17 resultados para municipal waste


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Rodrigo Mário Oliveira Carvalho, Dr. Coorientador: Vicente António Fernandes Seixas, Dr.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo o diagnóstico ambiental da empresa Lacticinios do Paiva, S.A, a avaliação da água do processo e da ETARI e o estudo da fermentação do soro de queijo com o intuito de produção de bioetanol. No diagnóstico ambiental da empresa, observou-se que 18.227.731 litros de leite usados anualmente geram 5.031 ton/ano de queijo, 7.204 ton/ano de soro de queijo, 74.201 m3/ano de efluente liquido, 14 ton/ano de plástico e 20 ton/ano de cartão. Os principais problemas com necessidade de optimização são a recuperação de água das lavagens, avaliação da produção de biogás no digestor anaeróbio, recuperação do volume de leite que é desperdiçado na produção de queijo fresco de longa duração, avaliação da eficiência energética da empresa, valorização das natas e do soro de queijo. Decidiu-se neste trabalho avaliar a possibilidade de reciclagem das águas de lavagem, avaliar o funcionamento da ETARI face à legislação existente e estudar a possibilidade de valorização do soro de queijo. Na avaliação das águas de processo das lavagens para posterior reciclagem, verifica-se que relativamente ao pH e aos sólidos suspensos não existe problema, podendo encarar-se a hipótese de reciclagem directa. No entanto, no que respeita à carga orgânica das águas de lavagem do sistema de ultrafiltração do queijo fresco de longa duração, constata-se que esta não poderia ser utilizada novamente, uma vez que apresenta valores elevados de CQO. Para a sua reutilização, será necessário remover a CQO, hipótese que se estudou com resultados positivos. Verificou-se que, um tratamento por adsorção em carvão activado precedido de microfiltração, reduz a CQO de forma significativa permitindo admitir a hipótese de reciclagem da água, nomeadamente para as 1ª e 3ª águas de lavagem. As outras águas teriam necessidade de mais tempo de contacto com o carvão activado. No sentido de avaliar o funcionamento da ETARI, foram analisadas várias correntes da mesma, em particular a do efluente final, no que respeita a parâmetros como: pH, Sólidos Suspensos Totais, Carência Química de Oxigénio, Carência Bioquímica de Oxigénio, Turvação, Nitratos, Fósforo Total, Azoto Kjeldalh, Azoto Amoniacal e Cloretos. Observou-se que os valores para o efluente final da ETARI são os seguintes: pH compreendido entre [7,21 – 8,69], SST entre [65,3 – 3110] mg/L, CQO entre [92,5 – 711,5] mg/L, CBO5 entre [58 – 161] mg/L, NO3- entre [10,8 – 106,7] mg/L, fósforo total entre [8,3 – 64,3] mg/L, turvação entre [67,7 – 733,3] FTU e cloretos entre [459,9 – 619,81] mg/L; pode-se dizer que os parâmetros analisados se encontram quase sempre dentro da gama de valores impostos pela Câmara Municipal de Lamego pelo que o efluente pode ser lançado no Colector Municipal de Cambres. Relativamente à fermentação alcoólica do soro de queijo, verifica-se que a levedura Kluyveromyces Marxianus consegue degradar praticamente todo o açúcar presente no permeado produzindo assim uma quantidade razoável de etanol. Quando se utilizou a levedura Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, a produção de etanol foi muito reduzida, como esperado, dado que esta levedura apresenta dificuldades na metabolização da lactose. Constatou-se assim que a melhor levedura para a fermentação do permeado do soro de queijo é a Kluyveromyces Marxianus, estimando-se em 150 mg a produção de etanol por L de soro.


