122 resultados para Bluetooth wireless technology
Operational Modal Analysis is currently applied in structural dynamic monitoring studies using conventional wired based sensors and data acquisition platforms. This approach, however, becomes inadequate in cases where the tests are performed in ancient structures with esthetic concerns or in others, where the use of wires greatly impacts the monitoring system cost and creates difficulties in the maintenance and deployment of data acquisition platforms. In these cases, the use of sensor platforms based on wireless and MEMS would clearly benefit these applications. This work presents a first attempt to apply this wireless technology to the structural monitoring of historical masonry constructions in the context of operational modal analysis. Commercial WSN platforms were used to study one laboratory specimen and one of the structural elements of a XV century building in Portugal. Results showed that in comparison to the conventional wired sensors, wireless platforms have poor performance in respect to the acceleration time series recorded and the detection of modal shapes. However, for frequency detection issues, reliable results were obtained, especially when random excitation was used as noise source.
O mercado de smartphones tem vindo a crescer massivamente nos últimos anos, bem como a diversi cação das suas funcionalidades no dia-a-dia de cada pessoa. O mercado aberto de aplicações para estes equipamentos também tem sofrido uma forte evolução o que permite uma maior qualidade e competitividade pela apresentação de produtos. O conceito de casas inteligentes está cada vez mais presente e é algo que as pessoas se estão a acomodar de forma gradual. Para acompanhar tal feito, é necessário desenvolver as capacidades dos equipamentos que estas pessoas mais usam para que estes possam dar resposta a estas necessidades. Para o caso atual irão ser estudadas as fechaduras inteligentes. Os sistemas comercializados atualmente, são tipicamente sistemas proprietários e apresentam algumas limitações ou faltas (ex: ao nível da segurança, incapacidade de abranger um largo número de dispositivos móveis ou mesmo ao nível do preço). Neste contexto, e com base na caracterização das soluções de controlo de acesso atuais, foi estudada a viabilidade de, usando uma abordagem assente em tecnologias não proprietárias (i.e., abertas), desenvolver soluções de controlo de acesso com características comparáveis com os sistemas proprietários actuais e, eventualmente, ultrapassando os limites e falhas identi cados. Dadas estas premissas o sistema de controlo de acesso móvel pensado envolve um computador BeagleBone Black e a tecnologia sem os Bluetooth. Este sistema permite a fácil integração do computador com qualquer smartphone atual e é dotado de fortes características de segurança e privacidade. O sistema foi concebido inicialmente para ser implementado em fechaduras de portas mas com possibilidade de expansão para outros equipamentos. Além disso, o sistema permitirá também o acesso a terceiros após a devida autorização do dono.
With the increasing technological innovation, the concept of marketing and its applications become more functional and wide. Today is visible the development of mobile marketing campaigns, ie marketing campaigns for mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablets). Taking advantage of mobile devices services (bluetooth networks, Wi-Fi, WAP, SMS service, MMS) as a vehicle to approach and communicate with consumers, bluetooth technology is a potential way of mobile marketing to become increasingly less invasive to consumers. This study seeks to answer the question "what factors may motivate the Portuguese consumer to adopt the bluetooth marketing?". According to the literature review on the concept of mobile marketing, bluetooth marketing and consumer behaviour theories, we propose a conceptual model capable of investigating the relationships between the determinants of responsiveness to bluetooth marketing. The empirical study developed from a set of hypotheses and implementation of an online questionnaire to a sample of 755 respondents, demonstrated that there is a relationship between factors such as, technology ease of use, file exchanging and influence of peers, and the receptivity to bluetooth marketing. Also information value of mobile advertising messages, such as entertainment and personalization relates to responsiveness. The consumer’s perceived control over mobile promotional messages and the safety features of the technology, also showed a positive relationship with the receptivity to bluetooth marketing.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as underlying infrastructures for new classes of large-scale networked embedded systems. However, WSNs system designers must fulfill the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements imposed by the applications (and users). Very harsh and dynamic physical environments and extremely limited energy/computing/memory/communication node resources are major obstacles for satisfying QoS metrics such as reliability, timeliness, and system lifetime. The limited communication range of WSN nodes, link asymmetry, and the characteristics of the physical environment lead to a major source of QoS degradation in WSNs-the ldquohidden node problem.rdquo In wireless contention-based medium access control (MAC) protocols, when two nodes that are not visible to each other transmit to a third node that is visible to the former, there will be a collision-called hidden-node or blind collision. This problem greatly impacts network throughput, energy-efficiency and message transfer delays, and the problem dramatically increases with the number of nodes. This paper proposes H-NAMe, a very simple yet extremely efficient hidden-node avoidance mechanism for WSNs. H-NAMe relies on a grouping strategy that splits each cluster of a WSN into disjoint groups of non-hidden nodes that scales to multiple clusters via a cluster grouping strategy that guarantees no interference between overlapping clusters. Importantly, H-NAMe is instantiated in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, which currently are the most widespread communication technologies for WSNs, with only minor add-ons and ensuring backward compatibility with their protocols standards. H-NAMe was implemented and exhaustively tested using an experimental test-bed based on ldquooff-the-shelfrdquo technology, showing that it increases network throughput and transmission success probability up to twice the values obtained without H-NAMe. H-NAMe effectiveness was also demonstrated in a target tracking application with mobile robots - over a WSN deployment.
