em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Rationale: Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to be of potential benefit in patients with CD. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether EPA can modulate the inflammatory response according to different genotypes of IL6G174G/C polymorphism. Methods: Peripheral blood cells were collected from CD patients with different genotypes for IL6 174G/C (GG, n = 16, GC, n = 8, CC, n = 7), and lymphocytes were established in culture media. Replicates with the addition of EPA (25 mM) were analysed in a period of 24h, 48h and 72h. Expression of IL6 e a PGE2 was assessed by ELISA. Apoptosis and cellular proliferation was determined by flow cytometry.


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Eucalyptus globulus sapwood and heartwood showed no differences in lignin content (23.0% vs. 23.7%) and composition: syringyl-lignin (17.9% vs. 18.0%) and guaiacyl-lignin (4.8% vs. 5.2%). Delignification kinetics of S- and G-units in heartwood and sapwood was investigated by Py-GC–MS/FID at 130, 150 and 170 °C and modeled as double first-order reactions. Reactivity differences between S and G-units were small during the main pulping phase and the higher reactivity of S over G units was better expressed in the later pulping stage. The residual lignin composition in pulps was different from wood or from samples in the initial delignification stages, with more G and H-units. S/G ratio ranged from 3 to 4.5 when pulp residual lignin was higher than 10%, decreasing rapidly to less than 1. The S/H was initially around 20 (until 15% residual lignin), decreasing to 4 when residual lignin was about 3%.