18 resultados para type extension


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Os doentes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 apresentam predisposição para a retenção de sódio e são frequentemente hipertensos. No entanto, os mecanismos implicados na dificuldade do rim diabético em mobilizar o sódio são, ainda, pouco compreendidos. Os peptídeos da família das guanilinas estão envolvidos na regulação do transporte de electrólitos e água nos epitélios intestinal e renal, através da activação do receptor guanilato ciclase-C (GC-C) e subsequente libertação intracelular de GMPc. O objectivo do presente estudo foi a avaliação da actividade do sistema dos peptídeos das guanilinas (SPG) e do seu papel na regulação do balanço de sódio num modelo animal de diabetes tipo 2. Ratinhos machos C57BL/6 foram submetidos a uma dieta com alto teor de gordura e rica em hidratos de carbono simples (ratinhos diabéticos) ou a uma dieta normal (ratinhos controlo). A expressão renal e intestinal da guanilina (GN), uroguanilina (UGN) e do receptor GC-C assim como os níveis de GMPc na urina e plasma foram avaliados nos ratinhos controlo e diabéticos, durante a ingestão de dietas normo (NS) e hiper-salina (HS). Nos ratinhos diabéticos, durante a dieta NS verificou-se um aumento significativo da pressão arterial que foi acompanhado de redução da expressão do ARNm da GN, UGN e do GC-C no intestino e de aumento da expressão de ARNm da UGN no rim. A dieta HS induziu um aumento da expressão do ARNm da UGN no jejuno dos ratinhos controlo mas não nos diabéticos. Os ratinhos diabéticos apresentaram níveis urinários de GMPc inferiores aos controlos, em condições de dieta NS. Em conclusão, os nossos resultados sugerem que na diabetes tipo 2 ocorre uma redução da actividade intestinal do SPG que é acompanhada por um aumento compensatório da actividade renal do SPG. A diminuição da actividade do SPG intestinal na diabetes tipo 2 deve-se não só a uma redução da expressão dos peptídeos GN e UGN, mas também a uma redução da expressão do seu receptor, GC-C. Estes resultados sugerem que o SPG pode contribuir para a sensibilidade ao sódio na diabetes.


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The nearly ubiquitous consumption of cereals all over the world renders them an important position in international nutrition, but concurrently allocates exposure to possible contained contaminants. Mycotoxins are natural food contaminants, difficult to predict, evade, and reduce, so it is important to establish the real contribution of each contaminated food product, with the aim to evaluate mycotoxin exposure. This was the key objective of this survey and analysis for ochratoxin A content on 274 samples of commercialized bread in the Portuguese market, during the winter 2007. Different bread products were analyzed through an HPLC-FD method, including traditional types, novel segments, and different grain based bread products. A wide-ranging low level contamination was observed in all regions and types of bread products analyzed, especially in the Porto and Coimbra regions, and in the maize and whole-grain or fiber-enriched bread. Nevertheless, the exposure through contaminated wheat bread continues to be the most significant, given its high consumption and dominance in relation to the other types of bread.


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In this paper, we establish the controllability for a class of abstract impulsive mixed-type functional integro-differential equations with finite delay in a Banach space. Some sufficient conditions for controllability are obtained by using the Mönch fixed point theorem via measures of noncompactness and semigroup theory. Particularly, we do not assume the compactness of the evolution system. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.


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Consider the problem of determining a task-toprocessor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct kinds of processors. We propose a polynomialtime approximation scheme (PTAS) for this problem. It offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a given platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then given an input parameter, ϵ, our PTAS succeeds, in polynomial time, in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment on a platform in which each processor is 1+3ϵ times faster. In the simulations, our PTAS outperforms the state-of-the-art PTAS [1] and also for the vast majority of task sets, it requires significantly smaller processor speedup than (its upper bound of) 1+3ϵ for successfully determining a feasible task-to-processor assignment.


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Consider the problem of assigning real-time tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors — such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two linearithmic timecomplexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the follow- ing guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a given task set, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor-type assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type, then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such a feasible task-to- processor-type assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding 2 a feasible task-to-processor assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/times faster, where 0<α≤1. The parameter α is a property of the task set — it is the maximum utilization of any task which is less than or equal to 1.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform where a task may request at most one of |R| shared resources. There are m1 processors of type-1 and m2 processors of type-2. Tasks may migrate only when requesting or releasing resources. We present a new algorithm, FF-3C-vpr, which offers a guarantee that if a task set is schedulable to meet deadlines by an optimal task assignment scheme that only allows tasks to migrate when requesting or releasing a resource, then FF-3Cvpr also meets deadlines if given processors 4+6*ceil(|R|/min(m1,m2)) times as fast. As far as we know, it is the first result for resource sharing on heterogeneous platforms with provable performance.


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Consider the problem of non-migratively scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. We ask the following question: Does there exist a phase transition behavior for the two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor scheduling problem? We also provide some initial observations via simulations performed on randomly generated task sets.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. Each processor is either of type-1 or type-2 with each task having different execution time on each processor type. Jobs can migrate between processors of same type (referred to as intra-type migration) but cannot migrate between processors of different types. We present a new scheduling algorithm namely, LP-Relax(THR) which offers a guarantee that if a task set can be scheduled to meet deadlines by an optimal task assignment scheme that allows intra-type migration then LP-Relax(THR) meets deadlines as well with intra-type migration if given processors 1/THR as fast (referred to as speed competitive ratio) where THR <= 2/3.


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Fiber reinforced plastics are increasing their importance as one of the most interesting groups of material on account of their low weight, high strength, and stiffness. To obtain good quality holes, it is important to identify the type of material, ply stacking sequence, and fiber orientation. In this article, the drilling of quasi-isotropic hybrid carbon +glass/epoxy plates is analyzed. Two commercial drills and a special step drill are compared considering the thrust force and delamination extension. Results suggest that the proposed step drill can be a suitable option in laminate drilling.


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Debugging electronic circuits is traditionally done with bench equipment directly connected to the circuit under debug. In the digital domain, the difficulties associated with the direct physical access to circuit nodes led to the inclusion of resources providing support to that activity, first at the printed circuit level, and then at the integrated circuit level. The experience acquired with those solutions led to the emergence of dedicated infrastructures for debugging cores at the system-on-chip level. However, all these developments had a small impact in the analog and mixed-signal domain, where debugging still depends, to a large extent, on direct physical access to circuit nodes. As a consequence, when analog and mixed-signal circuits are integrated as cores inside a system-on-chip, the difficulties associated with debugging increase, which cause the time-to-market and the prototype verification costs to also increase. The present work considers the IEEE1149.4 infrastructure as a means to support the debugging of mixed-signal circuits, namely to access the circuit nodes and also an embedded debug mechanism named mixed-signal condition detector, necessary for watch-/breakpoints and real-time analysis operations. One of the main advantages associated with the proposed solution is the seamless migration to the system-on-chip level, as the access is done through electronic means, thus easing debugging operations at different hierarchical levels.


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Remote engineering (also known as online engineering) may be defined as a combination of control engineering and telematics. In this area, specific activities require computacional skills in order to develop projects where electrical devives are monitored and / or controlled, in an intercative way, through a distributed network (e.g. Intranet or Internet). In our specific case, we will be dealing with an industrial plant. Within the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of activities related to remote engineering, which may be connected to the phenomenon of the large extension experienced by the Internet (e.g. bandwith, number of users, development tools, etc.). This increase opens new and future possibilities to the implementation of advance teleworking (or e-working) positions. In this paper we present the architecture for a remote application, accessible through the Internet, able to monitor and control a roller hearth kiln, used in a ceramics industry for firing materials. The proposed architecture is based on a micro web server, whose main function is to monitor and control the firing process, by reading the data from a series of temperature sensors and by controlling a series of electronic valves and servo motors. This solution is also intended to be a low-cost alternative to other potential solutions. The temperature readings are obtained through K-type thermopairs and the gas flow is controlled through electrovalves. As the firing process should not be stopped before its complete end, the system is equipped with a safety device for that specific purpose. For better understanding the system to be automated and its operation we decided to develop a scale model (100:1) and experiment on it the devised solution, based on a Micro Web Server.


