15 resultados para SOURCE SEPARATION

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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The development of high spatial resolution airborne and spaceborne sensors has improved the capability of ground-based data collection in the fields of agriculture, geography, geology, mineral identification, detection [2, 3], and classification [4–8]. The signal read by the sensor from a given spatial element of resolution and at a given spectral band is a mixing of components originated by the constituent substances, termed endmembers, located at that element of resolution. This chapter addresses hyperspectral unmixing, which is the decomposition of the pixel spectra into a collection of constituent spectra, or spectral signatures, and their corresponding fractional abundances indicating the proportion of each endmember present in the pixel [9, 10]. Depending on the mixing scales at each pixel, the observed mixture is either linear or nonlinear [11, 12]. The linear mixing model holds when the mixing scale is macroscopic [13]. The nonlinear model holds when the mixing scale is microscopic (i.e., intimate mixtures) [14, 15]. The linear model assumes negligible interaction among distinct endmembers [16, 17]. The nonlinear model assumes that incident solar radiation is scattered by the scene through multiple bounces involving several endmembers [18]. Under the linear mixing model and assuming that the number of endmembers and their spectral signatures are known, hyperspectral unmixing is a linear problem, which can be addressed, for example, under the maximum likelihood setup [19], the constrained least-squares approach [20], the spectral signature matching [21], the spectral angle mapper [22], and the subspace projection methods [20, 23, 24]. Orthogonal subspace projection [23] reduces the data dimensionality, suppresses undesired spectral signatures, and detects the presence of a spectral signature of interest. The basic concept is to project each pixel onto a subspace that is orthogonal to the undesired signatures. As shown in Settle [19], the orthogonal subspace projection technique is equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator. This projection technique was extended by three unconstrained least-squares approaches [24] (signature space orthogonal projection, oblique subspace projection, target signature space orthogonal projection). Other works using maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) framework [25] and projection pursuit [26, 27] have also been applied to hyperspectral data. In most cases the number of endmembers and their signatures are not known. Independent component analysis (ICA) is an unsupervised source separation process that has been applied with success to blind source separation, to feature extraction, and to unsupervised recognition [28, 29]. ICA consists in finding a linear decomposition of observed data yielding statistically independent components. Given that hyperspectral data are, in given circumstances, linear mixtures, ICA comes to mind as a possible tool to unmix this class of data. In fact, the application of ICA to hyperspectral data has been proposed in reference 30, where endmember signatures are treated as sources and the mixing matrix is composed by the abundance fractions, and in references 9, 25, and 31–38, where sources are the abundance fractions of each endmember. In the first approach, we face two problems: (1) The number of samples are limited to the number of channels and (2) the process of pixel selection, playing the role of mixed sources, is not straightforward. In the second approach, ICA is based on the assumption of mutually independent sources, which is not the case of hyperspectral data, since the sum of the abundance fractions is constant, implying dependence among abundances. This dependence compromises ICA applicability to hyperspectral images. In addition, hyperspectral data are immersed in noise, which degrades the ICA performance. IFA [39] was introduced as a method for recovering independent hidden sources from their observed noisy mixtures. IFA implements two steps. First, source densities and noise covariance are estimated from the observed data by maximum likelihood. Second, sources are reconstructed by an optimal nonlinear estimator. Although IFA is a well-suited technique to unmix independent sources under