41 resultados para Carbon monoxide poisioning


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A novel enzymatic biosensor for carbamate pesticides detection was developed through the direct immobilization of Trametes versicolor laccase on graphene doped carbon paste electrode functionalized with Prussianblue films (LACC/PB/GPE). Graphene was prepared by graphite sonication-assisted exfoliation and characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectro- scopy. The Prussian blue film electrodeposited onto graphene doped carbon paste electrode allowed considerable reduction of the charge transfer resistance and of the capacitance of the device.The combined effects of pH, enzyme concentration and incubation time on biosensor response were optimized using a 23 full-factorial statistical design and response surface methodology. Based on the inhibition of laccase activity and using 4-aminophenol as redox mediator at pH 5.0,LACC/PB/GPE exhibited suitable characteristics in terms of sensitivity, intra-and inter-day repeatability (1.8–3.8% RSD), reproducibility (4.1 and 6.3%RSD),selectivity(13.2% bias at the higher interference: substrate ratios tested),accuracy and stability(ca. twenty days)for quantification of five carbamates widely applied on tomato and potato crops.The attained detection limits ranged between 5.2×10−9 mol L−1(0.002 mg kg−1 w/w for ziram)and 1.0×10−7 mol L−1 (0.022 mg kg−1 w/w for carbofuran).Recovery values for the two tested spiking levels ranged from 90.2±0.1%(carbofuran)to 101.1±0.3% (ziram) for tomato and from 91.0±0.1%(formetanate)to 100.8±0.1%(ziram)for potato samples.The proposed methodology is appropriate to enable testing pesticide levels in food samples to fit with regulations and food inspections.


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This paper addresses the impact of the CO2 opportunity cost on the wholesale electricity price in the context of the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL), namely on the Portuguese system, for the period corresponding to the Phase II of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). In the econometric analysis a vector error correction model (VECM) is specified to estimate both long–run equilibrium relations and short–run interactions between the electricity price and the fuel (natural gas and coal) and carbon prices. The model is estimated using daily spot market prices and the four commodities prices are jointly modelled as endogenous variables. Moreover, a set of exogenous variables is incorporated in order to account for the electricity demand conditions (temperature) and the electricity generation mix (quantity of electricity traded according the technology used). The outcomes for the Portuguese electricity system suggest that the dynamic pass–through of carbon prices into electricity prices is strongly significant and a long–run elasticity was estimated (equilibrium relation) that is aligned with studies that have been conducted for other markets.


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An electrochemical sensor has been developed for the determination of the herbicide bentazone, based on a GC electrode modified by a combination of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) with b-cyclodextrin (b-CD) incorporated in a polyaniline film. The results indicate that the b-CD/MWCNT modified GC electrode exhibits efficient electrocatalytic oxidation of bentazone with high sensitivity and stability. A cyclic voltammetric method to determine bentazone in phosphate buffer solution at pH 6.0, was developed, without any previous extraction, clean-up, or derivatization steps, in the range of 10–80 mmolL 1, with a detection limit of 1.6 mmolL 1 in water. The results were compared with those obtained by an established HPLC technique. No statistically significant differences being found between both methods.


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The characteristics of carbon fibre reinforced laminates had widened their use, from aerospace to domestic appliances. A common characteristic is the need of drilling for assembly purposes. It is known that a drilling process that reduces the drill thrust force can decrease the risk of delamination. In this work, delamination assessment methods based on radiographic data are compared and correlated with mechanical test results (bearing test).


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This paper presents the Pseudo phase plane (PPP) method for detecting the existence of a nanofilm on the nitroazobenzene-modified glassy carbon electrode (NAB-GC) system. This modified electrode systems and nitroazobenze-nanofilm were prepared by the electrochemical reduction of diazonium salt of NAB at the glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) in nonaqueous media. The IR spectra of the bare glassy carbon electrodes (GCE), the NAB-GC electrode system and the organic NAB film were recorded. The IR data of the bare GC, NAB-GC and NAB film were categorized into five series consisting of FILM1, GC-NAB1, GC1; FILM2, GC-NAB2, GC2; FILM3, GC-NAB3, GC3 and FILM4, GC-NAB4, GC4 respectively. The PPP approach was applied to each group of the data of unmodified and modified electrode systems with nanofilm. The results provided by PPP method show the existence of the NAB film on the modified GC electrode.


