35 resultados para Routines-based interview
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
The main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.
The main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of a six months exercise training program on walking capacity, fatigue and health related quality of life (HRQL). Relevance: Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy disease (FAP) is an autossomic neurodegenerative disease, related with systemic deposition of amyloidal fibre mainly on peripheral nervous system and mainly produced in the liver. FAP often results in severe functional limitations. Liver transplantation is used as the only therapy so far, that stop the progression of some aspects of this disease. Transplantation requires aggressive medication which impairs muscle metabolism and associated to surgery process and previous possible functional impairments, could lead to serious deconditioning. Reports of fatigue are common feature in transplanted patients. The effect of supervised or home-based exercise training programs in FAP patients after a liver transplant (FAPTX) is currently unknown.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) as a high incidence in general population and 12% to 20% of population with more than 60 years has already clinical symptoms, such as intermittent claudication (IC), pain, loss of strength and functional incapacity. There are already some studies who refer the possible positive effects of physical exercise in functional consequences of PAD.
Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy is a systemic deposition of amyloidal fibre mainly on peripheral nervous system (but also in other systems like heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc) and mainly produced in the liver. Purpose of this study: to evaluate the effects of a six months exercise training program(supervised or home-based) on walking capacity, fatigue and health related quality of life (HRQL) on Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy patients submitted to a liver transplant.
A utilização de recursos energéticos renováveis apresenta-se como um caminho vital para a humanidade alcançar um desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesta campanha, a energia eólica surge como um dos principais vectores de orientação tendo evoluído de forma quase exponencial nos últimos anos. No entanto, apesar da sua relativa maturidade, esta tecnologia enfrenta ainda alguns problemas e desafios. Não obstante a experiência empírica da indústria eólica, adquirida nos últimos trinta anos e dos esforços para melhorar a fiabilidade operacional das turbinas, as taxas de falha ainda se apresentam elevadas. Face às correntes práticas de Manutenção das turbinas e parques eólicos e às características de falha, (por vezes catastróficas), existe a necessidade de optimizar as estratégias de manutenção das turbinas eólicas e reduzir os custos durante o ciclo de vida, de modo a maximizar o retorno do investimento. Descreve-se neste trabalho o estado do conhecimento actual face ao objectivo pretendido, a recolha de dados reais da operação e Manutenção, a aplicabilidade dos modelos escolhidos para obtenção da probabilidade de falha, e as consequências e avaliação do risco. Assim, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão, baseada em Modelos de RBI (Risk Based Inspection) e RBIM (Risk Based Inspection and Maintenance) aplicados a turbinas eólicas.
Novel alternating copolymers comprising biscalix[4]arene-p-phenylene ethynylene and m-phenylene ethynylene units (CALIX-m-PPE) were synthesized using the Sonogashira-Hagihara cross-coupling polymerization. Good isolated yields (60-80%) were achieved for the polymers that show M-n ranging from 1.4 x 10(4) to 5.1 x 10(4) gmol(-1) (gel permeation chromatography analysis), depending on specific polymerization conditions. The structural analysis of CALIX-m-PPE was performed by H-1, C-13, C-13-H-1 heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC), C-13-H-1 heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC), correlation spectroscopy (COSY), and nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) in addition to Fourier transform-Infrared spectroscopy and microanalysis allowing its full characterization. Depending on the reaction setup, variable amounts (16-45%) of diyne units were found in polymers although their photophysical properties are essentially the same. It is demonstrated that CALIX-m-PPE does not form ground-or excited-state interchain interactions owing to the highly crowded environment of the main-chain imparted by both calix[4]arene side units which behave as insulators inhibiting main-chain pi-pi staking. It was also found that the luminescent properties of CALIX-m-PPE are markedly different from those of an all-p-linked phenylene ethynylene copolymer (CALIX-p-PPE) previously reported. The unexpected appearance of a low-energy emission band at 426 nm, in addition to the locally excited-state emission (365 nm), together with a quite low fluorescence quantum yield (Phi = 0.02) and a double-exponential decay dynamics led to the formulation of an intramolecular exciplex as the new emissive species.
This paper presents the Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Matrix Converters (DPC-MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Since matrix converters allow direct AC/AC power conversion without intermediate energy storage link, the resulting UPFC has reduced volume and cost, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of DPC-MC method are established based on an UPFC model, together with a new direct power control approach based on sliding mode control techniques. As a result, active and reactive power can be directly controlled by selection of an appropriate switching state of matrix converter. This new direct power control approach associated to matrix converters technology guarantees decoupled active and reactive power control, zero error tracking, fast response times and timely control actions. Simulation results show good performance of the proposed system.
