8 resultados para materiality of practices
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Several antineoplasic drugs have been demonstrated to be carcinogenic or to have mutagenic and teratogenic effects. The greatest protection is achieved with the implementation of administrative and engineering controls and safety procedures. Objective: to evaluate the improvements on pharmacy technicians' work practices, after the implementation of operational procedures related to individual protection, biologic safety cabinet disinfection and cytotoxic drug preparation. Method: case-study in a hospital pharmacy undergoing a certification process. Six pharmacy technicians were observed during their daily activities. Characterization of the work practices was made using a checklist based on ISOPP and PIC guidelines. The variables studied concerning cleaning/disinfection procedures, personal protective equipment and procedures for preparing cytotoxic drugs. The same work practices were evaluated after four months of operational procedures implementation. Concordance between work practices and guidelines was considered to be a quality indicator (guidelines concordance practices number/total number of practices x 100). Results: improvements were observed after operational procedures implementation. An improvement of 6,25% in personal protective equipment practice was achieved by changing second pair of gloves every thirty minutes. The major progress, 10%, was obtained in disinfection procedure, where 80% of tasks are now realized according to guidelines.By now, we hot an improvement of only 1% at drug preparation procedure by placing one cytotoxic drug at a time inside the biological safety cabinet. Then, 85% of practices are according to guidelines. Conclusion: before operational procedures implementation 80,3% of practices were according to the guidelines, while now is 84,4%. This indicates that is necessary to review the procedures frequently in the benefit to reduce the risks associated with handling cytotoxic drugs and maintenance of drug specifications.
This paper suggests that the thought of the North-American critical theorist James W. Carey provides a relevant perspective on communication and technology. Having as background American social pragmatism and progressive thinkers of the beginning of the 20th century (as Dewey, Mead, Cooley, and Park), Carey built a perspective that brought together the political economy of Harold A. Innis, the social criticism of David Riesman and Charles W. Mills and incorporated Marxist topics such as commodification and sociocultural domination. The main goal of this paper is to explore the connection established by Carey between modern technological communication and what he called the “transmissive model”, a model which not only reduces the symbolic process of communication to instrumentalization and to information delivery, but also politically converges with capitalism as well as power, control and expansionist goals. Conceiving communication as a process that creates symbolic and cultural systems, in which and through which social life takes place, Carey gives equal emphasis to the incorporation processes of communication.If symbolic forms and culture are ways of conditioning action, they are also influenced by technological and economic materializations of symbolic systems, and by other conditioning structures. In Carey’s view, communication is never a disembodied force; rather, it is a set of practices in which co-exist conceptions, techniques and social relations. These practices configure reality or, alternatively, can refute, transform and celebrate it. Exhibiting sensitiveness favourable to the historical understanding of communication, media and information technologies, one of the issues Carey explored most was the history of the telegraph as an harbinger of the Internet, of its problems and contradictions. For Carey, Internet was seen as the contemporary heir of the communications revolution triggered by the prototype of transmission technologies, namely the telegraph in the 19th century. In the telegraph Carey saw the prototype of many subsequent commercial empires based on science and technology, a pioneer model for complex business management; an example of conflict of interest for the control over patents; an inducer of changes both in language and in structures of knowledge; and a promoter of a futurist and utopian thought of information technologies. After a brief approach to Carey’s communication theory, this paper focuses on his seminal essay "Technology and ideology. The case of the telegraph", bearing in mind the prospect of the communication revolution introduced by Internet. We maintain that this essay has seminal relevance for critically studying the information society. Our reading of it highlights the reach, as well as the problems, of an approach which conceives the innovation of the telegraph as a metaphor for all innovations, announcing the modern stage of history and determining to this day the major lines of development in modern communication systems.
