6 resultados para UDK:550

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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This article describes an experimental study on ash deposition during the co-firing of bituminous coal with pine sawdust and olive stones in a laboratory furnace. The main objective of this study was to relate the ash deposit rates with the type of biomass burned and its thermal percentage in the blend. The thermal percentage of biomass in the blend was varied between 10% and 50% for both sawdust and olive stones. For comparison purposes, tests have also been performed using only coal or only biomass. During the tests, deposits were collected with the aid of an air-cooled deposition probe placed far from the flame region, where the mean gas temperature was around 640 degrees C. A number of deposit samples were subsequently analyzed on a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Results indicate that blending sawdust with coal decreases the deposition rate as compared with the firing of unblended coal due to both the sawdust low ash content and its low alkalis content. The co-firing of coal and sawdust yields deposits with high levels of silicon and aluminium which indicates the presence of ashes with high fusion temperature and, thus, with less capacity to adhere to the surfaces. In contrast, in the co-firing of coal with olive stones the deposition rate increases as compared with the firing of unblended coal and the deposits produced present high levels of potassium, which tend to increase their stickiness.


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Thin films of TiO2 were doped with Au by ion implantation and in situ during the deposition. The films were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering and deposited in silicon and glass substrates at a temperature around 150 degrees C. The undoped films were implanted with Au fiuences in the range of 5 x 10(15) Au/cm(2)-1 x 10(17) Au/cm(2) with a energy of 150 keV. At a fluence of 5 x 10(16) Au/cm(2) the formation of Au nanoclusters in the films is observed during the implantation at room temperature. The clustering process starts to occur during the implantation where XRD estimates the presence of 3-5 nm precipitates. After annealing in a reducing atmosphere, the small precipitates coalesce into larger ones following an Ostwald ripening mechanism. In situ XRD studies reveal that Au atoms start to coalesce at 350 degrees C, reaching the precipitates dimensions larger than 40 nm at 600 degrees C. Annealing above 700 degrees C promotes drastic changes in the Au profile of in situ doped films with the formation of two Au rich regions at the interface and surface respectively. The optical properties reveal the presence of a broad band centered at 550 nm related to the plasmon resonance of gold particles visible in AFM maps. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Following work on tantalum and chromium implanted flat M50 steel substrates, this work reports on the electrochemical behaviour of M50 steel implanted with tantalum and chromium and the effect of the angle of incidence. Proposed optimum doses for resistance to chloride attack were based on the interpretation of results obtained during long-term and accelerated electrochemical testing. After dose optimization from the corrosion viewpoint, substrates were implanted at different angles of incidence (15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°) and their susceptibility to localized corrosion assessed using open-circuit measurements, step by step polarization and cyclic voltammetry at several scan rates (5–50 mV s-1). Results showed, for tantalum implanted samples, an ennoblement of the pitting potential of approximately 0.5 V for an angle of incidence of 90°. A retained dose of 5 × 1016 atoms cm-2 was found by depth profiling with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The retained dose decreases rapidly with angle of incidence. The breakdown potential varies roughly linearly with the angle of incidence up to 30° falling fast to reach -0.1 V (vs. a saturated calomel electrode (SCE)) for 15°. Chromium was found to behave differently. Maximum corrosion resistance was found for angles of 45°–60° according to current densities and breakdown potentials. Cr+ depth profiles ((p,γ) resonance broadening method), showed that retained doses up to an angle of 60° did not change much from the implanted dose at 90°, 2 × 1017 Cr atoms cm-2. The retained implantation dose for tantalum and chromium was found to follow a (cos θ)8/3 dependence where θ is the angle between the sample normal and the beam direction.


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A navegação aérea, enquanto atividade regulada, está sujeita a legislação específica, dependendo o seu exercício de autorização própria atribuída por uma entidade supervisora, que também verifica as tarifas a aplicar. O regulamento (CE) N.º 550/2004 identifica os requisitos comuns para a prestação de serviços de navegação aérea na Europa, dando particular importância à transparência do relato financeiro ao exigir a sua elaboração segundo as normas internacionais de contabilidade e a verificação por uma auditoria independente. Adicionalmente, o Regulamento (EU) N.º 1191/2010, que alterou o Regulamento (CE) N.º 1794/2006, estabelece o regime comum de tarifação de tais serviços, nomeadamente a recuperabilidade de desvios relativos ao volume de tráfego e aos gastos controláveis e não controláveis. Ao nível do enquadramento contabilístico, as atividades reguladas não têm uma norma específica. Existem dois projetos do IASB – um de 2009, que foi suspenso, e um de 2013, relativo à implementação de uma norma transitória que incentive a adoção das normas internacionais por entidades que exerçam atividades reguladas. Existe, ainda, uma norma do FASB não aplicável no espaço europeu. Os R&C de várias entidades evidenciam a existência de diferentes referenciais contabilísticos e que a generalidade dos relatórios de auditoria não tem reservas ou ênfases. Enquanto algumas entidades apenas divulgam os montantes dos desvios, outras entidades consideram que tais montantes se qualificam, reconhecendo-os. Tal facto decorre da inexistência de uma norma internacional que põe em causa a comparabilidade da informação financeira e dificulta o julgamento do auditor quanto à adequação ou não dos procedimentos adotados pela entidade.


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Cork samples from Betula pendula, Quercus suber and Quercus cerris were submitted to Py-GC-MS/FID at temperatures between 550 degrees C and 900 degrees C and the pyrolysis-derived compounds (py-products) were identified and quantified. Corks were compared with wood samples. Py-products include suberin, lignin and carbohydrates derivatives. Suberin py-products are dominated by unsaturated aliphatics. Corks pyrolysis yield and composition were dramatically influenced by temperature in contrast to wood that showed stable results across temperatures. At 850-900 degrees C the peaks area of cork pyrograms were approximately two times higher than at 550 degrees C, for which yield was about half of the woods, and cork py-products were dominated by suberin-derived short chain aliphatics, namely 1-alkenes, while at 550 degrees C composition was dominated by lignin derivatives. Lignin and carbohydrate derived products decreased dramatically over 750 degrees C while the opposite was observed for unsaturated aliphatics. Cork materials show a high potential as feedstock for production of aliphatic-rich pyrolytic biofuels or as a source of olefins. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate lighting conditions and speleologists’ visual performance using optical filters when exposed to the lighting conditions of cave environments. A crosssectional study was conducted. Twenty-three speleologists were submitted to an evaluation of visual function in a clinical lab. An examination of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, stereoacuity and flashlight illuminance levels was also performed in 16 of the 23 speleologists at two caves deprived of natural lightning. Two organic filters (450 nm and 550 nm) were used to compare visual function with and without filters. The mean age of the speleologists was 40.65 (± 10.93) years. We detected 26.1% participants with visual impairment of which refractive error (17.4%) was the major cause. In the cave environment the majority of the speleologists used a head flashlight with a mean illuminance of 451.0 ± 305.7 lux. Binocular visual acuity (BVA) was -0.05 ± 0.15 LogMAR (20/18). BVA for distance without filter was not statistically different from BVA with 550 nm or 450 nm filters (p = 0.093). Significant improved contrast sensitivity was observed with 450 nm filters for 6 cpd (p = 0.034) and 18 cpd (p = 0.026) spatial frequencies. There were no signs and symptoms of visual pathologies related to cave exposure. Illuminance levels were adequate to the majority of the activities performed. The enhancement in contrast sensitivity with filters could potentially improve tasks related with the activities performed in the cave.