27 resultados para Control of chaos
Redundant manipulators allow the trajectory optimization, the obstacle avoidance, and the resolution of singularities. For this type of manipulators, the kinematic control algorithms adopt generalized inverse matrices that may lead to unpredictable responses. Motivated by these problems this paper studies the complexity revealed by the trajectory planning scheme when controlling redundant manipulators. The results reveal fundamental properties of the chaotic phenomena and give a deeper insight towards the development of superior trajectory control algorithms.
This paper studies the performance of integer and fractional order controllers in a hexapod robot with joints at the legs having viscous friction and flexibility. For that objective the robot prescribed motion is characterized in terms of several locomotion variables. The controller performance is analised through the Nyquist stability criterion. A set of model-based experiments reveals the influence of the different controller implementations upon the proposed metrics.
The concept of differentiation and integration to non-integer order has its origins in the seventeen century. However, only in the second-half of the twenty century appeared the first applications related to the area of control theory. In this paper we consider the study of a heat diffusion system based on the application of the fractional calculus concepts. In this perspective, several control methodologies are investigated and compared. Simulations are presented assessing the performance of the proposed fractional-order algorithms.
Under the pseudoinverse control, robots with kinematical redundancy exhibit an undesirable chaotic joint motion which leads to an erratic behavior. This paper studies the complexity of fractional dynamics of the chaotic response. Fourier and wavelet analysis provides a deeper insight, helpful to know better the lack of repeatability problem of redundant manipulators. This perspective for the study of the chaotic phenomena will permit the development of superior trajectory control algorithms.
This paper shows that a hierarchical architecture, distributing several control actions in growing levels of complexity and using resources of reconfigurable computing, enables one to take into account the ease of future modifications, updates and improvements in robotic applications. An experimental example of a Stewart—Gough platform control (a platform applied as the solution to countless practical problems) is presented using reconfigurable computing. The software and hardware developed are structured in independent blocks. This open architecture implementation allows easy expansion of the system and better adaptation of the platform to its related tasks.
Activity rhythms in animal groups arise both from external changes in the environment, as well as from internal group dynamics. These cycles are reminiscent of physical and chemical systems with quasiperiodic and even chaotic behavior resulting from “autocatalytic” mechanisms. We use nonlinear differential equations to model how the coupling between the self-excitatory interactions of individuals and external forcing can produce four different types of activity rhythms: quasiperiodic, chaotic, phase locked, and displaying over or under shooting. At the transition between quasiperiodic and chaotic regimes, activity cycles are asymmetrical, with rapid activity increases and slower decreases and a phase shift between external forcing and activity. We find similar activity patterns in ant colonies in response to varying temperature during the day. Thus foraging ants operate in a region of quasiperiodicity close to a cascade of transitions leading to chaos. The model suggests that a wide range of temporal structures and irregularities seen in the activity of animal and human groups might be accounted for by the coupling between collectively generated internal clocks and external forcings.
Potentiometric sensors are typically unable to carry out on-site monitoring of environmental drug contaminants because of their high limits of detection (LODs). Designing a novel ligand material for the target analyte and managing the composition of the internal reference solution have been the strategies employed here to produce for the first time a potentiometric-based direct reading method for an environmental drug contaminant. This concept has been applied to sulfamethoxazole (SMX), one of the many antibiotics used in aquaculture practices that may occur in environmental waters. The novel ligand has been produced by imprinting SMX on the surface of graphitic carbon nanostructures (CN) < 500 nm. The imprinted carbon nanostructures (ICN) were dispersed in plasticizer and entrapped in a PVC matrix that included (or not) a small amount of a lipophilic additive. The membrane composition was optimized on solid-contact electrodes, allowing near-Nernstian responses down to 5.2 μg/mL and detecting 1.6 μg/mL. The membranes offered good selectivity against most of the ionic compounds in environmental water. The best membrane cocktail was applied on the smaller end of a 1000 μL micropipette tip made of polypropylene. The tip was then filled with inner reference solution containing SMX and chlorate (as interfering compound). The corresponding concentrations were studied for 1 × 10−5 to 1 × 10−10 and 1 × 10−3 to 1 × 10−8 mol/L. The best condition allowed the detection of 5.92 ng/L (or 2.3 × 10−8 mol/L) SMX for a sub-Nernstian slope of −40.3 mV/decade from 5.0 × 10−8 to 2.4 × 10−5 mol/L.
Dragonflies demonstrate unique and superior flight performances than most of the other insect species and birds. They are equipped with two pairs of independently controlled wings granting an unmatchable flying performance and robustness. In this paper it is studied the dynamics of a dragonfly-inspired robot. The system performance is analyzed in terms of time response and robustness. The development of computational simulation based on the dynamics of the robotic dragonfly allows the test of different control algorithms. We study different movement, the dynamics and the level of dexterity in wing motion of the dragonfly. The results are positive for the construction of flying platforms that effectively mimic the kinematics and dynamics of dragonflies and potentially exhibit superior flight performance than existing flying platforms.
This paper presents the most recent developments of the Simulator of Intelligent Transportation Systems (SITS). The SITS is based on a microscopic simulation approach to reproduce real traffic conditions in an urban or non-urban network. In order to analyse the quality of the microscopic traffic simulator SITS a benchmark test was performed. A dynamical analysis of several traffic phenomena, applying a new modelling formalism based on the embedding of statistics and Laplace transform, is then addressed. The paper presents also a new traffic control concept applied to a freeway traffic system.
6th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Catania, Italy, 17-19 September
Redundant manipulators have some advantages when compared with classical arms because they allow the trajectory optimization, both on the free space and on the presence of abstacles, and the resolution of singularities. For this type of manipulators, several kinetic algorithms adopt generalized inverse matrices. In this line of thought, the generalized inverse control scheme is tested through several experiments that reveal the difficulties that often arise. Motivated by theseproblems this paper presents a new method that ptimizes the manipulability through a least squre polynomialapproximation to determine the joints positions. Moreover, the article studies influence on the dynamics, when controlling redundant and hyper-redundant manipulators. The experiment confirm the superior performance of the proposed algorithm for redundant and hyper-redundant manipulators, revealing several fundamental properties of the chaotic phenomena, and gives a deeper insight towards the future development of superior trajectory control algorithms.
This article aims to apply the concepts associated with artificial neural networks (ANN) in the control of an autonomous robot system that is intended to be used in competitions of robots. The robot was tested in several arbitrary paths in order to verify its effectiveness. The results show that the robot performed the tasks with success. Moreover, in the case of arbitrary paths the ANN control outperforms other methodologies, such as fuzzy logic control (FLC).