52 resultados para word-of-mouth communication

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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As questões de liderança de opinião tornaram-se um tema cada vez mais interessante na nossa contemporaneidade. Quer se considere, ou não, que os ditos “novos media” provocaram uma revolução na forma como interagimos, o que é inquestionável é o seu papel na forma como somos influenciados e influenciamos, pelo menos, no que às sociedades ditas como desenvolvidas se refere. Partindo do interesse pelo estudo do word-of-mouth eletrónico, esta dissertação pretende contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do Twitter enquanto instrumento de influência. De um ponto de vista empírico este trabalho centrou-se na análise do Twitter de Arianna Huffington e dos seus seguidores no Twitter.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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The legacy of nineteenth century social theory followed a “nationalist” model of society, assuming that analysis of social realities depends upon national boundaries, taking the nation-state as the primary unit of analysis, and developing the concept of methodological nationalism. This perspective regarded the nation-state as the natural - and even necessary - form of society in modernity. Thus, the constitution of large cities, at the end of the 19th century, through the intense flows of immigrants coming from diverse political and linguistic communities posed an enormous challenge to all social research. One of the most significant studies responding to this set of issues was The Immigrant Press and its Control, by Robert E. Park, one of the most prominent American sociologists of the first half of the 20th century. The Immigrant Press and its Control was part of a larger project entitled Americanization Studies: The Acculturation of Immigrant Group into American Society, funded by the Carnagie Corporation following World War I, taking as its goal to study the so-called “Americanization methods” during the 1920s. This paper revisits that particular work by Park to reveal how his detailed analysis of the role of the immigrant press overcame the limitations of methodological nationalism. By granting importance to language as a tool uniting each community and by showing how the strength of foreign languages expressed itself through the immigrant press, Park demonstrated that the latter produces a more ambivalent phenomenon than simply the assimilation of immigrants. On the one hand, the immigrant press served as a connecting force, driven by the desire to preserve the mother tongue and culture while at the same time awakening national sentiments that had, until then, remained diffuse. Yet, on the other hand, it facilitated the adjustment of immigrants to the American context. As a result, Park’s work contributes to our understanding of a particular liminal moment inherent within many intercultural contexts, the space between emigrant identity (emphasizing the country of origin) and immigrant identity (emphasizing the newly adopted country). His focus on the role played by media in the socialization of immigrant groups presaged later work on this subject by communication scholars. Focusing attention on Park’s research leads to other studies of the immigrant experience from the same period (e.g., Thomas & Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and America), and also to insights on multi-presence and interculturality as significant but often overlooked phenomena in the study of immigrant socialization.


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Words are the smallest units of messages. Attention should be given to each word used to be sure it is the most effective one. An effective word is one that the receiver will understand and that will elicit the wanted response. The ability to choose words by (a) using a dictionary and a thesaurus and (b) following some of the principles of business communication described in this text can be improved.


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The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained.


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The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained. In this study the electromagnetic analysis has been performed via FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain).


