15 resultados para technological efficiency
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZVC) rate distortion performance is highly dependent on the quality of the side information, an estimation of the original frame, created at the decoder. This paper, characterizes the WZVC efficiency when motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) techniques are used to generate the side information, a difficult problem in WZVC especially because the decoder only has available some reference decoded frames. The proposed WZVC compression efficiency rate model relates the power spectral of the estimation error to the accuracy of the MCFI motion field. Then, some interesting conclusions may be derived related to the impact of the motion field smoothness and the correlation to the true motion trajectories on the compression performance.
We have studied, in particular under normality of the implied random variables, the connections between different measures of risk such as the standard deviation, the W-ruin probability and the p-V@R. We discuss conditions granting the equivalence of these measures with respect to risk preference relations and the equivalence of dominance and efficiency of risk-reward criteria involving these measures. Then more specifically we applied these concepts to rigorously face the problem of finding the efficient set of de Finetti’s variable quota share proportional reinsurance.
Based on our recent discovery of closed form formulae of efficient Mean Variance retentions in variable quota-share proportional reinsurance under group correlation, we analyzed the influence of different combination of correlation and safety loading levels on the efficient frontier, both in a single period stylized problem and in a multiperiod one.
Portugal comprometeu-se em finais de 2009 com novos objetivos para a política energética e estabeleceu como prioridade a eficiência energética, designadamente através da aplicação de programas de redução do consumo de energia na Administração Pública e da promoção de comportamentos e escolhas que minimizem o consumo energético. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo a que se propõe este trabalho é: contribuir para a nova política energética do Governo, através do estudo do impacto das novas tecnologias e novos procedimentos, no aumento da eficiência da Iluminação Pública. Nesta dissertação é efetuada uma análise aos sistemas de Iluminação Pública existentes e, também o estudo das inovações tecnológicas disponíveis no mercado. Feita esta caracterização e com base em critérios económicos e técnicos suportados por normas nacionais e internacionais em vigor, as soluções que maximizem a eficiência energética na sua globalidade são identificadas e propostas para implementação no terreno. Será igualmente analisado o impacto no sistema elétrico existente das alterações propostas. A componente experimental desta dissertação foi realizada no Parque das Nações com a colaboração da Parque Expo – Gestão Urbana do Parque das Nações, S.A., entidade gestora do espaço público do Parque das Nações. O Parque das Nações apresenta-se como um local de inegável interesse para os objetivos desta dissertação porque: dispõe de uma grande diversidade de soluções na Iluminação Pública; encontra-se a curta distância do ISEL e funciona, não raras vezes, como “montra” tecnológica do País.
Since industrialization and the formation of larger urban centers in the nineteenth century, pollution of the environment was always present in daily life in various ways, namely in the form of light. Light pollution can cause various consequences, both for humans and for their ecosystem, producing effects on environmental, social, economic and scientific level. In Portugal, the lighting is responsible for 3% of total electricity consumption, energy costs are in some cases more than 50% towards the costs incurred by municipalities with energy, checking-in recent years a trend similar to that improvement of illumination levels in the region (about 4 to 5% per year). Proper use of lighting brings many benefits both to the citizen and environment, since greater energy efficiency can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, energy costs, as well as to decrease the use of resources not-renewable and/or contamination of renewable resources, which can occurs in the process of obtaining electricity. The present study has a main goal to analyze the illuminance levels associated to the public lighting of the village of Vialonga, Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal), to verify if it is efficient. The aim is also to relate the efficiency of street lighting with the existence of light pollution.
A DC-DC step-up micro power converter for solar energy harvesting applications is presented. The circuit is based on a switched-capacitorvoltage tripler architecture with MOSFET capacitors, which results in an, area approximately eight times smaller than using MiM capacitors for the 0.131mu m CMOS technology. In order to compensate for the loss of efficiency, due to the larger parasitic capacitances, a charge reutilization scheme is employed. The circuit is self-clocked, using a phase controller designed specifically to work with an amorphous silicon solar cell, in order to obtain themaximum available power from the cell. This will be done by tracking its maximum power point (MPPT) using the fractional open circuit voltage method. Electrical simulations of the circuit, together with an equivalent electrical model of an amorphous silicon solar cell, show that the circuit can deliver apower of 1132 mu W to the load, corresponding to a maximum efficiency of 66.81%.
