5 resultados para Stair nesting
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
In the stair nested designs with u factors we have u steps and a(1), ... , a(u) "active" levels. We would have a(1) observations with different levels for the first factor each of them nesting a single level of each of the remaining factors; next a(2) observations with level a(1) + 1 for the first factor and distinct levels for the second factor each nesting a fixed level of each of the remaining factors, and so on. So the number of level combinations is Sigma(u)(i=1) a(i). In meta-analysis joint treatment of different experiments is considered. Joining the corresponding models may be useful to carry out that analysis. In this work we want joining L models with stair nesting.
Stair nesting leads to very light models since the number of their treatments is additive on the numbers of observations in which only the level of one factor various. These groups of observations will be the steps of the design. In stair nested designs we work with fewer observations when compared with balanced nested designs and the amount of information for the different factors is more evenly distributed. We now integrate these models into a special class of models with orthogonal block structure for which there are interesting properties.
Stair nesting allows us to work with fewer observations than the most usual form of nesting, the balanced nesting. In the case of stair nesting the amount of information for the different factors is more evenly distributed. This new design leads to greater economy, because we can work with fewer observations. In this work we present the algebraic structure of the cross of balanced nested and stair nested designs, using binary operations on commutative Jordan algebras. This new cross requires fewer observations than the usual cross balanced nested designs and it is easy to carry out inference.
Balanced nesting is the most usual form of nesting and originates, when used singly or with crossing of such sub-models, orthogonal models. In balanced nesting we are forced to divide repeatedly the plots and we have few degrees of freedom for the first levels. If we apply stair nesting we will have plots all of the same size rendering the designs easier to apply. The stair nested designs are a valid alternative for the balanced nested designs because we can work with fewer observations, the amount of information for the different factors is more evenly distributed and we obtain good results. The inference for models with balanced nesting is already well studied. For models with stair nesting it is easy to carry out inference because it is very similar to that for balanced nesting. Furthermore stair nested designs being unbalanced have an orthogonal structure. Other alternative to the balanced nesting is the staggered nesting that is the most popular unbalanced nested design which also has the advantage of requiring fewer observations. However staggered nested designs are not orthogonal, unlike the stair nested designs. In this work we start with the algebraic structure of the balanced, the stair and the staggered nested designs and we finish with the structure of the cross between balanced and stair nested designs.
Locomotor tasks characterization plays an important role in trying to improve the quality of life of a growing elderly population. This paper focuses on this matter by trying to characterize the locomotion of two population groups with different functional fitness levels (high or low) while executing three different tasks-gait, stair ascent and stair descent. Features were extracted from gait data, and feature selection methods were used in order to get the set of features that allow differentiation between functional fitness level. Unsupervised learning was used to validate the sets obtained and, ultimately, indicated that it is possible to distinguish the two population groups. The sets of best discriminate features for each task are identified and thoroughly analysed. Copyright © 2014 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. All rights reserved.