22 resultados para Deterministic Expander
The elastic behavior of the demand consumption jointly used with other available resources such as distributed generation (DG) can play a crucial role for the success of smart grids. The intensive use of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the technical and contractual constraints result in large-scale non linear optimization problems that require computational intelligence methods to be solved. This paper proposes a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based methodology to support the minimization of the operation costs of a virtual power player that manages the resources in a distribution network and the network itself. Resources include the DER available in the considered time period and the energy that can be bought from external energy suppliers. Network constraints are considered. The proposed approach uses Gaussian mutation of the strategic parameters and contextual self-parameterization of the maximum and minimum particle velocities. The case study considers a real 937 bus distribution network, with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators. The obtained solutions are compared with a deterministic approach and with PSO without mutation and Evolutionary PSO, both using self-parameterization.
The smart grid concept is a key issue in the future power systems, namely at the distribution level, with deep concerns in the operation and planning of these systems. Several advantages and benefits for both technical and economic operation of the power system and of the electricity markets are recognized. The increasing integration of demand response and distributed generation resources, all of them mostly with small scale distributed characteristics, leads to the need of aggregating entities such as Virtual Power Players. The operation business models become more complex in the context of smart grid operation. Computational intelligence methods can be used to give a suitable solution for the resources scheduling problem considering the time constraints. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The optimal schedule minimizes the operation costs and it is obtained using a particle swarm optimization approach, which is compared with a deterministic approach used as reference methodology. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers and 66 distributed generation units.
This paper presents a decision support tool methodology to help virtual power players (VPPs) in the Smart Grid (SGs) context to solve the day-ahead energy resource scheduling considering the intensive use of Distributed Generation (DG) and Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G). The main focus is the application of a new hybrid method combing a particle swarm approach and a deterministic technique based on mixedinteger linear programming (MILP) to solve the day-ahead scheduling minimizing total operation costs from the aggregator point of view. A realistic mathematical formulation, considering the electric network constraints and V2G charging and discharging efficiencies is presented. Full AC power flow calculation is included in the hybrid method to allow taking into account the network constraints. A case study with a 33-bus distribution network and 1800 V2G resources is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.
This paper presents a modified Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) methodology to solve the problem of energy resources management with high penetration of distributed generation and Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G). The objective of the day-ahead scheduling problem in this work is to minimize operation costs, namely energy costs, regarding the management of these resources in the smart grid context. The modifications applied to the PSO aimed to improve its adequacy to solve the mentioned problem. The proposed Application Specific Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (ASMPSO) includes an intelligent mechanism to adjust velocity limits during the search process, as well as self-parameterization of PSO parameters making it more user-independent. It presents better robustness and convergence characteristics compared with the tested PSO variants as well as better constraint handling. This enables its use for addressing real world large-scale problems in much shorter times than the deterministic methods, providing system operators with adequate decision support and achieving efficient resource scheduling, even when a significant number of alternative scenarios should be considered. The paper includes two realistic case studies with different penetration of gridable vehicles (1000 and 2000). The proposed methodology is about 2600 times faster than Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) reference technique, reducing the time required from 25 h to 36 s for the scenario with 2000 vehicles, with about one percent of difference in the objective function cost value.
An intensive use of dispersed energy resources is expected for future power systems, including distributed generation, especially based on renewable sources, and electric vehicles. The system operation methods and tool must be adapted to the increased complexity, especially the optimal resource scheduling problem. Therefore, the use of metaheuristics is required to obtain good solutions in a reasonable amount of time. This paper proposes two new heuristics, called naive electric vehicles charge and discharge allocation and generation tournament based on cost, developed to obtain an initial solution to be used in the energy resource scheduling methodology based on simulated annealing previously developed by the authors. The case study considers two scenarios with 1000 and 2000 electric vehicles connected in a distribution network. The proposed heuristics are compared with a deterministic approach and presenting a very small error concerning the objective function with a low execution time for the scenario with 2000 vehicles.
We present a new deterministic dynamical model on the market size of Cournot competitions, based on Nash equilibria of R&D investment strategies to increase the size of the market of the firms at every period of the game. We compute the unique Nash equilibrium for the second subgame and the profit functions for both firms. Adding uncertainty to the R&D investment strategies, we get a new stochastic dynamical model and we analyse the importance of the uncertainty to reverse the initial advantage of one firm with respect to the other.
Tipicamente as redes elétricas de distribuição apresentam uma topologia parcialmente malhada e são exploradas radialmente. A topologia radial é obtida através da abertura das malhas nos locais que otimizam o ponto de operação da rede, através da instalação de aparelhos de corte que operam normalmente abertos. Para além de manterem a topologia radial, estes equipamentos possibilitam também a transferência de cargas entre saídas, aquando da ocorrência de defeitos. As saídas radiais são ainda dotadas de aparelhos de corte que operam normalmente fechados, estes têm como objetivo maximizar a fiabilidade e isolar defeitos, minimizando a área afetada pelos mesmos. Assim, na presente dissertação são desenvolvidos dois algoritmos determinísticos para a localização ótima de aparelhos de corte normalmente abertos e fechados, minimizando a potência ativa de perdas e o custo da energia não distribuída. O algoritmo de localização de aparelhos de corte normalmente abertos visa encontrar a topologia radial ótima que minimiza a potência ativa de perdas. O método é desenvolvido em ambiente Matlab – Tomlab, e é formulado como um problema de programação quadrática inteira mista. A topologia radial ótima é garantida através do cálculo de um trânsito de potências ótimo baseado no modelo DC. A função objetivo é dada pelas perdas por efeito de Joule. Por outro lado o problema é restringido pela primeira lei de Kirchhoff, limites de geração das subestações, limites térmicos dos condutores, trânsito de potência unidirecional e pela condição de radialidade. Os aparelhos de corte normalmente fechados são localizados ao longo das saídas radiais obtidas pelo anterior algoritmo, e permite minimizar o custo da energia não distribuída. No limite é possível localizar um aparelho de corte normalmente fechado em todas as linhas de uma rede de distribuição, sendo esta a solução que minimiza a energia não distribuída. No entanto, tendo em conta que a cada aparelho de corte está associado um investimento, é fundamental encontrar um equilíbrio entre a melhoria de fiabilidade e o investimento. Desta forma, o algoritmo desenvolvido avalia os benefícios obtidos com a instalação de aparelhos de corte normalmente fechados, e retorna o número e a localização dos mesmo que minimiza o custo da energia não distribuída. Os métodos apresentados são testados em duas redes de distribuição reais, exploradas com um nível de tensão de 15 kV e 30 kV, respetivamente. A primeira rede é localizada no distrito do Porto e é caraterizada por uma topologia mista e urbana. A segunda rede é localizada no distrito de Bragança e é caracterizada por uma topologia maioritariamente aérea e rural.