12 resultados para Weekly people.
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The aims of the study is to examine for intervention program of physical activity in the perception of fatigue, in patients with multiple sclerosis.
The aims of this study is to examine the interest for quality of life of an implementation of program physical activity, with patients of multiple sclerosis.
A Esclerose Múltipla (EM) é uma doença crónica do sistema nervoso central, que afeta com mais frequentemente mulheres jovens. A EM é uma doença progressiva e imprevisível, resultando em alguns casos de incapacidades e limitações a nível físico, psicológico e social. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar o efeito de um programa de intervenção para a promoção da atividade física (PIPAF) em indivíduos com EM no bem-estar psicológico (BEP) e na satisfação com a vida (SV). Métodos – É um estudo quasi-experimental. Utilizamos a escala de satisfação com a vida (7 itens) e a componente BEP do inventário de saúde mental (14 itens). O estudo inclui 24 doentes EM com idade média de 44 anos, 58,3% são mulheres, 37,5% são casados, 67% estão reformados, a média de escolaridade é de 12,5 anos, sendo a EM diagnosticada há pelo menos um ano. O programa consiste numa intervenção para a promoção da atividade física em grupos de oito pessoas, semanalmente, durante 90 minutos, em sete semanas. Para analisar os resultados utilizamos o programa SPSS, versão 20. Resultados – Utilizamos o teste Wilcoxon para as variáveis BEP e a SV, obtido a partir da avaliação antes do programa de intervenção e no final do programa. Verificamos que houve alterações significativas entre os dois tempos p <0,01, em ambas as variáveis, com resultados mais elevados no final do programa de intervenção. Discussão/Conclusão – Através da leitura dos resultados podemos verificar que a implementação do PIPAF, em doentes com EM, utilizando um modelo holístico e integrado numa perspetiva biopsicossocial, melhora a SV e a BEP destes doentes.
Audiometer systems provide enormous amounts of detailed TV watching data. Several relevant and interdependent factors may influence TV viewers' behavior. In this work we focus on the time factor and derive Temporal Patterns of TV watching, based on panel data. Clustering base attributes are originated from 1440 binary minute-related attributes, capturing the TV watching status (watch/not watch). Since there are around 2500 panel viewers a data reduction procedure is first performed. K-Means algorithm is used to obtain daily clusters of viewers. Weekly patterns are then derived which rely on daily patterns. The obtained solutions are tested for consistency and stability. Temporal TV watching patterns provide new insights concerning Portuguese TV viewers' behavior.
The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the IPPA in the perception of illness and wellbeing in MS patients. Methods - This is a quasi experimental study non-randomized study with 24 MS patients diagnosed at least 1 year before, and with an EDSS score of under 7. We used the IPPA in 3 groups of eight people in 3 Portuguese hospitals (Lisbon, Coimbra, and Porto). The sessions were held once a week for 90 minutes, over a period of 7 weeks. The instruments used were: We asked the subjects the question “Please classify the severity of your disease?” and used the Personal Wellbeing Scale (PWS) at the beginning (time A) and end (time B) of the IPPA. We used the SPSS version 20. A non-parametric statistical hypothesis test (Wilcoxon test) was used for the variable analysis. The intervention followed the recommendations of the Helsinki Declaration. Results – The results suggest that there are differences between time A and B, the perception of illness decreased (p<0.08), while wellbeing increased (p<0.01). Conclusions: The IPPA can play an important role in modifying the perception of disease severity and personal wellbeing.
Resumo I - O Relatório de estágio foi idealizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio do Ensino Especializado, Mestrado em Ensino da Música pela Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. O documento incide sobre a prática pedagógica desenvolvida no Conservatório Regional de Palmela no ano letivo 2013/2014, abrangendo três alunos dos diferentes graus de ensino. No conteúdo do relatório, para além da caracterização do estabelecimento de ensino onde o estágio foi desenvolvido, foram caracterizados os diferentes alunos realçando as linhas pedagógicas seguidas com cada um dos intervenientes, salientando os aspetos de competências motora, auditiva e expressiva desenvolvidas durante o processo. Os objetivos do trabalho desenvolvido com os alunos é descrito, tendo como base a organização dos materiais a utilizar de acordo com as características de cada aluno, e consequentemente de acordo com a análise crítica da atividade docente. O professor tem a responsabilidade de conduzir o ensino dos alunos para que estes saibam apreciar e compreender as execuções musicais, independentemente da aptidão musical que já possuem.