noisy observations, the dependence among abundance fractions in hyperspectral imagery compromises, as in the ICA case, the IFA performance. Considering the linear mixing model, hyperspectral observations are in a simplex whose vertices correspond to the endmembers. Several approaches [40–43] have exploited this geometric feature of hyperspectral mixtures [42]. Minimum volume transform (MVT) algorithm [43] determines the simplex of minimum volume containing the data. The MVT-type approaches are complex from the computational point of view. Usually, these algorithms first find the convex hull defined by the observed data and then fit a minimum volume simplex to it. Aiming at a lower computational complexity, some algorithms such as the vertex component analysis (VCA) [44], the pixel purity index (PPI) [42], and the N-FINDR [45] still find the minimum volume simplex containing the data cloud, but they assume the presence in the data of at least one pure pixel of each endmember. This is a strong requisite that may not hold in some data sets. In any case, these algorithms find the set of most pure pixels in the data. Hyperspectral sensors collects spatial images over many narrow contiguous bands, yielding large amounts of data. For this reason, very often, the processing of hyperspectral data, included unmixing, is preceded by a dimensionality reduction step to reduce computational complexity and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Principal component analysis (PCA) [46], maximum noise fraction (MNF) [47], and singular value decomposition (SVD) [48] are three well-known projection techniques widely used in remote sensing in general and in unmixing in particular. The newly introduced method [49] exploits the structure of hyperspectral mixtures, namely the fact that spectral vectors are nonnegative. The computational complexity associated with these techniques is an obstacle to real-time implementations. To overcome this problem, band selection [50] and non-statistical [51] algorithms have been introduced. This chapter addresses hyperspectral data source dependence and its impact on ICA and IFA performances. The study consider simulated and real data and is based on mutual information minimization. Hyperspectral observations are described by a generative model. This model takes into account the degradation mechanisms normally found in hyperspectral applications—namely, signature variability [52–54], abundance constraints, topography modulation, and system noise. The computation of mutual information is based on fitting mixtures of Gaussians (MOG) to data. The MOG parameters (number of components, means, covariances, and weights) are inferred using the minimum description length (MDL) based algorithm [55]. We study the behavior of the mutual information as a function of the unmixing matrix. The conclusion is that the unmixing matrix minimizing the mutual information might be very far from the true one. Nevertheless, some abundance fractions might be well separated, mainly in the presence of strong signature variability, a large number of endmembers, and high SNR. We end this chapter by sketching a new methodology to blindly unmix hyperspectral data, where abundance fractions are modeled as a mixture of Dirichlet sources. This model enforces positivity and constant sum sources (full additivity) constraints. The mixing matrix is inferred by an expectation-maximization (EM)-type algorithm. This approach is in the vein of references 39 and 56, replacing independent sources represented by MOG with mixture of Dirichlet sources. Compared with the geometric-based approaches, the advantage of this model is that there is no need to have pure pixels in the observations. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 6.2 presents a spectral radiance model and formulates the spectral unmixing as a linear problem accounting for abundance constraints, signature variability, topography modulation, and system noise. Section 6.3 presents a brief resume of ICA and IFA algorithms. Section 6.4 illustrates the performance of IFA and of some well-known ICA algorithms with experimental data. Section 6.5 studies the ICA and IFA limitations in unmixing hyperspectral data. Section 6.6 presents results of ICA based on real data. Section 6.7 describes the new blind unmixing scheme and some illustrative examples. Section 6.8 concludes with some remarks.


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Hyperspectral remote sensing exploits the electromagnetic scattering patterns of the different materials at specific wavelengths [2, 3]. Hyperspectral sensors have been developed to sample the scattered portion of the electromagnetic spectrum extending from the visible region through the near-infrared and mid-infrared, in hundreds of narrow contiguous bands [4, 5]. The number and variety of potential civilian and military applications of hyperspectral remote sensing is enormous [6, 7]. Very often, the resolution cell corresponding to a single pixel in an image contains several substances (endmembers) [4]. In this situation, the scattered energy is a mixing of the endmember spectra. A challenging task underlying many hyperspectral imagery applications is then decomposing a mixed pixel into a collection of reflectance spectra, called endmember signatures, and the corresponding abundance fractions [8–10]. Depending on the mixing scales at each pixel, the observed mixture is either linear or nonlinear [11, 12]. Linear mixing model holds approximately when the mixing scale is macroscopic [13] and there is negligible interaction among distinct endmembers [3, 14]. If, however, the mixing scale is microscopic (or intimate mixtures) [15, 16] and the incident solar radiation is scattered by the scene through multiple bounces involving several endmembers [17], the linear model is no longer accurate. Linear spectral unmixing has been intensively researched in the last years [9, 10, 12, 18–21]. It considers that a mixed pixel is a linear combination of endmember signatures weighted by the correspondent abundance fractions. Under this model, and assuming that the number of substances and their reflectance spectra are known, hyperspectral unmixing is a linear problem for which many solutions have been proposed (e.g., maximum likelihood estimation [8], spectral signature matching [22], spectral angle mapper [23], subspace projection methods [24,25], and constrained least squares [26]). In most cases, the number of substances and their reflectances are not known and, then, hyperspectral unmixing falls into the class of blind source separation problems [27]. Independent component analysis (ICA) has recently been proposed as a tool to blindly unmix hyperspectral data [28–31]. ICA is based on the assumption of mutually independent sources (abundance fractions), which is not the case of hyperspectral data, since the sum of abundance fractions is constant, implying statistical dependence among them. This dependence compromises ICA applicability to hyperspectral images as shown in Refs. [21, 32]. In fact, ICA finds the endmember signatures by multiplying the spectral vectors with an unmixing matrix, which minimizes the mutual information among sources. If sources are independent, ICA provides the correct unmixing, since the minimum of the mutual information is obtained only when sources are independent. This is no longer true for dependent abundance fractions. Nevertheless, some endmembers may be approximately unmixed. These aspects are addressed in Ref. [33]. Under the linear mixing model, the observations from a scene are in a simplex whose vertices correspond to the endmembers. Several approaches [34–36] have exploited this geometric feature of hyperspectral mixtures [35]. Minimum volume transform (MVT) algorithm [36] determines the simplex of minimum volume containing the data. The method presented in Ref. [37] is also of MVT type but, by introducing the notion of bundles, it takes into account the endmember variability usually present in hyperspectral mixtures. The MVT type approaches are complex from the computational point of view. Usually, these algorithms find in the first place the convex hull defined by the observed data and then fit a minimum volume simplex to it. For example, the gift wrapping algorithm [38] computes the convex hull of n data points in a d-dimensional space with a computational complexity of O(nbd=2cþ1), where bxc is the highest integer lower or equal than x and n is the number of samples. The complexity of the method presented in Ref. [37] is even higher, since the temperature of the simulated annealing algorithm used shall follow a log( ) law [39] to assure convergence (in probability) to the desired solution. Aiming at a lower computational complexity, some algorithms such as the pixel purity index (PPI) [35] and the N-FINDR [40] still find the minimum volume simplex containing the data cloud, but they assume the presence of at least one pure pixel of each endmember in the data. This is a strong requisite that may not hold in some data sets. In any case, these algorithms find the set of most pure pixels in the data. PPI algorithm uses the minimum noise fraction (MNF) [41] as a preprocessing step to reduce dimensionality and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The algorithm then projects every spectral vector onto skewers (large number of random vectors) [35, 42,43]. The points corresponding to extremes, for each skewer direction, are stored. A cumulative account records the number of times each pixel (i.e., a given spectral vector) is found to be an extreme. The pixels with the highest scores are the purest ones. N-FINDR algorithm [40] is based on the