysis platform. Results show that the prototype drill had encouraging results in terms of maximum thrust force and delamination reduction. Furthermore, it is possible to state that a correct choice of drill geometry, particularly the use of a pilot hole, a conservative cutting speed – 53 m/min – and a low feed rate – 0.025 mm/rev – can help to prevent delamination.
In this study, the tensile strength of single-lap joints (SLJs) between similar and dissimilar adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive was evaluated experimentally and numerically. The adherend materials included polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), carbon-epoxy (CFRP), and glass-polyester (GFRP) composites. The following adherend combinations were tested: PE/PE, PE/PP, PE/CFRP, PE/GFRP, PP/PP, CFRP/CFRP, and GFRP/GFRP. One of the objectives of this work was to assess the influence of the adherends stiffness on the strength of the joints since it significantly affects the peel stresses magnitude in the adhesive layer. The experimental results were also used to validate a new mixed-mode cohesive damage model developed to simulate the adhesive layer. Thus, the experimental results were compared with numerical simulations performed in ABAQUS®, including a developed mixed-mode (I+II) cohesive damage model, based on the indirect use of fracture mechanics and implemented within interface finite elements. The cohesive laws present a trapezoidal shape with an increasing stress plateau, to reproduce the behaviour of the ductile adhesive used. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. There are several methods to recycle GFR thermostable materials: (a) incineration, with partial energy recovery due to the heat generated during organic part combustion; (b) thermal and/or chemical recycling, such as solvolysis, pyrolisis and similar thermal decomposition processes, with glass fibre recovering; and (c) mechanical recycling or size reduction, in which the material is subjected to a milling process in order to obtain a specific grain size that makes the material suitable as reinforcement in new formulations. This last method has important advantages over the previous ones: there is no atmospheric pollution by gas emission, a much simpler equipment is required as compared with ovens necessary for thermal recycling processes, and does not require the use of chemical solvents with subsequent environmental impacts. In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled GFRP waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste materials, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester polymer mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of GFRP waste treatment with silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. The use of factorial experiment design, instead of the one factor at-a-time method is efficient at allowing the evaluation of the effects and possible interactions of the different material factors involved. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as polymer mortar aggregates, without significant loss of mechanical properties with regard to non-modified polymer mortars.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the waste reuse in polymer mortars and concrete. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. There are several methods to recycle GFR thermostable materials: (a) incineration, with partial energy recovery due to the heat generated during organic part combustion; (b) thermal and/or chemical recycling, such as solvolysis, pyrolisis and similar thermal decomposition processes, with glass fibre recovering; and (c) mechanical recycling or size reduction, in which the material is subjected to a milling process in order to obtain a specific grain size that makes the material suitable as reinforcement in new formulations. This last method has important advantages over the previous ones: there is no atmospheric pollution by gas emission, a much simpler equipment is required as compared with ovens necessary for thermal recycling processes, and does not require the use of chemical solvents with subsequent environmental impacts. In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled GFRP waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste materials, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester polymer mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of GFRP waste treatment with silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. The use of factorial experiment design, instead of the one-factor-at-a-time method is efficient at allowing the evaluation of the effects and possible interactions of the different material factors involved. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as aggregates and filler replacements for polymer mortar, with significant gain of mechanical properties with regard to non-modified polymer mortars.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behavior over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.
An experimental and numerical investigation into the shear strength behaviour of adhesive single lap joints (SLJs) was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the joint strength. The adherend material used for the experimental tests was an aluminium alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high-strength high temperature epoxy. Tensile tests as a function of temperature were performed and numerical predictions based on the use of a bilinear cohesive damage model were obtained. It is shown that at temperatures below Tg, the lap shear strength of SLJs increased, while at temperatures above Tg, a drastic drop in the lap shear strength was observed. Comparison between the experimental and numerical maximum loads representing the strength of the joints shows a reasonably good agreement.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: crosslinked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.
Este documento especifica o trabalho realizado no estágio, que decorreu na Colquímica, sediada em Valongo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo colaborar no desenvolvimento de uma cola com características biodegradáveis. O estágio foi orientado pela Engenheira Cristina Frutuoso, no que diz respeito à orientação por parte da Colquímica, e pelo Professor Dr. Gilberto Pinto e Alfredo Crispim, ISEP. O trabalho foi dividido em duas instâncias, sendo a primeira direcionada para a formulação de uma cola com características biodegradáveis e a segunda para a realização do teste de Sturm, um teste de biodegradabilidade capaz de quantificar a quantidade de CO2 produzido pelo processo de biodegradação. Inicialmente foram desenvolvidas e estudadas dez formulações através das variações de resinas e óleo plastificante e estudado o seu comportamento reológico relacionado à variação de viscosidade em função da temperatura. Com base nos resultados obtidos verificou-se que a melhor formulação seria a A8. Estudaram-se as propriedades mecânicas da formulação escolhida e decidiu-se que esta estaria apta a ser usada no fecho de caixas de cartão de produtos ultra congelados assim como no fecho de caixas de cartão de detergentes em pó com peso até 3 Kg. Depois de escolhida a formulação deu-se início ao teste de Sturm, teste meramente orientativo. Durante dezassete dias avaliou-se a quantidade de CO2 produzida durante o processo de biodegradação. Após avaliação dos resultados verificou-se que a taxa de biodegradação para a amostra foi de 0,055 g de CO2. Com a finalidade de confirmar os resultados obtidos no teste de Sturm foi efetuada uma réplica do ensaio, a qual se encontra a decorrer sendo os resultados facultados, posteriormente, à empresa.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both the cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and the complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, polymer matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Hence, to date, most of the thermoset based GFRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and additional costs to producers and suppliers. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, the effect of the incorporation of mechanically recycled GFRP pultrusion wastes on flexural and compressive behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%, w/w), with distinct size grades (coarse fibrous mixture and fine powdered mixture), were incorporated into polyester PM as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Experimental results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars show improved mechanical behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse as raw material in concrete-polymer composites.
Nos últimos anos, a utilização dos materiais compósitos tem vindo a tornar-se cada vez mais comum em várias indústrias, onde se verifica uma ascensão na procura pelos mesmos. Características como o baixo peso aliado à sua alta resistência e rigidez permitem que estes materiais possuam diversas aplicações em variadas áreas, desde a medicina, aeronáutica, indústria automóvel e aeroespacial, até à indústria eletrónica. Hoje em dia, o uso de desperdícios sólidos de borracha e fibras naturais na produção de materiais compósitos é, mais que uma opção, uma necessidade ambiental. De forma a reduzir as enormes quantidades de desperdícios, foi criado um material compósito constituído por uma resina termoendurecível reforçada com esses dois tipos de desperdícios. Parâmetros de fabrico como a percentagem de borracha, o tamanho das partículas de borracha, a percentagem de fibras de cana-de-açúcar e o comprimento dessas fibras foram variados, com o objetivo de estudar a influência destes dois materiais nas propriedades mecânicas do compósito. Apesar da maior parte dos compósitos serem fabricados na forma de uma peça funcional quase pronta a ser utilizada, por vezes é necessário recorrer à maquinação de furos. Apesar das muitas técnicas de furação existentes, os defeitos resultantes deste processo aplicado aos materiais compósitos são ainda muito comuns. Desses defeitos o que mais se destaca é sem dúvida a delaminação. Trinta e seis provetes de epóxido reforçado com borracha e fibra de cana-de-açúcar foram fabricados e furados, de modo a possibilitar o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do material compósito, assim como a análise da zona danificada durante a furação. Diferentes condições de furação, como tipos de broca e velocidades de avanço diferentes, foram impostas aos provetes de forma a variar o mais possível a zona de dano de uns furos para os outros. Parâmetros como a área de dano ou ainda o fator de delaminação provam ser muito úteis na caracterização e quantificação do dano na zona periférica de um furo. Recorrendo a técnicas de processamento de imagem foi possível obter esses parâmetros. O processamento e análise de imagem pode ser feito através de vários métodos. O método utilizado neste trabalho foi o software MATLAB® associado a ferramentas de processamento de imagem. Depois de feita a análise dos furos foram realizados ensaios de esmagamento a todos os provetes. Este passo permitiu assim avaliar de que forma os parâmetros de furação influenciam a resistência mecânica do material, e se a avaliação realizada aos furos é um método viável para a avaliação da extensão de dano nesses furos.
As juntas adesivas têm vindo a ser usadas em diversas áreas e contam com inúmeras aplicações práticas. Devido ao fácil e rápido fabrico, as juntas de sobreposição simples (JSS) são um tipo de configuração bastante comum. O aumento da resistência, a redução de peso e a resistência à corrosão são algumas das vantagens que este tipo de junta oferece relativamente aos processos de ligação tradicionais. Contudo, a concentração de tensões nas extremidades do comprimento da ligação é uma das principais desvantagens. Existem poucas técnicas de dimensionamento precisas para a diversidade de ligações que podem ser encontradas em situações reais, o que constitui um obstáculo à utilização de juntas adesivas em aplicações estruturais. O presente trabalho visa comparar diferentes métodos analíticos e numéricos na previsão da resistência de JSS com diferentes comprimentos de sobreposição (LO). O objectivo fundamental é avaliar qual o melhor método para prever a resistência das JSS. Foram produzidas juntas adesivas entre substratos de alumínio utilizando um adesivo époxido frágil (Araldite® AV138), um adesivo epóxido moderadamente dúctil (Araldite® 2015), e um adesivo poliuretano dúctil (SikaForce® 7888). Consideraram-se diferentes métodos analíticos e dois métodos numéricos: os Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC) e o Método de Elementos Finitos Extendido (MEFE), permitindo a análise comparativa. O estudo possibilitou uma percepção crítica das capacidades de cada método consoante as características do adesivo utilizado. Os métodos analíticos funcionam apenas relativamente bem em condições muito específicas. A análise por MDC com lei triangular revelou ser um método bastante preciso, com excepção de adesivos que sejam bastante dúcteis. Por outro lado, a análise por MEFE demonstrou ser uma técnica pouco adequada, especialmente para o crescimento de dano em modo misto.