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The aim of this work is to characterize the nanofilm consisting of the benzoic acid-modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode system through multidimensional scaling space analysis. The surface modification is based on the electrochemical reaction between the GC electrode and benzoic acid-diazonium salt (BA-DAS). As a result, the nonofilms regarding the benzoic acid-glassy carbon (BA-GC) electrode surface was obtained. For the analysis of the naonfilm of BC-GC electrode system, the IR spectra of the modified BA-GC electrode surface, GC surface and BA-DAS were recorded in the spectral range of 599.84 – 3996.34 [cm–1]. The IR data vectors of the above three forms were processed by the using the multidimensional scaling space approach to demonstrate the existence of a nanofilm on the modified BA-GC electrode system. Two- and three-dimensional MDS profiles obtained by application of multidimensional scaling approach to the data sets {CG1,...,CG10}, {BA-GC1,...,BA-GC10} and {FILM1,...,FILM10} allow a good recognition of the nanofilm on the modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode system.


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Drilling of composites plates normally uses traditional techniques but damage risk is high. NDT use is important. Damage in a carbon/epoxy plate is evaluated by enhanced X-rays. Four different drills are used. The images are analysed using Computational Vision techniques. Surface roughness is compared. Results suggest strategies for delamination reduction.


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Despite the fact that their physical properties make them an attractive family of materials, composites machining can cause several damage modes such as delamination, fibre pull-out, thermal degradation, and others. Minimization of axial thrust force during drilling reduces the probability of delamination onset, as it has been demonstrated by analytical models based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). A finite element model considering solid elements of the ABAQUS® software library and interface elements including a cohesive damage model was developed in order to simulate thrust forces and delamination onset during drilling. Thrust force results for delamination onset are compared with existing analytical models.


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The electrooxidative behavior of pravastatin (PRV) in aqueous media was studied by square-wave voltammetry at a glassycarbon electrode (GCE) and at a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE). Maximum peak current intensities in a pH 5.0 buffer were obtained at +1.3 V vs. AgCl/Ag and +1.0 V vs. Ag for the GCE and SPCE surface respectively. Validation of the developed methodologies revealed good performance characteristics and confirmed their applicability to the quantification of PRV in pharmaceutical products, without significant sample pretreatment. A comparative analysis between the two electrode types showed that SPCEs are preferred as an electrode surface because of their higher sensitivity and the elimination of the need to clean the electrode’s surface for its renewal, which frequently is, if not always, the rate-limiting step in voltammetric analysis.


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This work reports on an experimental and finite element method (FEM) parametric study of adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs on carbon-epoxy structures under buckling unrestrained compression. The influence of the overlap length and patch thickness was evaluated. This loading gains a particular significance from the additional characteristic mechanisms of structures under compression, such as fibres microbuckling, for buckling restrained structures, or global buckling of the assembly, if no transverse restriction exists. The FEM analysis is based on the use of cohesive elements including mixed-mode criteria to simulate a cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of most structural adhesives. These laws were estimated for the adhesive used from double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) tests, respectively, using an inverse technique. The pure mode III cohesive law was equalled to the pure mode II one. Compression failure in the laminates was predicted using a stress-based criterion. The accurate FEM predictions open a good prospect for the reduction of the extensive experimentation in the design of carbon-epoxy repairs. Design principles were also established for these repairs under buckling.


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In this work, a repair technique with adhesively bonded carbon-epoxy patches is proposed for wood members damaged by horizontal shear and under bending loads. This damage is characterized by horizontal crack growth near the neutral plane of the wood beam, normally originating from checks and shakes. The repair consists of adhesively bonded carbon-epoxy patches on the vertical side faces of the beam at the cracked region to block sliding between the beam arms. An experimental and numerical parametric analysis was performed on the patch length. The numerical analysis used the finite element method (FEM) and cohesive zone models (CZMs), with an inverse modelling technique for the characterization of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal cohesive laws in each pure mode were used to account for the ductility of the adhesive used. To fully reproduce the tests, horizontal damage propagation within the wood beam was also simulated. A good correlation with the experiments was found. Regarding the effectiveness of the repair, for the conditions selected for this work, a full strength recovery was achieved for the bigger value of patch length tested.


