44 resultados para Crick, Francis H. C
The state of the art of voltammetric and amperometric methods used in the study and determination of pesticides in crops, food, phytopharmaceutical products, and environmental samples is reviewed. The main structural groups of pesticides, i.e., triazines, organophosphates, organochlorides, nitrocompounds, carbamates, thiocarbamates, sulfonylureas, and bipyridinium compounds are considered with some degradation products. The advantages, drawbacks, and trends in the development of voltammetric and amperometric methods for study and determination of pesticides in these samples are discussed.
Thiodicarb, a carbamate pesticide widely used on crops, may pose several environmental and health concerns. This study aimed to explore its toxicological profile on male rats using hematological, biochemical, histopathological, and flow cytometry markers. Exposed animals were dosed daily at 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg/body weight (group A, B, and C, respectively) during 30 d. No significant changes were observed in hematological parameters among all groups. After 10 d, a decrease of total cholesterol levels was noted in rats exposed to 40 mg/kg. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity increased (group A at 20 d; groups A and B at 30 d) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (group B at 30 d) activity significantly reduced. At 30 d a decrease of some of the other evaluated parameters was observed with total cholesterol and urea levels in group A as well as total protein and creatinine levels in groups A and B. Histological results demonstrated multi-organ dose-related damage in thiodicarb-exposed animals, evidenced as hemorrhagic and diffuse vacuolation in hepatic tissue; renal histology showed disorganized glomeruli and tubular cell degeneration; spleen was ruptured with white pulp and clusters of iron deposits within red pulp; significant cellular loss was noted at the cortex of thymus; and degenerative changes were observed within testis. The histopathologic alterations were most prominent in the high-dose group. Concerning flow cytometry studies, an increase of lymphocyte number, especially T lymphocytes, was seen in blood samples from animals exposed to the highest dose. Taken together, these results indicate marked systemic organ toxicity in rats after subacute exposure to thiodicarb.
Solving systems of nonlinear equations is a very important task since the problems emerge mostly through the mathematical modelling of real problems that arise naturally in many branches of engineering and in the physical sciences. The problem can be naturally reformulated as a global optimization problem. In this paper, we show that a self-adaptive combination of a metaheuristic with a classical local search method is able to converge to some difficult problems that are not solved by Newton-type methods.
Fiber reinforced plastics are increasing their importance as one of the most interesting groups of material on account of their low weight, high strength, and stiffness. To obtain good quality holes, it is important to identify the type of material, ply stacking sequence, and fiber orientation. In this article, the drilling of quasi-isotropic hybrid carbon +glass/epoxy plates is analyzed. Two commercial drills and a special step drill are compared considering the thrust force and delamination extension. Results suggest that the proposed step drill can be a suitable option in laminate drilling.
Informal Learning plays an important role in everyone's life and yet we often are unaware of it. The need to keep track of the knowledge acquired through informal learning is increasing as its sources become increasingly diverse. This paper presents a study on a tool developed to help keeping track of learners' informal learning, both within academic and professional contexts, This tool, developed within the European Commission funded TRAILER project, will further integrate the improvements suggested by users during the piloting phase. The two studied contexts were similar regarding the importance and perception of Informal Learning, but differed concerning tool usage. The overall idea of managing one's informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose.
Informal learning is becoming more and more important: Nowadays people learn more this way, through the Internet, than in schools or normal trainings. But they don’t get any certificateswhich attest this fact. So they can't show the employer or teacher etc. that they have learned something. TRAILER project aim is to solve this problem by developing a special tool for managing of all competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences. Both from the perspective of the user and the perspective of an institution or a company. We’ll present the IT tool to show how people can make their informal learning outcomes visible. TRAILER helps users to gather all information about process and outcomes of their informal learning. Users can share this with friends, colleagues or their employees, teachers and so on. They can create an interactive e-portfolio which can be attached to their CV, cover letter or Knowledge Management system etc. After the presentation of the tool we will discuss possible areas and fields to use this tool. Also we would like to discuss all possible use of the tool by the participants and another needs in this area. Moreover we want to discuss other problems in informal learning process, ways to solve the problems and discuss other ideas of different IT tools which could help in informal learning process. During the discussion we’ll use an interactive respond system which can be used on mobile devices: it makes possible for participants to share their opinions individually before knowing another persons' opinion.
People do not learn only in formal educational institutions, but also throughout their lives, from their experiences, conversations, observations of others, exploration of the Internet, meetings and conferences, and chance encounters etc. However this informal and non-formal learning can easily remain largely invisible, making it hard for peers and employers to recognize or act upon it. The TRAILER project aims to make this learning visible so that it can benefit both the individual and the organization. The proposed demonstration will show a software solution that (i) helps the learners to capture, organize and classify a wide range of ’informal’ learning taking place in their lives, and (ii) assists the organization in recognizing this learning and use it to help managing human resources (benefiting both parts). This software tool has recently been used in two phases of pilot studies, which have run in four different European countries.