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D. João de Magalhães e Avelar (1754-1833) formou aquela que, ao tempo, era a maior biblioteca privada portuguesa. Com cerca de 36000 volumes, foi elogiada por personalidades nacionais e estrangeiras, por aliar à quantidade de volumes inúmeros e valiosíssimos manuscritos. Formada ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX, durante mais de 30 anos, originou, em 1833, o primeiro núcleo da actual Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto. Numa época em que possuir livros era sinónimo de prestígio social mas num período em que quase não havia tradição de bibliotecas públicas no nosso país, contrariamente ao que acontecia noutras realidades, a livraria privada de Avelar formou, com outras, a Real Biblioteca Pública da Cidade do Porto. Em 1833, aquando do primeiro aniversário da entrada do exército liberal no Porto, por decreto, criou-se a biblioteca portuense. Estabelecida na casa que servia de Hospício dos Religiosos de Santo António do Val da Piedade, à praça da Cordoaria, tinha como objectivo satisfazer a utilidade pública, estando aberta todos os dias, excepto domingos e feriados. Propriedade da cidade do Porto, ficava sujeita à administração da Câmara que se obrigava à sua guarda, manutenção, conservação, bem como à constante aquisição de espólio. Como veremos, tratou-se de um processo conflituoso mas o Porto obtinha, definitivamente, a sua biblioteca pública.


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In this study, the effect of incorporation of recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of shredding and milling processes, on mechanical behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates, between 4% up to 12% in weight, were incorporated into polyester PM materials as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the addition of a silane coupling agent to resin binder was also evaluated. Applied waste material was proceeding from the shredding of the leftovers resultant from the cutting and assembly processes of GFRP pultrusion profiles. Currently, these leftovers as well as non-conform products and scrap resulting from pultrusion manufacturing process are landfilled, with additional costs to producers and suppliers. Hence, besides the evident environmental benefits, a viable and feasible solution for these wastes would also conduct to significant economic advantages. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of full factorial design approach and analysis of variance ANOVA. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as partial replacement of aggregates and reinforcement for PM materials, with significant improvements on mechanical properties of resultant mortars with regards to waste-free formulations.


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In this paper the adequacy and the benefit of incorporating glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste materials into polyester based mortars, as sand aggregates and filler replacements, are assessed. Different weight contents of mechanically recycled GFRP wastes with two particle size grades are included in the formulation of new materials. In all formulations, a polyester resin matrix was modified with a silane coupling agent in order to improve binder-aggregates interfaces. The added value of the recycling solution was assessed by means of both flexural and compressive strengths of GFRP admixed mortars with regard to those of the unmodified polymer mortars. Planning of experiments and data treatment were performed by means of full factorial design and through appropriate statistical tools based on analyses of variance (ANOVA). Results show that the partial replacement of sand aggregates by either type of GFRP recyclates improves the mechanical performance of resultant polymer mortars. In the case of trial formulations modified with the coarser waste mix, the best results are achieved with 8% waste weight content, while for fine waste based polymer mortars, 4% in weight of waste content leads to the higher increases on mechanical strengths. This study clearly identifies a promising waste management solution for GFRP waste materials by developing a cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates, thus contributing to a more sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer composites industry.


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Waste oil recycling companies play a very important role in our society. Competition among companies is tough and process optimization is essential for survival. By equipping oil containers with a level monitoring system that periodically reports the level and alerts when it reaches the preset threshold, the oil recycling companies are able to streamline the oil collection process and, thus, reduce the operation costs while maintaining the quality of service. This paper describes the development of this level monitoring system by a team of four students from different engineering backgrounds and nationalities. The team conducted a study of the state of the art, draw marketing and sustainable development plans and, finally, designed and implemented a prototype that continuously measures the container content level and sends an alert message as soon as it reaches the preset capacity.


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In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behaviour of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste powder and fibres, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than unmodified polymer mortars. GFRP modified polyester based mortars also show a less brittle behaviour, with retention of some loading capacity after peak load. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP waste materials as efficient and sustainable reinforcement and admixture for polymer concrete and mortars composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. There are several methods to recycle GFR thermostable materials: (a) incineration, with partial energy recovery due to the heat generated during organic part combustion; (b) thermal and/or chemical recycling, such as solvolysis, pyrolisis and similar thermal decomposition processes, with glass fibre recovering; and (c) mechanical recycling or size reduction, in which the material is subjected to a milling process in order to obtain a specific grain size that makes the material suitable as reinforcement in new formulations. This last method has important advantages over the previous ones: there is no atmospheric pollution by gas emission, a much simpler equipment is required as compared with ovens necessary for thermal recycling processes, and does not require the use of chemical solvents with subsequent environmental impacts. In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled GFRP waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste materials, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester polymer mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of GFRP waste treatment with silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. The use of factorial experiment design, instead of the one factor at-a-time method is efficient at allowing the evaluation of the effects and possible interactions of the different material factors involved. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as polymer mortar aggregates, without significant loss of mechanical properties with regard to non-modified polymer mortars.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the waste reuse in polymer mortars and concrete. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.


