7 resultados para learning by teaching
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito dos artigos 11º e 14º do Regulamento de Prestação de Serviço Docente do ISCAL
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito dos artigos 11º e 14º do Regulamento de Prestação de Serviço Docente do ISCAL
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Purpose: To describe orthoptic student satisfaction in a blended learning environment. Methods: Blended learning and teaching approaches that include a mix of sessions with elearning are being used since 2011/2012 involving final year (4th year) students from an orthoptic program. This approach is used in the module of research in orthoptics during the 1 semester. Students experienced different teaching approaches, which include seminars, tutorial group discussions and e-learning activities using the moodle platform. The Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES ) was applied at the end of the semester with 24 questions grouped in 6 dimensions with 4 items each: Relevance to professional practice, Reflection, Interactivity, Tutor support, Peer support and Interpretation. A 5-point Likert scale was used to score each individual item of the questionnaire (1 - almost never to 5 – almost always). The sum of items in each dimension ranged between 4 (negative perception) and 20 (positive perception). Results: Twenty-four students replied to the questionnaire. Positive points were related with Relevance (16.13±2.63), Reflection (16.46±2.45), Tutor support (16.29±2.10) and Interpretation (15.38±2.16). The majority of the students (n=18; 75%) think that the on-line learning is relevant to students’ professional practice. Critical reflections about learning contents were frequent (n=19; 79.17%). The tutor was able to stimulate critical thinking (n=21; 87.50%), encouraged students to participate (n=18; 75%) and understood well the student’s contributions (n=15; 62.50%). Less positive points were related with Interactivity (14.13±2.77) and Peer support (13.29±2.60). Response from the colleagues to ideas (n=11; 45.83%) and valorization of individual contributions (n=10; 41.67%) scored lower than other items. Conclusions: The flow back and forth between face-to-face and online learning situations helps the students to make critical reflections. The majority of the students are satisfied with a blended e-learning system environment. However, more work needs to be done to improve interactivity and peer support.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito dos artigos 11º e 14º do Regulamento de Prestação de Serviço Docente do ISCAL
In this work, we present a teaching-learning sequence on colour intended to a pre-service elementary teacher programme informed by History and Philosophy of Science. Working in a socio-constructivist framework, we made an excursion on the history of colour. Our excursion through history of colour, as well as the reported misconception on colour helps us to inform the constructions of the teaching-learning sequence. We apply a questionnaire both before and after each of the two cycles of action-research in order to assess students’ knowledge evolution on colour and to evaluate our teaching-learning sequence. Finally, we present a discussion on the persistence of deep-rooted alternative conceptions.
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