25 resultados para charged aerosols

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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We show that a light charged Higgs boson signal via tau(+/-)nu decay can be established at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) also in the case of single top production. This process complements searches for the same signal in the case of charged Higgs bosons emerging from t (t) over bar production. The models accessible include the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as well a variety of 2-Higgs Doublet Models (2HDMs). High energies and luminosities are however required, thereby restricting interest on this mode to the case of the LHC running at 14TeV with design configuration.


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We analyze generalized CP symmetries of two-Higgs doublet models, extending them from the scalar to the fermion sector of the theory. We show that, other than the usual CP transformation, there is only one of those symmetries which does not imply massless charged fermions. That single model which accommodates a fermionic mass spectrum compatible with experimental data possesses a remarkable feature. Through a soft breaking of the symmetry it displays a new type of spontaneous CP violation, which does not occur in the scalar sector responsible for the symmetry breaking mechanism but, rather, in the fermion sector.


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The minimal supersymmetric standard model involves a rather restrictive Higgs potential with two Higgs fields. Recently, the full set of classes of symmetries allowed in the most general two-Higgs-doublet model was identified; these classes do not include the supersymmetric limit as a particular class. Thus, a physically meaningful definition of the supersymmetric limit must involve the interaction of the Higgs sector with other sectors of the theory. Here we show how one can construct basis invariant probes of supersymmetry involving both the Higgs sector and the gaugino-Higgsino-Higgs interactions.


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It is shown that type I seesaw models based on the standard model Lagrangian extended with three heavy Majorana right-handed fields do not have leptogenesis in leading order, if the symmetries of mass matrices are also the residual symmetry of the Lagrangian. In particular, flavor models that lead to a mass-independent leptonic mixing have a vanishing leptogenesis CP asymmetry. Based on symmetry arguments, we prove that in these models the Dirac-neutrino Yukawa coupling combinations relevant for leptogenesis are diagonal in the physical basis where the charged leptons and heavy Majorana neutrinos are diagonal.


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We study the effect that flavor-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark will have on the branching ratio of charged decays of the top quark. We have performed an integrated analysis using Tevatron and B-factories data and with just the further assumption that the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix is unitary, we can obtain very restrictive bounds on the strong and electroweak flavor-changing neutral current branching ratios Br(t -> qX)< 4.0x10(-4), where X is any vector boson and a sum in q=u, c is implied.


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The origin of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (KPB) mass extinction is still the center of acrimonious debates by opposing partisans of the bolide impact theory to those who favored a terrestrial origin linked to the Deccan Traps volcanism. Here we apply an original and high-resolution environmental magnetic study of the reference Bidart section, France. Our results show that the KPB is identified by an abrupt positive shift of the magnetic susceptibility (MS), also observed by others at the KPB elsewhere. In addition, an anomalous interval of very low MS, carried by an unknown Cl-bearing iron oxide similar to specular hematite, is depicted just below the KPB. Grain-size and morphology of the Cl-iron oxide are typically in the range of hematitic dust currently transported by winds from Sahara to Europe. This discovery is confirmed in the referenced Gubbio section (Italy) suggesting a global scale phenomenon. As a conjecture we suggest an origin by heterogeneous reaction between HCl-rich volcanic gas and liquid-solid aerosols within buoyant atmospheric plumes formed above the newly emitted Deccan flood basalts. Based on this hypothesis, our discovery provides a new benchmark for the Deccan volcanism and witnesses the nature and importance of the related atmospheric change.


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The present work involves the use of p-tert-butylcalix[4,6,8]arene carboxylic acid derivatives ((t)Butyl[4,6,8]CH2COOH) for selective extraction of hemoglobin. All three calixarenes extracted hemoglobin into the organic phase, exhibiting extraction parameters higher than 0.90. Evaluation of the solvent accessible positively charged amino acid side chains of hemoglobin (PDB entry 1XZ2) revealed that there are 8 arginine, 44 lysine and 30 histidine residues on the protein surface which may be involved in the interactions with the calixarene molecules. The hemoglobin-(t)Butyl[6]CH2COOH complex had pseudoperoxidase activity which catalysed the oxidation of syringaldazine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide in organic medium containing chloroform. The effect of pH, protein and substrate concentrations on biocatalysis was investigated using the hemoglobin-(t)Butyl[6]CH2COOH complex. This complex exhibited the highest specific activity of 9.92 x 10(-2) U mg protein(-1) at an initial pH of 7.5 in organic medium. Apparent kinetic parameters (V'(max), K'(m), k'(cat) and k'(cat)/K'(m)) for the pseudoperoxidase activity were determined in organic media for different pH values from a Michaelis-Menten plot. Furthermore, the stability of the protein-calixarene complex was investigated for different initial pH values and half-life (t(1/2)) values were obtained in the range of 1.96 and 2.64 days. Hemoglobin-calixarene complex present in organic medium was recovered in fresh aqueous solutions at alkaline pH, with a recovery of pseudoperoxidase activity of over 100%. These results strongly suggest that the use of calixarene derivatives is an alternative technique for protein extraction and solubilisation in organic media for biocatalysis.


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A descriptive study was developed in order to compare indoor and outdoor air contamination caused by fungi and particles in seven poultry units. Twenty eight air samples of 25 litters were collected through the impaction method on malt extract agar. Air sampling and particles concentration measurement were done in the interior and also outside premises of the poultries’ pavilions. Regarding the fungal load in the air, indoor concentration of mold was higher than outside air in six poultry units. Twenty eight species / genera of fungi were identified indoor, being Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (40.5%) the most commonly isolated species and Rhizopus sp. (30.0%) the most commonly isolated genus. Concerning outdoor, eighteen species/genera of fungi were isolated, being Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (62.6%) also the most isolated. All the poultry farms analyzed presented indoor fungi different from the ones identified outdoors. Regarding particles’ contamination, PM2.5, PM5.0 and PM10 had a statistically significant difference (Mann-Whitney U test) between the inside and outside of the pavilions, with the inside more contaminated (p=.006; p=.005; p=.005, respectively). The analyzed poultry units are potential reservoirs of substantial amounts of fungi and particles and could therefore free them in the atmospheric air. The developed study showed that indoor air was more contaminated than outdoors, and this can result in emission of potentially pathogenic fungi and particles via aerosols from poultry units to the environment, which may post a considerable risk to public health and contribute to environmental pollution.


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Cooking was found to be a main source of submicrometer and ultrafine aerosols from gas combustion in stoves. Therefore, this study consisted of the determination of the alveolar deposited surface area due to aerosols resulting from common domestic cooking activities (boiling fish, vegetables, or pasta, and frying hamburgers and eggs). The concentration of ultrafine particles during the cooking events significantly increased from a baseline of 42.7 μm2/cm3 (increased to 72.9 μm2/cm3 due to gas burning) to a maximum of 890.3 μm2/cm3 measured during fish boiling in water, and a maximum of 4500 μm2/cm3 during meat frying. This clearly shows that a domestic activity such as cooking can lead to exposures as high as those of occupational exposure activities.


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Atmospheric aerosols of four aerodynamic size ranges were collected using high volume cascade impactors in an extremely busy roadway tunnel in Lisbon (Portugal). Dust deposited on the tunnel walls and guardrails was also collected. Average particle mass concentrations in the tunnel atmosphere were more than 30 times higher than in the outside urban background air, revealing its origins almost exclusively from fresh vehicle emissions. Most of the aerosol mass was concentrated in submicrometer fractions (65%), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were even more concentrated in the finer particles with an average of 84% of total PAH present in sizes smaller than 0.49 mu m. The most abundant PAH were methylated phenanthrenes, fluoranthene and pyrene. About 46% of the total PAH mass was attributed to lower molecular weight compounds (two and three rings), suggesting a strong influence of diesel vehicle emissions on the production of local particulate PAH. The application of diagnostic ratios confirmed the relevance of this source of PAH in the tunnel ambient air. Deposited dust presented PAH profiles similar to the coarser aerosol size range, in agreement with the predominant origin of coarser aerosol particles from soil dust resuspension and vehicle wear products. (c) 201 1 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lisbon is the largest urban area in the Western European coast. Due to this geographical position the Atlantic Ocean serves as an important source of particles and plays an important role in many atmospheric processes. The main objectives of this study were to (1) perform a chemical characterization of particulate matter (PM2.5) sampled in Lisbon, (2) identify the main sources of particles, (3) determine PM contribution to this urban area, and (4) assess the impact of maritime air mass trajectories on concentration and composition of respirable PM sampled in Lisbon. During 2007, PM2.5 was collected on a daily basis in the center of Lisbon with a Partisol sampler. The exposed Teflon filters were measured by gravimetry and cut into two parts: one for analysis by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and the other by ion chromatography (IC). Principal component analysis (PCA) and multilinear regression analysis (MLRA) were used to identify possible sources of PM2.5 and determine mass contribution. Five main groups of sources were identified: secondary aerosols, traffic, calcium, soil, and sea. Four-day backtracking trajectories ending in Lisbon at the starting sampling time were calculated using the HYSPLIT model. Results showed that maritime transport scenarios were frequent. These episodes were characterized by a significant decrease of anthropogenic aerosol concentrations and exerted a significant role on air quality in this urban area.


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Cancer is a national and international health care concern. It’s important to find strategies for early diagnosis as well as for the optimization of the various therapeutic options currently existing in Portugal. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Portugal, the choice of this study, is due to the importance of radiotherapy approach in cancer treatment and because is the therapy used in 40% of oncology patients. Radiation therapy has evolve data technological level, that allows new treatment techniques that are more efficient and that also promotes greater professional satisfaction. The hadrons are charged particles, used in cancer therapy. These particles can bring a paradigm shift regarding the therapeutic approach in radiotherapy. The technique used is proton therapy, that reveal to be more accurate, efficacious and less toxic to surrounding tissue. Proton therapy may be a promising development in the field of oncology and how the treatment is given in radiotherapy. Although there is awareness of the benefits of proton therapy in oncology it’s also important to take in consideration the costs of these therapy, because they are considerably higher than conventional treatments of radiotherapy. Given the lack of a proton therapy service in Portugal, this study aims to be a documentary analysis of clinical records that will achieve the following objectives: to identify the number of cancer patients diagnosed in 2010 in Portugal and to calculate the estimated number of patients that could have been treated with proton therapy according to the Health Council of the Netherlands registration document.


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Electric vehicles (EV) offer a great potential to address the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the power grid, and thus reduce the dependence on oil as well as the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The high share of wind energy in the Portuguese energy mix expected for 2020 can led to eventual curtailment, especially during the winter when high levels of hydro generation occur. In this paper a methodology based on a unit commitment and economic dispatch is implemented, and a hydro-thermal dispatch is performed in order to evaluate the impact of the EVs integration into the grid. Results show that the considered 10 % penetration of EVs in the Portuguese fleet would increase load in 3 % and would not integrate a significant amount of wind energy because curtailment is already reduced in the absence of EVs. According to the results, the EV is charged mostly with thermal generation and the associated emissions are much higher than if they were calculated based on the generation mix.


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A start-up circuit, used in a micro-power indoor light energy harvesting system, is described. This start-up circuit achieves two goals: first, to produce a reset signal, power-on-reset (POR), for the energy harvesting system, and secondly, to temporarily shunt the output of the photovoltaic (PV) cells, to the output node of the system, which is connected to a capacitor. This capacitor is charged to a suitable value, so that a voltage step-up converter starts operating, thus increasing the output voltage to a larger value than the one provided by the PV cells. A prototype of the circuit was manufactured in a 130 nm CMOS technology, occupying an area of only 0.019 mm(2). Experimental results demonstrate the correct operation of the circuit, being able to correctly start-up the system, even when having an input as low as 390 mV using, in this case, an estimated energy of only 5.3 pJ to produce the start-up.


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The most general Two Higgs Doublet Model potential without explicit CP violation depends on 10 real independent parameters. Excluding spontaneous CP violation results in two 7 parameter models. Although both models give rise to 5 scalar particles and 2 mixing angles, the resulting phenomenology of the scalar sectors is different. If flavour changing neutral currents at tree level are to be avoided, one has, in both cases, four alternative ways of introducing the fermion couplings. In one of these models the mixing angle of the CP even sector can be chosen in such a way that the fermion couplings to the lightest scalar Higgs boson vanishes. At the same time it is possible to suppress the fermion couplings to the charged and pseudo-scalar Higgs bosons by appropriately choosing the mixing angle of the CP odd sector. We investigate the phenomenology of both models in the fermiophobic limit and present the different branching ratios for the decays of the scalar particles. We use the present experimental results from the LEP collider to constrain the models.