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In this study, the added value resultant from the incorporation of pultrusion production waste into polymer based concretes was assessed. For this purpose, different types of thermoset composite scrap material, proceeding from GFRP pultrusion manufacturing process, were mechanical shredded and milled into a fibrous-powdered material. Resultant GFRP recyclates, with two different size gradings, were added to polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at various load contents between 4% up to 12% in weight of total mass. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than those of unmodified polymer mortars. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP pultrusion waste materials as efficient and sustainable admixtures for concrete and mortar-polymer composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.


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To date, glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste recycling is very limited and restricted by thermoset nature of binder matrix and lack of economically viable enduse applications for the recyclates. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, a mix of powdered and fibrous materials, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at different load contents (between 4% up to 12% of total mass) and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Test results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse in concrete-polymer composites.


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This article deals with a real-life waste collection routing problem. To efficiently plan waste collection, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors and only then can routing problems be solved in each sector. Three diverse situations are described, resulting in three different new models. In the first situation, there is a single point of waste disposal from where the vehicles depart and to where they return. The vehicle fleet comprises three types of collection vehicles. In the second, the garage does not match any of the points of disposal. The vehicle is unique and the points of disposal (landfills or transfer stations) may have limitations in terms of the number of visits per day. In the third situation, disposal points are multiple (they do not coincide with the garage), they are limited in the number of visits, and the fleet is composed of two types of vehicles. Computational results based not only on instances adapted from the literature but also on real cases are presented and analyzed. In particular, the results also show the effectiveness of combining sectorization and routing to solve waste collection problems.


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For efficient planning of waste collection routing, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors. The real case under consideration is the municipality of Monção, in Portugal. Waste collection involves more than 1600 containers over an area of 220 km2 and a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. This is mostly a rural area where the population is distributed in small villages around the 33 boroughs centres (freguesia) that constitute the municipality. In most freguesias, waste collection is usually conducted 3 times a week. However, there are situations in which the same collection is done every day. The case reveals some general and specific characteristics which are not rare, but are not widely addressed in the literature. Furthermore, new methods and models to deal with sectorization and routing are introduced, which can be extended to other applications. Sectorization and routing are tackled following a three-phase approach. The first phase, which is the main concern of the presentation, introduces a new method for sectorization inspired by Electromagnetism and Coulomb’s Law. The matter is not only about territorial division, but also the frequency of waste collection, which is a critical issue in these types of applications. Special characteristics related to the number and type of deposition points were also a motivation for this work. The second phase addresses the routing problems in each sector: new Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing with Limited Multi-Landfills models will be presented. The last phase integrates Sectoring and Routing. Computational results confirm the effectiveness of the entire novel approach.


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Este trabalho incide sobre um estágio realizado num Município do Minho com o objetivo de contribuir para a implementação de um departamento de Auditoria Interna. Foi efetuado um estudo exaustivo dos documentos existentes, tendo-se sugerido novas e atualizadas versões, designadamente da Norma de Controlo Interno e do Plano de Prevenção dos Riscos de Corrupção e Infrações Conexas. Para além disso, foi realizado um inquérito aos Municípios do Minho que permitiu concluir o seguinte: o reconhecimento generalizado da importância da Auditoria Interna (embora apenas 20% dos inquiridos tenham esse departamento de funcionamento); quase 90% das autarquias dizem possuir uma Norma de Controlo Interno, embora 38% reconheçam que não está atualizada; quanto ao Plano de Prevenção dos Riscos de Corrupção e Infrações Conexas, também cerca de 90% dizem possuir, mas novamente 62% reconhece não estar atualizado. Podemos assim concluir que há um enorme potencial de desenvolvimento e de aperfeiçoamento da Auditoria Interna nas autarquias, em particular do Minho, zona de objeto do nosso estudo.