42 resultados para Order-disorder Transitions

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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We consider a simple model consisting of particles with four bonding sites ("patches"), two of type A and two of type B, on the square lattice, and investigate its global phase behavior by simulations and theory. We set the interaction between B patches to zero and calculate the phase diagram as the ratio between the AB and the AA interactions, epsilon(AB)*, varies. In line with previous work, on three-dimensional off-lattice models, we show that the liquid-vapor phase diagram exhibits a re-entrant or "pinched" shape for the same range of epsilon(AB)*, suggesting that the ratio of the energy scales - and the corresponding empty fluid regime - is independent of the dimensionality of the system and of the lattice structure. In addition, the model exhibits an order-disorder transition that is ferromagnetic in the re-entrant regime. The use of low-dimensional lattice models allows the simulation of sufficiently large systems to establish the nature of the liquid-vapor critical points and to describe the structure of the liquid phase in the empty fluid regime, where the size of the "voids" increases as the temperature decreases. We have found that the liquid-vapor critical point is in the 2D Ising universality class, with a scaling region that decreases rapidly as the temperature decreases. The results of simulations and theoretical analysis suggest that the line of order-disorder transitions intersects the condensation line at a multi-critical point at zero temperature and density, for patchy particle models with a re-entrant, empty fluid, regime. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3657406]


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The incorporation of small amount of highly anisotropic nanoparticles into liquid crystalline hydroxypropylcellulose (LC-HPC) matrix improves its response when is exposed to humidity gradients due to an anisotropic increment of order in the structure. Dispersed nanoparticles give rise to faster order/disorder transitions when exposed to moisture as it is qualitatively observed and quantified by stress-time measurements. The presence of carbon nanotubes derives in a improvement of the mechanical properties of LC-HPC thin films.


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Deuterium NMR was used to investigate the orientational order in a composite cellulosic formed by liquid crystalline acetoxypropylcellulose (A PC) and demented nematic 4'-penty1-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB-4 alpha d(2)) with the per centage of 85% A PC by weight Three forms of the composite including electro spun microfibers, thin film and bulk samples were analyzed The NMR results initially suggest two distinct scenarios, one whet e the 503-alpha d(2), is confined to small droplets with dimensions smaller than the magnetic coherence length and the other where the 503-alpha d(2) molecules arc aligned with the A PC network chains Polarized optical microscopy (POW from thin film samples along with all the NMR results show the presence of 5CB-alpha d(2) droplets in the composite systems with a nematic wetting layer at the APC-5CB-alpha d(2) interface that experiences and order disorder transition driven by the polymer network N-I transition The characterization of the APC network I-N transition shows a pronounced subcritical behavior within a heterogeneity scenario.


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The phase diagram of a simple model with two patches of type A and ten patches of type B (2A10B) on the face centred cubic lattice has been calculated by simulations and theory. Assuming that there is no interaction between the B patches the behavior of the system can be described in terms of the ratio of the AB and AA interactions, r. Our results show that, similarly to what happens for related off-lattice and two-dimensional lattice models, the liquid-vapor phase equilibria exhibit reentrant behavior for some values of the interaction parameters. However, for the model studied here the liquid-vapor phase equilibria occur for values of r lower than 1/3, a threshold value which was previously thought to be universal for 2AnB models. In addition, the theory predicts that below r = 1/3 (and above a new condensation threshold which is < 1/3) the reentrant liquid-vapor equilibria are so extreme that it exhibits a closed loop with a lower critical point, a very unusual behavior in single-component systems. An order-disorder transition is also observed at higher densities than the liquid-vapor equilibria, which shows that the liquid-vapor reentrancy occurs in an equilibrium region of the phase diagram. These findings may have implications in the understanding of the condensation of dipolar hard spheres given the analogy between that system and the 2AnB models considered here. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4771591]


