3 resultados para age related diseases
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Introdução – A diabetes é uma das maiores epidemias do último século. Mais de 250 milhões de pessoas, em todo o mundo, sofrem de diabetes. Das complicações derivadas da diabetes são as principais causas de cegueira, de insuficiência renal e de amputação de membros inferiores, derivando estes, predominantemente, da disfunção vascular. Quando surge perda de pericitos na parede vascular ocorrem uma série de alterações da microcirculação que levam ao aparecimento de microaneurismas e outras alterações vasculares que possibilitam a passagem de componentes sanguíneos para o tecido retiniano adjacente que, em situação de normalidade, não ocorreriam, sendo esta uma das causas do edema macular exsudativo diabético. A perimetria de hiperacuidade preferencial (PHP) é um teste psicofísico que pretende detetar metamorfopsias na Degenerescência Macular ligada à Idade (DMI). Uma vez que o edema macular diabético (EMD) se destaca como uma das principais causas de deficiência visual e baixa visão, pretende-se verificar a eficácia do PHP no estudo do edema macular diabético, respondendo à seguinte questão: “Qual a capacidade do perímetro de hiperacuidade preferencial em detetar metamorfopsias em pacientes com edema macular diabético?“ Metodologia – Estudo quantitativo, do tipo descritivo e correlacional. Selecionou-se uma amostra de 33 pacientes, onde se analisou um total de 60 olhos. Resultados – A sensibilidade do PHP na deteção de metamorfopsias associadas ao EMD na tomografia de coerência ótica (OCT) foi de 70,6%, a especificidade foi de 11,5% e a eficiência global do teste de 45%. Comparando os resultados encontrados no PHP e no OCT, constatou-se a existência de uma correlação inversa fraca (Phi = -0,215). Conclusões – Este novo método de diagnóstico revela-se sensível, contudo pouco específico e eficaz na deteção de metamorfopsias consequentes da existência de EMD. - ABSTRACT - Introduction – Preferential hyperacuity perimeter (PHP) is a new psychophysical test, which principle is based on the detection of metamorphopsia in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is intended to verify its effectiveness in the study of diabetic macular edema (DME). When there is loss of pericytes in the vascular wall occur a number of microcirculatory changes that lead to the appearance of microaneurysms and other vascular changes that allow the passage of blood components to the surrounding retinal tissue than in normal situation does not occur, this being one of the causes exudative diabetic macular edema. Methodology – It was performed a quantitative study, using descriptive and correlational analysis. A sample of 33 patients was selected, and 60 eyes were analyzed. Results – The sensitivity of PHP on the detection of metamorphopsia associated to EMD was 70.6%, the specificity was 11.5% and the global efficiency of the test was 45%. It was found a weak negative correlation (Phi= -0.215) between the PHP and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Conclusions – This new method of diagnosis was sensitive, but not very specific and effective on the detection of metamorphopsia, due to the DME.
Cork is a light, porous and impermeable material extracted from the bark of some trees. It is in manufacture of stoppers for wine bottles the main application of cork. It is estimated that the area occupied by cork oaks in the Iberian Peninsula is around 33% in Portugal and 23% in Spain. The world production of cork is focused in the south Europe, with Portugal being the most important producer followed by Spain. According to Companies Directory more than 100 manufactories from Portugal has their branch associated with the preparation and fabrication of cork. Cork workers are at risk for developing diseases of the respiratory tract such as occupational asthma and Suberosis, a form of pulmonary hypersensitivity due to repeated exposure to mouldy cork dust. In this review study papers from 2000 were analyzed to better understand which fungi species are associated with occupational disease in cork workers. The most prevalent fungi species in these workers that are associated with those occupational diseases are Penicilliumglabrum, Chrysoniliasitophila and Trichodermalongibrachiatum. Therefore, a specific knowledge about occupational exposure to fungi in the cork industry is the key to better understand the related diseases and to define preventive measures. Given the importance of this occupational setting in Portugal is essential to evaluate the combined exposure of fungi and particles and their metabolites. Further studies concerning exposure assessment to fungi and particles in the cork industry must be developed.
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