8 resultados para Lung`s volume in time

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Introduction - Poultry workers can be at an increased risk of occupational respiratory diseases, like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Spirometry screening is fundamental to early diagnosis trough the identification of related ventilatory defects. Purpose - We aimed to assess the prevalence of lung function abnormalities in poultry workers.


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Este estudo analisa o modo como se desenvolve a aprendizagem do conceito de volume nos alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade, no quadro de uma proposta pedagógica que dá ênfase a actividades que apelam à visualização e ao raciocínio espacial. O seu objectivo principal foi o de compreender as ideias que os alunos do 6.º ano têm sobre volume e perceber como se desenvolvem quando são envolvidos numa experiência de ensino, tendo por base uma cadeia de tarefas que apelam à visualização e ao raciocínio espacial. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa baseada em estudos de caso. A proposta pedagógica foi desenvolvida em quatro aulas; três de noventa minutos e uma de quarenta e cinco minutos, durante os 2º e 3º períodos do ano lectivo de 2009/2010. A recolha de dados envolveu a realização de gravações áudio, em ambiente de sala de aula, dos alunos que constituíram os estudos de caso, registo de observações do desempenho dos alunos e os documentos produzidos por estes. Os resultados mostram que, ao longo da proposta pedagógica, os alunos adquiriram estratégias de contagem que lhes permitiram criar estruturas, para compreender a organização dos paralelepípedos e desenvolver o conceito de volume. iii ABSTRACT This study examines how 6th graders’ students develop the concept of volume in a learning experience context which emphasizes the visualization and spatial reasoning. The main objective of this study is to understand the ideas of 6th grade students about volume and see how they develop them when they are involved in a learning experience, based on a sequence of tasks that call for visualization and spatial reasoning. The study followed a qualitative research methodology based on case studies. The learning experience was developed in four classes, three ninety minutes period and one forty-five minutes, during the 2nd and 3rd terms of the school year 2009/2010. Data collection involved the use of audio recordings in the classroom environment, recording observations of student performance and the documents produced by them. The results showed that, over the learning experience, students acquired counting strategies that allowed them to create structures for understanding the organization of cubes arrays and develop the concept of volume.


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Formaldehyde (CH2O), the most simple and reactive aldehyde, is a colorless, reactive and readily polymerizing gas at room temperature (National Toxicology Program [NTP]. It has a pungent suffocating odor that is recognized by most human subjects at concentrations below 1 ppm. Aleksandr Butlerov synthesized the chemical in 1859, but it was August Wilhelm von Hofmann who identified it as the product formed from passing methanol and air over a heated platinum spiral in 1867. This method is still the basis for the industrial production of formaldehyde today, in which methanol is oxidized using a metal catalyst. By the early 20th century, with the explosion of knowledge in chemistry and physics, coupled with demands for more innovative synthetic products, the scene was set for the birth of a new material–plastics. According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Formaldehyde annual production rises up to 21 million tons worldwide and it has increased in China with 7.5 million tons produced in 2007. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Commercially, formaldehyde is manufactured as an aqueous solution called formalin, usually containing 37% by weight of dissolved formaldehyde. This chemical is present in all regions of the atmosphere arising from the oxidation of biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons. Formaldehyde concentration levels range typically from 2 to 45 ppbV (parts per billion in a given volume) in urban settings that are mainly governed by primary emissions and secondary formation.


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The aim of this study was the assessment of exposure to ultrafine in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, and consisted of the determination of deposited alveolar surface area in an avenue leading to the town center during late spring. This study revealed differentiated patterns for weekdays and weekends, which could be related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, ultrafine particles alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 μm2/cm3, which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and the United States. These measurements were also complemented by measuring the electrical mobility diameter (varying from 18.3 to 128.3 nm) and number of particles that showed higher values than those previously reported for Madrid and Brisbane. Also, electron microscopy showed that the collected particles were composed of carbonaceous agglomerates, typical of particles emitted by the exhaustion of diesel vehicles. Implications: The approach of this study considers the measurement of surface deposited alveolar area of particles in the outdoor urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal. This type of measurements has not been done so far. Only particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 (PM2.5) and >10 (PM10) μm have been measured in outdoor environments and the levels found cannot be found responsible for all the observed health effects. Therefore, the exposure to nano- and ultrafine particles has not been assessed systematically, and several authors consider this as a real knowledge gap and claim for data such as these that will allow for deriving better and more comprehensive epidemiologic studies. Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) equipments are recent ones and their use has been limited to indoor atmospheres. However, as this study shows, NSAM is a very powerful tool for outdoor environments also. As most lung diseases are, in fact, related to deposition of the alveolar region of the lung, the metric used in this study is the ideal one.


