7 resultados para Pentateuque Pt identité
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Three different methods were used to introduce 1.0 wt.% of Pt in bifunctional Pt/MCM-22 zeolite catalysts: ion exchange with Pt(NH3)(4)(2+), incipient wetness impregnation with PtCl6H2 and mechanical mixture with Pt/Al2O3. The Pt dispersion was estimated by transmission electron microscopy and the hydrogenating activity with toluene hydrogenation at 110 degrees C. From these experiments, it can be concluded that with the ion exchanged sample, platinum was located within the inner micropores and on the outer surface, whereas with the impregnated one, platinum was essentially on the outer surface under the form of large particles. With all the samples there is a fast initial decrease in the activity for n-hexane hydroisomerisation at 250 degrees C. With exchanged and impregnated samples, this decrease is followed by a plateau, the activity value being then higher with impregnated sample. For the sample prepared by mechanical mixture a continuous decrease in activity can be observed. All these differences can be related with the distinct locations of Pt.
The catalytic properties of Pt based cordierite foam catalysts have been evaluated in catalytic combustion of toluene (800 ppm in air). The catalysts contain identical Pt content (0.1%) which was introduced by three different ways: Pt ion exchange on MFI zeolite and then coating on the foam; Pt ion exchange after zeolite coating and finally Pt directly wet impregnated on the cordierite foam. The catalytic behaviour of Pt foam based catalysts was compared with that of PtMFI zeolite under powder form. Pt exchanged MFI supported on the cordierite foams present an improvement of activity for toluene combustion of about 50 degrees C on the light off temperature (T-50%). The enhanced performance of the structured catalysts is due not only to the open structure of foams and homogeneous thin layers catalyst deposited on their cell walls, but also to the fact that the size and location of Pt particles present in MFI zeolite are changed during the dipping step. Indeed, as prepared Pt samples and those used in the preparation of the slurry were observed by transmission electron microscopy revealing that the chemical interaction of PtMFI zeolite with the binder and detergent, both present in the slurry, leads to an increase of Pt particles size which were found to migrate from internal pores to the external surface of zeolite crystallites thereby increasing catalytic activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The bifunctional transformation of n-hexane was carried out over Pt/MCM-22 based catalysts. MCM-22 was synthesized and submitted to ion exchange with rare earth nitrate solutions of La, Nd and Yb, followed by Pt introduction. Three different methods were used to introduce about 1 wt% of Pt in the zeolite: ion exchange, incipient wetness impregnation and mechanical mixture with Pt/Al(2)O(3). The bifunctional catalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and by the model reaction of toluene hydrogenation. These experiments showed that, in the ion exchanged sample, Pt is located both within the inner micropores and on the outer surface, whereas in the impregnated one, the metal is essentially located on the outer surface under the form of large particles. The presence of RE elements increases the hydrogenating activity of Pt/MCM-22 since the location of these species at the vicinity of metal particles causes modification on its electronic properties. Whatever the mode of Pt introduction, a fast initial decrease in conversion is observed for n-hexane transformation, followed by a plateau related to the occurrence of the catalytic transformations at the hemicages located at the outer surface of the crystals. The effect of rare earth elements on the hydrogenating function leads to a lower selectivity in dibranched isomers and increased amounts of light products.
A literatura descreve que as ações de endomarketing contribuem para a aproximação, interação e o bom relacionamento entre a empresa e os colaboradores. Sendo caracterizada como uma relação de troca, na qual a empresa fornece instrumentos capazes de promover o interesse dos colaboradores a participarem mais ativamente em toda a envolvente organizacional - através de ações que favoreçam o diálogo, sugestões, partilha de conhecimentos e informações, bem como relatos de situações corriqueiras ocorridas no dia-a-dia da empresa. Em contrapartida, à medida que o colaborador se sente valorizado pela empresa e pelos colegas, passa a perceber a importância do seu trabalho dentro da organização, permitindo que identifique o trabalho como algo prazeroso. Esta troca contribui para a produtividade e desenvolvimento da empresa, bem como a satisfação e empenhamento dos colaboradores no trabalho. Neste sentido, visando averiguar como esta situação é vivenciada na prática decidiu-se pela realização de um estágio, tendo como questão de estudo qual o impacto das ações de endomarketing no empenhamento e na satisfação dos clientes internos da PT PRO? Para responder a tal indagação foi realizado um estágio na empresa PT PRO, nomeadamente na Direção de Desenvolvimento de Mercado, Marketing e Formação. Apresentam-se ao longo do presente relatório a descrição das especificidades do estágio, tal como as principais ilações daí retiradas tendo através de pesquisas documentais (arquivo e documentos internos e Intranet), reuniões com a Direção de Marketing e com a tutora do estágio, tal como pela aplicação e análise de um inquérito por questionário aplicado aos colaboradores, chegando-se à conclusão que, de facto, as ações de endomarketing levadas a cabo pela empresa contribuem para o empenhamento e satisfação dos colaboradores.