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The phase diagram of a simple model with two patches of type A and ten patches of type B (2A10B) on the face centred cubic lattice has been calculated by simulations and theory. Assuming that there is no interaction between the B patches the behavior of the system can be described in terms of the ratio of the AB and AA interactions, r. Our results show that, similarly to what happens for related off-lattice and two-dimensional lattice models, the liquid-vapor phase equilibria exhibit reentrant behavior for some values of the interaction parameters. However, for the model studied here the liquid-vapor phase equilibria occur for values of r lower than 1/3, a threshold value which was previously thought to be universal for 2AnB models. In addition, the theory predicts that below r = 1/3 (and above a new condensation threshold which is < 1/3) the reentrant liquid-vapor equilibria are so extreme that it exhibits a closed loop with a lower critical point, a very unusual behavior in single-component systems. An order-disorder transition is also observed at higher densities than the liquid-vapor equilibria, which shows that the liquid-vapor reentrancy occurs in an equilibrium region of the phase diagram. These findings may have implications in the understanding of the condensation of dipolar hard spheres given the analogy between that system and the 2AnB models considered here.


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We consider a fluid of hard boomerangs, each composed of two hard spherocylinders joined at their ends at an angle Psi. The resulting particle is nonconvex and biaxial. The occurence of nematic order in such a system has been investigated using Straley's theory, which is a simplificaton of Onsager's second-virial treatment of long hard rods, and by bifurcation analysis. The excluded volume of two hard boomerangs has been approximated by the sum of excluded volumes of pairs of constituent spherocylinders, and the angle-dependent second-virial coefficient has been replaced by a low-order interpolating function. At the so-called Landau point, Psi(Landau)approximate to 107.4 degrees, the fluid undergoes a continuous transition from the isotropic to a biaxial nematic (B) phase. For Psi not equal Psi(Landau) ordering is via a first-order transition into a rod-like uniaxial nematic phase (N(+)) if Psi > Psi(Landau), or a plate-like uniaxial nematic (N(-)) phase if Psi < Psi(Landau). The B phase is separated from the N(+) and N(-) phases by two lines of continuous transitions meeting at the Landau point. This topology of the phase diagram is in agreement with previous studies of spheroplatelets and biaxial ellipsoids. We have checked the accuracy of our theory by performing numerical calculations of the angle-dependent second virial coefficient, which yields Psi(Landau)approximate to 110 degrees for very long rods, and Psi(Landau)approximate to 90 degrees for short rods. In the latter case, the I-N transitions occur at unphysically high packing fractions, reflecting the inappropriateness of the second-virial approximation in this limit.


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We have generalized earlier work on anchoring of nematic liquid crystals by Sullivan, and Sluckin and Poniewierski, in order to study transitions which may occur in binary mixtures of nematic liquid crystals as a function of composition. Microscopic expressions have been obtained for the anchoring energy of (i) a liquid crystal in contact with a solid aligning surface; (ii) a liquid crystal in contact with an immiscible isotropic medium; (iii) a liquid crystal mixture in contact with a solid aligning surface. For (iii), possible phase diagrams of anchoring angle versus dopant concentration have been calculated using a simple liquid crystal model. These exhibit some interesting features including re-entrant conical anchoring, for what are believed to be realistic values of the molecular parameters. A way of relaxing the most drastic approximation implicit in the above approach is also briefly discussed.


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We characterize the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal in the presence of a sawtooth substrate. Our findings are based on numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes model and analytical calculations on the Frank-Oseen theory. The nucleation of disclination lines (characterized by non-half-integer winding numbers) in the wedges and apexes of the substrate induces a leading order proportional to q ln q to the elastic contribution to the surface free-energy density, with q being the wave number associated with the substrate periodicity.


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We start by studying the existence of positive solutions for the differential equation u '' = a(x)u - g(u), with u ''(0) = u(+infinity) = 0, where a is a positive function, and g is a power or a bounded function. In other words, we are concerned with even positive homoclinics of the differential equation. The main motivation is to check that some well-known results concerning the existence of homoclinics for the autonomous case (where a is constant) are also true for the non-autonomous equation. This also motivates us to study the analogous fourth-order boundary value problem {u((4)) - cu '' + a(x)u = vertical bar u vertical bar(p-1)u u'(0) = u'''(0) = 0, u(+infinity) = u'(+infinity) = 0 for which we also find nontrivial (and, in some instances, positive) solutions.