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Quando aplicada no âmbito da Anatomia Patológica, a imuno-histoquímica tem constituído um poderoso meio de identificação/caracterização de várias estruturas histológicas, permitindo delinear prognóstico e terapêutica para várias patologias. Tendo em conta que as amostras histológicas analisadas podem ser conservadas ao longo de vários anos, interessa avaliar a manutenção da antigenicidade ao longo do tempo, de forma a garantir a qualidade final da técnica quando aplicada em material de arquivo. Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a imunorreatividade do material histológico arquivado durante um, quatro e sete anos. Foi utilizado material histológico de próstata, pulmão e mama, no qual se procedeu à imunomarcação de citoqueratinas (Clones AE1/AE3), CD34 e proteína p63, por método de multímero/HRP no sistema Ventana BenchMark Ultra®. Foi realizado um ensaio com recuperação antigênica por alta temperatura (RAAT) e outro sem esta etapa. As imunomarcações (n=162) foram classificadas por três avaliadores independentes num escore quantitativo final (escala 0-100). O par média/desvio-padrão do escore final para os casos com sete anos foi de 69,06/19,05, para os casos com quatro anos foi de 66,47/20,73 e para os casos com um ano foi de 69,08/19,35, não se tendo encontrado diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Os casos sem RAAT obtiveram um par média/desvio-padrão de 54,90/17,00, enquanto os casos com RAAT obtiveram 81,50/11,60, o que revelou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p=0,000). Para os casos em estudo conclui-se que o fator “tempo de arquivo” não está associado a alterações da imunorreatividade. A importância da RAAT na obtenção de imunomarcação de qualidade sai fortemente realçada. ABSTRACT - When applied within the framework of Pathology, immunohistochemistry has been a powerful means of identification/characterization of various histological structures, allowing to outline prognosis and therapy for various diseases. Given that the analyzed histological samples can be preserved for several years, it is interesting to assess the retention of antigenicity over time in order to ensure the quality of the final technique, when applied to stored material. Thus, the main objective of this study was to compare the immunoreactivity of the histological material archived for one, four and seven years. It was used histological material from prostate, lung and breast, in which it was performed the immunostaining of cytokeratins (clones AE1/AE3), CD34 and p63 protein by the method of multimer/HRP system on a Ventana BenchMark Ultra®. It was conducted a test with heat induced epitope retrieval (HIER) and another one without this step. The stained slides (n=162) were classified by three independent assessors using a quantitative score (scale 0-100). The pair mean/standard deviation of the score for cases with seven years was 69,06/19,05, for cases with four years was 66,47/20,73 and for cases with one year was 69,08/19,35, which did not revealed any statistically significant differences. The cases without HIER had a couple mean/standard deviation of 54.90/17.00 while the cases with HIER obtained 81.50/11.60, which revealed statistically significant differences (p=0.000). For this case study it was concluded that the factor archive period is not associated with changes in immunoreactivity. The importance of HIER in obtaining high quality immunostaining comes out strongly highlighted.


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Philosophical Magazine Letters Volume 88, Issue 9-10, 2008 Special Issue: Solid and Liquid Foams. In commemoration of Manuel Amaral Fortes


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The aim of this study was the assessment of exposure to ultrafine in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, and consisted of the determination of deposited alveolar surface area in an avenue leading to the town center during late spring. This study revealed differentiated patterns for weekdays and weekends, which could be related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, ultrafine particles alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 mu m(2)/cm(3), which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and the United States. These measurements were also complemented by measuring the electrical mobility diameter (varying from 18.3 to 128.3 nm) and number of particles that showed higher values than those previously reported for Madrid and Brisbane. Also, electron microscopy showed that the collected particles were composed of carbonaceous agglomerates, typical of particles emitted by the exhaustion of diesel vehicles. Implications: The approach of this study considers the measurement of surface deposited alveolar area of particles in the outdoor urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal. This type of measurements has not been done so far. Only particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 (PM2.5) and >10 (PM10) mu m have been measured in outdoor environments and the levels found cannot be found responsible for all the observed health effects. Therefore, the exposure to nano- and ultrafine particles has not been assessed systematically, and several authors consider this as a real knowledge gap and claim for data such as these that will allow for deriving better and more comprehensive epidemiologic studies. Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) equipments are recent ones and their use has been limited to indoor atmospheres. However, as this study shows, NSAM is a very powerful tool for outdoor environments also. As most lung diseases are, in fact, related to deposition of the alveolar region of the lung, the metric used in this study is the ideal one.


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The study of transient dynamical phenomena near bifurcation thresholds has attracted the interest of many researchers due to the relevance of bifurcations in different physical or biological systems. In the context of saddle-node bifurcations, where two or more fixed points collide annihilating each other, it is known that the dynamics can suffer the so-called delayed transition. This phenomenon emerges when the system spends a lot of time before reaching the remaining stable equilibrium, found after the bifurcation, because of the presence of a saddle-remnant in phase space. Some works have analytically tackled this phenomenon, especially in time-continuous dynamical systems, showing that the time delay, tau, scales according to an inverse square-root power law, tau similar to (mu-mu (c) )(-1/2), as the bifurcation parameter mu, is driven further away from its critical value, mu (c) . In this work, we first characterize analytically this scaling law using complex variable techniques for a family of one-dimensional maps, called the normal form for the saddle-node bifurcation. We then apply our general analytic results to a single-species ecological model with harvesting given by a unimodal map, characterizing the delayed transition and the scaling law arising due to the constant of harvesting. For both analyzed systems, we show that the numerical results are in perfect agreement with the analytical solutions we are providing. The procedure presented in this work can be used to characterize the scaling laws of one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems with saddle-node bifurcations.