8 resultados para post-incisional pain
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Objectivo: Identificar os factores psicossociais que influenciam a percepção da dor pós-operatória em doentes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM). Material e Métodos: Estudo exploratório correlacional de 91 doentes (71 homens e 20 mulheres) submetidos a CRM (pontagem aortocoronária) por esternotomia). A idade média era de 63,8 ± 9,6 anos (entre 39 e 84). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Escala Analógica Visual às 24, 48 e 96 horas do pós-operatório; Questionário de Caracterização Demográfica; Mental Health Inventory de 5 itens; Percepção de Saúde Geral (SF-36); Escala de Expectativas de Dor; Escala de Percepção de Apoio; Escala de Expectativas de Auto-eficácia; Satisfação com o tratamento, médicos e enfermeiros (American Pain Society Questionnaire) aplicados às 96 horas após a cirurgia. Resultados: Os doentes que apresentaram expectativas elevadas de dor, percepcionaram maior apoio, apresentaram níveis elevados de auto-eficácia para lidar com a dor ou, se pertenciam ao sexo masculino, sentiram menos dor. De igual modo, os doentes que apresentaram melhor saúde mental, percepcionaram a sua saúde como boa e os doentes que expressaram maior satisfação com o tratamento sentiram menos dor. A dor não foi influenciada pela idade, grau de escolaridade ou pela satisfação com a conduta de médicos e enfermeiros. Conclusão: Após as primeiras 48 horas do pós-operatório, a experiência de dor é influenciada por factores psicossociais, em oarticular pela expectativa de dor, expectativa de auto-eficácia, apoio percebido, percepção da saúde geral, percepção de saúde mental e satisfação com o tratamento para a dor. Perante os resultados, evidencia-se a necessidade de conjugar conhecimentos no sentido de dar respostas mais alargadas e de carácter multidisciplinar no tratamento da dor pós-operatória em CRM devendo, a par de outros aspectos, focar-se na gestão das expectativas dos doentes. ABSTRACT - Objective: To identify the psychological factors that influence post-surgery pain perception in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Methods: This was an exploratory correlational study of 91 patients (71 men and 20 women) who underwent CABG (aortocoronary anastomosis) by sternotomy. Mean age was 63.8 ± 9.6 years (between 39 and 84). The following instruments were used: visual analogical scales at 24, 48 and 96 hours of post-surgery; demographic characteristics survey; pain expectations scale; perceived support scale; self-efficacy scale, Mental Inventory (5 items); health perception scale; and satisfaction with treatment, doctors and nurses (American Pain Society questionnaire) at 96 hours after surgery. Results: Patients who had presented high expectations of pain, perceived more support, presented high levels of self-efficacy to deal with pain or were male, felt less pain. Furthermore, patients who presented better mental health, perceived their general health as being good, or expressed greater satisfaction with treatment, felt less pain. Pain was not influenced by age, level of education or satisfaction with doctors and nurses. Conclusion: After the first 48 hours following surgery, the pain experience is influenced by psychosocial factors, in particular by expectation of pain and of self-efficacy, perceived support, perception of general and mental health, and satisfaction with pain treatment. The results confirm the need to bring together different kinds of knowledge for a broad, multidisciplinary approach to postoperative CABG pain treatment, focusing, along with other aspects, on management of patients’ expectations.
Introdução – A reconstrução mamária, no processo pós-cancro da mama, poderá ser levada a cabo através da lipoaspiração cujas consequências poderão ser ultrapassadas através da fisioterapia. Objetivo – Verificar, num estudo de caso, os resultados da drenagem linfática manual (DLM) e das bandas neuromusculares (BNM) na dor, edema, hematoma e pigmentação do abdómen e mamas após lipoaspiração para reconstrução mamária. Metodologia – Uma paciente foi sujeita a 10 sessões de fisioterapia com aplicação de DLM e BNM. Em cada sessão foram avaliados, nas mamas e no abdómen, a dor, o edema, o hematoma e a pigmentação. Resultados – Eliminação da dor, desaparecimento do hematoma abdominal, normalização da pigmentação mamária e diminuição do edema. Conclusão – Neste estudo de caso, a DLM e as BNM melhoram as consequências no pós-cirúrgico de lipoaspiração para reconstrução mamária. ABSTRACT - Introduction – Breast reconstruction, post breast cancer, can be carried out through liposuction which consequences may be overcomed through physiotherapy. Objective – Check, in a study case, the results of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and neuromuscular bandages (NMB) in pain, edema, bruising and pigmentation on abdomen and breasts, after liposuction for breast reconstruction. Methodology – A patient underwent 10 sessions of physiotherapy with application of MLD and NMB. In each session were evaluated breast and abdomen pain, edema, bruising and pigmentation. Results – Elimination of pain, disappearance of abdominal hematoma, normalization of breast pigmentation and reduction of edema. Conclusion – In this study case, MLD and NMB improve the consequences of post-surgical liposuction for breast reconstruction.
