24 resultados para Chemical Bath Deposition
Every year, particularly during the summer period, the Portuguese forests are devastated by forest fire that destroys their ecosystems. So in order to prevent these forest fires, public and private authorities frequently use methods for the reduction of combustible mass as the prescribed fire and the mechanical vegetation pruning. All of these methods of prevention of forest fires alter the vegetation layer and/or soil [1-2]. This work aimed the study of the variation of some chemical characteristics of soil that suffered prescribed fire. The studied an area was located in the Serra of Cabreira (Figure 1) with 54.6 ha. Twenty sampling points were randomly selected and samples were collected with a shovel before, just after the prescribed fire, and 125 and 196 days after that event. The parameters that were studied were: pH, soil moisture, organic matter and iron, magnesium and potassium total concentration. All the analysis followed International Standard Methodologies. This work allowed to conclude that: a) after the prescribed fire; i) the pH remained practically equal to the the initial value; ii) occurred a slight increase of the average of the organic matter contents and iron total contents; b) at the end of the sampling period compared to the initial values; i) the pH didn´t change significantly; ii) the average of the contents of organic matter decreased; and iii) the average of the total contents of Fe, Mg and K increased.
This paper describes the methodology adopted to assess local air quality impact in the vicinity of a coal power plant located in the south of Portugal. Two sampling areas were selected to assess the deposition flux of dust fallout and its potential spatial heterogeneity. The sampling area was divided into two subareas: the inner, with higher sampling density and urban and suburban characteristics, inside a 6-km circle centered on the stacks, and an outer subarea, mainly rural, with lower sampling density within a radius of 20 km. Particulate matter deposition was studied in the vicinity of the coal fired power plant during three seasonal sampling campaigns. For the first one, the average annual flux of dust fallout was 22.51 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 4.20 to 65.94 g/(m2 yr); for the second one was 9.47 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 0.78 to 32.72 g/(m2 yr) and for the last one was 38.42 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 1.41 to 117.48 g/(m2 yr). The fallout during the second campaign turned out to be much lower than for others. This was in part due to meteorological local patterns but mostly due to the fact that the power plant was not working at full power during the second sampling campaign.155
Prescribed fire is a common forest management tool used in Portugal to reduce the fuel load availability and minimize the occurrence of wildfires. In addition, the use of this technique also causes an impact to ecosystems. In this presentation we propose to illustrate some results of our project in two forest sites, both located in Northwest Portugal, where the effect of prescribed fire on soil properties were recorded during a period of 6 months. Changes in soil moisture, organic matter, soil pH and iron, were examined by Principal Component Analysis multivariate statistics technique in order to determine impact of prescribed fire on these soil properties in these two different types of soils and determine the period of time that these forest soils need to recover to their pre-fire conditions, if they can indeed recover. Although the time allocated to this study does not allow for a widespread conclusion, the data analysis clearly indicates that the pH values are positively correlated with iron values at both sites. In addition, geomorphologic differences between both sampling sites, Gramelas and Anjos, are relevant as the soils’ properties considered have shown different performances in time. The use of prescribed fire produced a lower impact in soils originated from more amended bedrock and therefore with a ticker humus covering (Gramelas) than in more rocky soils with less litter covering (Anjos) after six months after the prescribed fire occurrence.
A new method, based on linear correlation and phase diagrams was successfully developed for processes like the sedimentary process, where the deposition phase can have different time duration - represented by repeated values in a series - and where the erosion can play an important rule deleting values of a series. The sampling process itself can be the cause of repeated values - large strata twice sampled - or deleted values: tiny strata fitted between two consecutive samples. What we developed was a mathematical procedure which, based upon the depth chemical composition evolution, allows the establishment of frontiers as well as the periodicity of different sedimentary environments. The basic tool isn't more than a linear correlation analysis which allow us to detect the existence of eventual evolution rules, connected with cyclical phenomena within time series (considering the space assimilated to time), with the final objective of prevision. A very interesting discovery was the phenomenon of repeated sliding windows that represent quasi-cycles of a series of quasi-periods. An accurate forecast can be obtained if we are inside a quasi-cycle (it is possible to predict the other elements of the cycle with the probability related with the number of repeated and deleted points). We deal with an innovator methodology, reason why it's efficiency is being tested in some case studies, with remarkable results that shows it's efficacy. Keywords: sedimentary environments, sequence stratigraphy, data analysis, time-series, conditional probability.
The aim of this work was to assess the influence of meteorological conditions on the dispersion of particulate matter from an industrial zone into urban and suburban areas. The particulate matter concentration was related to the most important meteorological variables such as wind direction, velocity and frequency. A coal-fired power plant was considered to be the main emission source with two stacks of 225 m height. A middle point between the two stacks was taken as the centre of two concentric circles with 6 and 20 km radius delimiting the sampling area. About 40 sampling collectors were placed within this area. Meteorological data was obtained from a portable meteorological station placed at approximately 1.7 km to SE from the stacks. Additional data was obtained from the electrical company that runs the coal power plant. These data covers the years from 2006 to the present. A detailed statistical analysis was performed to identify the most frequent meteorological conditions concerning mainly wind speed and direction. This analysis revealed that the most frequent wind blows from Northwest and North and the strongest winds blow from Northwest. Particulate matter deposition was obtained in two sampling campaigns carried out in summer and in spring. For the first campaign the monthly average flux deposition was 1.90 g/m2 and for the second campaign this value was 0.79 g/m2. Wind dispersion occurred predominantly from North to South, away from the nearest residential area, located at about 6 km to Northwest from the stacks. Nevertheless, the higher deposition fluxes occurred in the NW/N and NE/E quadrants. This study was conducted considering only the contribution of particulate matter from coal combustion, however, others sources may be present as well, such as road traffic. Additional chemical analyses and microanalysis are needed to identify the source linkage to flux deposition levels.
Ammonia is an important gas in many power plants and industrial processes so its detection is of extreme importance in environmental monitoring and process control due to its high toxicity. Ammonia’s threshold limit is 25 ppm and the exposure time limit is 8 h, however exposure to 35 ppm is only secure for 10 min. In this work a brief introduction to ammonia aspects are presented, like its physical and chemical properties, the dangers in its manipulation, its ways of production and its sources. The application areas in which ammonia gas detection is important and needed are also referred: environmental gas analysis (e.g. intense farming), automotive-, chemical- and medical industries. In order to monitor ammonia gas in these different areas there are some requirements that must be attended. These requirements determine the choice of sensor and, therefore, several types of sensors with different characteristics were developed, like metal oxides, surface acoustic wave-, catalytic-, and optical sensors, indirect gas analyzers, and conducting polymers. All the sensors types are described, but more attention will be given to polyaniline (PANI), particularly to its characteristics, syntheses, chemical doping processes, deposition methods, transduction modes, and its adhesion to inorganic materials. Besides this, short descriptions of PANI nanostructures, the use of electrospinning in the formation of nanofibers/microfibers, and graphene and its characteristics are included. The created sensor is an instrument that tries to achieve a goal of the medical community in the control of the breath’s ammonia levels being an easy and non-invasive method for diagnostic of kidney malfunction and/or gastric ulcers. For that the device should be capable to detect different levels of ammonia gas concentrations. So, in the present work an ammonia gas sensor was developed using a conductive polymer composite which was immobilized on a carbon transducer surface. The experiments were targeted to ammonia measurements at ppb level. Ammonia gas measurements were carried out in the concentration range from 1 ppb to 500 ppb. A commercial substrate was used; screen-printed carbon electrodes. After adequate surface pre-treatment of the substrate, its electrodes were covered by a nanofibrous polymeric composite. The conducting polyaniline doped with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was blended with reduced graphene oxide (RGO) obtained by wet chemical synthesis. This composite formed the basis for the formation of nanofibers by electrospinning. Nanofibers will increase the sensitivity of the sensing material. The electrospun PANI-RGO fibers were placed on the substrate and then dried at ambient temperature. Amperometric measurements were performed at different ammonia gas concentrations (1 to 500 ppb). The I-V characteristics were registered and some interfering gases were studied (NO2, ethanol, and acetone). The gas samples were prepared in a custom setup and were diluted with dry nitrogen gas. Electrospun nanofibers of PANI-RGO composite demonstrated an enhancement in NH3 gas detection when comparing with only electrospun PANI nanofibers. Was visible higher range of resistance at concentrations from 1 to 500 ppb. It was also observed that the sensor had stable, reproducible and recoverable properties. Moreover, it had better response and recovery times. The new sensing material of the developed sensor demonstrated to be a good candidate for ammonia gas determination.