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Introdução: A produção e o uso da literatura científica são analisados, quantificados e interpretados pela bibliometria, ciência utilizada para estudos métricos da informação publicada e que estuda as questões relacionadas com a comunicação científica e a atividade científica. Objetivo: O estudo apresentado é uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica portuguesa da área da saúde indexada na Web of Science. Métodos: Analisa-se a produção referente ao período entre 1992 e final de 2011. A análise da produção científica centrou-se nas seguintes variáveis: categorias de classificação da Web of Science, tipologia de documentos indexados, títulos de revistas, distribuição por anos de publicação, afiliação institucional, idiomas, países de origem dos autores com quem foram estabelecidas relações de parceria científica e quem facultou os financiamentos à investigação científica. Resultados: Foram contabilizados 34.208 trabalhos. Destes, o artigo é a forma mais utilizada pelos autores portugueses para a divulgação dos resultados de investigação (58,5%). A década mais recente é contemplada com 75,4% dos registos. A maioria da produção com visibilidade internacional é oriunda de universidades e de centros de investigação hospitalar; institutos, laboratórios da indústria farmacêutica e universidades estrangeiras têm valores residuais. A colaboração com outros investigadores internacionais destaca-se no caso da Europa (73,2%). O financiamento da investigação científica é suportado basicamente pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (59,5%), seguida da Comissão Europeia (17,8%). O inglês é o idioma mais usado para a divulgação dos resultados de investigação nacional na área da saúde (97,8%). Conclusões: O uso de bases de dados ou de plataformas científicas para estudos bibliométricos é um processo moroso e difícil. O total de trabalhos em análise foi sempre o mesmo mas, em algumas variáveis, os valores não coincidem, quer porque alguns dos registos foram classificados em mais do que uma categoria temática, quer pelos trabalhos multidisciplinares oriundos das mesmas instituições, quer pelos trabalhos de colaboração internacional. Também no presente estudo os artigos são o veículo privilegiado para a divulgação dos resultados científicos. Apontamento final: deve encorajar-se a utilização de outras plataformas científicas e de outras bases de dados para uma mais completa recuperação da produção científica nacional na área da saúde. Introduction: The production and the use of the scientific literature are analyzed, quantified and interpreted by bibliometry. Bibliometry is the science used in published information metric studies and studies the questions of scientific communication and the scientific production. Aim of the study: This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the indexed Web of Science Portuguese scientific production in the health field. Methods: We analyzed the production from 1992 to the end of 2011. This analysis focused in several variables: general categories areas of Web of Science, indexed document types, source titles, publication years, group/corporate authors, languages, identification of the countries with scientific partnerships and identification of the funding agencies for scientific research. Results: We found 34.208 works. From this, the article is the most common channel for disseminating the research results (58.5%). The most recent decade has 75.4% of the total of records. Most of the production with international visibility becomes from universities and hospital research centers; institutes, pharmaceutical labs or foreign universities have residual values. Collaborating with other international researchers is very common, particularly with Europe (73.2%). In general, the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia supports the scientific research (59.5%), followed by the European Commission (17.8%). The language commonly used for disseminating the research results in health is the English (97.8%). Conclusions: Using databases or scientific platforms for bibliometric studies is a hard and difficult process. The total of works analyzed was always the same but, with some variables, the numbers does not coincide: a) some of the registries were classified in several categories; b) some of the multidisciplinary works were from the same institution; c) the large number of international partnership. In this study, articles are the privileged way for disseminating the scientific results. A last thought: the use of other scientific platforms and databases should be encouraged for a more complete retrieval of the national research production in health.