fact that in p spectral dimensions, the p-volume defined by a simplex formed by the purest pixels is larger than any other volume defined by any other combination of pixels. This algorithm finds the set of pixels defining the largest volume by inflating a simplex inside the data. ORA SIS [44, 45] is a hyperspectral framework developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory consisting of several algorithms organized in six modules: exemplar selector, adaptative learner, demixer, knowledge base or spectral library, and spatial postrocessor. The first step consists in flat-fielding the spectra. Next, the exemplar selection module is used to select spectral vectors that best represent the smaller convex cone containing the data. The other pixels are rejected when the spectral angle distance (SAD) is less than a given thresh old. The procedure finds the basis for a subspace of a lower dimension using a modified Gram–Schmidt orthogonalizati on. The selected vectors are then projected onto this subspace and a simplex is found by an MV T pro cess. ORA SIS is oriented to real-time target detection from uncrewed air vehicles using hyperspectral data [46]. In this chapter we develop a new algorithm to unmix linear mixtures of endmember spectra. First, the algorithm determines the number of endmembers and the signal subspace using a newly developed concept [47, 48]. Second, the algorithm extracts the most pure pixels present in the data. Unlike other methods, this algorithm is completely automatic and unsupervised. To estimate the number of endmembers and the signal subspace in hyperspectral linear mixtures, the proposed scheme begins by estimating sign al and noise correlation matrices. The latter is based on multiple regression theory. The signal subspace is then identified by selectin g the set of signal eigenvalue s that best represents the data, in the least-square sense [48,49 ], we note, however, that VCA works with projected and with unprojected data. The extraction of the end members exploits two facts: (1) the endmembers are the vertices of a simplex and (2) the affine transformation of a simplex is also a simplex. As PPI and N-FIND R algorithms, VCA also assumes the presence of pure pixels in the data. The algorithm iteratively projects data on to a direction orthogonal to the subspace spanned by the endmembers already determined. The new end member signature corresponds to the extreme of the projection. The algorithm iterates until all end members are exhausted. VCA performs much better than PPI and better than or comparable to N-FI NDR; yet it has a computational complexity between on e and two orders of magnitude lower than N-FINDR. The chapter is structure d as follows. Section 19.2 describes the fundamentals of the proposed method. Section 19.3 and Section 19.4 evaluate the proposed algorithm using simulated and real data, respectively. Section 19.5 presents some concluding remarks.


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No início da década de 90, as empresas começaram a sentir a necessidade de melhorar o acesso à informação das suas actividades para auxiliar na tomada de decisões. Desta forma, no mundo da informática, emergiu o sector Business Intelligence (BI) composto inicialmente por data warehousing e ferramentas de geração de relatórios. Ao longo dos anos o conceito de BI evoluiu de acordo com as necessidades empresariais, tornando a análise das actividades e do desempenho das organizações em aspectos críticos na gestão das mesmas. A área de BI abrange diversos sectores, sendo o de geração de relatórios e o de análise de dados aqueles que melhor preenchem os requisitos pretendidos no controlo de acesso à informação do negócio e respectivos processos. Actualmente o tempo e a informação são vantagens competitivas e por esse mesmo motivo as empresas estão cada vez mais preocupadas com o facto de o aumento do volume de informação estar a tornar-se insustentável na medida que o tempo necessário para processar a informação é cada vez maior. Por esta razão muitas empresas de software, tais como Microsoft, IBM e Oracle estão numa luta por um lugar neste mercado de BI em expansão. Para que as empresas possam ser competitivas, a sua capacidade de previsão e resposta às necessidades de mercado em tempo real é requisito principal, em detrimento da existência apenas de uma reacção a uma necessidade que peca por tardia. Os produtos de BI têm fama de trabalharem apenas com dados históricos armazenados, o que faz com que as empresas não se possam basear nessas soluções quando o requisito de alguns negócios é de tempo quase real. A latência introduzida por um data warehouse é demasiada para que o desempenho seja aceitável. Desta forma, surge a tecnologia Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) que fornece análise de dados e alertas em tempo quase real sobre os processos do negócio, utilizando fontes de dados como Web Services, filas de mensagens, etc. O conceito de BAM surgiu em Julho de 2001 pela organização Gartner, sendo uma extensão orientada a eventos da área de BI. O BAM define-se pelo acesso em tempo real aos indicadores de desempenho de negócios com o intuito de aumentar a velocidade e eficácia dos processos de negócio. As soluções BAM estão a tornar-se cada vez mais comuns e sofisticadas.