Os métodos clínicos que são realizados com recurso a tecnologias de imagiologia têm registado um aumento de popularidade nas últimas duas décadas. Os procedimentos tradicionais usados em cirurgia têm sido substituídos por métodos minimamente invasivos de forma a conseguir diminuir os custos associados e aperfeiçoar factores relacionados com a produtividade. Procedimentos clínicos modernos como a broncoscopia e a cardiologia são caracterizados por se focarem na minimização de acções invasivas, com os arcos em ‘C’ a adoptarem um papel relevante nesta área. Apesar de o arco em ‘C’ ser uma tecnologia amplamente utilizada no auxílio da navegação em intervenções minimamente invasivas, este falha na qualidade da informação fornecida ao cirurgião. A informação obtida em duas dimensões não é suficiente para proporcionar uma compreensão total da localização tridimensional da região de interesse, revelando-se como uma tarefa essencial o estabelecimento de um método que permita a aquisição de informação tridimensional. O primeiro passo para alcançar este objectivo foi dado ao definir um método que permite a estimativa da posição e orientação de um objecto em relação ao arco em ‘C’. De forma a realizar os testes com o arco em ‘C’, a geometria deste teve que ser inicialmente definida e a calibração do sistema feita. O trabalho desenvolvido e apresentado nesta tese foca-se num método que provou ser suficientemente sustentável e eficiente para se estabelecer como um ponto de partida no caminho para alcançar o objectivo principal: o desenvolvimento de uma técnica que permita o aperfeiçoamento da qualidade da informação adquirida com o arco em ‘C’ durante uma intervenção clínica.
International Workshop on solutions that Enhance Informal LEarning Recognition – WEILER 2013
The ecotoxicological response of the living organisms in an aquatic system depends on the physical, chemical and bacteriological variables, as well as the interactions between them. An important challenge to scientists is to understand the interaction and behaviour of factors involved in a multidimensional process such as the ecotoxicological response.With this aim, multiple linear regression (MLR) and principal component regression were applied to the ecotoxicity bioassay response of Chlorella vulgaris and Vibrio fischeri in water collected at seven sites of Leça river during five monitoring campaigns (February, May, June, August and September of 2006). The river water characterization included the analysis of 22 physicochemical and 3 microbiological parameters. The model that best fitted the data was MLR, which shows: (i) a negative correlation with dissolved organic carbon, zinc and manganese, and a positive one with turbidity and arsenic, regarding C. vulgaris toxic response; (ii) a negative correlation with conductivity and turbidity and a positive one with phosphorus, hardness, iron, mercury, arsenic and faecal coliforms, concerning V. fischeri toxic response. This integrated assessment may allow the evaluation of the effect of future pollution abatement measures over the water quality of Leça River.
Adhesive bonding is a viable technique for joining a wide range of materials. However, increasing the lifetime, reducing the costs, and improving the safety of structures are highly demanded nowadays. Hence, the development of new technologies and processes for easy recycle, heal, or self-heal of bonded structures are becoming of great interest for the industry. This paper provides an overview of the current developments in the use of “smart” adhesive technology and introduces the reader to early findings on the use of self-healing materials, thermally expandable particles, and nanoparticles, among others, in adhesives and their potential to increase the reliability of adhesive joints.
This study analysed 22 strawberry and soil samples after their collection over the course of 2 years to compare the residue profiles from organic farming with integrated pest management practices in Portugal. For sample preparation, we used the citrate-buffered version of the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) method. We applied three different methods for analysis: (1) 27 pesticides were targeted using LC-MS/MS; (2) 143 were targeted using low pressure GC-tandem mass spectrometry (LP-GC-MS/MS); and (3) more than 600 pesticides were screened in a targeted and untargeted approach using comprehensive, two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC-TOF-MS). Comparison was made of the analyses using the different methods for the shared samples. The results were similar, thereby providing satisfactory confirmation of both similarly positive and negative findings. No pesticides were found in the organic-farmed samples. In samples from integrated pest management practices, nine pesticides were determined and confirmed to be present, ranging from 2 μg kg−1 for fluazifop-pbutyl to 50 μg kg−1 for fenpropathrin. Concentrations of residues in strawberries were less than European maximum residue limits.
Aminocarb is a widely applied carbamate insecticide with action of controlling pests such as Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. In this study, subchronic effects on Wistar rats were investigated using hematological, biochemical, and histological techniques. Rats were exposed orally at sublethal levels of 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg body weight (groups A, B, and C, respectively) for 14 d. Hematological results revealed no statistical differences after 1 d of exposure but significant reduction in white blood cells detected after 7 d of exposure in group C, as well as, in all treated groups after 14 d of exposure. Biochemical data showed a decrease of acetylcholinesterase activity in all groups after 1 d of exposure with a return to normal after 7 and 14 d. Significant increase in alkaline phosphatase activity of rats exposed to aminocarb was noted after 7 d of treatment. The levels of triglycerides were also significantly decreased. The present investigation also showed a significant increase in content of serum urea and creatinine in animals from group A (14 d), and from groups B and C (7 and 14 d). Histological results demonstrated hemorrhagic focus on hepatic and renal parenchyma in all exposed groups. Taken together, the attained results were dose dependent and indicated adverse effects of aminocarb on hepatic and renal functions, as well as on immune responsiveness at sublethal tested doses.
Risk Acceptance in the Furniture Sector: Analysis of Acceptance Level and Relevant Influence Factors
Risk acceptance has been broadly discussed in relation to hazardous risk activities and/or technologies. A better understanding of risk acceptance in occupational settings is also important; however, studies on this topic are scarce. It seems important to understand the level of risk that stakeholders consider sufficiently low, how stakeholders form their opinion about risk, and why they adopt a certain attitude toward risk. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to examine risk acceptance in regard to occupational accidents in furniture industries. The safety climate analysis was conducted through the application of the Safety Climate in Wood Industries questionnaire. Judgments about risk acceptance, trust, risk perception, benefit perception, emotions, and moral values were measured. Several models were tested to explain occupational risk acceptance. The results showed that the level of risk acceptance decreased as the risk level increased. High-risk and death scenarios were assessed as unacceptable. Risk perception, emotions, and trust had an important influence on risk acceptance. Safety climate was correlated with risk acceptance and other variables that influence risk acceptance. These results are important for the risk assessment process in terms of defining risk acceptance criteria and strategies to reduce risks.