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A transient analysis for two full-power converter wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator is studied in this article, taking into consideration, as a new contribution to earlier studies, a pitch control malfunction. The two full-power converters considered are, respectively, a two-level and a multi-level converter. Moreover, a novel control strategy based on fractional-order controllers for wind turbines is studied. Simulation results are presented; conclusions are in favor of the novel control strategy, improving the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid.


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This paper presents a new integrated model for the simulation of wind energy systems. The proposed model is more realistic and accurate, considering a variable-speed wind turbine, two-mass rotor, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), different power converter topologies, and filters. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with PMSG/full-power converter topology, based on fractional-order controllers. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with matrix and multilevel power converter topologies, in order to adequately assert the system performance in what regards the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.


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Oxide based diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) materials have been a subject of increasing interest due to reports of room temperature ferromagnetism in several systems and their potential use in the development of spintronic devices. However, concerns on the stability of the magnetic properties of different DMS systems have been raised. Their magnetic moment is often unstable, vanishing with a characteristic decay time of weeks or months, which precludes the development of real applications. This paper reports on the ferromagnetic properties of two-year-aged Ti1-xCoxO2-δ reduced anatase nanopowders with different Co contents (0.03≤x≤0.10). Aged samples retain rather high values of magnetization, remanence and coercivity which provide strong evidence for a quite preserved long-range ferromagnetic order. In what concern Co segregation, some degree of metastability of the diluted Co doped anatase structure could be inferred in the case of the sample with the higher Co content.


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We investigate nematic wetting and filling transitions of crenellated surfaces (rectangular gratings) by numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes free energy as a function of the anchoring strength, for a wide range of the surface geometrical parameters: depth, width, and separation of the crenels. We have found a rich phase behavior that depends in detail on the combination of the surface parameters. By comparison to simple fluids, which undergo a continuous filling or unbending transition, where the surface changes from a dry to a filled state, followed by a wetting or unbinding transition, where the thickness of the adsorbed fluid becomes macroscopic and the interface unbinds from the surface, nematics at crenellated surfaces reveal an intriguingly rich behavior: in shallow crenels only wetting is observed, while in deep crenels, only filling transitions occur; for intermediate surface geometrical parameters, a new class of filled states is found, characterized by bent isotropic-nematic interfaces, which persist for surfaces structured on large scales, compared to the nematic correlation length. The global phase diagram displays two wet and four filled states, all separated by first-order transitions. For crenels in the intermediate regime re-entrant filling transitions driven by the anchoring strength are observed.


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We study wetting and filling of patterned surfaces by a nematic liquid crystal. We focus on three important classes of periodic surfaces: triangular, sinusoidal and rectangular. The results highlight the similarities and differences of nematic wetting of these surfaces and wetting by simple fluids. The interplay of geometry, surface and elastic energies can lead to the suppression of either filling or wetting. The periodic rectangular surface displays re-entrant transitions, with a sequence dry-filled-wet-filled, in the relevant region of parameter space.


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Close to sinusoidal substrates, simple fluids may undergo a filling transition, in which the fluid passes from a dry to a filled state, where the interface remains unbent but bound to the substrate. Increasing the surface field, the interface unbinds and a wetting transition occurs. We show that this double-transition sequence may be strongly modified in the case of ordered fluids, such as nematic liquid crystals. Depending on the preferred orientation of the nematic molecules at the structured substrate and at the isotropic-nematic interface, the filling transition may not exist, and the fluid passes directly from a dry to a complete-wet state, with the interface far from the substrate. More interestingly, in other situations, the complete wetting transition may be prevented, and the fluid passes from a dry to a filled state, and remains in this configuration, with the interface always attached to the substrate, even for very large surface fields. Both transitions are observed only for a same substrate in a narrow range of amplitudes.