106 resultados para Design de tipos de letra
A Box–Behnken factorial design coupled with surface response methodology was used to evaluate the effects of temperature, pH and initial concentration in the Cu(II) sorption process onto the marine macroalgae Ascophyllum nodosum. The effect of the operating variables on metal uptake capacitywas studied in a batch system and a mathematical model showing the influence of each variable and their interactions was obtained. Study ranges were 10–40ºC for temperature, 3.0–5.0 for pH and 50–150mgL−1 for initial Cu(II) concentration. Within these ranges, the biosorption capacity is slightly dependent on temperature but markedly increases with pH and initial concentration of Cu(II). The uptake capacities predicted by the model are in good agreement with the experimental values. Maximum biosorption capacity of Cu(II) by A. nodosum is 70mgg−1 and corresponds to the following values of those variables: temperature = 40ºC, pH= 5.0 and initial Cu(II) concentration = 150mgL−1.
Solvent extraction is considered as a multi-criteria optimization problem, since several chemical species with similar extraction kinetic properties are frequently present in the aqueous phase and the selective extraction is not practicable. This optimization, applied to mixer–settler units, considers the best parameters and operating conditions, as well as the best structure or process flow-sheet. Global process optimization is performed for a specific flow-sheet and a comparison of Pareto curves for different flow-sheets is made. The positive weight sum approach linked to the sequential quadratic programming method is used to obtain the Pareto set. In all investigated structures, recovery increases with hold-up, residence time and agitation speed, while the purity has an opposite behaviour. For the same treatment capacity, counter-current arrangements are shown to promote recovery without significant impairment in purity. Recycling the aqueous phase is shown to be irrelevant, but organic recycling with as many stages as economically feasible clearly improves the design criteria and reduces the most efficient organic flow-rate.
This study uses the process simulator ASPEN Plus and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to compare three process design alternatives for biodiesel production from waste vegetable oils that are: the conventional alkali-catalyzed process including a free fatty acids (FFAs) pre-treatment, the acid-catalyzed process, and the supercritical methanol process using propane as co-solvent. Results show that the supercritical methanol process using propane as co-solvent is the most environmentally favorable alternative. Its smaller steam consumption in comparison with the other process design alternatives leads to a lower contribution to the potential environmental impacts (PEI’s). The acid-catalyzed process generally shows the highest PEI’s, in particular due to the high energy requirements associated with methanol recovery operations.
O setor da construção civil em Portugal sofre atualmente uma crise, como consequência da crise instalada no país. Além disso, a construção tradicional devido à sua rigidez espacial contribuiu para que os edifícios não se pudessem adaptar de uma forma simples, rápida e económica. Para contrabalançar esses factos a industrialização deverá ser encarada como uma das áreas com maior potencial de crescimento no futuro. A possibilidade de conceber um sistema que se adapta às constantes mudanças das necessidades humanas torna-se um dos grandes desafios da indústria da construção civil onde a pré-fabricação terá um papel fundamental. Neste ensaio estuda-se um sistema de divisórias leves amovíveis pré-fabricadas. No primeiro capítulo deste ensaio é elaborada uma síntese de conceitos que estão relacionados com as divisórias leves pré-fabricadas (industrialização e pré-fabricação), aborda-se a avaliação do sistema previsto ao nível da legislação e os passos a dar para verificação da viabilidade do sistema. No segundo capítulo faz-se uma distinção entre os vários tipos de pré-fabricação, definemse as exigências de desempenho e funcionais do sistema, aborda-se o conceito de coordenação modular e das tolerâncias de construção referindo a sua tremenda importância na pré-fabricação. Na parte final deste capítulo abordam-se exaustivamente as exigências de desempenho das paredes interiores não resistentes. No terceiro capítulo desenvolveu-se o sistema. Descrevem-se todos os componentes do sistema e a justificação da sua utilização. Elaboram-se três pré-avaliações: mecânica, acústica e térmica. Definem-se as ligações a serem utilizadas e pormenorizam-se todos os materiais das ligações. É apresentada uma avaliação económica de custos do sistema. Definem-se os procedimentos de: fabricação, transporte, montagem e desmontagem do sistema. No último capítulo apresentam-se as principais conclusões e os possíveis desenvolvimentos futuros.
An analytical method using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and liquid chromatography (LC) with fluorescence detection (FD) for the determination of ochratoxin A (OTA) in bread samples is described. A 24 orthogonal composite design coupled with response surface methodology was used to study the influence of MAE parameters (extraction time, temperature, solvent volume, and stirring speed) in order to maximize OTA recovery. The optimized MAE conditions were the following: 25 mL of acetonitrile, 10 min of extraction, at 80 °C, and maximum stirring speed. Validation of the overall methodology was performed by spiking assays at five levels (0.1–3.00 ng/g). The quantification limit was 0.005 ng/g. The established method was then applied to 64 bread samples (wheat, maize, and wheat/maize bread) collected in Oporto region (Northern Portugal). OTAwas detected in 84 % of the samples with a maximum value of 2.87 ng/g below the European maximum limit established for OTA in cereal products of 3 ng/g.
In this study, the effect of incorporation of recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of shredding and milling processes, on mechanical behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates, between 4% up to 12% in weight, were incorporated into polyester PM materials as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the addition of a silane coupling agent to resin binder was also evaluated. Applied waste material was proceeding from the shredding of the leftovers resultant from the cutting and assembly processes of GFRP pultrusion profiles. Currently, these leftovers as well as non-conform products and scrap resulting from pultrusion manufacturing process are landfilled, with additional costs to producers and suppliers. Hence, besides the evident environmental benefits, a viable and feasible solution for these wastes would also conduct to significant economic advantages. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of full factorial design approach and analysis of variance ANOVA. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as partial replacement of aggregates and reinforcement for PM materials, with significant improvements on mechanical properties of resultant mortars with regards to waste-free formulations.
Os impactos ambientais e económicos dos combustíveis fósseis têm uma forte proveniência do sector dos transportes. Este facto tem motivado, nas últimas décadas um aumento do desenvolvimento dos veículos eléctricos, principalmente, das soluções híbridas. Tais desenvolvimentos resultam da integração de diversos domínios da engenharia, sendo de destacar os novos materiais e concepções de motores eléctricos, a electrónica de potência, os sistemas de controlo e os sistemas de armazenamento de energia. Neste artigo procura‐se apresentar as principais características dos sistemas de propulsão eléctrica actuais. Começa‐se fazer uma comparação entre os veículos eléctricos e os convencionais, baseados nos motores térmicos de combustão interna. Pela sua importância, é feita uma referência sucinta aos sistemas de armazenamento de energia. São comparadas as características da propulsão eléctrica e térmica, sob a perspectiva das exigências dos sistemas de tracção. São referidos os principais tipos de sistemas de propulsão eléctrica (motor, conversor e controlador), vantagens e desvantagens relativas. Por último, uma abordagem acerca das tendências futuras dos veículos eléctricos.
A realização do projecto eléctrico de uma instalação requer, além do domínio técnico dos assuntos particulares que a esta digam respeito, sistematização na sua abordagem e programação, necessária tanto no faseamento da sua concepção como na elaboração processual dos seus documentos. Neste sentido a publicação da portaria nº 701‐H/2008, de 29 de Julho, através do seu anexo I ‐ Instruções para a Elaboração de Projectos de Obras ‐ representa um salto qualitativo significativo no processo de realização do projecto, visando uma concepção de mais elevada qualidade do mesmo, ao definir a metodologia a seguir na sua elaboração, com discriminação das suas fases, seus conteúdos e objectivos. Embora a portaria se destine expressamente a projectos de obras públicas e uma vez que a caracterização das obras particulares se rege, de um modo geral, pelas regras das obras públicas, a transposição dos seus princípios para aquele tipo de obras representa uma mais‐valia significativa para o projectista e para a consequente melhoria do projecto electrotécnico. Este artigo faz uma ligeira incursão nos aspectos das Instruções para a Elaboração e revêem‐se alguns princípios formais da estruturação do projecto de licenciamento.
De todos os elementos que constituem uma central minihídrica as turbinas e os geradores são os que mais dizem respeito à engenharia electrotécnica. Este artigo pretende apresentar os tipos de turbinas utilizadas nas centrais minihídricas. Estas podem ser classificadas por duas tecnologias distintas: turbinas de acção ou turbinas de reacção. As turbinas de acção podem ser do tipo Pelton ou Banki- Mitchell. As turbinas de reacção podem ser do tipo Francis, Kaplan ou Hélice.