Perante os contínuos desafios com que se defrontam as organizações, consequência dos elevados níveis de competitividade, é-lhes exigido uma nova dinâmica de gestão, onde os recursos humanos se assumem como o seu principal elemento diferenciador. Neste contexto, é fundamental a existência de uma gestão estratégica dos recursos humanos, a institucionalização de um conjunto de práticas que permitam transformar os recursos humanos num activo estratégico, que conduza à execução da estratégia organizacional. Essas práticas passam pela atracção e retenção de talentos, oportunidades de desenvolvimento, propiciar boas condições de trabalho quer a nível quantitativo quer a nível qualitativo. E como cada pessoa é um ser único, dotado de características próprias, impossíveis de imitar, deve ser reconhecida a capacidade de serem uma fonte de vantagem competitiva. Não é suficiente o estabelecimento de um conjunto de boas práticas para que se possuam recursos humanos estratégicos. É fundamental fazer o acompanhamento dessas práticas através da monitorização. Na gestão o que não pode ser medido não pode ser gerido. É fundamental sensibilizar os gestores, profissionais de recursos humanos, para a criação de sistemas de medida e métricas que possam aferir a contribuição do Capital Humano para a missão e estratégia das organizações. O Balanced Scorecard é uma ferramenta de gestão que possibilita, através da informação dos seus indicadores, a implementação das estratégias nas organizações. A finalidade é garantir que os indicadores definidos estejam coerentes com a estratégia global. Essa metodologia tem assim o mérito de compatibilizar (através de indicadores quantitativos) a gestão de recursos humanos com os objectivos a longo prazo da organização. A existência de indicadores qualitativos permite ainda às organizações mensurar o nível de desempenho e motivação, factores influentes no clima organizacional
Mestrado em Ensino de Educação Visual e Tecnológica no Ensino Básico
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, domínio Cognição e Multideficiência
Purpose - The education and training of a nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) is not homogeneous among European countries, which leads to different scope of practices and, therefore, different technical skills are assigned. The goal of this research was to characterize the education and training of NMT in Europe. Materials and methods - This study was based on a literature research to characterize the education and training of NMT and support the historical evolution of this profession. It was divided into two different phases: the first phase included analysis of scientific articles and the second phase included research of curricula that allow health professionals to work as NMT in Europe. Results - The majority of the countries [N=31 (89%)] offer the NMT curriculum integrated into the high education system and only in four (11%) countries the education is provided by professional schools. The duration in each education system is not equal, varying in professional schools (2-3 years) and high education level system (2-4 years), which means that different European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, such as 240, 230, 222, 210 or 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, are attributed to the graduates. The professional title and scope of the practice of NMT are different in different countries in Europe. In most countries of Europe, nuclear medicine training is not specific and curriculum does not demonstrate the Nuclear Medicine competencies performed in clinical practice. Conclusion - The heterogeneity in education and training for NMT is an issue prevalent among European countries. For NMT professional development, there is a huge need to formalize and unify educational and training programmes in Europe.
Entre a multiplicidade de práticas e criadores que o atual panorama teatral oferece dentro do âmbito de Teatro e Comunidade, procurei criar uma reflexão abrangente e sistemática sobre este tema, onde o Teatro ocupará o lugar de objecto de análise na sua relação com a Comunidade. Deste modo, o trabalho proposto versará sobre as reflexões acerca do teatro e Comunidade, a sua contextualização no trabalho já realizado , assim como uma reflexão pessoal acerca do mesmo. Assim e inevitavelmente esta dissertação reflete também sobre a arte em geral e o teatro em particular. Numa temática que se pretende abrangente,este trabalho procura enquadrar as disciplinas práticas e teóricas do Mestrado em Teatro e Comunidade na Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, o meu percurso profissional, assim como os autores de reflexão que se enquadram nesta perspectiva. Procurando não encerrar o tema, proponho um objecto de análise dinâmico, reflexivo e abrangente. Assente numa análise pragmática, esta dissertação pretende abordar as diferentes formas que o Teatro adquire na sua relação com a comunidade.
To mimic the online practices of citizens has been declared an imperative to improve communication and extend participation. This paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of how European discourses praising online video as a communication tool have been translated into actual practices by politicians, governments and organisations. By contrasting official documents with YouTube activity, it is argued that new opportunities for European political communication are far from being fully embraced, much akin to the early years of websites. The main choice has been to use YouTube channels fundamentally for distribution and archiving, thus neglecting its social media features. The disabling of comments by many heads of state and prime ministers - and, in 2010, the European Commission - indicates such an attitude. The few attempts made to foster citizen engagement, in particular during elections, have had limited success, given low participation numbers and lack of argument exchange.