5 resultados para Ulcer clinics
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Proteção Contra Radiações
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is currently one of the most prevalent diseases in the world population and calcium deposits in coronary arteries are one direct risk factor. These can be assessed by the calcium score (CS) application, available via a computed tomography (CT) scan, which gives an accurate indication of the development of the disease. However, the ionising radiation applied to patients is high. This study aimed to optimise the protocol acquisition in order to reduce the radiation dose and explain the flow of procedures to quantify CAD. The main differences in the clinical results, when automated or semiautomated post-processing is used, will be shown, and the epidemiology, imaging, risk factors and prognosis of the disease described. The software steps and the values that allow the risk of developingCADto be predicted will be presented. A64-row multidetector CT scan with dual source and two phantoms (pig hearts) were used to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the Agatston method. The tube energy was balanced. Two measurements were obtained in each of the three experimental protocols (64, 128, 256 mAs). Considerable changes appeared between the values of CS relating to the protocol variation. The predefined standard protocol provided the lowest dose of radiation (0.43 mGy). This study found that the variation in the radiation dose between protocols, taking into consideration the dose control systems attached to the CT equipment and image quality, was not sufficient to justify changing the default protocol provided by the manufacturer.
Medical imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool. Consequently, the number of medical images taken has increased vastly over the past few decades. The most common medical imaging techniques use X-radiation as the primary investigative tool. The main limitation of using X-radiation is associated with the risk of developing cancers. Alongside this, technology has advanced and more centres now use CT scanners; these can incur significant radiation burdens compared with traditional X-ray imaging systems. The net effect is that the population radiation burden is rising steadily. Risk arising from X-radiation for diagnostic medical purposes needs minimising and one way to achieve this is through reducing radiation dose whilst optimising image quality. All ages are affected by risk from X-radiation however the increasing population age highlights the elderly as a new group that may require consideration. Of greatest concern are paediatric patients: firstly they are more sensitive to radiation; secondly their younger age means that the potential detriment to this group is greater. Containment of radiation exposure falls to a number of professionals within medical fields, from those who request imaging to those who produce the image. These staff are supported in their radiation protection role by engineers, physicists and technicians. It is important to realise that radiation protection is currently a major European focus of interest and minimum competence levels in radiation protection for radiographers have been defined through the integrated activities of the EU consortium called MEDRAPET. The outcomes of this project have been used by the European Federation of Radiographer Societies to describe the European Qualifications Framework levels for radiographers in radiation protection. Though variations exist between European countries radiographers and nuclear medicine technologists are normally the professional groups who are responsible for exposing screening populations and patients to X-radiation. As part of their training they learn fundamental principles of radiation protection and theoretical and practical approaches to dose minimisation. However dose minimisation is complex – it is not simply about reducing X-radiation without taking into account major contextual factors. These factors relate to the real world of clinical imaging and include the need to measure clinical image quality and lesion visibility when applying X-radiation dose reduction strategies. This requires the use of validated psychological and physics techniques to measure clinical image quality and lesion perceptibility.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Purpose: Pressure ulcers are a high cost, high volume issue for health and medical care providers, having a detrimental effect on patients and relatives. Pressure ulcer prevention is widely covered in the literature, but little has been published regarding the risk to patients in the radiographical setting. This review of the current literature is to identify findings relevant to radiographical context. Methods: Literature searching was performed using Science Direct and Medline databases. The search was limited to articles published in the last ten years to remain current and excluded studies containing participants less than 17 years of age. In total 14 studies were acquired; three were excluded as they were not relevant. The remaining 11 studies were compared and reviewed. Discussion: Eight of the studies used ‘healthy’ participants and three used symptomatic participants. Nine studies explored interface pressure with a range of pressure mat technologies, two studies measured shear (MRI finite element modelling, and a non-invasive instrument), and one looked at blood flow and haemoglobin oxygenation. A range of surfaces were considered from trauma, nursing and surgical backgrounds for their ability to reduce pressure including standard mattresses, high specification mattresses, rigid and soft layer spine boards, various overlays (gel, air filled, foam). Conclusion: The current literature is not appropriate for the radiographic patient and cannot be extrapolated to a radiologic context. Sufficient evidence is presented in this review to support the need for further work specific to radiography in order to minimise the development of PU in at risk patients.