Bifunctional Pt-HMOR catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of various desilicated MOR obtained by alkaline treatment using NaOH concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 M. The zeolite structural changes upon modification were investigated by several techniques including powder X-ray diffraction,Al-27 and Si-29 MAS-NMR spectroscopy, N-2 adsorption, pyridine adsorption followed by infrared spectroscopy and the catalytic model reaction of m-xylene transformation. For low alkaline concentration the zeolite acidity is preserved, along with a slight increase of the volume correspondent to the larger micropores due to the removal of extra-framework debris already existent at the parent zeolite. At higher NaOH concentrations there is a significant loss of crystalinity and acidity as well as the formation of mesoporosity. The characterization of the metal function shows similar patterns for Pt-HMOR and Pt-M/0.1 samples, with Pt particles located mainly inside the inner porosity. In contrast, large Pt particles become visible at the intercrystalline mesoporosity of MOR crystals developed during the desilication treatments at severe alkaline conditions. The catalytic results obtained for n-hexane hydroisomerization showed an improved selectivity for dibranched over monobranched isomers for Pt-M/0.1 sample, likely due to the preservation of the support acidity and the slight enlargement of the micropores. This work is a new example in which the mesoporous development does not improve the catalytic efficiency of the zeolites, whereas mild alkaline desilication might be considered as an effective solution to produce customized catalysts with enhanced performance for a given application. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The activity and selectivity of bi-functional carbon-supported platinum catalysts for the hydroisomerization of n-alkanes have been studied. The influence of the properties of the carbon support on the performance of the catalysts were investigated by incorporating the metallic function on a series of carbons with varied porosity (microporous: GL-50 from Norit, and mesoporous: CMK-3) and surface chemistry (modified by wet oxidation). The characterization results achieved with H-2 chemisorption and TEM showed differences in surface metal concentrations and metal-support interactions depending on the support composition. The highest metal dispersion was achieved after oxidation of the carbon matrix in concentrated nitric acid, suggesting that the presence of surface functional sites distributed in inner and outer surface favors a homogeneous metal distribution. On the other hand, the higher hydrogenating activity of the catalysts prepared with the mesoporous carbon pointed out that a fast molecular traffic inside the pores plays an important role in the catalysts performance. For n-decane hydroisomerization of long chain n-alkanes, higher activities were obtained for the catalysts with an optimized acidity and metal dispersion along with adequate porosity, pointing out the importance of the support properties in the performance of the catalysts.
Toluene hydrogenation was studied over catalysts based on Pt supported on large pore zeolites (HUSY and HBEA) with different metal/acid ratios. Acidity of zeolites was assessed by pyridine adsorption followed by FTIR showing only small changes before and after Pt introduction. Metal dispersion was determined by H2–O2 titration and verified by a linear correlation with the intensity of Pt0–CO band obtained by in situ FTIR. It was also observed that the electronic properties of Pt0 clusters were similar for the different catalysts. Catalytic tests showed rapid catalyst deactivation with an activity loss of 80–95% after 60 min of reaction. The turnover frequency of fresh catalysts depended both on metal dispersion and the support. For the same support, it changed by a 1.7-fold (HBEA) and 4.0-fold (HUSY) showing that toluene hydrogenation is structure-sensitive, i.e. hydrogenating activity is not a unique function of accessible metal. This was proposed to be due to the contribution to the overall activity of the hydrogenation of adsorbed toluene on acid sites via hydrogen spillover. Taking into account the role of zeolite acidity, the catalysts series were compared by the activity per total adsorbing sites which was observed to increase steadily with nPt/(nPt + nA). An increase of the accessible Pt atoms leads to an increase on the amount of spilled over hydrogen available in acid sites therefore increasing the overall activity. Pt/HBEA catalysts were found to be more active per total adsorbing site than Pt/HUSY which is proposed to be due to an augmentation in the efficiency of spilled over hydrogen diffusion related to the proximity between Pt clusters and acid sites. The intervention of Lewis acid sites in a greater extent than that measured by pyridine adsorption may also contribute to this higher activity of Pt/HBEA catalysts. These results reinforce the importance of model reactions as a closer perspective to the relevant catalyst properties in reaction conditions.