7 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The population growth of a Staphylococcus aureus culture, an active colloidal system of spherical cells, was followed by rheological measurements, under steady-state and oscillatory shear flows. We observed a rich viscoelastic behavior as a consequence of the bacteria activity, namely, of their multiplication and density-dependent aggregation properties. In the early stages of growth (lag and exponential phases), the viscosity increases by about a factor of 20, presenting several drops and full recoveries. This allows us to evoke the existence of a percolation phenomenon. Remarkably, as the bacteria reach their late phase of development, in which the population stabilizes, the viscosity returns close to its initial value. Most probably, this is caused by a change in the bacteria physiological activity and in particular, by the decrease of their adhesion properties. The viscous and elastic moduli exhibit power-law behaviors compatible with the "soft glassy materials" model, whose exponents are dependent on the bacteria growth stage. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.030701.
The application of a-SiC:H/a-Si:H pinpin photodiodes for optoelectronic applications as a WDM demultiplexer device has been demonstrated useful in optical communications that use the WDM technique to encode multiple signals in the visible light range. This is required in short range optical communication applications, where for costs reasons the link is provided by Plastic Optical Fibers. Characterization of these devices has shown the presence of large photocapacitive effects. By superimposing background illumination to the pulsed channel the device behaves as a filter, producing signal attenuation, or as an amplifier, producing signal gain, depending on the channel/background wavelength combination. We present here results, obtained by numerical simulations, about the internal electric configuration of a-SiC:H/a-Si:H pinpin photodiode. These results address the explanation of the device functioning in the frequency domain to a wavelength tunable photo-capacitance due to the accumulation of space charge localized at the bottom diode that, according to the Shockley-Read-Hall model, it is mainly due to defect trapping. Experimental result about measurement of the photodiode capacitance under different conditions of illumination and applied bias will be also presented. The combination of these analyses permits the description of a wavelength controlled photo-capacitance that combined with the series and parallel resistance of the diodes may result in the explicit definition of cut off frequencies for frequency capacitive filters activated by the light background or an oscillatory resonance of photogenerated carriers between the two diodes. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using fluid mechanics, we reinterpret the mantle images obtained from global and regional tomography together with geochemical, geological and paleomagnetic observations, and attempt to unravel the pattern of convection in the Indo-Atlantic "box" and its temporal evolution over the last 260 Myr. The << box >> presently contains a) a broad slow seismic anomaly at the CMB which has a shape similar to Pangea 250 Myr ago, and which divides into several branches higher in the lower mantle, b) a "superswell, centered on the western edge of South Africa, c) at least 6 "primary hotspots" with long tracks related to traps, and d) numerous smaller hotspots. In the last 260 Myr, this mantle box has undergone 10 trap events, 7 of them related to continental breakup. Several of these past events are spatially correlated with present-day seismic anomalies and/or upwellings. Laboratory experiments show that superswells, long-lived hotspot tracks and traps may represent three evolutionary stages of the same phenomenon, i.e. episodic destabilization of a hot, chemically heterogeneous thermal boundary layer, close to the bottom of the mantle. When scaled to the Earth's mantle, its recurrence time is on the order of 100-200 Myr. At any given time, the Indo-Atlantic box should contain 3 to 9 of these instabilities at different stages of their development, in agreement with observations. The return flow of the downwelling slabs, although confined to two main << boxes >> (Indo-Atlantic and Pacific) by subduction zone geometry, may therefore not be passive, but rather take the form of active thermochemical instabilities. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The activity of growing living bacteria was investigated using real-time and in situ rheology-in stationary and oscillatory shear. Two different strains of the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus-strain COL and its isogenic cell wall autolysis mutant, RUSAL9-were considered in this work. For low bacteria density, strain COL forms small clusters, while the mutant, presenting deficient cell separation, forms irregular larger aggregates. In the early stages of growth, when subjected to a stationary shear, the viscosity of the cultures of both strains increases with the population of cells. As the bacteria reach the exponential phase of growth, the viscosity of the cultures of the two strains follows different and rich behaviors, with no counterpart in the optical density or in the population's colony-forming units measurements. While the viscosity of strain COL culture keeps increasing during the exponential phase and returns close to its initial value for the late phase of growth, where the population stabilizes, the viscosity of the mutant strain culture decreases steeply, still in the exponential phase, remains constant for some time, and increases again, reaching a constant plateau at a maximum value for the late phase of growth. These complex viscoelastic behaviors, which were observed to be shear-stress-dependent, are a consequence of two coupled effects: the cell density continuous increase and its changing interacting properties. The viscous and elastic moduli of strain COL culture, obtained with oscillatory shear, exhibit power-law behaviors whose exponents are dependent on the bacteria growth stage. The viscous and elastic moduli of the mutant culture have complex behaviors, emerging from the different relaxation times that are associated with the large molecules of the medium and the self-organized structures of bacteria. Nevertheless, these behaviors reflect the bacteria growth stage.
This paper deals with a hierarchical structure composed by an event-based supervisor in a higher level and two distinct proportional integral (PI) controllers in a lower level. The controllers are applied to a variable speed wind energy conversion system with doubly-fed induction generator, namely, the fuzzy PI control and the fractional-order PI control. The event-based supervisor analyses the operation state of the wind energy conversion system among four possible operational states: park, start-up, generating or brake and sends the operation state to the controllers in the lower level. In start-up state, the controllers only act on electric torque while pitch angle is equal to zero. In generating state, the controllers must act on the pitch angle of the blades in order to maintain the electric power around the nominal value, thus ensuring that the safety conditions required for integration in the electric grid are met. Comparisons between fuzzy PI and fractional-order PI pitch controllers applied to a wind turbine benchmark model are given and simulation results by Matlab/Simulink are shown. From the results regarding the closed loop point of view, fuzzy PI controller allows a smoother response at the expense of larger number of variations of the pitch angle, implying frequent switches between operational states. On the other hand fractional-order PI controller allows an oscillatory response with less control effort, reducing switches between operational states. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro – Especialização em Encenação.
Coevolution between two antagonistic species has been widely studied theoretically for both ecologically- and genetically-driven Red Queen dynamics. A typical outcome of these systems is an oscillatory behavior causing an endless series of one species adaptation and others counter-adaptation. More recently, a mathematical model combining a three-species food chain system with an adaptive dynamics approach revealed genetically driven chaotic Red Queen coevolution. In the present article, we analyze this mathematical model mainly focusing on the impact of species rates of evolution (mutation rates) in the dynamics. Firstly, we analytically proof the boundedness of the trajectories of the chaotic attractor. The complexity of the coupling between the dynamical variables is quantified using observability indices. By using symbolic dynamics theory, we quantify the complexity of genetically driven Red Queen chaos computing the topological entropy of existing one-dimensional iterated maps using Markov partitions. Co-dimensional two bifurcation diagrams are also built from the period ordering of the orbits of the maps. Then, we study the predictability of the Red Queen chaos, found in narrow regions of mutation rates. To extend the previous analyses, we also computed the likeliness of finding chaos in a given region of the parameter space varying other model parameters simultaneously. Such analyses allowed us to compute a mean predictability measure for the system in the explored region of the parameter space. We found that genetically driven Red Queen chaos, although being restricted to small regions of the analyzed parameter space, might be highly unpredictable.