6 resultados para Occupational science

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Risk assessment considerations - The concept that “safe levels of exposure” for humans can be identified for individual chemicals is central to the risk assessment of compounds with known toxicological profiles. Selection of agents for combination chemotherapy regimens involves minimize overlapping of mechanisms of action, antitumor activity and toxicity profile. Although the toxicological profile and mechanism of action of each individual drug is well characterized, the toxicological interactions between drugs are likely, but poorly established at occupational exposure context. The synergistic nature of interactions may help in understanding the adverse health effects observed in healthcare workers, where exposure situations are characterized by complex mixtures of chemical agents, and the levels of individual exposing agents are often not sufficiently high to explain the health complaints. However, if a substance is a genotoxic carcinogen, this would be the “lead effect”; normally, no OEL based on a NOEL would be derived and the level would be set so low that it would be unlikely that other effects would be expected. Aim of the study - Recently research project developed in Portuguese Hospitals characterize the occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents and the health effects related. The project aimed to assess exposure of the different risk groups that handle antineoplastic agents in the hospital setting, namely during preparation and administration of these drugs. Here it is presented and discussed the results in a study developed in two hospitals from Lisbon.


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Although a clear correlation between levels of fungi in the air and health impacts has not been shown in epidemiological studies, fungi must be regarded as potential occupational health hazards. Fungi can have an impact on human health in four different ways: (1) they can infect humans, (2) they may act as allergens, (3) they can be toxigenic, or (4) they may cause inflammatory reactions. Fungi of concern in occupational hygiene are mostly non-pathogenic or facultative pathogenic (opportunistic) species, but are relevant as allergens and mycotoxins producers. It is known that the exclusive use of conventional methods for fungal quantification (fungal culture) may underestimate the results due to different reasons. The incubation temperature chosen will not be the most suitable for every fungal species, resulting in the inhibition of some species and the favouring of others. Differences in fungi growth rates may also result in data underestimation, since the fungal species with higher growth rates may inhibit others species’ growth. Finally, underestimated data can result from non-viable fungal particles that may have been collected or fungal species that do not grow in the culture media used, although these species may have clinical relevance in the context. Due to these constraints occupational exposure assessment, in setings with high fungal contamination levels, should follow these steps: Apply conventional methods to obtain fungal load information (air and surfaces) regarding the most critical scenario previously selected; Guideline comparation aplying or legal requirements or suggested limits by scientific and/or technical organizations. We should also compare our results with others from the same setting (if there is any); Select the most suitable indicators for each setting and apply conventional-culture methods and also molecular tools. These methodology will ensure a more real characterization of fungal burden in each setting and, consequently, permits to identify further measures regarding assessment of fungal metabolites, and also a more adequate workers health surveillance. The methodology applied to characterize fungal burden in several occupational environments, focused in Aspergillus spp. prevalence, will be present and discussed.


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Mycotoxins are an important group of naturally occurring substances known to contaminate a huge variety of agricultural products, feed and food commodities. The main concern is their widespread presence and toxic effects on humans and animals as they have been described as cytotoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, teratogenic, immunosuppressive, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic. However, until now, risk assessments and regulations have usually been performed on individual mycotoxins despite humans and animals are being frequently exposed to a multitude of mycotoxins simultaneously. Moreover, even though some exposures through inhalation and dermal contact may potentially occur, only oral ingestion has been considered as the sole route of exposure in all the evaluations. However, more recent studies have also demonstrated airborne exposure to mycotoxins in different occupational settings with emphasis on agricultural professions. In these cases, skin contact with mold-infested substrates and inhalation of spore-borne toxins are the most important sources of exposure. Still, mycotoxins are not normally recongnize as na occupational hazard and exposure is different from the one ocurring by food intake. In this case, exposure is charaterized to be acute and simultaneous to other mycotoxins and also to fungi and dust. All these features increase the challenge implicated in the risk assessment process. Some topics will be presented and discussed in detailed such as: What occupational settings should be consider in this case; possible exposure routes; exposure characterization; how to assess exposure; co-exposure; aggregate exposure and cumulative risk assessment.


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Feed production, swine and slaughterhouses were already reported as occupational environments with high fungal contamination. This condition can ultimately lead to the development of several health conditions. This study aimed to characterize the occupational exposure to fungal burden in three different settings: swine feed unit, swine units and slaughterhouse.


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Task-based approach implicates identifying all the tasks developed in each workplace aiming to refine the exposure characterization. The starting point of this approach is the recognition that only through a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of tasks is possible to understand, in more detail, the exposure scenario. In addition allows also the most suitable risk management measures identification. This approach can be also used when there is a need of identifying the workplace surfaces for sampling chemicals that have the dermal exposure route as the most important. In this case is possible to identify, through detail observation of tasks performance, the surfaces that involves higher contact (frequency) by the workers and can be contaminated. Identify the surfaces to sample when performing occupational exposure assessment to antineoplasic agents. Surfaces selection done based on the task-based approach.


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Sampling the total air concentration of particulate matter (PM) only provides a basic estimate of exposure that normally not allows correlating with the observed health effects. Therefore is of extreme importance to know the particles size distribution and, in more detail, the exposure to fine particles (≤ 2.5 µm). This particles dimension corresponds to the respirable fraction. This particle fraction can result, besides local effects, in systemic effects due to particle deposition and clearance from the lungs and transport within the organism. This study intended to describe occupational exposure to PM2.5 in three different units located near Lisbon and related with occupational exposure to organic dust, namely: swine and poultry feed production and waste management.