Sliding mode controllers for power converters usually employ hysteresis comparators to directly generate the power semiconductors switching states. This paper presents a new sliding mode modulator based on the direct implementation of the sliding mode stability condition, which for multilevel power converters shows advantages, as branch equalized switching frequencies and less distortion on the ac currents when operating near the rated converter power. The new sliding mode multilevel modulator is used to control a three-phase multilevel converter, operated as a reactive power compensator (STATCOM), implementing the stability condition in a digital signal processing system. The performance of this new sliding mode modulator is compared with a multilevel modulator based on hysteresis comparators. Simulation and experimental results are presented in order to highlight the system operation and control robustness.
A new circuit topology is proposed to replace the actual pulse transformer and thyratron based resonant modulator that supplies the 60 kV target potential for the ion acceleration of the On-Line Isotope Mass Separator accelerator, the stability of which is critical for the mass resolution downstream separator, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The improved modulator uses two solid-state switches working together, each one based on the Marx generator concept, operating as series and parallel switches, reducing the stress on the series stacked semiconductors, and also as auxiliary pulse generator in order to fulfill the target requirements. Preliminary results of a 10 kV prototype, using 1200 V insulated gate bipolar transistors and capacitors in the solid-state Marx circuits, ten stages each, with an electrical equivalent circuit of the target, are presented, demonstrating both the improved voltage stability and pulse flexibility potential wanted for this new modulator.
In this paper a realistic directional channel model that is an extension of the COST 273 channel model is presented. The model uses a cluster of scatterers and visibility region generation based strategy with increased realism, due to the introduction of terrain and clutter information. New approaches for path-loss prediction and line of sight modeling are considered, affecting the cluster path gain model implementation. The new model was implemented using terrain, clutter, street and user mobility information for the city of Lisbon, Portugal. Some of the model's outputs are presented, mainly path loss and small/large-scale fading statistics.
A newly developed solid-state repetitive high-voltage (HV) pulse modulator topology created from the mature concept of the d.c. voltage multiplier (VM) is described. The proposed circuit is based in a voltage multiplier type circuit, where a number of d.c. capacitors share a common connection with different voltage rating in each one. Hence, besides the standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes, two solid-state on/off switches are used, in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the d.c. capacitors connected in series with the load. Due to the on/off semiconductor configuration, in half-bridge structures, the maximum voltage blocked by each one is the d.c. capacitor voltage in each stage. A 2 kV prototype is described and the results are compared with PSPICE simulations.
Os sistemas de redes de campo ligando componentes de automação e máquinas possuem uma performance muito elevada, relativamente à sua velocidade e capacidade de funcionamento em tempo-real. Estes apresentam também uma variedade de funcionalidades tais como comunicação cruzada, protocolos de segurança e endereçamento automático. Além disso, definem também aproximações lógicas ao tipo de máquinas em questão, de acordo com o seu perfil de funcionamento. No entanto, todas estas funcionalidades tornam a configuração e programação de aplicações comunicando nestas redes de campo extremamente complexa. Para além da complexidade existente na configuração e programação de um único sistema de redes de campo, existe também uma panóplia de diferentes sistemas de redes de campo, totalmente incompatíveis entre si. Contudo, estes pouco se diferenciam relativamente às suas funcionalidades e performance. Neste trabalho é elaborada uma comparação entre 4 diferentes perfis de accionamentos (CiA 402, CIP Motion, FSP Drive e PROFIdrive) para sistemas de redes de campo baseados em Ethernet (Ethercat, Ethernet/IP, PROFInet e SERCOS. Com este resultado, o acesso aos diferentes sistemas de redes de campo poderá ser generalizado, de forma que a aplicação a desenvolver seja independente do sistema localizado nas camadas OSI inferiores.
It is proposed a new approach based on a methodology, assisted by a tool, to create new products in the automobile industry based on previous defined processes and experiences inspired on a set of best practices or principles: it is based on high-level models or specifications; it is component-based architecture centric; it is based on generative programming techniques. This approach follows in essence the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) philosophy with some specific characteristics. We propose a repository that keeps related information, such as models, applications, design information, generated artifacts and even information concerning the development process itself (e.g., generation steps, tests and integration milestones). Generically, this methodology receives the users' requirements to a new product (e.g., functional, non-functional, product specification) as its main inputs and produces a set of artifacts (e.g., design parts, process validation output) as its main output, that will be integrated in the engineer design tool (e.g. CAD system) facilitating the work.