12 resultados para hydrological level
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The devastating impact of the Sumatra tsunami of 26 December 2004, raised the question for scientists of how to forecast a tsunami threat. In 2005, the IOC-UNESCO XXIII assembly decided to implement a global tsunami warning system to cover the regions that were not yet protected, namely the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the North East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (the NEAM region). Within NEAM, the Gulf of Cadiz is the more sensitive area, with an important record of devastating historical events. The objective of this paper is to present a preliminary design for a reliable tsunami detection network for the Gulf of Cadiz, based on a network of sea-level observatories. The tsunamigenic potential of this region has been revised in order to define the active tectonic structures. Tsunami hydrodynamic modeling and GIS technology have been used to identify the appropriate locations for the minimum number of sea-level stations. Results show that 3 tsunameters are required as the minimum number of stations necessary to assure an acceptable protection to the large coastal population in the Gulf of Cadiz. In addition, 29 tide gauge stations could be necessary to fully assess the effects of a tsunami along the affected coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
We show that in two Higgs doublet models at tree-level the potential minimum preserving electric charge and CP symmetries, when it exists, is the global one. Furthermore, we derived a very simple condition, involving only the coefficients of the quartic terms of the potential, that guarantees spontaneous CP breaking. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective - To define a checklist that can be used to assess the performance of a department and evaluate the implementation of quality management (QM) activities across departments or pathways in acute care hospitals. Design - We developed and tested a checklist for the assessment of QM activities at department level in a cross-sectional study using on-site visits by trained external auditors. Setting and Participants - A sample of 292 hospital departments of 74 acute care hospitals across seven European countries. In every hospital, four departments for the conditions: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, hip fracture and deliveries participated. Main outcome measures - Four measures of QM activities were evaluated at care pathway level focusing on specialized expertise and responsibility (SER), evidence-based organization of pathways (EBOP), patient safety strategies and clinical review (CR). Results - Participating departments attained mean values on the various scales between 1.2 and 3.7. The theoretical range was 0-4. Three of the four QM measures are identical for the four conditions, whereas one scale (EBOP) has condition-specific items. Correlations showed that every factor was related, but also distinct, and added to the overall picture of QM at pathway level. Conclusion - The newly developed checklist can be used across various types of departments and pathways in acute care hospitals like AMI, deliveries, stroke and hip fracture. The anticipated users of the checklist are internal (e.g. peers within the hospital and hospital executive board) and external auditors (e.g. healthcare inspectorate, professional or patient organizations).
A new integrated mathematical model for the simulation of offshore wind energy conversion system performance is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed turbine in deep water equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power two-level converter, converting the energy of a variable frequency source in injected energy into the electric network with constant frequency, through a high voltage DC transmission submarine cable. The mathematical model for the drive train is a concentrate two mass model which incorporates the dynamic for the structure and tower due to the need to emulate the effects of the moving surface. Controller strategy considered is a proportional integral one. Also, pulse width modulation using space vector modulation supplemented with sliding mode is used for trigger the transistor of the converter. Finally, a case study is presented to access the system performance. © 2014 IEEE.
Coastal low-level jets (CLLJ) are a low-tropospheric wind feature driven by the pressure gradient produced by a sharp contrast between high temperatures over land and lower temperatures over the sea. This contrast between the cold ocean and the warm land in the summer is intensified by the impact of the coastal parallel winds on the ocean generating upwelling currents, sharpening the temperature gradient close to the coast and giving rise to strong baroclinic structures at the coast. During summertime, the Iberian Peninsula is often under the effect of the Azores High and of a thermal low pressure system inland, leading to a seasonal wind, in the west coast, called the Nortada (northerly wind). This study presents a regional climatology of the CLLJ off the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, based on a 9km resolution downscaling dataset, produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model, forced by 19 years of ERA-Interim reanalysis (1989-2007). The simulation results show that the jet hourly frequency of occurrence in the summer is above 30% and decreases to about 10% during spring and autumn. The monthly frequencies of occurrence can reach higher values, around 40% in summer months, and reveal large inter-annual variability in all three seasons. In the summer, at a daily base, the CLLJ is present in almost 70% of the days. The CLLJ wind direction is mostly from north-northeasterly and occurs more persistently in three areas where the interaction of the jet flow with local capes and headlands is more pronounced. The coastal jets in this area occur at heights between 300 and 400 m, and its speed has a mean around 15 m/s, reaching maximum speeds of 25 m/s.