Analisar: níveis de fadiga, força de preensão, HRQoL, níveis de actividade física. Será que se alteram em doentes PAF após o transplante de fígado? Dado que os níveis de actividade física se encontram abaixo dos valores mínimos recomendados deveria ser encontrada uma estratégia de aumento do tempo dispendido na actividade física leve a moderada idealmente no PRÉ TRANSPLANTE.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is currently one of the most prevalent diseases in the world population and calcium deposits in coronary arteries are one direct risk factor. These can be assessed by the calcium score (CS) application, available via a computed tomography (CT) scan, which gives an accurate indication of the development of the disease. However, the ionising radiation applied to patients is high. This study aimed to optimise the protocol acquisition in order to reduce the radiation dose and explain the flow of procedures to quantify CAD. The main differences in the clinical results, when automated or semiautomated post-processing is used, will be shown, and the epidemiology, imaging, risk factors and prognosis of the disease described. The software steps and the values that allow the risk of developingCADto be predicted will be presented. A64-row multidetector CT scan with dual source and two phantoms (pig hearts) were used to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the Agatston method. The tube energy was balanced. Two measurements were obtained in each of the three experimental protocols (64, 128, 256 mAs). Considerable changes appeared between the values of CS relating to the protocol variation. The predefined standard protocol provided the lowest dose of radiation (0.43 mGy). This study found that the variation in the radiation dose between protocols, taking into consideration the dose control systems attached to the CT equipment and image quality, was not sufficient to justify changing the default protocol provided by the manufacturer.
Desilication and a combination of alkaline followed by acid treatment were applied to MCM-22 zeolite using two different base concentrations. The samples were characterised by powder X-ray diffraction, Al-27 and Si-29 MAS-NMR spectroscopy, SEM, TEM and low temperature N-2 adsorption. The acidity of the samples was study through pyridine adsorption followed by FTIR spectroscopy and by the analyses of the hydroxyl region. The catalytic behaviour, anticipated by the effect of post-synthesis treatments on the acidity and space available inside the two internal pore systems was evaluated by using the model reaction of m-xylene transformation. The generation of mesoporosity was achieved upon alkaline treatment with 0.05 M NaOH solution and practically no additional gain was obtained when the more concentrate solution, 0.1 M, was used. Instead, Al extraction takes place along with Si, as shown by Si-29 and Al-27 MAS-NMR data, followed by Al deposition as extraframework species. Samples submitted to alkaline plus acid treatments present distinct behaviour. When the lowest NaOH solution was used no relevant effect was observed on the textural characteristics. Additionally, when the acid treatment was performed on an already fragilized MCM-22 structure, due to previous desilication with 0.1 M NaOH solution, the extraction of Al from both internal pore systems promotes their interconnection, evolving from a 2-D to a 3-D porous structure. This transformation has a marked effect in the catalytic behaviour, allowing an increase of m-xylene conversion as a consequence of an easier and faster molecular traffic in the 3-D structure. On the other hand, the continuous deposition of extraframework Al species inside the pores leads to a shape selective effect that privileges the formation of the more valuable isomer p-xylene.
Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognized anxiety may lead to exam repetition, and impedance of exam performance. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo diagnostic exams related to cancer diagnostic: PET/CT and mammography. Methods: Two hundred and thirty two patients who undergo PET/CT and one hundred thirteen women who undergo mammography filled out one questionnaire after the procedure to determine their concerns, expectations and perceptions of anxiety. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself and fear of the results. Patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of an oncological disease. On the other hand, the diagnostic is the main cause of anxiety in women who are requiring a mammography. 28% of the women reported having experienced pain or intense pain. Conclusions: The performance of diagnostic exams related to cancer diagnostic like a PET/CT and a mammography are important and statistically generators of anxiety. Patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. These results provide expertise that can be used in the development of future training programs to integrate post-graduate courses of health professionals.
ABSTRACT - I will explore and present the portrayal of violence in some British plays that were staged between 1951 and 1965, in order to discuss the role, impact and aim of its representation. Thus, I will consider John Whiting’s Saint’s Day (1951), Ann Jelicoe’s The Sport of my Mad Mother (1956), Arnold Wesker (Chicken Soup with Barley (1958), Harold Pinter’s Birthday Party (1958), David Rudkin’s Afore Night Come (1962) and Edward Bond’s Saved (1965). My aim is to discuss the way how theatre in the post WWII changed the traditional ways of representing violence. On one hand, violence and reality became more and more familiar and domestic, permitting a representation of multiple and non-agonic violence; and, on the other hand, the violence that was depicted often changed the way one perceived reality itself, being part of a socially engaged artistic attitude.
En los últimos años, las políticas de formación de profesores se han convertido en un foco de interés para gobernantes, investigadores y profesionales de la educación. En Portugal, como en otros países europeos, la reestructuración de la formación de profesores estuvo marcada por las políticas, directrices y tendencias de la Comisión Europea, adecuándolas a las especificidades propias de la cultura e historia nacionales. Actualmente, la formación de profesores para los primeros años (0-12) se realiza en instituciones de enseñanza superior, bajo una estructura de dos etapas, constituida por el primer ciclo (licenciatura en Educación Básica) y el segundo ciclo (maestros en educación de infancia y/o ciclo de Enseñanza Básica), con una duración de 4,5 a 5 años. Esta organización en dos etapas ha traído nuevos desafíos a la coherencia y consistencia de los cursos de formación, sobre todo, por lo que respecta a la articulación de la formación académica con la formación práctica. Los problemas generados se vuelven especialmente relevantes en el 6º semestre de la licenciatura en Educación Básica, periodo de transición entre la conclusión de una etapa y el inicio de otra. En este artículo, relatamos el recorrido realizado en la organización de la formación en Educación Básica en una escuela superior de educación en Portugal. El proyecto duró 4 años e incidió en la orientación, organización y procesos de apoyo a la iniciación a la práctica profesional en el 6º semestre del curso. En este proceso, la participación e implicación de los estudiantes, a través de la evaluación de la formación, fue el rasgo fundamental y distintivo.