3 resultados para national forest inventory

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Perda auditiva: elevada prevalência da perda auditiva (14,1%), efeitos na comunicação, efeitos em aspectos psicossociais, cognitivos, da fala e linguagem. Avaliação da perda auditiva: baseia-se nos testes audiométricos psicoacústicos, base audiometria tonal, que permite estimar a sensibilidade auditiva (normal vs anormal), permite classificar o tipo e grau de perda auditiva, avaliação qualitativa com a utilização de escalas desenvolvidas para esse efeito, HHIA (Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults), instrumento desenvolvido a partir do HHIE (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly), para ser usado com pacientes de idade inferior a 65 anos.


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ABSTRACT - Tinea pedis and onychomycosis are two rather diverse clinical manifestations of superficial fungal infections, and their etiologic agents may be dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte moulds or yeasts. This study was designed to statistically describe the data obtained as results of analysis conducted during a four year period on the frequency of Tinea pedis and onychomycosis and their etiologic agents. A questionnaire was distributed from 2006 to 2010 and answered by 186 patients, who were subjected to skin and/or nail sampling. Frequencies of the isolated fungal species were cross-linked with the data obtained with the questionnaire, seeking associations and predisposing factors. One hundred and sixty three fungal isolates were obtained, 24.2% of which composed by more than one fungal species. Most studies report the two pathologies as caused primarily by dermatophytes, followed by yeasts and lastly by non-dermatophytic moulds. Our study does not challenge this trend. We found a frequency of 15.6% of infections caused by dermatophytes (with a total of 42 isolates) of which T. rubrum was the most frequent species (41.4%). There was no significant association (p >0.05) among visible injury and the independent variables tested, namely age, gender, owning pet, education, swimming pools attendance, sports activity and clinical information. Unlike other studies, the variables considered did not show the expected influence on dermatomycosis of the lower limbs. It is hence necessary to conduct further studies to specifically identify which variables do in fact influence such infections.


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Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes