35 resultados para bandwidth pricing
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Recent literature has proved that many classical pricing models (Black and Scholes, Heston, etc.) and risk measures (V aR, CV aR, etc.) may lead to “pathological meaningless situations”, since traders can build sequences of portfolios whose risk leveltends to −infinity and whose expected return tends to +infinity, i.e., (risk = −infinity, return = +infinity). Such a sequence of strategies may be called “good deal”. This paper focuses on the risk measures V aR and CV aR and analyzes this caveat in a discrete time complete pricing model. Under quite general conditions the explicit expression of a good deal is given, and its sensitivity with respect to some possible measurement errors is provided too. We point out that a critical property is the absence of short sales. In such a case we first construct a “shadow riskless asset” (SRA) without short sales and then the good deal is given by borrowing more and more money so as to invest in the SRA. It is also shown that the SRA is interested by itself, even if there are short selling restrictions.
The growth experimented in recent years in both the variety and volume of structured products implies that banks and other financial institutions have become increasingly exposed to model risk. In this article we focus on the model risk associated with the local volatility (LV) model and with the Variance Gamma (VG) model. The results show that the LV model performs better than the VG model in terms of its ability to match the market prices of European options. Nevertheless, both models are subject to significant pricing errors when compared with the stochastic volatility framework.
The relative contribution of European Union Allowances (EUAs) and Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) to the price discovery of their common true value has been empirically studied using daily data with inconclusive results. In this paper, we study the short-run and long-run price dynamics between EUAs and CERs future contracts using intraday data. We report a bidirectional feedback causality relationship both in the short-run and in the long-run, with the EUA's market being the leader.
Cloud SLAs compensate customers with credits when average availability drops below certain levels. This is too inflexible because consumers lose non-measurable amounts of performance being only compensated later, in next charging cycles. We propose to schedule virtual machines (VMs), driven by range-based non-linear reductions of utility, different for classes of users and across different ranges of resource allocations: partial utility. This customer-defined metric, allows providers transferring resources between VMs in meaningful and economically efficient ways. We define a comprehensive cost model incorporating partial utility given by clients to a certain level of degradation, when VMs are allocated in overcommitted environments (Public, Private, Community Clouds). CloudSim was extended to support our scheduling model. Several simulation scenarios with synthetic and real workloads are presented, using datacenters with different dimensions regarding the number of servers and computational capacity. We show the partial utility-driven driven scheduling allows more VMs to be allocated. It brings benefits to providers, regarding revenue and resource utilization, allowing for more revenue per resource allocated and scaling well with the size of datacenters when comparing with an utility-oblivious redistribution of resources. Regarding clients, their workloads’ execution time is also improved, by incorporating an SLA-based redistribution of their VM’s computational power.
Biometric recognition has recently emerged as part of applications where the privacy of the information is crucial, as in the health care field. This paper presents a biometric recognition system based on the Electrocardiographic signal (ECG). The proposed system is based on a state-of-the-art recognition method which extracts information from the frequency domain. In this paper we propose a new method to increase the spectral resolution of low bandwidth ECG signals due to the limited bandwidth of the acquisition sensor. Preliminary results show that the proposed scheme reveals a higher identification rate and lower equal error rate when compared to previous approaches.
A oferta de serviços baseados em comunicações sem fios tem vindo a crescer exponencialmente na última década. Cada vez mais são exigidas maiores taxas de transmissão assim como uma melhor QoS, sem comprometer a potência de transmissão ou argura de banda disponível. A tecnologia MIMO consegue oferecer um aumento da capacidade destes sistemas sem requerer aumento da largura de banda ou da potência transmitida. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação consistiu no estudo dos sistemas MIMO, caracterizados pela utilização de múltiplas antenas para transmitir e receber a informação. Com um sistema deste tipo consegue-se obter um ganho de diversidade espacial utilizando códigos espaço-temporais, que exploram simultaneamente o domínio espacial e o domínio do tempo. Nesta dissertação é dado especial ênfase à codificação por blocos no espaço-tempo de Alamouti, a qual será implementada em FPGA, nomeadamente a parte de recepção. Esta implementação é efectuada para uma configuração de antenas 2x1, utilizando vírgula flutuante e para três tipos de modulação: BPSK, QPSK e 16-QAM. Por fim será analisada a relação entre a precisão alcançada na representação numérica dos resultados e os recursos consumidos pela FPGA. Com a arquitectura adoptada conseguem se obter taxas de transferência na ordem dos 29,141 Msimb/s (sem pipelines) a 262,674 Msimb/s (com pipelines), para a modulação BPSK.
O objectivo deste trabalho passa pelo desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de simulação dinâmica de recursos rádio em LTE no sentido descendente, com recurso à Framework OMNeT++. A ferramenta desenvolvida permite realizar o planeamento das estações base, simulação e análise de resultados. São descritos os principais aspectos da tecnologia de acesso rádio, designadamente a arquitectura da rede, a codificação, definição dos recursos rádio, os ritmos de transmissão suportados ao nível de canal e o mecanismo de controlo de admissão. Foi definido o cenário de utilização de recursos rádio que inclui a definição de modelos de tráfego e de serviços orientados a pacotes e circuitos. Foi ainda considerado um cenário de referência para a verificação e validação do modelo de simulação. A simulação efectua-se ao nível de sistema, suportada por um modelo dinâmico, estocástico e orientado por eventos discretos de modo a contemplar os diferentes mecanismos característicos da tecnologia OFDMA. Os resultados obtidos permitem a análise de desempenho dos serviços, estações base e sistema ao nível do throughput médio da rede, throughput médio por eNodeB e throughput médio por móvel para além de permitir analisar o contributo de outros parâmetros designadamente, largura de banda, raio de cobertura, perfil dos serviços, esquema de modulação, entre outros. Dos resultados obtidos foi possível verificar que, considerando um cenário com estações base com raio de cobertura de 100 m obteve-se um throughput ao nível do utilizador final igual a 4.69494 Mbps, ou seja, 7 vezes superior quando comparado a estações base com raios de cobertura de 200m.
O RoF (Radio over Fiber) é uma tecnologia que permite a transmissão de sinais rádio de elevada largura de banda, fornecida pela fibra óptica, e simultaneamente mantêm a característica de mobilidade das redes de comunicação móvel. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objectivo estudar, simular e comparar sistemas RoF com modulação directa e com modulação externa, utilizando um sinal WiMAX, por ser uma tecnologia recente e com potencial de utilização futura. Desta forma foram avaliados três tipos de moduladores externos, sendo que o modulador EA (Electro-Absorption) é o que permite obter melhores valores de EVM e de SNR devido ao facto deste ter menores perdas de inserção na fibra. Da comparação entre o esquema com modulação directa e o esquema com modulação externa, é possível concluir que para larguras de banda mais baixas a utilização de modulação directa é mais eficiente que a modulação externa, mas à medida que a largura de banda aumenta a modulação externa apresenta claramente melhor desempenho. Isto deve-se ao facto de a modulação directa produzir mais chirp que a modulação externa, sendo que o chirp limita a largura de banda e o comprimento da fibra. De forma a melhorar o desempenho do sistema com modulação directa foi introduzido uma fibra com compensação de dispersão. Foi possível concluir que a utilização de fibra com compensação de dispersão é uma boa solução quando se pretende transmitir sinais de elevada largura de banda em esquemas com modulação directa.
This paper studies a portfolio choice problem such that the pricing rule may incorporate transaction costs and the risk measure is coherent and expectation bounded. We will prove the necessity of dealing with pricing rules such that there exists an essentially bounded stochastic discount factor, which must be also bounded from below by a strictly positive value. Otherwise good deals will be available to traders, i.e., depending on the selected risk measure, investors can build portfolios whose (risk, return) will be as close as desired to (−infinity, infinity) or (0, infinity). This pathologic property still holds for vector risk measures (i.e., if we minimize a vector valued function whose components are risk measures). It is worthwhile to point out that essentially bounded stochastic discount factors are not usual in financial literature. In particular, the most famous frictionless, complete and arbitrage free pricing models imply the existence of good deals for every coherent and expectation bounded (scalar or vector) measure of risk, and the incorporation of transaction costs will not guarantee the solution of this caveat.
Financial literature and financial industry use often zero coupon yield curves as input for testing hypotheses, pricing assets or managing risk. They assume this provided data as accurate. We analyse implications of the methodology and of the sample selection criteria used to estimate the zero coupon bond yield term structure on the resulting volatility of spot rates with different maturities. We obtain the volatility term structure using historical volatilities and Egarch volatilities. As input for these volatilities we consider our own spot rates estimation from GovPX bond data and three popular interest rates data sets: from the Federal Reserve Board, from the US Department of the Treasury (H15), and from Bloomberg. We find strong evidence that the resulting zero coupon bond yield volatility estimates as well as the correlation coefficients among spot and forward rates depend significantly on the data set. We observe relevant differences in economic terms when volatilities are used to price derivatives.
This study examines the role of illiquidity (proxied by the proportion of zero returns) as an additional risk factor in asset pricing. We use Portuguese monthly data, covering the period between January 1988 and December 2008. We compute an illiquidity factor using the Fama and French [Fama, E. F., and K. R. French (1993), "Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds", Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 33, Nº. 1, pp. 3-56] procedure and analyze the performance of CAPM, Fama-French three-factor model and illiquidity-augmented versions of these models in explaining both the time-series and the cross-section of returns. Our results reveal that the effect of characteristic liquidity is subsumed by the models considered, but the risk of illiquidity is not priced in the Portuguese stock market.
Family firm is a field of growing interest. The aim of this article is to understand whether CEOs identity impacts family firm’s stock returns. From a sample of Portuguese and Spanish family firms findings show that who manages the firms result in significantly different risk exposure. Moreover, we find that the abnormal return found by Fahlenbrach (2009) to founder-controlled firms disappear when we use valueweighted portfolios and include two new factors: market aggregate illiquidity and debt intensity to the four-factor Carhart model. Finally, our results explain why the majority of family firm is controlled by its founder.
Following the theoretical model of Merton (1987), we provide a new perspective of study about the role of idiosyncratic risk in the asset pricing process. More precisely, we analyze whether the idiosyncratic risk premium depends on the idiosyncratic risk level of an asset as well as the vatriation in the market-wide measure of idiosyncratic risk. As expected, we obtain a net positive risk premium for the Spanish stock market over the period 1987-2007. Our results show a positive relation between returns and individual indiosyncratic risk levels and a negative but lower relation with the aggregate measure of idiosyncratic risk. These findings have important implications for portfolio and risk management and contribute to provide a unified and coherent answer for the main and still unsolved question about the idiosyncratic risk puzzle: whether or not there exists a premium associated to this kind of risk and the sign for this risk premium.
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) is the key enabling technology for the present and future vehicular communication for various applications, such as safety improvement and traffic jam mitigation. This paper describes the development of a microstrip antenna array for the roadside equipment of a DSRC system, whose characteristics are according with the vehicular communications standards. The proposed antenna, with circular polarization, has a wide bandwidth, enough to cover the current European DSRC 5.8 GHz band and the future 5.9 GHz band for next generation DSRC communications. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53: 2794-2796, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26394
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