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The widespread employment of carbon-epoxy laminates in high responsibility and severely loaded applications introduces an issue regarding their handling after damage. Repair of these structures should be evaluated, instead of their disposal, for cost saving and ecological purposes. Under this perspective, the availability of efficient repair methods is essential to restore the strength of the structure. The development and validation of accurate predictive tools for the repairs behaviour are also extremely important, allowing the reduction of costs and time associated to extensive test programmes. Comparing with strap repairs, scarf repairs have the advantages of a higher efficiency and the absence of aerodynamic disturbance. This work reports on a numerical study of the tensile behaviour of three-dimensional scarf repairs in carbon-epoxy structures, using a ductile adhesive (Araldite® 2015). The finite elements analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and Cohesive Zone Modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal cohesive laws in each pure mode were used to account for the ductility of the specific adhesive mentioned. A parametric study was performed on the repair width and scarf angle. The use of over-laminating plies covering the repaired region at the outer or both repair surfaces was also tested as an attempt to increase the repairs efficiency. The obtained results allowed the proposal of design principles for repairing composite structures.


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Polyolefins are especially difficult to bond due to their non-polar, non-porous and chemically inert surfaces. Acrylic adhesives used in industry are particularly suited to bond these materials, including many grades of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), without special surface preparation. In this work, the tensile strength of single-lap PE and mixed joints bonded with an acrylic adhesive was investigated. The mixed joints included PE with aluminium (AL) or carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) substrates. The PE substrates were only cleaned with isopropanol, which assured cohesive failures. For the PE CFRP joints, three different surfaces preparations were employed for the CFRP substrates: cleaning with acetone, abrasion with 100 grit sand paper and peel-ply finishing. In the PE AL joints, the AL bonding surfaces were prepared by the following methods: cleaning with acetone, abrasion with 180 and 320 grit sand papers, grit blasting and chemical etching with chromic acid. After abrasion of the CFRP and AL substrates, the surfaces were always cleaned with acetone. The tensile strengths were compared with numerical results from ABAQUS® and a mixed mode (I+II) cohesive damage model. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results, except for the PE AL joints, since the AL surface treatments were not found to be effective.


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The interlaminar fracture toughness in pure mode II (GIIc) of a Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) composite is characterized experimentally and numerically in this work, using the End-Notched Flexure (ENF) fracture characterization test. The value of GIIc was extracted by a new data reduction scheme avoiding the crack length measurement, named Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM). This method eliminates the crack measurement errors, which can be non-negligible, and reflect on the accuracy of the fracture energy calculations. Moreover, it accounts for the Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) effects. A numerical study using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and a triangular cohesive damage model, implemented within interface finite elements and based on the indirect use of Fracture Mechanics, was performed to evaluate the suitability of the CBBM to obtain GIIc. This was performed comparing the input values of GIIc in the numerical models with the ones resulting from the application of the CBBM to the numerical load-displacement (P-) curve. In this numerical study, the Compliance Calibration Method (CCM) was also used to extract GIIc, for comparison purposes.


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The increasing use of Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) laminates in high responsibility applications introduces an issue regarding their handling after damage. The availability of efficient repair methods is essential to restore the strength of the structure. The availability of accurate predictive tools for the repairs behaviour is also essential for the reduction of costs and time associated to extensive tests. This work reports on a numerical study of the tensile behaviour of three-dimensional (3D) adhesively-bonded scarf repairs in CFRP structures, using a ductile adhesive. The Finite Element (FE) analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and Cohesive Zone Models (CZM’s) was used for the simulation of damage in the adhesive layer. A parametric study was performed on two geometric parameters. The use of overlaminating plies covering the repaired region at the outer or both repair surfaces was also tested as an attempt to increase the repairs efficiency. The results allowed the proposal of design principles for repairing CFRP structures.