25 resultados para Rogers, Josias, 1755-1795.
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.
Coastal areas are highly exposed to natural hazards associated with the sea. In all cases where there is historical evidence for devastating tsunamis, as is the case of the southern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula, there is a need for quantitative hazard tsunami assessment to support spatial planning. Also, local authorities must be able to act towards the population protection in a preemptive way, to inform 'what to do' and 'where to go' and in an alarm, to make people aware of the incoming danger. With this in mind, we investigated the inundation extent, run-up and water depths, of a 1755-like event on the region of Huelva, located on the Spanish southwestern coast, one of the regions that was affected in the past by several high energy events, as proved by historical documents and sedimentological data. Modelling was made with a slightly modified version of the COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model) code. Sensitivity tests were performed for a single source in order to understand the relevance and influence of the source parameters in the inundation extent and the fundamental impact parameters. We show that a 1755-like event will have a dramatic impact in a large area close to Huelva inundating an area between 82 and 92 km(2) and reaching maximum run-up around 5 m. In this sense our results show that small variations on the characteristics of the tsunami source are not too significant for the impact assessment. We show that the maximum flow depth and the maximum run-up increase with the average slip on the source, while the strike of the fault is not a critical factor as Huelva is significantly far away from the potential sources identified up to now. We also show that the maximum flow depth within the inundated area is very dependent on the tidal level, while maximum run-up is less affected, as a consequence of the complex morphology of the area.
Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.
In this study, we present 10 m resolution tsunami flooding maps for Lisbon downtown and the Tagus estuary. To compute these maps we use the present bathymetry and topographic maps and a reasonable estimate for the maximum credible tsunami scenario. Tsunami modeling was made with a non-linear shallow water model using four levels of nested grids. The tsunami flood is discussed in terms of flow depth, run-up height and maximum inundation area. The results show that, even today, in spite of the significant morphologic changes in the city river front after the 1755 earthquake, a similar event would cause tsunami flow depths larger than one meter in a large area along the Tagus estuary and Lisbon downtown. Other areas along the estuary with a high population density would also be strongly affected. The impact of the tide on the extent of tsunami inundation is discussed, due to the large amplitude range of the tide in Lisbon, and compared with the historical descriptions of the 1755 event. The results presented here can be used to identify the potential tsunami inundation areas in Lisbon; this identification comprises a key element of the Portuguese tsunami emergency management system.
Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.
Introdução - Estudos de investigação recentes apontam para o facto de que cerca de 1/3 dos olhos amblíopes não chegam à acuidade visual de 5/10 apesar da terapia oclusiva. Uma das razões apontadas é a não adesão ao tratamento. O objectivo do presente estudo é contribuir para a determinação do grau de influência dos factores psicossociais na adesão à terapia oclusiva por parte dos pais de crianças amblíopes e avaliar se existem diferenças significativas entre as recomendações do Ortoptista, a percepção parental dessas mesmas recomendações e o comportamento descrito. Metodologia - Foi efectuado um estudo quantitativo transversal, no qual participaram pais de crianças amblíopes (n=100), a realizar tratamento oclusivo num hospital público e numa clínica privada em Lisboa. Os pais responderam a um questionário baseado na Teoria da Motivação e Protecção (TMP) de Rogers, no qual foram analisadas variáveis parentais como a gravidade, vulnerabilidade, auto-eficácia, intenções de comportamento, eficácia da resposta e barreiras ao tratamento. Adicionalmente, foram analisadas as variáveis percepção parental do número de horas de oclusão e comportamento parental descrito. Resultados - Os resultados apontam para uma percentagem de 72% de adesão parental ao tratamento oclusivo e uma percentagem de 28% de não adesão. As variáveis intenções de comportamento (p=O,Ol 5) e eficácia da resposta (p=O,Ol 1) demonstraram ser significativas na predição da adesão parental ao tratamento oclusivo em crianças amblíopes (a=0,05). Foi detectada uma correlação positiva moderada (kappa=0, 536) entre o número de horas de oclusão recomendado pelo Ortoptista e a percepção parental dessas mesmas recomendações e uma correlação positiva forte (kappa=0,700) entre o número de horas de oclusão percepcionadas e o comportamento descrito. Conclusões - A prévia noção por parte dos pais de que o tratamento é uma mais-valia com consequências benéficas, provoca o desenvolvimento de uma resposta adaptativa de coping, neste caso de adesão ao tratamento oclusivo. A intenção positiva dos pais para realizar o tratamento e a prévia noção da sua eficácia na melhoria da acuidade visual da criança são preditivas da adesão por parte destes. Nesse sentido a probabilidade da adesão ao tratamento será maior se os pais associarem a adopção do comportamento recomendado à melhoria do estado de saúde das crianças, o que de facto foi demonstrado por esta investigação.