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The 27 December 1722 Algarve earthquake destroyed a large area in southern Portugal generating a local tsunami that inundated the shallow areas of Tavira. It is unclear whether its source was located onshore or offshore and, in any case, what was the tectonic source responsible for the event. We analyze available historical information concerning macroseismicity and the tsunami to discuss the most probable location of the source. We also review available seismotectonic knowledge of the offshore region close to the probable epicenter, selecting a set of four candidate sources. We simulate tsunamis produced by these candidate sources assuming that the sea bottom displacement is caused by a compressive dislocation over a rectangular fault, as given by the half-space homogeneous elastic approach, and we use numerical modeling to study wave propagation and run-up. We conclude that the 27 December 1722 Tavira earthquake and tsunami was probably generated offshore, close to 37 degrees 01'N, 7 degrees 49'W.


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Large area n-i-p-n-i-p a-SiC:H heterostructures are used as sensing element in a double colour laser scanned photodiode image sensor (D/CLSP). This work aims to clarify possible improvements, physical limits and performance of CLSP image sensor when used as non-pixel image reader. Here, the image capture device and the scanning reader are optimized and the effects of the sensor structure on the output characteristics discussed. The role of the design of the sensing element, the doped layer composition and thickness, the read-out parameters (applied voltage and scanner frequency) on the image acquisition and the colour detection process are analysed. A physical model is presented and supported by a numerical simulation of the output characteristics of the sensor.


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Large area n-i-p-n-i-p a-SiC:H heterostructures are used as sensing element in a Double Color Laser Scanned Photodiode image sensor (D/CLSP). This work aims to clarify possible improvements, physical limits and performance of CLSP image sensor when used as non-pixel image reader. Here, the image capture device and the scanning reader are optimized and the effects of the sensor structure on the output characteristics discussed. The role of the design of the sensing element, the doped layer composition and thickness, the read-out parameters (applied voltage and scanner frequency) on the image acquisition and the color detection process are analyzed. A physical model is presented and supported by a numerical simulation of the output characteristics of the sensor.


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This work addresses the present-day (<100 ka) mantle heterogeneity in the Azores region through the study of two active volcanic systems from Terceira Island. Our study shows that mantle heterogeneities are detectable even when "coeval" volcanic systems (Santa Barbara and Fissural) erupted less than 10 km away. These volcanic systems, respectively, reflect the influence of the Terceira and D. Joao de Castro Bank end-members defined by Beier et at (2008) for the Terceira Rift Santa Barbara magmas are interpreted to be the result of mixing between a HIMU-type component, carried to the upper mantle by the Azores plume, and the regional depleted MORB magmas/source. Fissural lavas are characterized by higher Ba/Nb and Nb/U ratios and less radiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204, Nd-143/Nd-144 and Hf-176/Hf-177, requiring the small contribution of delaminated sub-continental lithospheric mantle residing in the upper mantle. Published noble gas data on lavas from both volcanic systems also indicate the presence of a relatively undegassed component, which is interpreted as inherited from a lower mantle reservoir sampled by the ascending Azores plume. As inferred from trace and major elements, melting began in the garnet stability field, while magma extraction occurred within the spinel zone. The intra-volcanic system's chemical heterogeneity is mainly explained by variable proportions of the above-mentioned local end-members and by crystal fractionation processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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As Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) têm influenciado de forma inequívoca o desenvolvimento das bibliotecas à escala global. Nas últimas décadas, as TIC mudaram a dinâmica das bibliotecas permitindo a sua modernização (pelo desenvolvimento da eficiência das tarefas já realizadas), favorecendo a inovação (pela utilização das tecnologias como base para o desenvolvimento de novos serviços/técnicas) e promovendo a sua transformação (ao nível do paradigma funcional, da disponibilização de conteúdos, etc.) – criando, em suma, uma nova relação com os seus públicos