The integration of wired and wireless technologies in modern manufacturing plants is now of paramount importance for the competitiveness of any industry. Being PROFIBUS the most widely used technology in use for industrial communications, several solutions have been proposed to provide PROFIBUS networks with wireless communications. One of them, the bridge-based hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS network approach, proposes an architecture in which the Intermediate Systems operate at Data Link Layer level, as bridges. In this paper, we propose an architecture for the implementation of such a bridge and the required protocols to handle communication between stations in different domains and the mobility of wireless stations.
While the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack is being considered as a promising technology for low-cost low-power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), several issues in the standard specifications are still open. One of those ambiguous issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for ensuring QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multihop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This paper tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes a synchronization mechanism based on Time Division Beacon Scheduling to construct cluster-tree WSNs. We also propose a methodology for an efficient duty cycle management in each router (cluster-head) of a cluster-tree WSN that ensures the fairest use of bandwidth resources. The feasibility of the proposal is clearly demonstrated through an experimental test bed based on our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol.
The IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is an enabling technology for time sensitive wireless sensor networks thanks to its Guaranteed-Time Slot (GTS) mechanism in the beacon-enabled mode. However, the protocol only supports explicit GTS allocation, i.e. a node allocates a number of time slots in each superframe for exclusive use. The limitation of this explicit GTS allocation is that GTS resources may quickly disappear, since a maximum of seven GTSs can be allocated in each superframe, preventing other nodes to benefit from guaranteed service. Moreover, the GTSs may be only partially used, resulting in wasted bandwidth. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes i-GAME, an implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism in beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The allocation is based on implicit GTS allocation requests, taking into account the traffic specifications and the delay requirements of the flows. The i-GAME approach enables the use of a GTS by multiple nodes, while all their (delay, bandwidth) requirements are still satisfied. For that purpose, we propose an admission control algorithm that enables to decide whether to accept a new GTS allocation request or not, based not only on the remaining time slots, but also on the traffic specifications of the flows, their delay requirements and the available bandwidth resources. We show that our proposal improves the bandwidth utilization compared to the explicit allocation used in the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard. We also present some practical considerations for the implementation of i-GAME, ensuring backward compatibility with the IEEE 801.5.4 standard with only minor add-ons.
O presente projeto enquadra-se na área das redes de sensores sem fios, onde o seu crescente desenvolvimento permite aplicar esta tecnologia em diversas áreas, como por exemplo, na monitorização ambiental, utilização militar, domótica, saúde, entre outras. Uma rede de sensores sem fios consiste em diversos nós dispersos num campo de aplicação onde procedem à recolha de dados do ambiente em que estão inseridos, como o valor de uma temperatura, humidade ou outra grandeza física, e os transmitem para uma estação base onde podem ser monitorizados. Tendo a área da saúde uma importância significativa, este projeto focalizou-se na mesma. O projeto apresentado nesta dissertação teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma rede de sensores sem fios, em que dois nós procedam à aquisição da temperatura corporal de uma pessoa em dois locais distintos, para posterior envio da mesma para os restantes nós da rede, onde será apresentada em estações de monitorização. Este projeto foi desenvolvido baseado num recente protocolo de redes sem fios, nomeadamente o protocolo ANTTM. Assim sendo, em primeiro lugar, serão abordados neste relatório os objetivos e a contextualização deste projeto. Em seguida, será apresentada uma comparação sobre alguns aspetos de algumas tecnologias de comunicações sem fios, nomeadamente o ZigBee, Bluetooth e ANT. Devido ao fato da tecnologia ANT ser a escolhida para o desenvolvimento deste projeto, será também apresentado um estudo mais detalhado sobre o mesmo. Depois, será apresentado o desenvolvimento e implementações efetuadas, e por último serão apresentadas as conclusões técnicas e pessoais que este projeto permitiu obter.