Um dos objetivos desta dissertação de mestrado foi avaliar o impacto ambiental do processo de tingimento usado na indústria de curtumes, em termos de volume de efluente produzido e sua carga poluente. Pretendeu-se também encontrar alternativas ao nível do processo de tingimento que levem a uma melhoria na qualidade do efluente produzido. Outro objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o funcionamento da ETAR existente na empresa JR Fontes, no que diz respeito aos parâmetros em estudo (carência química de oxigénio - CQO, pH, crómio e teor de sólidos suspensos totais - SST), propondo alterações que permitam respeitar os valores de emissão exigidos na licença de descarga da empresa. Verificou-se que o processo de tingimento aplicado pela empresa JR Fontes é muito poluente, em termos de carga orgânica e matéria em suspensão. Este facto é comprovado pelos resultados obtidos para os três processos estudados: Montana, Galáctico e Navak. Todos os processos apresentam um efluente com pH ácido (aproximado a 3) e valores de CQO superiores a 3550 mg O2/L, sendo o processo Navak aquele que apresenta o valor mais alto para o banho composto, 8362 mg O2/L. Relativamente ao teor de crómio, o banho de recurtume com concentração mais elevada de crómio total é o banho 1 do processo Navak, com 2297 mg/L, sendo que a concentração destes banhos é sempre elevada, igual ou superior a 746 mg/L. No que diz respeito à matéria em suspensão, o processo Navak é novamente o mais poluente, com um valor de 3842 mg SST/L, não sendo obtidos nos outros processos, valores inferiores a 1205 mg SST/L. Na realização de um processo alternativo de tingimento verificou-se que é possível diminuir a carga orgânica do efluente originado. A aplicação de recurtumes sintéticos deu origem a efluentes menos poluentes. O melhor valor obtido para a CQO foi de 1113 mg O2/L, sendo obtidos valores não superiores a 7185 mg O2/L para processos de características semelhantes aos aplicados nesta indústria. Relativamente à ETAR, apesar das restrições ao funcionamento que esta apresenta, no geral pode ser considerada eficiente, embora não consiga atingir o objetivo pretendido de remoção para a CQO, ou seja o valor de 1100 mg O2/L. Nos restantes parâmetros é cumprido o limite de emissão (350 mg SST/L, pH entre 6 e 9 e 2 mg Cr/L para o crómio total): os SST apresentam o valor de 98 mg SST/L, o crómio total de 1,2 mg Cr/L e o pH encontra-se entre 8 e 9. São aqui feitas duas abordagens para solucionar os problemas existentes na ETAR. A primeira considera um ajuste no tratamento e equipamentos existentes, através da reconstrução do tanque de equalização, da substituição do coagulante por sulfato ferroso e da reconstrução do sedimentador, assim como a substituição das tubagens por umas de maior diâmetro, solucionando assim problemas de manutenção de toda a instalação e do incumprimento da legislação. A outra abordagem implica a substituição do sistema de afinação existente, os filtros de areia e carvão ativados, por um sistema de membranas de ultrafiltração ou por dois filtros de carvão ativado. Para tratar um efluente com um valor de CQO de 3000 mg O2/L com o carvão estudado, seriam necessários 132 kg de carvão por coluna, aproveitando-se os equipamentos existentes. No caso das membranas filtrantes, estas são eficazes, reduzindo a CQO em cerca de 70%. Ao contrário do carvão, a aplicação deste sistema implicaria a aquisição de novos equipamentos. Futuramente propõe-se a avaliação dos vários tipos de reagentes usados no tingimento de couro de forma a aplicar no tratamento aqueles que produzam as características desejadas no produto final e a que apresentem um menor resultado de CQO. Propõe-se também o estudo de viabilidade da remoção de crómio dos banhos de recurtume e consequente avaliação da aplicabilidade de um tratamento biológico em substituição ou como complemento do tratamento existente.
Sertraline is widely prescribed worldwide and frequently detected in aquatic systems. There is, however, a remarkable gap of information on its potential impact on estuarine and coastal invertebrates. This study investigated sertraline accumulation and effects in Carcinus maenas. Crabs from a moderately contaminated (Lima) and a low-impacted (Minho) estuary were exposed to environmental and high levels of sertraline (0.05, 5, 500 μg L−1). A battery of biomarkers related to sertraline mode of action was employed to assess neurotransmission, energy metabolism, biotransformation and oxidative stress pathways. After a seven-day exposure, sertraline accumulation in crabs’ soft tissues was found in Lima (5 μg L−1: 15.3 ng L−1 ww; 500 μg L−1: 1010 ng L−1 ww) and Minho (500 μg L−1: 605 ng L−1 ww) animals. Lima crabs were also more sensitive to sertraline than those from Minho, exhibiting decreased acetylcholinesterase activity, indicative of ventilatory and locomotory dysfunction, inhibition of anti-oxidant enzymes and increased oxidative damage at ≥0.05 μg L−1. The Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) index indicated their low health status. In addition, Minho crabs showed non-monotonic responses of acetylcholinesterase suggestive of hormesis. The results pointed an influence of the exposure history on differential sensitivity to sertraline and the need to perform evaluations with site-specific ecological receptors to increase relevance of risk estimations when extrapolating from laboratory to field conditions.
Consumers nowadays are playing an active role in their health-care. A special case is the increasing number of women, who are reluctant to use exogenous hormone therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and are looking for complementary therapies. However, food supplements are not clearly regulated in Europe. The EFSA has only recently begun to address the issues of botanical safety and purity regulation, leading to a variability of content, standardization, dosage, and purity of available products. In this study, isoflavones (puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, glycitein, genistein, formononetin, prunetin, and biochanin A) from food supplements (n = 15) for menopausal symptoms relief are evaluated and compared with the labelled information. Only four supplements complied with the recommendations made by the EC on the tolerable thresholds. The intestinal bioavailability of these compounds was investigated using Caco-2 cells. The apparent permeability coefficients of the selected isoflavonoids across the Caco-2 cells were affected by the isoflavone concentration and product matrix.