9 resultados para federation

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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A adequada previsão do comportamento diferido do betão, designadamente da retracção, é essencial no projecto de uma obra de grandes dimensões, permitindo conceber, dimensionar e adoptar as disposições construtivas para um comportamento estrutural que satisfaça os requisitos de segurança, utilização e durabilidade. O actual momento é marcado por uma transição em termos da regulamentação de estruturas, com a eminente substituição da regulamentação nacional por regulamentação europeia. No caso das estruturas de betão, o Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (REBAP), em vigor desde 1983, será substituído pelo Eurocódigo 2. Paralelamente, a Federation International du Betón publicou o Model Code 2010 (MC2010), um documento que certamente terá forte influência na evolução da regulamentação das estruturas de betão. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objectivo estabelecer uma comparação entre os diferentes modelos de previsão da retracção incluídos nos documentos normativos referidos, identificando as principais diferenças e semelhanças entre eles e quantificando a influência dos diferentes factores considerados na sua formulação, de forma a avaliar o impacto que a introdução destes modelos de previsão irá ter no projecto de estruturas de betão. Com o propósito de aferir a forma como estes modelos reflectem a realidade do fenómeno em estudo, procedeu-se à aplicação destes modelos de previsão ao betão de duas obras cujo comportamento estrutural é observado pelo LNEC, concretamente a ponte Miguel Torga, sobre o rio Douro, na Régua, e a ponte sobre o rio Angueira, no distrito de Bragança. Em ambas as obras tinha sido efectuada a caracterização in situ da retracção, tendo-se comparado os valores experimentais assim obtidos com os valores provenientes da aplicação dos modelos de previsão considerados neste trabalho. Finalmente são apresentadas algumas conclusões obtidas com o trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação, bem como algumas sugestões para desenvolvimentos futuros.


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Cluster analysis for categorical data has been an active area of research. A well-known problem in this area is the determination of the number of clusters, which is unknown and must be inferred from the data. In order to estimate the number of clusters, one often resorts to information criteria, such as BIC (Bayesian information criterion), MML (minimum message length, proposed by Wallace and Boulton, 1968), and ICL (integrated classification likelihood). In this work, we adopt the approach developed by Figueiredo and Jain (2002) for clustering continuous data. They use an MML criterion to select the number of clusters and a variant of the EM algorithm to estimate the model parameters. This EM variant seamlessly integrates model estimation and selection in a single algorithm. For clustering categorical data, we assume a finite mixture of multinomial distributions and implement a new EM algorithm, following a previous version (Silvestre et al., 2008). Results obtained with synthetic datasets are encouraging. The main advantage of the proposed approach, when compared to the above referred criteria, is the speed of execution, which is especially relevant when dealing with large data sets.


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Medical imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool. Consequently, the number of medical images taken has increased vastly over the past few decades. The most common medical imaging techniques use X-radiation as the primary investigative tool. The main limitation of using X-radiation is associated with the risk of developing cancers. Alongside this, technology has advanced and more centres now use CT scanners; these can incur significant radiation burdens compared with traditional X-ray imaging systems. The net effect is that the population radiation burden is rising steadily. Risk arising from X-radiation for diagnostic medical purposes needs minimising and one way to achieve this is through reducing radiation dose whilst optimising image quality. All ages are affected by risk from X-radiation however the increasing population age highlights the elderly as a new group that may require consideration. Of greatest concern are paediatric patients: firstly they are more sensitive to radiation; secondly their younger age means that the potential detriment to this group is greater. Containment of radiation exposure falls to a number of professionals within medical fields, from those who request imaging to those who produce the image. These staff are supported in their radiation protection role by engineers, physicists and technicians. It is important to realise that radiation protection is currently a major European focus of interest and minimum competence levels in radiation protection for radiographers have been defined through the integrated activities of the EU consortium called MEDRAPET. The outcomes of this project have been used by the European Federation of Radiographer Societies to describe the European Qualifications Framework levels for radiographers in radiation protection. Though variations exist between European countries radiographers and nuclear medicine technologists are normally the professional groups who are responsible for exposing screening populations and patients to X-radiation. As part of their training they learn fundamental principles of radiation protection and theoretical and practical approaches to dose minimisation. However dose minimisation is complex – it is not simply about reducing X-radiation without taking into account major contextual factors. These factors relate to the real world of clinical imaging and include the need to measure clinical image quality and lesion visibility when applying X-radiation dose reduction strategies. This requires the use of validated psychological and physics techniques to measure clinical image quality and lesion perceptibility.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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This paper is about a PV system linked to the electric grid through power converters under cloud scope. The PV system is modeled by the five parameters equivalent circuit and a MPPT procedure is integrated into the modeling. The modeling for the converters models the association of a DC-DC boost with a three-level inverter. PI controllers are used with PWM by sliding mode control associated with space vector modulation controlling the booster and the inverter. A case study addresses a simulation to assess the performance of a PV system linked to the electric grid. Conclusions regarding the integration of the PV system into the electric grid are presented. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.


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This paper presents a coordination approach to maximize the total profit of wind power systems coordinated with concentrated solar power systems, having molten-salt thermal energy storage. Both systems are effectively handled by mixed-integer linear programming in the approach, allowing enhancement on the operational during non-insolation periods. Transmission grid constraints and technical operating constraints on both systems are modeled to enable a true management support for the integration of renewable energy sources in day-ahead electricity markets. A representative case study based on real systems is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.


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This paper is on a simulation for offshore wind systems in deep water under cloud scope. The system is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power three-level converter, converting the electric energy at variable frequency in one at constant frequency. The control strategies for the three-level are based on proportional integral controllers. The electric energy is injected through a HVDC transmission submarine cable into the grid. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model taking into account the resistant stiffness torque, structure and tower in the deep water due to the moving surface elevation. Conclusions are taken on the influence of the moving surface on the energy conversion. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.


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Experimental optoelectronic characterization of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/pi(a-Si:H)-n heterostructure with low conductivity doped layers shows the feasibility of tailoring channel bandwidth and wavelength by optical bias through back and front side illumination. Front background enhances light-to-dark sensitivity of the long and medium wavelength range, and strongly quenches the others. Back violet background enhances the magnitude in short wavelength range and reduces the others. Experiments have three distinct programmed time slots: control, hibernation and data. Throughout the control time slot steady light wavelengths illuminate either or both sides of the device, followed by the hibernation without any background illumination. The third time slot allows a programmable sequence of different wavelengths with an impulse frequency of 6000Hz to shine upon the sensor. Results show that the control time slot illumination has an influence on the data time slot which is used as a volatile memory with the set, reset logical functions. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.