3 resultados para intensity-duration-frequency relations
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
In this paper we present results on the optimization of multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures for wavelength-division (de) multiplexing applications. The non selective WDM device is a double heterostructure in a glass/ITO/a-SiC:H (p-i-n) /a-SiC:H(-p) /a-Si:H(-i')/a-SiC:H (-n')/ITO configuration. The single or the multiple modulated wavelength channels are passed through the device, and absorbed accordingly to its wavelength, giving rise to a time dependent wavelength electrical field modulation across it. The effect of single or multiple input signals is converted to an electrical signal to regain the information (wavelength, intensity and frequency) of the incoming photogenerated carriers. Here, the (de) multiplexing of the channels is accomplished electronically, not optically. This approach offers advantages in terms of cost since several channels share the same optical components; and the electrical components are typically less expensive than the optical ones. An electrical model gives insight into the device operation.
Professional exposure to fungal pathogens: an update to exposure conditions and exposure measurement
In many occupational settings an exposure to fungi occurs. Fungal exposure may occur for instance in the form of dermatocytes, yeasts or mold. Associated to the fungi themselves an exposure to cell wall components like ß(1 ? 3)-D-glucans, to mycotoxins or to microbial volatile compounds can occur. Health hazards may differ across species because fungi may produce different allergens and mycotoxins, and some species can infect humans. Occupational settings are often characterized by special exposure conditions with respect to duration, frequency and especially to the level of exposure resulting at least sometimes to high or very high fungal exposure. Because of these special conditions occupational settings are suitable for epidemiologic studies. However, the knowledge about occupational exposure to fungi and associated compounds like mycotoxins is still fragmentary and not well disseminated. An indication for a high fungal exposure is for instance the handling of dry natural products like grain, hay or herbal plants with a high specific surface and the tendency to release dust during handling. The fungal components often form the determinative part of such dusts and might be a vehicle to respiratory airways. The authors will present results of exposure measurements of occupational settings and exposure conditions which are only rarely investigated.
Foi realizado um estágio no grupo Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts, um grupo hoteleiro da Região Autónoma da Madeira, com a duração de três meses. Apresenta-se assim no presente trabalho uma perspectiva das Relações Públicas no sector do turismo e hotelaria bem como a discussão do porquê do afunilamento desta função de gestão das relações entre as organizações e os seus públicos nas Guest Relations em algumas das unidades hoteleiras em que trabalhámos. O turismo é actualmente um dos principais sectores da economia mundial. A sobrevivência de um destino turístico, unidade hoteleira ou mesmo de um resort, depende em muito da percepção que os seus stakeholders têm da qualidade dos seus serviços. Assim as Relações Públicas, como em outros sectores, assumem um papel de destaque sendo que estas têm a capacidade de trabalhar a relação entre uma organização e os seus stakeholders, gerindo conflitos e expressando uma identidade positiva sobre a mesma e trabalhando a sua reputação e visibilidade. Em suma este trabalho pretende compreender e reflectir sobre as relações públicas no sector do turismo e hotelaria mesmo quando não o são assim entendidas. Defender-se-á uma perspectiva global, integrada e proactiva das Relações Públicas no sector hoteleiro.