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Introdução: A produção e o uso da literatura científica são analisados, quantificados e interpretados pela bibliometria, ciência utilizada para estudos métricos da informação publicada e que estuda as questões relacionadas com a comunicação científica e a atividade científica. Objetivo: O estudo apresentado é uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica portuguesa da área da saúde indexada na Web of Science. Métodos: Analisa-se a produção referente ao período entre 1992 e final de 2011. A análise da produção científica centrou-se nas seguintes variáveis: categorias de classificação da Web of Science, tipologia de documentos indexados, títulos de revistas, distribuição por anos de publicação, afiliação institucional, idiomas, países de origem dos autores com quem foram estabelecidas relações de parceria científica e quem facultou os financiamentos à investigação científica. Resultados: Foram contabilizados 34.208 trabalhos. Destes, o artigo é a forma mais utilizada pelos autores portugueses para a divulgação dos resultados de investigação (58,5%). A década mais recente é contemplada com 75,4% dos registos. A maioria da produção com visibilidade internacional é oriunda de universidades e de centros de investigação hospitalar; institutos, laboratórios da indústria farmacêutica e universidades estrangeiras têm valores residuais. A colaboração com outros investigadores internacionais destaca-se no caso da Europa (73,2%). O financiamento da investigação científica é suportado basicamente pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (59,5%), seguida da Comissão Europeia (17,8%). O inglês é o idioma mais usado para a divulgação dos resultados de investigação nacional na área da saúde (97,8%). Conclusões: O uso de bases de dados ou de plataformas científicas para estudos bibliométricos é um processo moroso e difícil. O total de trabalhos em análise foi sempre o mesmo mas, em algumas variáveis, os valores não coincidem, quer porque alguns dos registos foram classificados em mais do que uma categoria temática, quer pelos trabalhos multidisciplinares oriundos das mesmas instituições, quer pelos trabalhos de colaboração internacional. Também no presente estudo os artigos são o veículo privilegiado para a divulgação dos resultados científicos. Apontamento final: deve encorajar-se a utilização de outras plataformas científicas e de outras bases de dados para uma mais completa recuperação da produção científica nacional na área da saúde. Introduction: The production and the use of the scientific literature are analyzed, quantified and interpreted by bibliometry. Bibliometry is the science used in published information metric studies and studies the questions of scientific communication and the scientific production. Aim of the study: This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the indexed Web of Science Portuguese scientific production in the health field. Methods: We analyzed the production from 1992 to the end of 2011. This analysis focused in several variables: general categories areas of Web of Science, indexed document types, source titles, publication years, group/corporate authors, languages, identification of the countries with scientific partnerships and identification of the funding agencies for scientific research. Results: We found 34.208 works. From this, the article is the most common channel for disseminating the research results (58.5%). The most recent decade has 75.4% of the total of records. Most of the production with international visibility becomes from universities and hospital research centers; institutes, pharmaceutical labs or foreign universities have residual values. Collaborating with other international researchers is very common, particularly with Europe (73.2%). In general, the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia supports the scientific research (59.5%), followed by the European Commission (17.8%). The language commonly used for disseminating the research results in health is the English (97.8%). Conclusions: Using databases or scientific platforms for bibliometric studies is a hard and difficult process. The total of works analyzed was always the same but, with some variables, the numbers does not coincide: a) some of the registries were classified in several categories; b) some of the multidisciplinary works were from the same institution; c) the large number of international partnership. In this study, articles are the privileged way for disseminating the scientific results. A last thought: the use of other scientific platforms and databases should be encouraged for a more complete retrieval of the national research production in health.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação Especial


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This paper suggests that the thought of the North-American critical theorist James W. Carey provides a relevant perspective on communication and technology. Having as background American social pragmatism and progressive thinkers of the beginning of the 20th century (as Dewey, Mead, Cooley, and Park), Carey built a perspective that brought together the political economy of Harold A. Innis, the social criticism of David Riesman and Charles W. Mills and incorporated Marxist topics such as commodification and sociocultural domination. The main goal of this paper is to explore the connection established by Carey between modern technological communication and what he called the “transmissive model”, a model which not only reduces the symbolic process of communication to instrumentalization and to information delivery, but also politically converges with capitalism as well as power, control and expansionist goals. Conceiving communication as a process that creates symbolic and cultural systems, in which and through which social life takes place, Carey gives equal emphasis to the incorporation processes of communication.If symbolic forms and culture are ways of conditioning action, they are also influenced by technological and economic materializations of symbolic systems, and by other conditioning structures. In Carey’s view, communication is never a disembodied force; rather, it is a set of practices in which co-exist conceptions, techniques and social relations. These practices configure reality or, alternatively, can refute, transform and celebrate it. Exhibiting sensitiveness favourable to the historical understanding of communication, media and information technologies, one of the issues Carey explored most was the history of the telegraph as an harbinger of the Internet, of its problems and contradictions. For Carey, Internet was seen as the contemporary heir of the communications revolution triggered by the prototype of transmission technologies, namely the telegraph in the 19th century. In the telegraph Carey saw the prototype of many subsequent commercial empires based on science and technology, a pioneer model for complex business management; an example of conflict of interest for the control over patents; an inducer of changes both in language and in structures of knowledge; and a promoter of a futurist and utopian thought of information technologies. After a brief approach to Carey’s communication theory, this paper focuses on his seminal essay "Technology and ideology. The case of the telegraph", bearing in mind the prospect of the communication revolution introduced by Internet. We maintain that this essay has seminal relevance for critically studying the information society. Our reading of it highlights the reach, as well as the problems, of an approach which conceives the innovation of the telegraph as a metaphor for all innovations, announcing the modern stage of history and determining to this day the major lines of development in modern communication systems.


