24 resultados para Linear chains, critical exponents, complex networks, vehicular traffic

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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We use a simple model of associating fluids which consists of spherical particles having a hard-core repulsion, complemented by three short-ranged attractive sites on the surface (sticky spots). Two of the spots are of type A and one is of type B; the bonding interactions between each pair of spots have strengths epsilon(AA), epsilon(BB), and epsilon(AB). The theory is applied over the whole range of bonding strengths and the results are interpreted in terms of the equilibrium cluster structures of the phases. In addition to our numerical results, we derive asymptotic expansions for the free energy in the limits for which there is no liquid-vapor critical point: linear chains (epsilon(AA)not equal 0, epsilon(AB)=epsilon(BB)=0), hyperbranched polymers (epsilon(AB)not equal 0, epsilon(AA)=epsilon(BB)=0), and dimers (epsilon(BB)not equal 0, epsilon(AA)=epsilon(AB)=0). These expansions also allow us to calculate the structure of the critical fluid by perturbing around the above limits, yielding three different types of condensation: of linear chains (AA clusters connected by a few AB or BB bonds); of hyperbranched polymers (AB clusters connected by AA bonds); or of dimers (BB clusters connected by AA bonds). Interestingly, there is no critical point when epsilon(AA) vanishes despite the fact that AA bonds alone cannot drive condensation.


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The criticality of self-assembled rigid rods on triangular lattices is investigated using Monte Carlo simulation. We find a continuous transition between an ordered phase, where the rods are oriented along one of the three (equivalent) lattice directions, and a disordered one. We conclude that equilibrium polydispersity of the rod lengths does not affect the critical behavior, as we found that the criticality is the same as that of monodisperse rodson the same lattice, in contrast with the results of recently published work on similar models. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3556665]


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We comment on the nature of the ordering transition of a model of equilibrium polydisperse rigid rods on the square lattice, which is reported by Lopez et al. to exhibit random percolation criticality in the canonical ensemble, in sharp contrast to (i) our results of Ising criticality for the same model in the grand canonical ensemble [Phys. Rev. E 82, 061117 (2010)] and (ii) the absence of exponent(s) renormalization for constrained systems with logarithmic specific-heat anomalies predicted on very general grounds by Fisher [Phys. Rev. 176, 257 (1968)].


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Nowadays, the cooperative intelligent transport systems are part of a largest system. Transportations are modal operations integrated in logistics and, logistics is the main process of the supply chain management. The supply chain strategic management as a simultaneous local and global value chain is a collaborative/cooperative organization of stakeholders, many times in co-opetition, to perform a service to the customers respecting the time, place, price and quality levels. The transportation, like other logistics operations must add value, which is achieved in this case through compression lead times and order fulfillments. The complex supplier's network and the distribution channels must be efficient and the integral visibility (monitoring and tracing) of supply chain is a significant source of competitive advantage. Nowadays, the competition is not discussed between companies but among supply chains. This paper aims to evidence the current and emerging manufacturing and logistics system challenges as a new field of opportunities for the automation and control systems research community. Furthermore, the paper forecasts the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies integrated into an information and communication technologies (ICT) framework based on distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) supported by a multi-agent system (MAS), as the most value advantage of supply chain management (SCM) in a cooperative intelligent logistics systems. Logistical platforms (production or distribution) as nodes of added value of supplying and distribution networks are proposed as critical points of the visibility of the inventory, where these technological needs are more evident.


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Agências financiadoras: FCT - PEstOE/FIS/UI0618/2011; PTDC/FIS/098254/2008 ERC-PATCHYCOLLOIDS e MIUR-PRIN


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In this work a mixed integer optimization linear programming (MILP) model was applied to mixed line rate (MLR) IP over WDM and IP over OTN over WDM (with and without OTN grooming) networks, with aim to reduce network energy consumption. Energy-aware and energy-aware & short-path routing techniques were used. Simulations were made based on a real network topology as well as on forecasts of traffic matrix based on statistical data from 2005 up to 2017. Energy aware routing optimization model on IPoWDM network, showed the lowest energy consumption along all years, and once compared with energy-aware & short-path routing, has led to an overall reduction in energy consumption up to 29%, expecting to save even more than shortest-path routing. © 2014 IEEE.