Portugal hosted in the last thirteen years, two editions of the event European Cultural Capital; this paper intends to illustrate the coverage that Portuguese newspapers (daily newspapers Público, Diário de Notícias, Correio da Manhã and Jornal de Notícias, a weekly newsmagazine Visão and a weekly newspaper Expresso) made, through referrals in front-page and respective developments within the editions, to each of the events and that allows us to define the main moments that marked each of them, patterns of action, the major players, planning and programming types. The European Cultural Capital project elects, from year to year, cities of different EU member states with the main goal of “contributing to bring together the Europe´s people" (words of Mélina Mercouri, Greek Minister of Culture who, in 1985, proposed the launch of this initiative) and encouraging the elected urban space to present new cultural paradigms. In the genesis of this model is the cultural decentralization’s vector, a possibility to medium-sized cities of funding public works, restoring heritage and promoting themselves in touristic terms, of giving visibility to cities away from cultural and creative industries’ major distribution centers. A crucial factor to achieve this goal is media coverage. This paper outline the information that the Portuguese press ran over the two years that elapsed the latest editions of the European Cultural Capital in Portugal, namely that media coverage have deviated from the disclosure of the events’ schedule to suggest itineraries of visit and little or not even question the role that cities, promoting such initiatives, have as places of innovation in terms of cultural policies, artistic production and innovation, in urban and environmental regeneration, in economic revitalization, in training and creating new artists and new audiences and in boosting the confidence of local communities. The content analysis performed to articles shows how press is essential to the promotion of cities as cultural/touristic destinations as it stimulates consumption among residents and attracts visitors, with the possible dire consequence of turning the cultural journalist into an agent of touristic instead of cultural promotion.
Artigo baseado na comunicação proferida no 1st International Symposium on Media Studies, realizado na Akdeniz Universitesi Yayınları, Antalya, Turquia, 21-23 de novembro de 2013
Portugal has an accentuated aging tendency, presenting an elderly population (individuals with more than 65 years old) of 19.2%. The average life expectancy is 79.2 years. Thus, it’s important to maintain autonomy and independency as long as possible. Functional ability concept rises from the need to evaluate the capacity to conduct daily activities in an independent way. It can be estimated with the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and other validated test. This test is simple, reliable, valid and consists in a daily activity (walk). The goals of this study was to verify associations between functional capacity measured with two different instruments (6MWT and Composite Physical Function (CPF) scale) and between those results and characterization variables.
Rehabilitation is very important for in the results of treatment in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Rehabilitation processes occur through gradual changes. These changes integrate intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the individual, promoting adaptations to the needs and activities of daily living according to individual goals. Recommendations for exercise in multiple sclerosis: these recommendations apply only to patients with EDSS less than 7; moderate intensity aerobic exercise for a total of 20 to 30 minutes, twice or three times for week; the resistance training with low or moderate intensity is well tolerated by patients with MS; associated with these exercises were recommended flexibility exercises of moderate intensity, as well as strengthening exercises. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in multiple sclerosis patients.
Backgound - In developed countries people are living longer and the incidence of chronic disease is increasing. Chronic disease and its treatments can have a negative impact on sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction. Aim of study - To explore and to compare sexual function and sexual satisfaction in people with stable chronic diseases.
Background: Complex medication regimens may adversely affect compliance and treatment outcomes. Complexity can be assessed with the medication regimen complexity index (MRCI), which has proved to be a valid, reliable tool, with potential uses in both practice and research. Objective: To use the MRCI to assess medication regimen complexity in institutionalized elderly people. Setting: Five nursing homes in mainland Portugal. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study of institutionalized elderly people (n = 415) was performed from March to June 2009, including all inpatients aged 65 and over taking at least one medication per day. Main outcome measure: Medication regimen complexity index. Results: The mean age of the sample was 83.9 years (±6.6 years), and 60.2 % were women. The elderly patients were taking a large number of drugs, with 76.6 % taking more than five medications per day. The average medication regimen complexity was 18.2 (±SD = 9.6), and was higher in the females (p < 0.001). The most decisive factors contributing to the complexity were the number of drugs and dosage frequency. In regimens with the same number of medications, schedule was the most relevant factor in the final score (r = 0.922), followed by pharmaceutical forms (r = 0.768) and additional instructions (r = 0.742). Conclusion: Medication regimen complexity proved to be high. There is certainly potential for the pharmacist's intervention to reduce it as part as the medication review routine in all the patients.