23 resultados para Lindstedt, Laura: Sakset

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Introdução - Os ginásios com piscina poderão constituir um ambiente potenciador da disseminação fúngica, devido não só às variáveis ambientais, como a temperatura e humidade do ar, mas também devido ao crescente número de frequentadores desses espaços e às medidas higio-sanitárias aplicadas. Objectivos - Descrever os fenómenos ambientais da contaminação fúngica no pavimento dos ginásios com piscina e explorar eventuais associações entre variáveis ambientais. Metodologia - Realizou-se um estudo descritivo transversal, tendo sido monitorizada a contaminação fúngica no pavimento de dez ginásios com piscina mais frequentados dos 30 existentes na zona de Lisboa. Colheram-se amostras de superfícies, em seis locais diferentes, através da técnica de esfregaço por zaragatoa, antes e após a lavagem e desinfecção. Simultaneamente, monitorizaram-se os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura e humidade do ar, através do equipamento Babouc A, da LSI Systems. Resultados - Foram identificadas 37 espécies diferentes de fungos filamentosos, em que o género mais frequentemente isolado, antes (19,1%) e após (17,2%) a lavagem e desinfecção, foi Fusarium sp. Relativamente às leveduras, foram identificadas doze espécies diferentes. Cryptococcus sp. (40,6%) foi o género mais frequente antes da lavagem e desinfecção e, após os mesmos procedimentos, foi o género Candida sp. (49,3%). A lavagem e desinfecção não apresentaram a eficácia esperada e verificou-se que a relação entre a contaminação fúngica e a temperatura e humidade não é estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,05). Conclusões - A distribuição fúngica no pavimento foi coincidente com estudos internacionais; no entanto, os resultados referentes à eficácia da lavagem e desinfecção não foram os esperados e a relação entre a contaminação fúngica e a temperatura e a humidade não coincidem com os resultados de outros estudos, eventualmente devido à influência de outras variáveis ambientais.


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The study’s main purpose was the assessment of the environmental fungal contamination, the exploration of possible associations between related environmental variables and the study of the relationship between fungal contamination of air and surfaces. A descriptive study was developed based upon air and surfaces monitoring for fungal contamination in ten indoor gymnasiums with a swimming pool located in Lisbon’s urban area. Fifty 200 litres air samples and 120 surface swabs were collected. Surfaces samples were collected before and after cleaning and disinfection and temperature and relative humidity values were registered during the collection period. Twenty five different species of fungi were identified in the air samples, being the three most commonly isolated genera the following: Cladosporium (36.6%), Penicillium (19.0%) and Aspergillus (10.2%). Thirty-seven different species of fungi were identified in the surface samples. Fusarium sp. was the most frequent genera before (19.1%) and after (17.2%) cleaning and disinfection. There was a significant association between the numbers of visitors and the fungal contamination determined in the surface samples (p<0.05). There was no significant association (p>0.05) between the contamination encountered in the air samples and the one registered in the surface samples and between the fungal contamination and the temperature or relative humidity measured on location. The data obtained enabled the assessment of the establishment’s fungal contamination and led the authors to conclude, consequently, that physical activity, which generally promotes health, can in fact be challenged by this factor.


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Fungal contamination of air in 10 gymnasiums with swimming pools was monitored. Fifty air samples of 200 L each were collected, using a Millipore air tester, from the area surrounding the pool, in training studios, in showers and changing rooms for both sexes, and also, outside premises, since these are the places regarded as reference. Simultaneously, environmental parameters – temperature and humidity – were also monitored. Some 25 different species of fungi were identified. The six most commonly isolated genera were the following: Cladosporium sp. (36.6%), Penicillium sp. (19.0%), Aspergillus sp. (10.2%), Mucor sp. (7%), Phoma sp. and Chrysonilia sp. (3.3%). For yeasts, three different genera were identified, namely, Rhodotorula sp. (70%), Trichosporon mucoides and Cryptococcus uniguttulattus (10%).


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A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in two elementary schools in Lisbon, Portugal. Eight air samples of 250 litres through impaction method were collected in canteen, library, classrooms and also, outside premises as reference place. Simultaneously, were also monitored environmental parameters, including temperature, and humidity through the equipment Babouc, LSI Sistems and according to the International Standard ISO 7726 - 1998. Considering both schools, sixteen different species of fungi in air were identified, being the 2 most commonly isolated Cladosporium sp. (51,1%) and Penicillium sp. (27,5%). Besides these genera Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Alternaria, Chrysonilia, Botritys, Ulocladium, Athrium, Aureobasidium, Phoma, Scedosporium e Geotrichum were also isolated. Regarding yeasts, Candida sp., Cryptococcus sp. and Rhodotorula sp. were isolated. The youngest school, as well canteens in each school, presented the worst results concerning the air fungal contamination, maybe due to the higher number of occupants. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and temperature and humidity.


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Introdução – Apesar de em Portugal se verificar o aumento da indústria da produção de aves para consumo humano, apenas alguns estudos incidem sobre a qualidade do ar interior e as implicações da sua degradação. Objectivos – Descrever a contaminação fúngica num aviário, analisar possíveis associações com a temperatura ambiente e a humidade relativa e o possível impacto na saúde dos consumidores e trabalhadores desta unidade. Métodos – Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo para avaliar a contaminação fúngica num aviário. Colheram‑se 5 amostras de ar de 100 litros através do método de compactação e 4 amostras de superfícies, utilizando a técnica da zaragatoa e um quadrado de 10 cm de lado de metal. Simultaneamente, os parâmetros ambientais – temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa – também foram medidos. Resultados – Foram identificadas vinte espécies de fungos no ar, sendo os seguintes os quatro géneros mais comummente isolados: Cladosporium (40,5%), Alternaria (10,8%), Chrysosporium e Aspergillus (6,8%). Nas superfícies, 21 espécies de fungos foram identificadas, sendo os 4 géneros mais identificados Penicillium (51,8%), Cladosporium (25,4%), Alternaria (6,1%) e Aspergillus (4,2%). Importa referir o facto de Aspergillus flavus, também isolado no ar, ser reconhecido como produtor de micotoxinas (aflatoxina) e Aspergillus fumigatus, uma das espécies isoladas no ar e superfícies, ser capaz de causar aspergilose grave ou fatal. Não se verificou relação significativa (p> 0,05) entre a contaminação fúngica e as variáveis ambientais. Conclusão – Caracterizou‑se a distribuição fúngica no ar e superfícies do aviário e analisou‑se a possível influência das variáveis ambientais. Foi reconhecido um potencial problema de Saúde Pública devido à contaminação fúngica e à possível produção de micotoxinas com a eventual contaminação dos produtos alimentares. A contaminação fúngica, particularmente causada pelo Aspergillus fumigatus, e a possível presença de micotoxinas no ar, devem ser encaradas também como fatores de risco neste contexto ocupacional. ABSTRACT - Background – Although there is an increasingly industry that produce whole chickens for domestic consumption in Portugal, only few investigations have reported on the indoor air of these plants and the consequences of their degradation. Objectives – Describe one poultry environmental fungal contamination analyse possible associations between temperature and relative humidity and its possible impact on the health of consumers and of the poultry workers. Methods – A descriptive study was developed to monitor one poultry fungal contamination. Five air samples of 100 litres through impaction method were collected and 4 swab samples from surfaces were also collected using a 10 cm square of metal. Simultaneously, environmental parameters – temperature and relative humidity – were also measured. Results – Twenty species of fungi in air were identified, being the 4 most commonly isolated the following genera: Cladosporium (40.5%), Alternaria (10.8%), Chrysosporium and Aspergillus (6.8%). In surfaces, 21 species of fungi were identified, being the 4 genera more identified Penicillium (51.8%), Cladosporium (25.4%), Alternaria (6.1%) and Aspergillus (4.2%). In addition, Aspergillus flavus also isolated in the poultry air is a well‑known producer of potent mycotoxins (aflatoxin), and Aspergillus fumigatus, one of the species isolated in air and surfaces, is capable of causing severe or fatal aspergillosis. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and environmental variables. Conclusions – Was characterized fungal distribution in poultry air and surfaces and analyzed the association of environmental variables. It was recognized the Public Health problem because of fungal contamination and also due to probable mycotoxins production with the possible contamination of food products. Fungal contamination, particularly due to the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus and also the possible presence of mycotoxins in the air, should be seen as risk factor in this occupational setting.


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A descriptive study was developed to compare air and surfaces fungal contamination in ten hospitals’ food units and two food units from companies. Fifty air samples of 250 litres through impaction method were collected from hospitals’ food units and 41 swab samples from surfaces were also collected, using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Regarding the two companies, ten air samples and eight surface samples were collected. Air and surface samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating and canteen. Outdoor air was also collected since this is the place regarded as a reference. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and meal numbers were registered. Concerning air from hospitals’ food units, 32 fungal species were identified, being the two most commonly isolated genera Penicillium sp.


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Moulds may produce a diversity of toxins such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone, fumonisins and others. Although toxicological, environmental and epidemiological studies have addressed the problem of these toxins one by one, more than one mycotoxin are found usually in the same contaminated food. Risk assessment for humans potentially exposed to multimycotoxins suffers very much from the lack of adequate food consumption data. Furthermore, for a given mycotoxin, synergism and antagonism with other mycotoxins, found in the same food commodities, are not taken into account. Aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A belong to the most frequently occurring mycotoxins. This has repeatedly been demonstrated, however, normally, the risk resulting from their simultaneous occurrence is not considered. A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in one hospital food unit.


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A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in ten food units from hospitals. Fifty air samples of 250 litres were collected through impaction method. Samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating, canteen and also, outside premises, since this is the place regarded as reference. Simultaneously, environmental parameters were also monitored, including temperature and relative humidity through the equipment Babouc, LSI Sistems and according to the International Standard ISO 7726.


