18 resultados para ADR practitioners
Innovation is recognized by academics and practitioners as an essential competitive enabler for any company to survive, to remain competitive and to grow. Investments in tasks of R&D have not always brought the expected results. But that doesn't mean that the outcomes would not be useful to other companies of the same business area or even from another area. Thus, there is much knowledge already available in the market that can be helpful to some and profitable to others. So, the ideas and expertise can be found outside a company's boundaries and also exported from within. Information, knowledge, experience, wisdom is already available in the millions of the human beings of this planet, the challenge is to use them through a network to produce new ideas and tips that can be useful to a company with less costs. This was the reason for the emergence of the area of crowdsourcing innovation. Crowdsourcing innovation is a way of using the Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas through the heterogeneous knowledge available in the global network of individuals highly qualified and with easy access to information and technology. So, a crowdsourcing innovation broker is an organization that mediates the communication and relationship between the seekers - companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity - with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. This paper makes a literature review on models of open innovation, crowdsourcing innovation, and technology and knowledge intermediaries, and discusses this new phenomenon as a way to leverage the innovation capacity of enterprises. Finally, the paper outlines a research design agendafor explaining crowdsourcing innovation brokering phenomenon, exploiting its players, main functions, value creation process, and knowledge creation in order to define a knowledge metamodel of such intermediaries.
Analisando numa perspectiva mais ampla, esta Tese/Dissertação deverá ser uma ferramenta de apoio a quem necessite de implementar e integrar sistemas de gestão normalizados. Seguindo uma abordagem empresarial, visa ajudar os praticantes de uma filosofia Kaizen, a melhorar continuamente, acrescentando valor às suas organizações, através de um conjunto de estratégias e técnicas de carácter prático. Em termos mais específicos, o objectivo foi apresentar um caso prático onde se aplicassem essas mesmas ferramentas. O case-study incidiu na análise da implementação da certificação integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança na Divisão de Equipamento Industrial da Toyota Caetano Portugal. Esta tese/dissertação retrata a implementação teórica e prática do SIG QAS, aplicando os requisitos definidos pela TMHE (Toyota Material Handeling Europe), entre os quais o TPS (Toyota Production System), Kaizen, Toyota Way, Elimination of Waste, Gemba, JIT, Genchi Genbutsu, etc. Os resultados obtidos foram positivos por várias razões. Por ter conseguido elaborar um documento simples de entender, com sugestões de fácil aplicação futura e porque as propostas resultantes do case-study permitirão à TCAP - DEI a promoção da qualidade, a eliminação do desperdício, a completa satisfação dos clientes pela análise, antecipação das suas necessidades e expectativas e pelo cumprimento dos requisitos legais Ambientais e de Segurança aplicáveis, adoptando boas práticas ambientais e de prevenção de acidentes. Temos assim o comprometimento de que esta Tese/Dissertação contribuirá de forma inabalável para o principal desígnio, de assegurar a melhoria contínua do desempenho, garantindo a sustentabilidade da Organização.
The discussion of possible scenarios for the future of Quality is on the priority list of major Quality Practitioners Societies. EOQ – European Organization for Quality (EOQ, 2014) main team for its 58th EOQ-Congress held June 2014 in Göteborg was “Managing Challenges in Quality Leadership” and ASQ - American Society for Quality (ASQ, 2015) appointed “the Future of Quality” for Quality Progress Magazine November 2015 issue. In addition, the ISO 9001:2008 revision process carried by ISO/TC 176 aims to assure that ISO 9001:2015 International Standard remains stable for the next 10 years (ISO, 2014) contributing to an increased discussion on the future of quality. The purpose of this research is to review available Quality Management approaches and outline, adding an academic perspective, expected developments for Quality within the 21st Century. This paper follows a qualitative approach, although data from international organizations is used. A literature review has been undertaken on quality management past and potential future trends. Based on these findings a model is proposed for organization quality management development and propositions for the future of quality management are advanced. Firstly, a state of the art of existing Quality Management approaches is presented, for example, like Total Quality Management (TQM) and Quality Gurus, ISO 9000 International Standards Series (with an outline of the expected changes for ISO 9001:2015), Six Sigma and Business Excellence Models.Secondly, building on theoretical and managerial approaches, a two dimensional matrix – Quality Engineering (QE - technical aspects of quality) and Quality Management (QM: soft aspects of quality) - is presented, outlining five proposed characterizations of Quality maturity levels and giving insights for applications and future developments. Literature review highlights that QM and QE may be addressing similar quality issues but their approaches are different in terms of scope breadth and intensity and they ought to complement and reciprocally reinforce one another. The challenges organizations face within the 21st century have stronger uncertainty, complexity, and differentiation. Two main propositions are advanced as relevant for 21st Century Quality: - QM importance for the sustainable success of organizations will increase and they should be aware of the larger ecosystem to be managed for improvement, possibly leading to the emergence of a new Quality paradigm, The Civilizacional Excellence paradigm. - QE should get more attention from QM and the Quality professionals will have to: a) Master and apply in wider contexts and in additional depth the Quality Tools (basic, intermediate and advanced); b) Have the soft skills needed for its success; c) Be results oriented and better understand and demonstrate the relationships between approaches and results These propositions challenge both scholars and practitioners for a sustained and supported discussion on the future of Quality. “All things are ready, if our mind be so.” (Shakespeare, Henry V, circa 1599).