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: In this work we derive an analytical solution given by Bessel series to the transient and one-dimensional (1D) bioheat transfer equation in a multi-layer region with spatially dependent heat sources. Each region represents an independent biological tissue characterized by temperature-invariant physiological parameters and a linearly temperature dependent metabolic heat generation. Moreover, 1D Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates are used to define the geometry and temperature boundary conditions of first, second and third kinds are assumed at the inner and outer surfaces. We present two examples of clinical applications for the developed solution. In the first one, we investigate two different heat source terms to simulate the heating in a tumor and its surrounding tissue, induced during a magnetic fluid hyperthermia technique used for cancer treatment. To obtain an accurate analytical solution, we determine the error associated with the truncated Bessel series that defines the transient solution. In the second application, we explore the potential of this model to study the effect of different environmental conditions in a multi-layered human head model (brain, bone and scalp). The convective heat transfer effect of a large blood vessel located inside the brain is also investigated. The results are further compared with a numerical solution obtained by the Finite Element Method and computed with COMSOL Multi-physics v4.1 (c). (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim - A quantative primary study to determine whether increasing source to image distance (SID), with and without the use of automatic exposure control (AEC) for antero-posterior (AP) pelvis imaging, reduces dose whilst still producing an image of diagnostic quality. Methods - Using a computed radiography (CR) system, an anthropomorphic pelvic phantom was positioned for an AP examination using the table bucky. SID was initially set at 110 cm, with tube potential set at a constant 75 kVp, with two outer chambers selected and a fine focal spot of 0.6 mm. SID was then varied from 90 cm to 140 cm with two exposures made at each 5 cm interval, one using the AEC and another with a constant 16 mAs derived from the initial exposure. Effective dose (E) and entrance surface dose (ESD) were calculated for each acquisition. Seven experienced observers blindly graded image quality using a 5-point Likert scale and 2 Alternative Forced Choice software. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) was calculated for comparison. For each acquisition, femoral head diameter was also measured for magnification indication. Results - Results demonstrated that when increasing SID from 110 cm to 140 cm, both E and ESD reduced by 3.7% and 17.3% respectively when using AEC and 50.13% and 41.79% respectively, when the constant mAs was used. No significant statistical (T-test) difference (p = 0.967) between image quality was detected when increasing SID, with an intra-observer correlation of 0.77 (95% confidence level). SNR reduced slightly for both AEC (38%) and no AEC (36%) with increasing SID. Conclusion - For CR, increasing SID significantly reduces both E and ESD for AP pelvis imaging without adversely affecting image quality.


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In video communication systems, the video signals are typically compressed and sent to the decoder through an error-prone transmission channel that may corrupt the compressed signal, causing the degradation of the final decoded video quality. In this context, it is possible to enhance the error resilience of typical predictive video coding schemes using as inspiration principles and tools from an alternative video coding approach, the so-called Distributed Video Coding (DVC), based on the Distributed Source Coding (DSC) theory. Further improvements in the decoded video quality after error-prone transmission may also be obtained by considering the perceptual relevance of the video content, as distortions occurring in different regions of a picture have a different impact on the user's final experience. In this context, this paper proposes a Perceptually Driven Error Protection (PDEP) video coding solution that enhances the error resilience of a state-of-the-art H.264/AVC predictive video codec using DSC principles and perceptual considerations. To increase the H.264/AVC error resilience performance, the main technical novelties brought by the proposed video coding solution are: (i) design of an improved compressed domain perceptual classification mechanism; (ii) design of an improved transcoding tool for the DSC-based protection mechanism; and (iii) integration of a perceptual classification mechanism in an H.264/AVC compliant codec with a DSC-based error protection mechanism. The performance results obtained show that the proposed PDEP video codec provides a better performing alternative to traditional error protection video coding schemes, notably Forward Error Correction (FEC)-based schemes. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) are leading fungal and bacterial pathogens, respectively, in many clinical situations. Relevant to this, their interface and co-existence has been studied. In some experiments in vitro, Pa products have been defined that are inhibitory to Af. In some clinical situations, both can be biofilm producers, and biofilm could alter their physiology and affect their interaction. That may be most relevant to airways in cystic fibrosis (CF), where both are often prominent residents. We have studied clinical Pa isolates from several sources for their effects on Af, including testing involving their biofilms. We show that the described inhibition of Af is related to the source and phenotype of the Pa isolate. Pa cells inhibited the growth and formation of Af biofilm from conidia, with CF isolates more inhibitory than non-CF isolates, and non-mucoid CF isolates most inhibitory. Inhibition did not require live Pa contact, as culture filtrates were also inhibitory, and again non-mucoid>mucoid CF>non-CF. Preformed Af biofilm was more resistant to Pa, and inhibition that occurred could be reproduced with filtrates. Inhibition of Af biofilm appears also dependent on bacterial growth conditions; filtrates from Pa grown as biofilm were more inhibitory than from Pa grown planktonically. The differences in Pa shown from these different sources are consistent with the extensive evolutionary Pa changes that have been described in association with chronic residence in CF airways, and may reflect adaptive changes to life in a polymicrobial environment.


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We investigate the structural and thermodynamic properties of a model of particles with 2 patches of type A and 10 patches of type B. Particles are placed on the sites of a face centered cubic lattice with the patches oriented along the nearest neighbor directions. The competition between the self- assembly of chains, rings, and networks on the phase diagram is investigated by carrying out a systematic investigation of this class of models, using an extension ofWertheim's theory for associating fluids and Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We varied the ratio r epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) of the interaction between patches A and B, epsilon(AB), and between A patches, epsilon(AA) (epsilon(BB) is set to theta) as well as the relative position of the A patches, i.e., the angle. between the (lattice) directions of the A patches. We found that both r and theta (60 degrees, 90 degrees, or 120 degrees) have a profound effect on the phase diagram. In the empty fluid regime (r < 1/2) the phase diagram is reentrant with a closed miscibility loop. The region around the lower critical point exhibits unusual structural and thermodynamic behavior determined by the presence of relatively short rings. The agreement between the results of theory and simulation is excellent for theta = 120 degrees but deteriorates as. decreases, revealing the need for new theoretical approaches to describe the structure and thermodynamics of systems dominated by small rings. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this paper, we present a deterministic approach to tsunami hazard assessment for the city and harbour of Sines, Portugal, one of the test sites of project ASTARTE (Assessment, STrategy And Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe). Sines has one of the most important deep-water ports, which has oil-bearing, petrochemical, liquid-bulk, coal, and container terminals. The port and its industrial infrastructures face the ocean southwest towards the main seismogenic sources. This work considers two different seismic zones: the Southwest Iberian Margin and the Gloria Fault. Within these two regions, we selected a total of six scenarios to assess the tsunami impact at the test site. The tsunami simulations are computed using NSWING, a Non-linear Shallow Water model wIth Nested Grids. In this study, the static effect of tides is analysed for three different tidal stages: MLLW (mean lower low water), MSL (mean sea level), and MHHW (mean higher high water). For each scenario, the tsunami hazard is described by maximum values of wave height, flow depth, drawback, maximum inundation area and run-up. Synthetic waveforms are computed at virtual tide gauges at specific locations outside and inside the harbour. The final results describe the impact at the Sines test site considering the single scenarios at mean sea level, the aggregate scenario, and the influence of the tide on the aggregate scenario. The results confirm the composite source of Horseshoe and Marques de Pombal faults as the worst-case scenario, with wave heights of over 10 m, which reach the coast approximately 22 min after the rupture. It dominates the aggregate scenario by about 60 % of the impact area at the test site, considering maximum wave height and maximum flow depth. The HSMPF scenario inundates a total area of 3.5 km2. © Author(s) 2015.