Earthquakes and tsunamis along Morocco's coasts have been reported since historical times. The threat posed by tsunamis must be included in coastal risk studies. This study focuses on the tsunami impact and vulnerability assessment of the Casablanca harbour and surrounding area using a combination of tsunami inundation numerical modelling, field survey data and geographic information system. The tsunami scenario used here is compatible with the 1755 Lisbon event that we considered to be the worst case tsunami scenario. Hydrodynamic modelling was performed with an adapted version of the Cornell Multigrid Coupled Tsunami Model from Cornell University. The simulation covers the eastern domain of the Azores-Gibraltar fracture zone corresponding to the largest tsunamigenic area in the North Atlantic. The proposed vulnerability model attempts to provide an insight into the tsunami vulnerability of building stock. Results in the form of a vulnerability map will be useful for decision makers and local authorities in preventing the community resiliency for tsunami hazards.
Esta tese teve como finalidade fazer um estudo sobre os edifícios Pré-pombalinos dando especial relevo às patologias que os afectam bem como as técnicas mais adequadas à sua resolução. Fez-se um breve enquadramento deste tipo de edifícios na evolução dos edifícios construídos no país e na cidade de Lisboa, localizando alguns exemplares nos bairros históricos desta cidade. Fez-se também a caracterização da sua arquitectura tentando explicar a sua evolução ao longo de todo o período Pré-pombalino. Ainda dentro da caracterização arquitectónica fez a descrição dos edifícios no que respeita à geometria da sua fachada, do número de pisos, da ocupação dos lotes onde estão implantados e da distribuição e ocupação do seu espaço interior. No que respeita à construção propriamente dita dos referidos edifícios fez-se um levantamento dos materiais e técnicas usados na sua construção bem como a descrição dos diferentes tipos de paredes usadas. Enumeraram-se as principais patologias neste tipo de edifícios, fazendo a sua descrição e referindo a forma como afectam os seus elementos constituintes. Por fim reuniu-se um conjunto de técnicas e procedimentos para a reparação das anomalias mais comuns, fazendo também a indicação dos materiais mais adequados a usar em cada intervenção.
The devastating impact of the Sumatra tsunami of 26 December 2004, raised the question for scientists of how to forecast a tsunami threat. In 2005, the IOC-UNESCO XXIII assembly decided to implement a global tsunami warning system to cover the regions that were not yet protected, namely the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the North East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (the NEAM region). Within NEAM, the Gulf of Cadiz is the more sensitive area, with an important record of devastating historical events. The objective of this paper is to present a preliminary design for a reliable tsunami detection network for the Gulf of Cadiz, based on a network of sea-level observatories. The tsunamigenic potential of this region has been revised in order to define the active tectonic structures. Tsunami hydrodynamic modeling and GIS technology have been used to identify the appropriate locations for the minimum number of sea-level stations. Results show that 3 tsunameters are required as the minimum number of stations necessary to assure an acceptable protection to the large coastal population in the Gulf of Cadiz. In addition, 29 tide gauge stations could be necessary to fully assess the effects of a tsunami along the affected coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
Catastrophic tsunamis are described in historical sources for all regions around the Gulf of Cadiz, at least since 60 BC. Most of the known events are associated with moderate to large earthquakes and among them the better studied is 1 November 1755. We present here a review of the events which effects, on the coasts of the Portuguese mainland and Madeira Island, are well described in historical documents or have been measured by tide gauges since the installation of these instruments. For a few we include new relevant information for the assessment of the tsunami generation or effects, and we discard events that are included in existing compilations but are not supported by quality historical sources or instrumental records. We quote the most relevant quantitative descriptions of tsunami effects on the Portuguese coast, including in all pertinent cases a critical review of the coeval sources, to establish a homogenous event list. When available, instrumental information is presented. We complement all this information with a summary of the conclusions established by paleo-tsunami research.
The Gulf of Cadiz coasts are exposed to tsunamis. Emergency planning tools are now taking into account this fact, especially because a series of historical occurrences were strikingly significant, having left strong evidence behind, in the mareographic records, the geological evidence or simply the memory of the populations. The study area is a strip along the Algarve coast, south Portugal, an area known to have been heavily impacted by the 1 November 1755 event. In this study we use two different tsunami scenarios generated by the rupture of two thrust faults identified in the area, corresponding to 8.1-8.3 magnitude earthquakes. Tsunami propagation and inundation computation is performed using a non-linear shallow water code with bottom friction. Numerical modeling results are presented in terms of flow depth and current velocity with maximum values of 7 m and 8 m/s for inundation depth and flow speed, respectively. These results constitute a valuable tool for local authorities, emergency and decision planners to define the priority zones where tsunami mitigation measures must be implemented and to develop tsunami-resilient communities.
The 27 December 1722 Algarve earthquake destroyed a large area in southern Portugal generating a local tsunami that inundated the shallow areas of Tavira. It is unclear whether its source was located onshore or offshore and, in any case, what was the tectonic source responsible for the event. We analyze available historical information concerning macroseismicity and the tsunami to discuss the most probable location of the source. We also review available seismotectonic knowledge of the offshore region close to the probable epicenter, selecting a set of four candidate sources. We simulate tsunamis produced by these candidate sources assuming that the sea bottom displacement is caused by a compressive dislocation over a rectangular fault, as given by the half-space homogeneous elastic approach, and we use numerical modeling to study wave propagation and run-up. We conclude that the 27 December 1722 Tavira earthquake and tsunami was probably generated offshore, close to 37 degrees 01'N, 7 degrees 49'W.
We compare the magnetic field at the centre and the self-magnetic flux through a current-carrying circular loop, with those obtained for current-carrying polygons with the same perimeter. As the magnetic field diverges at the position of the wires, we compare the self-fluxes utilizing several regularization procedures. The calculation is best performed utilizing the vector potential, thus highlighting its usefulness in practical applications. Our analysis answers some of the intuition challenges students face when they encounter a related simple textbook example. These results can be applied directly to the determination of mutual inductances in a variety of situations.
O trabalho desenvolvido é composto por dois módulos distintos. O primeiro módulo corresponde ao estudo e registo detalhado de patologias detectadas na fachada de um edifício, com vista à elaboração de um projecto que permita a reabilitação da fachada. O segundo módulo surge num âmbito mais prático, nomeadamente na Coordenação, Gestão, Fiscalização e Controlo da Qualidade em Obra. No primeiro módulo estudaram-se as patologias existentes nas placas de pedra lioz da fachada ventilada de um Hotel na Avenida da Liberdade em Lisboa. As placas de pedra do Hotel encontravam-se danificadas e frágeis, verificando-se inclusive a queda de algumas delas. Assim, e dado o estado de degradação das mesmas bem como das suas fixações, foi solicitado um estudo com o intuito de aferir quais as condições reais da fachada e o seu grau de degradação e de perigosidade. Com os resultados do referido estudo, pretendia-se saber qual a percentagem de placas de pedra que estaria em condições de ser recuperada, ou seja, retirada e fixada novamente com outro sistema de fixação diferente do existente. Assim, conseguiu-se aferir qual a percentagem de placas de pedra que poderia ser reaproveitada e qual a percentagem de placas de pedra que não garantia condições para tal. O estudo realizado às placas de pedra da fachada foi um estudo bastante exaustivo no sentido em que se pretendia estudar cada placa de pedra individualmente, num total de 4.000 placas de pedra lioz. Este estudo realizou-se com a ajuda de técnicos alpinistas que através de várias descidas conseguiram registar o diagnóstico de cada placa de pedra, incluindo o registo das suas patologias, identificação de cada pedra e respectivo registo fotográfico. Através dos dados obtidos pelos técnicos alpinistas, uma equipa de técnicos especializados em terra fazia o input dos dados de modo a recolher informação suficiente para tirar as conclusões pretendidas. O segundo módulo reflecte o trabalho desenvolvido durante o período em que se integrou numa equipa de fiscalização de uma obra pública, nomeadamente a Empreitada de Modernização da Escola Secundária do Monte de Caparica, uma obra no valor de 11.116.736,27 € e com uma duração prevista de 18 meses. Este módulo permitia verificar como se coordena uma obra e como se efectua o controlo da programação da mesma. O trabalho teve como base o plano de trabalhos, o mapa de mão-de-obra, o mapa de equipamentos e o cronograma financeiro aprovados. Foram efectuados periodicamente balizamentos do plano de trabalhos que permitiram detectar e corrigir desvios. Durante o presente estágio ainda se acompanhou um pouco o modo como se executa o Controlo de Qualidade em obra garantindo que todos os trabalhos executados cumprem as peças escritas e desenhadas e ainda os demais documentos de contrato.
A remarkable accumulation of marine boulders located above the present spring tide level has occurred in two coastal lowlands of the Algarve (Portugal). The size-interval of the particles studied here is seldom reported in the literature in association with extreme events of coastal inundation, thus making this study of relevance to many other coasts worldwide. The spreads of boulders extend several hundred meters inland and well beyond the present landward limit of storm activity. The marine origin of the boulders is demonstrated by well-developed macro-bioerosion sculpturing and in situ skeletal remains of endolithic shallow marine bivalves. The good state preservation of the fossils within the boulders indicates that abrasion duringtransport and redeposition was not significant. We envisage boulder deposition as having taken place during the Lisbon tsunami of ad 1755 through the simultaneous landward entrainment of coarse particles from nearshore followed by rapid shoreward suspended-dominated transport and non-graded redeposition that excluded significant sorting by weight or boulder dimensions. We use numerical hydrodynamic modeling of tsunami (and storm) waves to test the observational data on boulder dimensions (density, size, distribution) on the most likely processes of sediment deposition. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of the study of boulder deposits in tsunami reconstruction. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.