9 resultados para inégalités, mesure, enseignement supérieur, gouvernance, ethnicité, religion, Europe
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
HENRE II (Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe)
This paper analyzes the risk-return trade-off in European equities considering both temporal and cross-sectional dimensions. In our analysis, we introduce not only the market portfolio but also 15 industry portfolios comprising the entire market. Several bivariate GARCH models are estimated to obtain the covariance matrix between excess market returns and the industrial portfolios and the existence of a risk-return trade-off is analyzed through a cross-sectional approach using the information in all portfolios. It is obtained evidence for a positive and significant risk-return trade-off in the European market. This conclusion is robust for different GARCH specifications and is even more evident after controlling for the main financial crisis during the sample period.
This study explores a large set of OC and EC measurements in PM(10) and PM(2.5) aerosol samples, undertaken with a long term constant analytical methodology, to evaluate the capability of the OC/EC minimum ratio to represent the ratio between the OC and EC aerosol components resulting from fossil fuel combustion (OC(ff)/EC(ff)). The data set covers a wide geographical area in Europe, but with a particular focus upon Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, and includes a great variety of sites: urban (background, kerbside and tunnel), industrial, rural and remote. The highest minimum ratios were found in samples from remote and rural sites. Urban background sites have shown spatially and temporally consistent minimum ratios, of around 1.0 for PM(10) and 0.7 for PM(2.5).The consistency of results has suggested that the method could be used as a tool to derive the ratio between OC and EC from fossil fuel combustion and consequently to differentiate OC from primary and secondary sources. To explore this capability, OC and EC measurements were performed in a busy roadway tunnel in central Lisbon. The OC/EC ratio, which reflected the composition of vehicle combustion emissions, was in the range of 03-0.4. Ratios of OC/EC in roadside increment air (roadside minus urban background) in Birmingham, UK also lie within the range 03-0.4. Additional measurements were performed under heavy traffic conditions at two double kerbside sites located in the centre of Lisbon and Madrid. The OC/EC minimum ratios observed at both sites were found to be between those of the tunnel and those of urban background air, suggesting that minimum values commonly obtained for this parameter in open urban atmospheres over-predict the direct emissions of OC(ff) from road transport. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are explored. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Não nascemos leitores, nem tão pouco não leitores. Tornamo-nos leitores ou não, em função das experiências motivadoras ou das experiências desmotivadoras que vivemos, ao longo da nossa vida. Este artigo apresenta uma experiência de promoção leitora através da actividade do clube de leitura. Esta actividade foi realizada entre os anos de 2007-2008, com uma metodologia de investigação-acção, tendo sido implementada em quatro turmas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e duas do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, representativas do universo de um agrupamento de escolas. Pretendia-se constatar em que medida os clubes de leitura potenciavam o desenvolvimento da competência literária e da literacia dos alunos envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o clube de leitura permitiu um contacto mais dinâmico dos alunos com obras de literatura infantil e juvenil, potenciando a fruição leitora, a competência literária e um incremento nas actividades de natureza literácica
A Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (ESELx) tem um largo historial ao serviço da formação contínua de professores. Neste artigo, pretende-se dar conta do trabalho desenvolvido e a desenvolver nesse âmbito. Apresentase, primeiro, o percurso seguido, equacionando os momentos mais significativos e que se constituíram como pontos de viragem ao longo do tempo, nomeadamente, a adesão ao Programa Foco, a constituição da ESELx como Centro de Formação e a colaboração da ESELx na implementação dos Programas Nacionais de Formação Contínua nas áreas da Matemática, Português e Ensino Experimental das Ciências. Seguidamente, analisam-se as implicações que a formação contínua tem tido na vida da instituição e perspetiva-se a estratégia a seguir no futuro, entendendo a formação contínua como um fator de desenvolvimento institucional.
Este texto incide sobre o papel da supervisão pedagógica no contexto da avaliação de desempenho docente (ADD), procurando aprofundar a forma como a dimensão formativa da avaliação foi equacionada e desenvolvida nas escolas. Para tal, foram realizados dois estudos num agrupamento de escolas da periferia de Lisboa, abrangendo professores avaliadores e avaliados do 1º e do 2º/3º ciclos. Os estudos tinham como objetivos gerais: i) conhecer asconceções de avaliadores e avaliados sobre os fundamentos e as práticas de avaliação de desempenho desenvolvidas nos seus contextos profissionais; ii) e definir o papel que avaliadores e avaliados atribuem à supervisão neste processo. Para a recolha de dados usou-se a entrevista semi-diretiva, recorrendo-se à análise de conteúdo para tratamento dos dados. O confronto dos resultados das entrevistas permite concluir que as conceções sobre a avaliação de desempenho dos docentes dos diferentes ciclos são semelhantes, mas o processo de avaliação e de supervisão foi vivido de forma distinta. O papel da supervisão na ADD depende, em larga escala, da competência dos avaliadores como supervisores e como professores e é facilitado pela existência prévia de uma cultura de colaboração entre docentes.
The authoritarian regime of the Portuguese Estado Novo (New State), the longest dictatorship in twentieth-century Western Europe, suffered one of its most serious threats during the late 1950s and the whole of the following decade. An array of events and dynamics of opposition to the regime and condemnation of the political and social situation in Portugal appeared at that time. One of the core groups that displayed their dissidence in the 1960s, with the awakening of their critical conscience, originated in Catholic sectors that rallied the laity and the clergy to express their disagreement or even break with the government of Salazar (and, later, Marcelo Caetano). This article aims to establish the role of print culture and, in particular, publishing in the opposition’s mobilisation of Catholics who criticised the Estado Novo. It will also closely examine the contribution of certain publishers to the formulation of the terms of this mobilisation, in publishing new authors and topics and creating new printed forums (e.g. periodicals) for discussion and reflection. The most detailed case will be that of the publishing house Livraria Moraes Editora, under the command of the publisher António Alçada Baptista.
Purpose - The education and training of a nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) is not homogeneous among European countries, which leads to different scope of practices and, therefore, different technical skills are assigned. The goal of this research was to characterize the education and training of NMT in Europe. Materials and methods - This study was based on a literature research to characterize the education and training of NMT and support the historical evolution of this profession. It was divided into two different phases: the first phase included analysis of scientific articles and the second phase included research of curricula that allow health professionals to work as NMT in Europe. Results - The majority of the countries [N=31 (89%)] offer the NMT curriculum integrated into the high education system and only in four (11%) countries the education is provided by professional schools. The duration in each education system is not equal, varying in professional schools (2-3 years) and high education level system (2-4 years), which means that different European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, such as 240, 230, 222, 210 or 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, are attributed to the graduates. The professional title and scope of the practice of NMT are different in different countries in Europe. In most countries of Europe, nuclear medicine training is not specific and curriculum does not demonstrate the Nuclear Medicine competencies performed in clinical practice. Conclusion - The heterogeneity in education and training for NMT is an issue prevalent among European countries. For NMT professional development, there is a huge need to formalize and unify educational and training programmes in Europe.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação.