9 resultados para Metal-ceramic joint. Mechanical metallization. Brazing. Zirconia and stainless steel
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
When timber elements in heritage buildings are moderately degraded by fungi and assuming underlying moisture problems have been solved, two actions can be taken: i) use a biocide to stop fungal activity; ii) consolidate the degraded elements so that the timber keeps on fulfilling its structural and decorative functions. The aim of this work is to investigate the mechanical performance of maritime pine wood degraded by fungi after being treated with a biocide followed by impregnation with a polymer product. Three commercially available products were used: a boron water-based biocide, an acrylic consolidant and an epoxy-based consolidant. Treated and consolidated specimens were subjected to mechanical tests: axial compression test (NP 618), static surface hardness (ISO 3350) and bending test (NP 619). Sets of replicates were subjected to an evaporation ageing test (EN 73) after application of the products and also tested for mechanical behaviour. An increase in mechanical strength was observed for both consolidants with no significant influence from the previous use of biocide product. The specimens subjected to ageing showed a slightly better general mechanical performance.
The present study aims to characterize ultrafine particles emitted during gas metal arc welding of mild steel and stainless steel, using different shielding gas mixtures, and to evaluate the effect of metal transfer modes, controlled by both processing parameters and shielding gas composition, on the quantity and morphology of the ultrafine particles. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and the heat input of the Welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles increases with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the shielding gas mixtures, higher emissions were observed for more oxidizing mixtures, that is, with higher CO2 content, which means that these mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles. by cubic centimeter of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding welders exposure.
This paper describes the use of a Control Banding Tool to assess and further control of exposure of nanoparticles emitted during welding operations. The tool was applied to Metal Active Gas (MAG) arc welding of mild and stainless steel, providing semi-quantitative data on the process, so that protection measures could be derived, e.g. exhaust gas ventilation by hoods, local ventilation devices and containment measures. This tool is quite useful to compare and evaluate the characteristics of arc welding procedures so that more eco-friendly processes could be preferred over the more potentially noxious ones.
Toluene hydrogenation was studied over catalysts based on Pt supported on large pore zeolites (HUSY and HBEA) with different metal/acid ratios. Acidity of zeolites was assessed by pyridine adsorption followed by FTIR showing only small changes before and after Pt introduction. Metal dispersion was determined by H2–O2 titration and verified by a linear correlation with the intensity of Pt0–CO band obtained by in situ FTIR. It was also observed that the electronic properties of Pt0 clusters were similar for the different catalysts. Catalytic tests showed rapid catalyst deactivation with an activity loss of 80–95% after 60 min of reaction. The turnover frequency of fresh catalysts depended both on metal dispersion and the support. For the same support, it changed by a 1.7-fold (HBEA) and 4.0-fold (HUSY) showing that toluene hydrogenation is structure-sensitive, i.e. hydrogenating activity is not a unique function of accessible metal. This was proposed to be due to the contribution to the overall activity of the hydrogenation of adsorbed toluene on acid sites via hydrogen spillover. Taking into account the role of zeolite acidity, the catalysts series were compared by the activity per total adsorbing sites which was observed to increase steadily with nPt/(nPt + nA). An increase of the accessible Pt atoms leads to an increase on the amount of spilled over hydrogen available in acid sites therefore increasing the overall activity. Pt/HBEA catalysts were found to be more active per total adsorbing site than Pt/HUSY which is proposed to be due to an augmentation in the efficiency of spilled over hydrogen diffusion related to the proximity between Pt clusters and acid sites. The intervention of Lewis acid sites in a greater extent than that measured by pyridine adsorption may also contribute to this higher activity of Pt/HBEA catalysts. These results reinforce the importance of model reactions as a closer perspective to the relevant catalyst properties in reaction conditions.
We discuss the operation of a new type of optical sensor (MISCam) based on a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure. The operation principle relies on light-induced changes of the band bending and barrier height at the interface between semiconductor and insulator. An image is obtained from the quenching of the ac signal in analogy to the principle of the laser-scanned photodiode (LSP). Lateral resolution depends on the semiconductor material chosen. We have characterised the MIS structures by C-V, I-V, and spectral response measurements testing different types of insulators like a-Si3N4, SiO2, and AlN. The presence of slow interface charges allows for image memory. Colour sensors can be realised by controlling sign and magnitude of the electric fields in the base and the interface region.
This study focus on the probabilistic modelling of mechanical properties of prestressing strands based on data collected from tensile tests carried out in Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Portugal, for certification purposes, and covers a period of about 9 years of production. The strands studied were produced by six manufacturers from four countries, namely Portugal, Spain, Italy and Thailand. Variability of the most important mechanical properties is examined and the results are compared with the recommendations of the Probabilistic Model Code, as well as the Eurocodes and earlier studies. The obtained results show a very low variability which, of course, benefits structural safety. Based on those results, probabilistic models for the most important mechanical properties of prestressing strands are proposed.
Functionally graded composite materials can provide continuously varying properties, which distribution can vary according to a specific location within the composite. More frequently, functionally graded materials consider a through thickness variation law, which can be more or less smoother, possessing however an important characteristic which is the continuous properties variation profiles, which eliminate the abrupt stresses discontinuities found on laminated composites. This study aims to analyze the transient dynamic behavior of sandwich structures, having a metallic core and functionally graded outer layers. To this purpose, the properties of the particulate composite metal-ceramic outer layers, are estimated using Mod-Tanaka scheme and the dynamic analyses considers first order and higher order shear deformation theories implemented though kriging finite element method. The transient dynamic response of these structures is carried out through Bossak-Newmark method. The illustrative cases presented in this work, consider the influence of the shape functions interpolation domain, the properties through-thickness distribution, the influence of considering different materials, aspect ratios and boundary conditions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Taking as starting points the books The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience, by Vivian Sobchak, and Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, by Jacques Lacan, this article proposes to look at two well renowned film objects – Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954, USA) and Peeping Tom (Michael Powell, 1960, UK) – in order to equate two forms of perception that, all things considered, come together as one: the perception of the mechanical apparatuses that record and project film and the optical and mental apparatuses that operate on the human filmmakers as well as their intradiegetic protagonists. In fact, these two films not only explore the characteristics and limits of vision and affection in their diegetic world, that is part of the filmmaker’s world itself, but reveals just how much the human lives through the eye and the expression of the machine itself. Film ontology is foremost a matter of (re)production rather than creation.
In this work, plasticizer agents were incorporated in a chitosan based formulation, as a strategy to improve the fragile structure of chitosan based-materials. Three different plasticizers: ethylene glycol, glycerol and sorbitol, were blended with chitosan to prepare 3D dense chitosan specimens. The properties of the obtained structures were assessed for mechanical, microstructural, physical and biocompatibility behavior. The results obtained revealed that from the different specimens prepared, the blend of chitosan with glycerol has superior mechanical properties and good biological behavior, making this chitosan based formulation a good candidate to improve robust chitosan structures for the construction of bioabsorbable orthopedic implants.