2 resultados para quartiers durables, ecoquartier, participation

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Este artigo descreve e analisa o impacto da definição e implementação de um novo modelo de gestão dos estabelecimentos de ensino não superior (Dec-lei nº115_A/98) nos padrões de cidadania e equidade do ensino público Português. A institucionalização deste modelo representa uma mudança na matriz centralista e burocrática do referido ensino público e sugere uma aproximação às concepções neo-gerencialistas e neo-liberais que, desde meados dos anos 80, têm dominado a agenda política de muitos países desenvolvidos e de alguns organismos internacionais. Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que a implementação do novo modelo de gestão contribuiu para reforçar os padrões de diferenciação social no ensino básico (1ºciclo) e, mais especificamente, para preservar as .vantagens competitivas. da classe média na escola pública Portuguesa.


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In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times “minority” nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of “participation” arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of “participation” as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, “life” and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a “participatory art” (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a “participatory aesthetics” in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of “participation” allows us to, on the one hand, avoid “digital formalism” (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.