Our day-to-day life is dependent on several embedded devices, and in the near future, many more objects will have computation and communication capabilities enabling an Internet of Things. Correspondingly, with an increase in the interaction of these devices around us, developing novel applications is set to become challenging with current software infrastructures. In this paper, we argue that a new paradigm for operating systems needs to be conceptualized to provide aconducive base for application development on Cyber-physical systems. We demonstrate its need and importance using a few use-case scenarios and provide the design principles behind, and an architecture of a co-operating system or CoS that can serve as an example of this new paradigm.
Variations of manufacturing process parameters and environmental aspects may affect the quality and performance of composite materials, which consequently affects their structural behaviour. Reliability-based design optimisation (RBDO) and robust design optimisation (RDO) searches for safe structural systems with minimal variability of response when subjected to uncertainties in material design parameters. An approach that simultaneously considers reliability and robustness is proposed in this paper. Depending on a given reliability index imposed on composite structures, a trade-off is established between the performance targets and robustness. Robustness is expressed in terms of the coefficient of variation of the constrained structural response weighted by its nominal value. The Pareto normed front is built and the nearest point to the origin is estimated as the best solution of the bi-objective optimisation problem.
An approach for the analysis of uncertainty propagation in reliability-based design optimization of composite laminate structures is presented. Using the Uniform Design Method (UDM), a set of design points is generated over a domain centered on the mean reference values of the random variables. A methodology based on inverse optimal design of composite structures to achieve a specified reliability level is proposed, and the corresponding maximum load is outlined as a function of ply angle. Using the generated UDM design points as input/output patterns, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed based on an evolutionary learning process. Then, a Monte Carlo simulation using ANN development is performed to simulate the behavior of the critical Tsai number, structural reliability index, and their relative sensitivities as a function of the ply angle of laminates. The results are generated for uniformly distributed random variables on a domain centered on mean values. The statistical analysis of the results enables the study of the variability of the reliability index and its sensitivity relative to the ply angle. Numerical examples showing the utility of the approach for robust design of angle-ply laminates are presented.
Structural health monitoring has long been identified as a prominent application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), as traditional wired-based solutions present some inherent limitations such as installation/maintenance cost, scalability and visual impact. Nevertheless, there is a lack of ready-to-use and off-the-shelf WSN technologies that are able to fulfill some most demanding requirements of these applications, which can span from critical physical infrastructures (e.g. bridges, tunnels, mines, energy grid) to historical buildings or even industrial machinery and vehicles. Low-power and low-cost yet extremely sensitive and accurate accelerometer and signal acquisition hardware and stringent time synchronization of all sensors data are just examples of the requirements imposed by most of these applications. This paper presents a prototype system for health monitoring of civil engineering structures that has been jointly conceived by a team of civil, and electrical and computer engineers. It merges the benefits of standard and off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and communication technologies with a minimum set of custom-designed signal acquisition hardware that is mandatory to fulfill all application requirements.
Fractional calculus (FC) is currently being applied in many areas of science and technology. In fact, this mathematical concept helps the researches to have a deeper insight about several phenomena that integer order models overlook. Genetic algorithms (GA) are an important tool to solve optimization problems that occur in engineering. This methodology applies the concepts that describe biological evolution to obtain optimal solution in many different applications. In this line of thought, in this work we use the FC and the GA concepts to implement the electrical fractional order potential. The performance of the GA scheme, and the convergence of the resulting approximation, are analyzed. The results are analyzed for different number of charges and several fractional orders.
A genetic algorithm used to design radio-frequency binary-weighted differential switched capacitor arrays (RFDSCAs) is presented in this article. The algorithm provides a set of circuits all having the same maximum performance. This article also describes the design, implementation, and measurements results of a 0.25 lm BiCMOS 3-bit RFDSCA. The experimental results show that the circuit presents the expected performance up to 40 GHz. The similarity between the evolutionary solutions, circuit simulations, and measured results indicates that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool for designing optimum performance RFDSCAs.