Locomotor tasks characterization plays an important role in trying to improve the quality of life of a growing elderly population. This paper focuses on this matter by trying to characterize the locomotion of two population groups with different functional fitness levels (high or low) while executing three different tasks-gait, stair ascent and stair descent. Features were extracted from gait data, and feature selection methods were used in order to get the set of features that allow differentiation between functional fitness level. Unsupervised learning was used to validate the sets obtained and, ultimately, indicated that it is possible to distinguish the two population groups. The sets of best discriminate features for each task are identified and thoroughly analysed. Copyright © 2014 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. All rights reserved.
Human exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) results mainly from ingestion of food and beverages. Information regarding BPA effects on colon cancer, one of the major causes of death in developed countries, is still scarce. Likewise, little is known about BPA drug interactions although its potential role in doxorubicin (DOX) chemoresistance has been suggested. This study aims to assess potential interactions between BPA and DOX on HT29 colon cancer cells. HT29 cell response was evaluated after exposure to BPA, DOX, or co-exposure to both chemicals. Transcriptional analysis of several cancer-associated genes (c-fos, AURKA, p21, bcl-xl and CLU) shows that BPA exposure induces slight up-regulation exclusively of bcl-xl without affecting cell viability. On the other hand, a sub-therapeutic DOX concentration (40nM) results in highly altered c-fos, bcl-xl, and CLU transcript levels, and this is not affected by co-exposure with BPA. Conversely, DOX at a therapeutic concentration (4μM) results in distinct and very severe transcriptional alterations of c-fos, AURKA, p21 and CLU that are counteracted by co-exposure with BPA resulting in transcript levels similar to those of control. Co-exposure with BPA slightly decreases apoptosis in relation to DOX 4μM alone without affecting DOX-induced loss of cell viability. These results suggest that BPA exposure can influence chemotherapy outcomes and therefore emphasize the necessity of a better understanding of BPA interactions with chemotherapeutic agents in the context of risk assessment.
Scope of study: welding operations result in harmful emissions of nanoparticles; the aim of emissions monitorisation is to evaluate exposure levels and to derive protection measures in order to protect exposed workers; however, the traditional approach of comparing measured concentrations with exposure limits cannot be used; but risk levels can be quantified by using Control Banding Strategies.
This paper presents a model for the simulation of an offshore wind system having a rectifier input voltage malfunction at one phase. The offshore wind system model comprises a variable-speed wind turbine supported on a floating platform, equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power four-level neutral point clamped converter. The link from the offshore floating platform to the onshore electrical grid is done through a light high voltage direct current submarine cable. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model. Considerations about the smart grid context are offered for the use of the model in such a context. The rectifier voltage malfunction domino effect is presented as a case study to show capabilities of the model. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Modular design is crucial to manage large-scale systems and to support the divide-and-conquer development approach. It allows hierarchical representations and, therefore, one can have a system overview, as well as observe component details. Petri nets are suitable to model concurrent systems, but lack on structuring mechanisms to support abstractions and the composition of sub-models, in particular when considering applications to embedded controllers design. In this paper we present a module construct, and an underlying high-level Petri net type, to model embedded controllers. Multiple interfaces can be declared in a module, thus, different instances of the same module can be used in different situations. The interface is a subset of the module nodes, through which the communication with the environment is made. Module places can be annotated with a generic type, overridden with a concrete type at instance level, and constants declared in a module may have a new value in each instance.
This paper is about a PV system linked to the electric grid through power converters under cloud scope. The PV system is modeled by the five parameters equivalent circuit and a MPPT procedure is integrated into the modeling. The modeling for the converters models the association of a DC-DC boost with a three-level inverter. PI controllers are used with PWM by sliding mode control associated with space vector modulation controlling the booster and the inverter. A case study addresses a simulation to assess the performance of a PV system linked to the electric grid. Conclusions regarding the integration of the PV system into the electric grid are presented. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.
This paper is on a simulation for offshore wind systems in deep water under cloud scope. The system is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power three-level converter, converting the electric energy at variable frequency in one at constant frequency. The control strategies for the three-level are based on proportional integral controllers. The electric energy is injected through a HVDC transmission submarine cable into the grid. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model taking into account the resistant stiffness torque, structure and tower in the deep water due to the moving surface elevation. Conclusions are taken on the influence of the moving surface on the energy conversion. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.