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As vias de comunicação são indispensáveis para o desenvolvimento de uma nação, económica e socialmente. Num mundo globalizado, onde tudo deve chegar ao seu destino no menor espaço de tempo, as vias de comunicação assumem um papel vital. Assim, torna-se essencial construir e manter uma rede de transportes eficiente. Apesar de não ser o método mais eficiente, o transporte rodoviário é muitas vezes o mais económico e possibilita o transporte porta-a-porta, sendo em muitos casos o único meio de transporte possível. Por estas razões, o modo rodoviário tem uma quota significativa no mercado dos transportes, seja de passageiros ou mercadorias, tornando-o extremamente importante na rede de transportes de um país. Os países europeus fizeram um grande investimento na criação de extensas redes de estradas, cobrindo quase todo o seu território. Neste momento, começa-se a atingir o ponto onde a principal preocu+ação das entidades gestoras de estradas deixa de ser a construção de novas vias, passando a focar-se na necessidade de manutenção e conservação das vias existentes. Os pavimentos rodoviários, como todas as outras construções, requerem manutenção de forma a garantir bons níveis de serviço com qualidade, conforto e segurança. Devido aos custos inerentes às operações de manutenção de pavimentos, estas devem rigorosamente e com base em critérios científicos bem definidos. Assim, pretende-se evitar intervenções desnecessárias, mas também impedir que os danos se tornem irreparáveis e economicamente prejudiciais, com repercussões na segurança dos utilizadores. Para se estimar a vida útil de um pavimento é essencial realizar primeiro a caracterização estrutural do mesmo. Para isso, torna-se necessário conhecer o tipo de estrutura de um pavimento, nomeadamente a espessura e o módulo de elasticidade constituintes. A utilização de métodos de ensaio não destrutivos é cada vez mais reconhecida como uma forma eficaz para obter informações sobre o comportamento estrutural de pavimentos. Para efectuar estes ensaios, existem vários equipamentos. No entanto, dois deles, o Deflectómetro de Impacto e o Radar de Prospecção, têm demonstrado ser particularmente eficientes para avaliação da capacidade de carga de um pavimento, sendo estes equipamentos utilizados no âmbito deste estudo. Assim, para realização de ensaios de carga em pavimentos, o equipamento Deflectómetro de Impacto tem sido utilizado com sucesso para medir as deflexões à superfície de um pavimento em pontos pré-determinados quando sujeito a uma carga normalizada de forma a simular o efeito da passagem da roda de um camião. Complementarmente, para a obtenção de informações contínuas sobre a estrutura de um pavimento, o equipamento Radar de Prospecção permite conhecer o número de camadas e as suas espessuras através da utilização de ondas electromagnéticas. Os dados proporcionam, quando usados em conjunto com a realização de sondagens à rotação e poços em alguns locais, permitem uma caracterização mais precisa da condição estrutural de um pavimento e o estabelecimento de modelos de resposta, no caso de pavimentos existentes. Por outro lado, o processamento dos dados obtidos durante os ensaios “in situ” revela-se uma tarefa morosa e complexa. Actualmente, utilizando as espessuras das camadas do pavimento, os módulos de elasticidade das camadas são calculados através da “retro-análise” da bacia de deflexões medida nos ensaios de carga. Este método é iterativo, sendo que um engenheiro experiente testa várias estruturas diferentes de pavimento, até se obter uma estrutura cuja resposta seja o mais próximo possível da obtida durante os ensaios “in Situ”. Esta tarefa revela-se muito dependente da experiência do engenheiro, uma vez que as estruturas de pavimento a serem testadas maioritariamente do seu raciocínio. Outra desvantagem deste método é o facto de apresentar soluções múltiplas, dado que diferentes estruturas podem apresentar modelos de resposta iguais. A solução aceite é, muitas vezes, a que se julga mais provável, baseando-se novamente no raciocínio e experiência do engenheiro. A solução para o problema da enorme quantidade de dados a processar e das múltiplas soluções possíveis poderá ser a utilização de Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA) para auxiliar esta tarefa. As redes neuronais são elementos computacionais virtuais, cujo funcionamento é inspirado na forma como os sistemas nervosos biológicos, como o cérebro, processam a informação. Estes elementos são compostos por uma série de camadas, que por sua vez são compostas por neurónios. Durante a transmissão da informação entre neurónios, esta é modificada pela aplicação de um coeficiente, denominado “peso”. As redes neuronais apresentam uma habilidade muito útil, uma vez que são capazes de mapear uma função sem conhecer a sua fórmula matemática. Esta habilidade é utilizada em vários campos científicos como o reconhecimento de padrões, classificação ou compactação de dados. De forma a possibilitar o uso desta característica, a rede deverá ser devidamente “treinada” antes, processo realizado através da introdução de dois conjuntos de dados: os valores de entrada e os valores de saída pretendidos. Através de um processo cíclico de propagação da informação através das ligações entre neurónios, as redes ajustam-se gradualmente, apresentando melhores resultados. Apesar de existirem vários tipos de redes, as que aparentam ser as mais aptas para esta tarefa são as redes de retro-propagação. Estas possuem uma característica importante, nomeadamente o treino denominado “treino supervisionado”. Devido a este método de treino, as redes funcionam dentro da gama de variação dos dados fornecidos para o “treino” e, consequentemente, os resultados calculados também se encontram dentro da mesma gama, impedindo o aparecimento de soluções matemáticas com impossibilidade prática. De forma a tornar esta tarefa ainda mais simples, foi desenvolvido um programa de computador, NNPav, utilizando as RNA como parte integrante do seu processo de cálculo. O objectivo é tornar o processo de “retro-análise” totalmente automático e prevenir erros induzidos pela falta de experiência do utilizador. De forma a expandir ainda mais as funcionalidades do programa, foi implementado um processo de cálculo que realiza uma estimativa da capacidade de carga e da vida útil restante do pavimento, recorrendo a dois critérios de ruína. Estes critérios são normalmente utilizados no dimensionamento de pavimentos, de forma a prevenir o fendilhamento por fadiga e as deformações permanentes. Desta forma, o programa criado permite a estimativa da vida útil restante de um pavimento de forma eficiente, directamente a partir das deflexões e espessuras das camadas, medidas nos ensaios “in situ”. Todos os passos da caracterização estrutural do pavimento são efectuados pelo NNPav, seja recorrendo à utilização de redes neuronais ou a processos de cálculo matemático, incluindo a correcção do módulo de elasticidade da camada de misturas betuminosas para a temperatura de projecto e considerando as características de tráfego e taxas de crescimento do mesmo. Os testes efectuados às redes neuronais revelaram que foram alcançados resultados satisfatórios. Os níveis de erros na utilização de redes neuronais são semelhantes aos obtidos usando modelos de camadas linear-elásticas, excepto para o cálculo da vida útil com base num dos critérios, onde os erros obtidos foram mais altos. No entanto, este processo revela-se bastante mais rápido e possibilita o processamento dos dados por pessoal com menos experiência. Ao mesmo tempo, foi assegurado que nos ficheiros de resultados é possível analisar todos os dados calculados pelo programa, em várias fases de processamento de forma a permitir a análise detalhada dos mesmos. A possibilidade de estimar a capacidade de carga e a vida útil restante de um pavimento, contempladas no programa desenvolvido, representam também ferramentas importantes. Basicamente, o NNPav permite uma análise estrutural completa de um pavimento, estimando a sua vida útil com base nos ensaios de campo realizados pelo Deflectómetro de Impacto e pelo Radar de Prospecção, num único passo. Complementarmente, foi ainda desenvolvido e implementado no NNPav um módulo destinado ao dimensionamento de pavimentos novos. Este módulo permite que, dado um conjunto de estruturas de pavimento possíveis, seja estimada a capacidade de carga e a vida útil daquele pavimento. Este facto permite a análise de uma grande quantidade de estruturas de pavimento, e a fácil comparação dos resultados no ficheiro exportado. Apesar dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho serem bastante satisfatórios, os desenvolvimentos futuros na aplicação de Redes Neuronais na avaliação de pavimentos são ainda mais promissores. Uma vez que este trabalho foi limitado a uma moldura temporal inerente a um trabalho académico, a possibilidade de melhorar ainda mais a resposta das RNA fica em aberto. Apesar dos vários testes realizados às redes, de forma a obter as arquitecturas que apresentassem melhores resultados, as arquitecturas possíveis são virtualmente ilimitadas e pode ser uma área a aprofundar. As funcionalidades implementadas no programa foram as possíveis, dentro da moldura temporal referida, mas existem muitas funcionalidades a serem adicinadas ou expandidas, aumentando a funcionalidade do programa e a sua produtividade. Uma vez que esta é uma ferramenta que pode ser aplicada ao nível de gestão de redes rodoviárias, seria necessário estudar e desenvolver redes similares de forma a avaliar outros tipos de estruturas de pavimentos. Como conclusão final, apesar dos vários aspectos que podem, e devem ser melhorados, o programa desenvolvido provou ser uma ferramenta bastante útil e eficiente na avaliação estrutural de pavimentos com base em métodos de ensaio não destrutivos.


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The present work involves the use of p-tert-butylcalix[4,6,8]arene carboxylic acid derivatives ((t)Butyl[4,6,8]CH2COOH) for selective extraction of hemoglobin. All three calixarenes extracted hemoglobin into the organic phase, exhibiting extraction parameters higher than 0.90. Evaluation of the solvent accessible positively charged amino acid side chains of hemoglobin (PDB entry 1XZ2) revealed that there are 8 arginine, 44 lysine and 30 histidine residues on the protein surface which may be involved in the interactions with the calixarene molecules. The hemoglobin-(t)Butyl[6]CH2COOH complex had pseudoperoxidase activity which catalysed the oxidation of syringaldazine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide in organic medium containing chloroform. The effect of pH, protein and substrate concentrations on biocatalysis was investigated using the hemoglobin-(t)Butyl[6]CH2COOH complex. This complex exhibited the highest specific activity of 9.92 x 10(-2) U mg protein(-1) at an initial pH of 7.5 in organic medium. Apparent kinetic parameters (V'(max), K'(m), k'(cat) and k'(cat)/K'(m)) for the pseudoperoxidase activity were determined in organic media for different pH values from a Michaelis-Menten plot. Furthermore, the stability of the protein-calixarene complex was investigated for different initial pH values and half-life (t(1/2)) values were obtained in the range of 1.96 and 2.64 days. Hemoglobin-calixarene complex present in organic medium was recovered in fresh aqueous solutions at alkaline pH, with a recovery of pseudoperoxidase activity of over 100%. These results strongly suggest that the use of calixarene derivatives is an alternative technique for protein extraction and solubilisation in organic media for biocatalysis.


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Integrated manufacturing constitutes a complex system made of heterogeneous information and control subsystems. Those subsystems are not designed to the cooperation. Typically each subsystem automates specific processes, and establishes closed application domains, therefore it is very difficult to integrate it with other subsystems in order to respond to the needed process dynamics. Furthermore, to cope with ever growing marketcompetition and demands, it is necessary for manufacturing/enterprise systems to increase their responsiveness based on up-to-date knowledge and in-time data gathered from the diverse information and control systems. These have created new challenges for manufacturing sector, and even bigger challenges for collaborative manufacturing. The growing complexity of the information and communication technologies when coping with innovative business services based on collaborative contributions from multiple stakeholders, requires novel and multidisciplinary approaches. Service orientation is a strategic approach to deal with such complexity, and various stakeholders' information systems. Services or more precisely the autonomous computational agents implementing the services, provide an architectural pattern able to cope with the needs of integrated and distributed collaborative solutions. This paper proposes a service-oriented framework, aiming to support a virtual organizations breeding environment that is the basis for establishing short or long term goal-oriented virtual organizations. The notion of integrated business services, where customers receive some value developed through the contribution from a network of companies is a key element.


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Video coding technologies have played a major role in the explosion of large market digital video applications and services. In this context, the very popular MPEG-x and H-26x video coding standards adopted a predictive coding paradigm, where complex encoders exploit the data redundancy and irrelevancy to 'control' much simpler decoders. This codec paradigm fits well applications and services such as digital television and video storage where the decoder complexity is critical, but does not match well the requirements of emerging applications such as visual sensor networks where the encoder complexity is more critical. The Slepian Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems brought the possibility to develop the so-called Wyner-Ziv video codecs, following a different coding paradigm where it is the task of the decoder, and not anymore of the encoder, to (fully or partly) exploit the video redundancy. Theoretically, Wyner-Ziv video coding does not incur in any compression performance penalty regarding the more traditional predictive coding paradigm (at least for certain conditions). In the context of Wyner-Ziv video codecs, the so-called side information, which is a decoder estimate of the original frame to code, plays a critical role in the overall compression performance. For this reason, much research effort has been invested in the past decade to develop increasingly more efficient side information creation methods. This paper has the main objective to review and evaluate the available side information methods after proposing a classification taxonomy to guide this review, allowing to achieve more solid conclusions and better identify the next relevant research challenges. After classifying the side information creation methods into four classes, notably guess, try, hint and learn, the review of the most important techniques in each class and the evaluation of some of them leads to the important conclusion that the side information creation methods provide better rate-distortion (RD) performance depending on the amount of temporal correlation in each video sequence. It became also clear that the best available Wyner-Ziv video coding solutions are almost systematically based on the learn approach. The best solutions are already able to systematically outperform the H.264/AVC Intra, and also the H.264/AVC zero-motion standard solutions for specific types of content. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the last years it has become increasingly clear that the mammalian transcriptome is highly complex and includes a large number of small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Here we review the biogenesis pathways of the three classes of sncRNAs, namely short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs) and PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). These ncRNAs have been extensively studied and are involved in pathways leading to specific gene silencing and the protection of genomes against virus and transposons, for example. Also, lncRNAs have emerged as pivotal molecules for the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression which is supported by their tissue-specific expression patterns, subcellular distribution, and developmental regulation. Therefore, we also focus our attention on their role in differentiation and development. SncRNAs and lncRNAs play critical roles in defining DNA methylation patterns, as well as chromatin remodeling thus having a substantial effect in epigenetics. The identification of some overlaps in their biogenesis pathways and functional roles raises the hypothesis that these molecules play concerted functions in vivo, creating complex regulatory networks where cooperation with regulatory proteins is necessary. We also highlighted the implications of biogenesis and gene expression deregulation of sncRNAs and lncRNAs in human diseases like cancer.