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Interest rate risk is one of the major financial risks faced by banks due to the very nature of the banking business. The most common approach in the literature has been to estimate the impact of interest rate risk on banks using a simple linear regression model. However, the relationship between interest rate changes and bank stock returns does not need to be exclusively linear. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the interest rate exposure of the Spanish banking industry employing both parametric and non parametric estimation methods. Its main contribution is to use, for the first time in the context of banks’ interest rate risk, a nonparametric regression technique that avoids the assumption of a specific functional form. One the one hand, it is found that the Spanish banking sector exhibits a remarkable degree of interest rate exposure, although the impact of interest rate changes on bank stock returns has significantly declined following the introduction of the euro. Further, a pattern of positive exposure emerges during the post-euro period. On the other hand, the results corresponding to the nonparametric model support the expansion of the conventional linear model in an attempt to gain a greater insight into the actual degree of exposure.


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We have studied, in particular under normality of the implied random variables, the connections between different measures of risk such as the standard deviation, the W-ruin probability and the p-V@R. We discuss conditions granting the equivalence of these measures with respect to risk preference relations and the equivalence of dominance and efficiency of risk-reward criteria involving these measures. Then more specifically we applied these concepts to rigorously face the problem of finding the efficient set of de Finetti’s variable quota share proportional reinsurance.


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Based on our recent discovery of closed form formulae of efficient Mean Variance retentions in variable quota-share proportional reinsurance under group correlation, we analyzed the influence of different combination of correlation and safety loading levels on the efficient frontier, both in a single period stylized problem and in a multiperiod one.


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A influência da contaminação fúngica para a saúde ambiental e para a conservação do património é o tema premente e actual que suscitou a hipótese de estudo aqui apresentada. Os fungos, dada a sua extrema capacidade de adaptação, podem colonizar diversos materiais - orgânicos ou não - e a sua acção pode ser mecânica, por intermédio das suas hifas, ou química, através dos seus metabolitos. Em termos de conservação do património, os estudos sobre fungos têm suscitado grande interesse dada a sua elevada capacidade de biodeterioração. Tendo inicialmente assentado em técnicas tradicionais de cultura, os estudos mais recentes já incluem tecnicas modernas de biologia molecular. O estudo aqui apresentado utiliza ambas as técnicas: a convencional, recorrendo a meios de cultura específicos para o crescimento de fungos e a mais recente, utilizando o DNA fúngico e a amplificação genómica dos mesmos para conseguir identificá-los até ao nível da espécie. Para conseguir realizar este intuito, foi desenvolvida a aplicação da recente técnica de cromatografia líquida desnaturante de alta resolução (DHPLC) à análise de amostras complexas de fungos filamentosos e leveduriformes.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Protecção contra Radiações


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O presente estudo é um projeto de investigação-ação, que contou com a participação de três alunos surdos do 8º ano, de uma Escola Pública de Lisboa, que se assume vocacionada para o ensino de surdos. Os alunos referidos possuem diferentes graus de surdez e diferentes formas de comunicação. Neste trabalho, procurámos: (i) conhecer as estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos para a resolução de problemas de geometria; (ii) conhecer as formas de comunicação entre professor e alunos para promover a resolução de problemas de geometria, nomeadamente na abordagem do teorema de Pitágoras; (iii) contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competências específicas para a compreensão e resolução de problemas de geometria; (iv) reforçar a noção da utilidade da geometria na vida quotidiana. Após a caracterização inicial da situação pedagógica, elaborámos um plano de de intervenção que implementámos e monitorizámos, procedendo no final à avaliação dos resultados. Os dados foram recolhidos através da observação participante das aulas de Matemática, das entrevistas realizadas aos alunos, das conversas informais e da análise de diversos documentos. A análise dos dados recolhidos durante o processo de intervenção permitiu identificar as formas de comunicação e estratégias de ensino mais utilizadas pela professora, bem como as formas de comunicação e as estratégias de aprendizagem que os alunos usam. A análise dos resultados mostra que os alunos desenvolveram capacidades ao nível da compreensão do conceito de forma das figuras geométricas e da resolução de problemas geométricos através de construções, embora nem todos tenham atingido o mesmo nível.


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There exist striking analogies in the behaviour of eigenvalues of Hermitian compact operators, singular values of compact operators and invariant factors of homomorphisms of modules over principal ideal domains, namely diagonalization theorems, interlacing inequalities and Courant-Fischer type formulae. Carlson and Sa [D. Carlson and E.M. Sa, Generalized minimax and interlacing inequalities, Linear Multilinear Algebra 15 (1984) pp. 77-103.] introduced an abstract structure, the s-space, where they proved unified versions of these theorems in the finite-dimensional case. We show that this unification can be done using modular lattices with Goldie dimension, which have a natural structure of s-space in the finite-dimensional case, and extend the unification to the countable-dimensional case.