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and non-invasive technology for e-health monitoring. The performance of WBAN may be disturbed when coexisting with other wireless networks. Accordingly, this paper provides a comprehensive study and in-depth analysis of coexistence issues and interference mitigation solutions in WBAN technologies. A thorough survey of state-of-the art research in WBAN coexistence issues is conducted. The survey classified, discussed, and compared the studies according to the parameters used to analyze the coexistence problem. Solutions suggested by the studies are then classified according to the followed techniques and concomitant shortcomings are identified. Moreover, the coexistence problem in WBAN technologies is mathematically analyzed and formulas are derived for the probability of successful channel access for different wireless technologies with the coexistence of an interfering network. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted using OPNET with several real-life scenarios to evaluate the impact of coexistence interference on different WBAN technologies. In particular, three main WBAN wireless technologies are considered: IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4, and low-power WiFi. The mathematical analysis and the simulation results are discussed and the impact of interfering network on the different wireless technologies is compared and analyzed. The results show that an interfering network (e.g., standard WiFi) has an impact on the performance of WBAN and may disrupt its operation. In addition, using low-power WiFi for WBANs is investigated and proved to be a feasible option compared to other wireless technologies.
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) have emerged as a promising technology for medical and non-medical applications. WBANs consist of a number of miniaturized, portable, and autonomous sensor nodes that are used for long-term health monitoring of patients. These sensor nodes continuously collect information of patients, which are used for ubiquitous health monitoring. In addition, WBANs may be used for managing catastrophic events and increasing the effectiveness and performance of rescue forces. The huge amount of data collected by WBAN nodes demands scalable, on-demand, powerful, and secure storage and processing infrastructure. Cloud computing is expected to play a significant role in achieving the aforementioned objectives. The cloud computing environment links different devices ranging from miniaturized sensor nodes to high-performance supercomputers for delivering people-centric and context-centric services to the individuals and industries. The possible integration of WBANs with cloud computing (WBAN-cloud) will introduce viable and hybrid platform that must be able to process the huge amount of data collected from multiple WBANs. This WBAN-cloud will enable users (including physicians and nurses) to globally access the processing and storage infrastructure at competitive costs. Because WBANs forward useful and life-critical information to the cloud – which may operate in distributed and hostile environments, novel security mechanisms are required to prevent malicious interactions to the storage infrastructure. Both the cloud providers and the users must take strong security measures to protect the storage infrastructure.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Mestre Paulo Gonçalves e da Doutora Madalena Vilas Boas Esta versão não contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri
With increasing technological innovation, the concept of marketing and its applications become more functional and wide. Today, we witness a steady growth in the development of mobile marketing campaigns, i.e., marketing campaigns targeting mobile devices (mobile phones, Smartphones, PDAs, tablets). Among the several mobile technologies available (Bluetooth networks, Wi-Fi, WAP, SMS service, MMS), Bluetooth seems to have the biggest potential for the least invasive consumer mobile marketing strategy. This study seeks to answer the question "what factors may motivate the Portuguese consumer to accept Bluetooth marketing?.“ We propose a conceptual model capable of investigating the relationships between the several responsiveness factors to Bluetooth marketing. The development of a set of hypotheses supported by an online questionnaire to a valid sample of 755 participants, demonstrates that there is a relationship between factors such as expanded knowledge of the technology, and Bluetooth marketing receptivity. Additionally, we find that the information value of mobile advertising messages, such as entertainment value and personalization, relates well to responsiveness. The ability to accept/dismiss promotional messages sent to mobile phones and other safety features also correlated well with Bluetooth marketing receptivity.
In this paper we describe a casestudy of an experiment on how reflexivity and technology can enhance learning, by using ePorfolios as a training environment to develop translation skills. Translation is today a multiskilled job and translators need to assure their clients a good performance and quality, both in language and in technology domains. In order to accomplish it, for the translator all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pretranslation and posttranslation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance for collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation, namely in terminology management phases, for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development and usability of ePorfolios.
An increasing amount of research is being developed in the area where technology and humans meet. The success or failure of technologies and the question whether technology helps humans to fulfill their goals or whether it hinders them is in most cases not a technical one. User Perception and Influencing Factors of Technology in Everyday Life addresses issues of human and technology interaction. The research in this work is interdisciplinary, ranging from more technical subjects such as computer science, engineering, and information systems, to non-technical descriptions of technology and human interaction from the point of view of sociology or philosophy. This book is perfect for academics, researchers, and professionals alike as it presents a set of theories that allow us to understand the interaction of technology and humans and to put it to practical use.
The way humans interact with technology is undergoing a tremendous change. It is hard to imagine the lives we live today without the benefits of technology that we take for granted. Applying research in computer science, engineering, and information systems to non-technical descriptions of technology, such as human interaction, has shaped and continues to shape our lives. Human Interaction with Technology for Working, Communicating, and Learning: Advancements provides a framework for conceptual, theoretical, and applied research in regards to the relationship between technology and humans. This book is unique in the sense that it does not only cover technology, but also science, research, and the relationship between these fields and individuals' experience. This book is a must have for anyone interested in this research area, as it provides a voice for all users and a look into our future.