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The evolution of hybrid polyploid vertebrates, their viability and their perpetuation over evolutionary time have always been questions of great interest. However, little is known about the impact of hybridization and polyploidization on the regulatory networks that guarantee the appropriate quantitative and qualitative gene expression programme. The Squalius alburnoides complex of hybrid fish is an attractive system to address these questions, as it includes a wide variety of diploid and polyploid forms, and intricate systems of genetic exchange. Through the study of genome-specific allele expression of seven housekeeping and tissue-specific genes, we found that a gene copy silencing mechanism of dosage compensation exists throughout the distribution range of the complex. Here we show that the allele-specific patterns of silencing vary within the complex, according to the geographical origin and the type of genome involved in the hybridization process. In southern populations, triploids of S. alburnoides show an overall tendency for silencing the allele from the minority genome, while northern population polyploids exhibit preferential biallelic gene expression patterns, irrespective of genomic composition. The present findings further suggest that gene copy silencing and variable expression of specific allele combinations may be important processes in vertebrate polyploid evolution.


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The regulatory mechanisms by which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) modulates the activity of transcription factors in bacteria (OxyR and PerR), lower eukaryotes (Yap1, Maf1, Hsf1 and Msn2/4) and mammalian cells (AP-1, NRF2, CREB, HSF1, HIF-1, TP53, NF-κB, NOTCH, SP1 and SCREB-1) are reviewed. The complexity of regulatory networks increases throughout the phylogenetic tree, reaching a high level of complexity in mammalians. Multiple H2O2 sensors and pathways are triggered converging in the regulation of transcription factors at several levels: (1) synthesis of the transcription factor by upregulating transcription or increasing both mRNA stability and translation; (ii) stability of the transcription factor by decreasing its association with the ubiquitin E3 ligase complex or by inhibiting this complex; (iii) cytoplasm-nuclear traffic by exposing/masking nuclear localization signals, or by releasing the transcription factor from partners or from membrane anchors; and, (iv) DNA binding and nuclear transactivation by modulating transcription factor affinity towards DNA, co-activators or repressors, and by targeting specific regions of chromatin to activate individual genes. We also discuss how H2O2 biological specificity results from diverse thiol protein sensors, with different reactivity of their sulfhydryl groups towards H2O2, being activated by different concentrations and times of exposure to H2O2. The specific regulation of local H2O2 concentrations is also crucial and results from H2O2 localized production and removal controlled by signals. Finally, we formulate equations to extract from typical experiments quantitative data concerning H2O2 reactivity with sensor molecules. Rate constants of 140 M-1s−1 and ≥ 1.3 × 103 M-1s−1 were estimated, respectively, for the reaction of H2O2 with KEAP1 and with an unknown target that mediates NRF2 protein synthesis. In conclusion, the multitude of H2O2 targets and mechanisms provides an opportunity for highly specific effects on gene regulation that depend on the cell type and on signals received from the cellular microenvironment.


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We investigate the influence of strong directional, or bonding, interactions on the phase diagram of complex fluids, and in particular on the liquid-vapour critical point. To this end we revisit a simple model and theory for associating fluids which consist of spherical particles having a hard-core repulsion, complemented by three short-ranged attractive sites on the surface (sticky spots). Two of the spots are of type A and one is of type B; the interactions between each pair of spots have strengths [image omitted], [image omitted] and [image omitted]. The theory is applied over the whole range of bonding strengths and results are interpreted in terms of the equilibrium cluster structures of the coexisting phases. In systems where unlike sites do not interact (i.e. where [image omitted]), the critical point exists all the way to [image omitted]. By contrast, when [image omitted], there is no critical point below a certain finite value of [image omitted]. These somewhat surprising results are rationalised in terms of the different network structures of the two systems: two long AA chains are linked by one BB bond (X-junction) in the former case, and by one AB bond (Y-junction) in the latter. The vapour-liquid transition may then be viewed as the condensation of these junctions and we find that X-junctions condense for any attractive [image omitted] (i.e. for any fraction of BB bonds), whereas condensation of the Y-junctions requires that [image omitted] be above a finite threshold (i.e. there must be a finite fraction of AB bonds).


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In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times “minority” nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of “participation” arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of “participation” as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, “life” and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a “participatory art” (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a “participatory aesthetics” in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of “participation” allows us to, on the one hand, avoid “digital formalism” (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.