Os sistemas fotovoltaicos produzem energia eléctrica limpa, e inesgotável na nossa escala temporal. A Agência Internacional de Energia encara a tecnologia fotovoltaica como uma das mais promissoras, esperando nas suas previsões mais optimistas, que em 2050 possa representar 20% da produção eléctrica mundial, o equivalente a 18000 TWh. No entanto, e apesar do desenvolvimento notável nas últimas décadas, a principal condicionante a uma maior proliferação destes sistemas é o ainda elevado custo, aliado ao seu fraco desempenho global. Apesar do custo e ineficiência dos módulos fotovoltaicos ter vindo a diminuir, o rendimento dos sistemas contínua dependente de factores externos sujeitos a grande variabilidade, como a temperatura e a irradiância, e às limitações tecnológicas e falta de sinergia dos seus equipamentos constituintes. Neste sentido procurou-se como objectivo na elaboração desta dissertação, avaliar o potencial de optimização dos sistemas fotovoltaicos recorrendo a técnicas de modelação e simulação. Para o efeito, em primeiro lugar foram identificados os principais factores que condicionam o desempenho destes sistemas. Em segundo lugar, e como caso prático de estudo, procedeu-se à modelação de algumas configurações de sistemas fotovoltaicos, e respectivos componentes em ambiente MatlabTM/SimulinkTM. Em seguida procedeu-se à análise das principais vantagens e desvantagens da utilização de diversas ferramentas de modelação na optimização destes sistemas, assim como da incorporação de técnicas de inteligência artificial para responder aos novos desafios que esta tecnologia enfrentará no futuro. Através deste estudo, conclui-se que a modelação é não só um instrumento útil para a optimização dos actuais sistemas PV, como será, certamente uma ferramenta imprescindível para responder aos desafios das novas aplicações desta tecnologia. Neste último ponto as técnicas de modelação com recurso a inteligência artificial (IA) terão seguramente um papel preponderante. O caso prático de modelação realizado permitiu concluir que esta é igualmente uma ferramenta útil no apoio ao ensino e investigação. Contudo, convém não esquecer que um modelo é apenas uma aproximação à realidade, devendo recorrer-se sempre ao sentido crítico na interpretação dos seus resultados.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizaional na Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Intervenção Comunitária
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most prevalent pathologies in developed countries, particularly in women, characterized by the presence of bacterial growth in any part of the urinary system. Currently, urine culture is considered the gold standard method for the diagnosis of UTI. However, this method has several disadvantages including the time necessary for obtaining the results and the associated high costs. Therefore, it is important to evaluate new efficient and valuable methods for the diagnosis of these infections. Objectives: Presently, dipsticks are considered a possible valuable alternative to urine culture. This method has very low costs associated and the results can be obtained in few minutes. Here we aim to compare the sensibility, specificity, predictive value of a positive test and a negative test of both methods in order to determine the efficiency of the test strips method and also to characterize the microorganism more frequently isolated.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.
Reporter genes are routinely used in every laboratory for molecular and cellular biology for studying heterologous gene expression and general cellular biological mechanisms, such as transfection processes. Although well characterized and broadly implemented, reporter genes present serious limitations, either by involving time-consuming procedures or by presenting possible side effects on the expression of the heterologous gene or even in the general cellular metabolism. Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy was evaluated to simultaneously analyze in a rapid (minutes) and high-throughput mode (using 96-wells microplates), the transfection efficiency, and the effect of the transfection process on the host cell biochemical composition and metabolism. Semi-adherent HEK and adherent AGS cell lines, transfected with the plasmid pVAX-GFP using Lipofectamine, were used as model systems. Good partial least squares (PLS) models were built to estimate the transfection efficiency, either considering each cell line independently (R 2 ≥ 0.92; RMSECV ≤ 2 %) or simultaneously considering both cell lines (R 2 = 0.90; RMSECV = 2 %). Additionally, the effect of the transfection process on the HEK cell biochemical and metabolic features could be evaluated directly from the FT-IR spectra. Due to the high sensitivity of the technique, it was also possible to discriminate the effect of the transfection process from the transfection reagent on KEK cells, e.g., by the analysis of spectral biomarkers and biochemical and metabolic features. The present results are far beyond what any reporter gene assay or other specific probe can offer for these purposes.
Summary form only given. Bacterial infections and the fight against them have been one of the major concerns of mankind since the dawn of time. During the `golden years' of antibiotic discovery, during the 1940-90s, it was thought that the war against infectious diseases had been won. However currently, due to the drug resistance increase, associated with the inefficiency of discovering new antibiotic classes, infectious diseases are again a major public health concern. A potential alternative to antibiotic treatments may be the antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation (PDI) therapy. To date no indication of antimicrobial PDI resistance development has been reported. However the PDI protocol depends on the bacteria species [1], and in some cases on the bacteria strains, for instance Staphylococcus aureus [2]. Therefore the development of PDI monitoring techniques for diverse bacteria strains is critical in pursuing further understanding of such promising alternative therapy. The present works aims to evaluate Fourier-Transformed-Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectroscopy to monitor the PDI of two model bacteria, a gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and a gram-positive (S. aureus) bacteria. For that a high-throughput FTIR spectroscopic method was implemented as generally described in Scholz et al. [3], using short incubation periods and microliter quantities of the incubation mixture containing the bacteria and the PDI-drug model the known bactericidal tetracationic porphyrin 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-N, N, Ntrimethylammoniumphenyl)-porphyrin p-tosylate (TTAP4+). In both bacteria models it was possible to detect, by FTIR-spectroscopy, the drugs effect on the cellular composition either directly on the spectra or on score plots of principal component analysis. Furthermore the technique enabled to infer the effect of PDI on the major cellular biomolecules and metabolic status, for example the turn-over metabolism. In summary bacteria PDI was monitored in an economic, rapid (in minutes- , high-throughput (using microplates with 96 wells) and highly sensitive mode resourcing to FTIR spectroscopy, which could serve has a technological basis for the evaluation of antimicrobial PDI therapies efficiency.