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Consider the problem of assigning implicit-deadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors—such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two low degree polynomial time-complexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the following guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a task set, if there exists a task assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type (intra-migrative), then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such an assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding a task assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors (non-migrative) but given a platform in which processors are 1+α times faster. The parameter 0<α≤1 is a property of the task set; it is the maximum of all the task utilizations that are no greater than 1. We evaluate average-case performance of both the algorithms by generating task sets randomly and measuring how much faster processors the algorithms need (which is upper bounded by 1+α/2 for SA and 1+α for SA-P) in order to output a feasible task assignment (intra-migrative for SA and non-migrative for SA-P). In our evaluations, for the vast majority of task sets, these algorithms require significantly smaller processor speedup than indicated by their theoretical bounds. Finally, we consider a special case where no task utilization in the given task set can exceed one and for this case, we (re-)prove the performance guarantees of SA and SA-P. We show, for both of the algorithms, that changing the adversary from intra-migrative to a more powerful one, namely fully-migrative, in which tasks can migrate between processors of any type, does not deteriorate the performance guarantees. For this special case, we compare the average-case performance of SA-P and a state-of-the-art algorithm by generating task sets randomly. In our evaluations, SA-P outperforms the state-of-the-art by requiring much smaller processor speedup and by running orders of magnitude faster.


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Consider scheduling of real-time tasks on a multiprocessor where migration is forbidden. Specifically, consider the problem of determining a task-to-processor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct types of processors. For this problem, we propose a new algorithm, LPC (task assignment based on solving a Linear Program with Cutting planes). The algorithm offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then LPC succeeds in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment as well but on a platform in which each processor is 1.5 × faster and has three additional processors. For systems with a large number of processors, LPC has a better approximation ratio than state-of-the-art algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that develops a provably good real-time task assignment algorithm using cutting planes.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia


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Introdução: É reconhecida a importância do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) no funcionamento normal do joelho. Em caso de rotura ligamentar, nomeadamente em desportos com marcada solicitação dos movimentos de rotação do joelho, é justificada a necessidade de reconstrução do LCA na maioria dos casos. Objetivo (s): Avaliar a influência do tipo de enxerto na reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior na força muscular isocinética, assim como na funcionalidade e sintomas após 6 meses. Métodos: Estudo transversal analítico, constituído por 20 indivíduos voluntários do sexo masculino, que haviam sido submetidos a uma ligamentoplastia do cruzado anterior, pelo mesmo cirurgião, seguido de uma intervenção individualizada por um fisioterapeuta. Em 10 indivíduos, o procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado com enxerto do tendão rotuliano (grupo OTO), e nos restantes 10 com enxerto do semitendinoso e gracilis (grupo STG). Como forma de avaliar a Força Muscular Isocinética (Peak Torque, Trabalho Total Muscular, ratio Isquiotibiais/Quadricipite), foi utilizado o Dinamómetro Isocinético Biodex. A avaliação foi efectuada apenas aos 6 meses após o procedimento cirúrgico. Para observação da funcionalidade, amplitude de movimento e sintomas, utilizou-se o questionário International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC). Resultados: Foi possível observar que entre os grupos apenas se observaram diferenças significativas no peak torque de extensão a 180º no membro não lesado (p=0,019). Contudo, foi observada uma tendência para o grupo OTO apresentar um maior défice no peak torque e trabalho total muscular em extensão. Comparativamente ao membro contra-lateral, o membro lesado apresentou valores significativamente inferiores na maioria das variáveis ( p < 0,05). Conclusão: Após 6 meses de pós-cirúrgico com reabilitação de fisioterapia, não foi possível apontar qual o enxerto que garante uma melhor recuperação da força muscular. Aos 6 meses, ambos os grupos ainda apresentaram limitações musculares, quando comparados com o lado contra-lateral. Relativamente ao rácio isquiotibiais/quadricípite, assim como no IKDC, não se observaram diferenças entre os dois tipos de enxertos.