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In the history of modern communication, after the development of the printing press, the telegraph unleashed a revolution in communications. Today, Internet is in many ways its heir. Reflections on the telegraph may open up perspectives concerning tendencies, possibilities and pitfalls of the Internet. The telegraph has been well explored in important literature on communication and media which tends to emphasize the history of this technology, its social context and institutional meaning [e.g. Robert L. Thompson, 1947, Tom Standage, 2007 [1998]. James W. Carey, the North- American critical cultural studies' mentor, in his essay "Technology and Ideology. The Case of the Telegraph" (2009 [1983]), suggests a distinctive approach. In the telegraph, Carey sees the prototype of many subsequent commercial empires based on science and technology, a pioneer model for complex business management; an example of interest struggle for the patents control; an inductor of changes both in language and in structures of knowledge; and a promoter of a futurist and utopian thought of information technologies. Having in mind a revolution in communications promoted by the Internet, this paper revisits this seminal essay to explore its great attainment, as well as the problems of this kind of approach which conceives the innovation of the telegraph as a metaphor for all the innovations announcing the modern stage of history and determining still today the major lines of development in modern communication systems.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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[CoCl(-Cl)(Hpz(Ph))(3)](2) (1) and [CoCl2(Hpz(Ph))(4)] (2) were obtained by reaction of CoCl2 with HC(pz(Ph))(3) and Hpz(Ph), respectively (Hpz(Ph)=3-phenylpyrazole). The compounds were isolated as air-stable solids and fully characterized by IR and far-IR spectroscopy, MS(ESI+/-), elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry (CV), controlled potential electrolysis, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical studies showed that 1 and 2 undergo single-electron irreversible (CoCoIII)-Co-II oxidations and (CoCoI)-Co-II reductions at potentials measured by CV, which also allowed, in the case of dinuclear complex 1, the detection of electronic communication between the Co centers through the chloride bridging ligands. The electrochemical behavior of models of 1 and 2 were also investigated by density functional theory (DFT) methods, which indicated that the vertical oxidation of 1 and 2 (that before structural relaxation) affects mostly the chloride and pyrazolyl ligands, whereas adiabatic oxidation (that after the geometry relaxation) and reduction are mostly metal centered. Compounds 1 and 2 and, for comparative purposes, other related scorpionate and pyrazole cobalt complexes, exhibit catalytic activity for the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone under mild conditions (room temperature, aqueous H2O2). Insitu X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies indicated that the species derived from complexes 1 and 2 during the oxidation of cyclohexane (i.e., Ox-1 and Ox-2, respectively) are analogous and contain a Co-III site. Complex 2 showed low invitro cytotoxicity toward the HCT116 colorectal carcinoma and MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cell lines.


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O RoF (Radio over Fiber) é uma tecnologia que permite a transmissão de sinais rádio de elevada largura de banda, fornecida pela fibra óptica, e simultaneamente mantêm a característica de mobilidade das redes de comunicação móvel. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objectivo estudar, simular e comparar sistemas RoF com modulação directa e com modulação externa, utilizando um sinal WiMAX, por ser uma tecnologia recente e com potencial de utilização futura. Desta forma foram avaliados três tipos de moduladores externos, sendo que o modulador EA (Electro-Absorption) é o que permite obter melhores valores de EVM e de SNR devido ao facto deste ter menores perdas de inserção na fibra. Da comparação entre o esquema com modulação directa e o esquema com modulação externa, é possível concluir que para larguras de banda mais baixas a utilização de modulação directa é mais eficiente que a modulação externa, mas à medida que a largura de banda aumenta a modulação externa apresenta claramente melhor desempenho. Isto deve-se ao facto de a modulação directa produzir mais chirp que a modulação externa, sendo que o chirp limita a largura de banda e o comprimento da fibra. De forma a melhorar o desempenho do sistema com modulação directa foi introduzido uma fibra com compensação de dispersão. Foi possível concluir que a utilização de fibra com compensação de dispersão é uma boa solução quando se pretende transmitir sinais de elevada largura de banda em esquemas com modulação directa.